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This essay examines the concept and the discourse of collective memory in view of interpreting the novel function with which it has been endowed in recent decades and the problematic character of its interpretation. To this end, it focuses on the recent book by Manuel Cruz, On the Difficulty of Living Together: Memory, Politics, and History, which examines the contemporary functions that collective memory has assumed in recent decades and takes into account interpretations of it elaborated in a number of seminal works that have set the framework for contemporary ways of understanding it. My investigation engages critical analysis of the psychological approach to collective memory that Cruz adopts, which, in interpreting recent public preoccupation with collective memory as an expression of trauma occasioned by the Holocaust and other horrific twentieth‐century events, assumes that analogous psychic mechanisms govern forms of remembrance in the public sphere and memory in personal and small‐group interaction. By taking into account alternate possibilities of interpretation, suggested above all by the public function of the mass media, I seek to widen the scope of enquiry to scrutinize in a broader perspective the contemporary role of collective memory and its political significance in the public realm.  相似文献   

Rocky  李牧 《世界》2008,(5):36-39
如果你穿着—双极其不舒服的鞋子去旅行,就算你的眼睛有再多的渴望,那你的脚趾头也不可能答应,因为它会觉得很不舒服:在现代人的眼里,一个有品位的旅行者,在他的旅行箱中至少会塞进去—双既体面又舒适的鞋子。8双鞋子,8位世界级的天才设计师,虽然设计理念并不相同,但却有着一个共同的目的,那就是让你的旅行更加体面和舒适。  相似文献   

Philosopher Jeffrey Barash seeks to clarify the concept of collective memory, which has taken on wide‐ranging meanings in contemporary scholarship. Returning to the original insight of sociologist Maurice Halbwachs during the 1920s, he grounds the concept in the living social memory of the present, whose sphere is widened by its capacity to draw upon a past beyond its ken through the symbolization of its remembrance. He offers two preliminary propositions: first, there is a history to the way philosophers have contextualized collective memory through the ages; second, there is a politics in the transmission of collective memory, highly visible in the uses of memory by mass media in the contemporary age. He builds his argument around four interrelated interpretations concerning: the ever more circumscribed role attributed to collective memory in the passage from antiquity into modernity; the dependence of collective memory upon living memory; the rising power of media to mold collective memory to present purposes; and historical understanding vis‐à‐vis evocation of collective memory as oppositional ways of accessing the past. I close with commentary that places Barash's philosophical interpretation within the context of contemporary historiographical practice, with particular attention to the scholarship of French historian Pierre Nora on the French national memory, and that of German scholars Jan and Aleida Assmann on the preservation and transmission of memorable cultural legacies.  相似文献   

This is the first study on the differential distribution and concentrations of silver in ceramics recovered from archaeological excavations. The chemical compositions of 1174 pottery vessels from 38 Roman‐period sites in Israel have been determined. Unusually high and variable abundances of silver were discovered in pottery samples of all vessel types and chemical compositions from four distinct archaeological contexts dating to late first century bce to 70 ce Jerusalem. The large majority of the Jerusalem vessels could be distinguished by their silver abundances from all analysed pottery pieces recovered at rural sites outside Jerusalem, even when the pottery types and chemical compositions, except for silver, of pottery found within and outside Jerusalem were indistinguishable. The evidence is suggestive of a human origin for the high and variable silver abundances, and dispersion of the silver by aqueous transport. The differential silver concentrations found in excavated pottery from Jerusalem and other urban and rural sites suggest that attention to the distribution of silver in pottery from excavated contexts may be helpful for evaluating the nature and function of archaeological remains and patterns of urban contamination.  相似文献   

集体记忆植根于人、空间(地方、景观)、时间,是地理学研究人地关系的重要视角与手段。本文从理论渊源、研究内容、方法等对国内外相关文献进行梳理,提出地理学视角下的集体记忆研究框架。研究立足于集体记忆主体、载体和机制三方面,以空间、地方、景观、仪式、旅游等为主要研究对象,关注现象背后的政治性、竞争-协商性以及利益主体,个案研究为主,案例类型较为丰富,方法上定性为主,鲜有定量研究及相关模型构建。相比国外研究热潮与成果,国内研究仍处于萌芽起步与概念引入阶段,未来可拓展集体记忆载体形式的研究,深化集体记忆机制即人地关系层面,加强实证与量化方法应用。  相似文献   

王辉 《中国钱币》2003,(2):18-20
齐国古刀币面文有“齐△邦(立长)(长)夻(大)(?)(刀)”一种,见于《古钱大辞典》838、840、845、848、851-853、857、863、867等,通称“六字刀”。△字,黄锡全先生《先秦货币通论》①第五章“刀币”据张颔《古币文编》所收39个字形,将其分为7种:  相似文献   

周玮  黄震方 《人文地理》2016,31(1):42-49
伴随全球化和城市化的快速推进,城市街巷空间的原生态环境和文化生活气息开始退变,城市记忆逐渐缺失,趋同化和均质化的城市危机显现。为此,选取南京夫子庙街区作为典型个案,采用认知地图、口述访谈和GIS空间统计方法,实证研究城市街巷空间居民的集体记忆,发现居民对夫子庙街巷空间的集体记忆呈现"光环区"→"亚光环区"→"缓冲区"→"盲点区"依次递减的特征和规律,"平民化"的城市设计理念缺失成为重要诱因。街巷空间作为城市公共空间的重要组成部分,具有特定的历史内涵与场所精神,其担负的集体记忆保护功能,应该引起学界和社会各界的广泛关注。  相似文献   

从地理学视角看城市历史文化景观集体记忆的研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
李凡  朱竑  黄维 《人文地理》2010,25(4):60-66
通过对国内外文献的分析,总结了景观、记忆与地理学的研究进展,指出景观、记忆与地方认同联系密切,而且景观与记忆的研究大多与历史文化景观相关。由于集体记忆所体现出的社会性,通过物质的和象征性的城市历史文化景观,去探究其集体记忆的认知空间和情感空间更具有现实意义。文章探讨了GIS和认知地图方法在城市集体记忆研究中的应用,并对佛山城市历史文化景观的集体记忆进行了实证研究。认为在全球化、城市化趋势下,从地理学视角,透过对历史文化景观集体记忆的分析,将有助于城市历史文化遗产持续性地保护和塑造城市地方感。  相似文献   

文化记忆具有复杂系统性,从单一要素理解可能导致对遗产保护与旅游发展关系的误解,不利于地方文化记忆与文化认同的传承。本文采用质性方法分析元阳哈尼梯田遗产化与旅游化对文化记忆的影响。研究发现:一方面,权威话语主导的遗产化通过遗产归属族群、核心区与核心要素选取与认定等途径将文化记忆的主体、媒介、空间等系统要素建构为哈尼化的核心—边缘结构,导致遗产地文化记忆系统内不同主体、空间与媒介的发展失调。另一方面,市场话语主导的旅游化通过多主体参与、核心景点与周边村落协同发展及多元媒介要素展演的路径解构文化记忆系统的主体、媒介、空间等要素,在一定程度上消解了权威遗产化带来文化记忆系统要素的核心—边缘化消极影响。  相似文献   

“白金三品”篆文及有关问题略议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
几年前,中国钱币博物馆征集到所谓“白金三品”(插四),当时曾对有关问题有所考虑,只因涉及的方面比较复杂,研究者意见不一,见仁见智,未敢轻易撰文。现在准备在陕西汉中专门就此举办研讨会,所以才将原来对这一问题的粗浅想法写出来,供大家讨论时参考。我想,不论意见如何分歧,首先将上面的篆文弄清楚,对进一步认  相似文献   

<正>The Dechen Tibetan Buddhist Institute is located about three kilometers from the south end of the town of Shangri-la and approximately one kilometer or so from the Shangri-la airport.Lijiang highway is in front of the institute with its back facing a beautiful scenic view on a small primitive mountain.The Dechen Buddhist Institute was founded  相似文献   

This book examines Greek engagements with the past as articulations of memory formulated against the contingency of chance associated with temporality. Based on a phenomenological understanding of temporality, it identifies four memorializing strategies: continuity (tradition), regularity (exemplarity), development, and acceptance of chance. This framework serves in pursuing a twofold aim: to reconstruct the literary field of memory in fifth‐century bce Greece; and to interpret Greek historiography as a memorializing mode. The key contention advanced by this approach is that acts of memory entailed an “idea of history” that was articulated not only in historiography, but also in epinician poetry, elegy, tragedy, and oratory. The book offers a rich account of poetic conventions and contexts through which each of these genres counterbalanced contingency through the use of exemplary and traditional modes of memory. This fine analysis highlights the grip of the present on the past as a significant feature of both historiographical and nonhistoriographical genres. The essay argues that this work fills a disciplinary gap by extending the reflection on memory to a new period, Greek antiquity. The retrospective positioning of this period at the outset of Western historical thought brings Grethlein's investigation to the center of debates about memory, temporality, and the meaning history. In engaging with the book's argument, the essay suggests that historiographical memory emerged in Greece not as a first‐order encounter with time, but as a second‐order encounter with forgetting. This confrontation marked a certain separation of historiography from other memorializing genres. Whereas poetic and rhetorical memories were posited against contingency, historiography sought to retrieve those aspects of the past that may otherwise have been irretrievably lost and forgotten. In doing so, it formulated the historiographical imperative as a negation of forgetting that problematized the truth‐value of memory and the very act of remembering the past.  相似文献   

基德 《旅游纵览》2013,(8):16-23
人们仰望星空感怀、揣测或想象,但极少追随星光而行走.星空有着让人痴迷的魅力,纵然是沧海桑田,星辰之美也未有丝毫瑕疵,神秘亘古,光华万千.能与星空结缘,无论谁的人生注定从此无感.只是,我们从星空汲取了如此多感动,又愿意为此付出多少代价?  相似文献   

基德 《旅游纵览》2013,(9):58-65
追星·续Ⅰ 把车辙留在云之彼端的帕米尔高原 我们一行过喀什而不入,直接朝西边的帕米尔高原前进.这个一直让我魂萦梦绕的云之彼端,远远望去,高原群峰已耸立在天边.帕米尔高原,地处中亚东南部、中国的西端,横跨塔吉克斯坦、中国和阿富汗,是亚洲多个主要山脉的汇集处,古丝绸之路在此经过.中国古代称其为“不周山”,支撑着天地.“昔共工与祝融争为帝,怒而触不周之山,天柱折,地维绝.天倾西北,故日月星辰移焉;地不满东南,故水潦尘埃归焉”,而后女蜗娘娘采七色石补天.  相似文献   

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