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The author presents the South Arabian holdings of three museums in Israel, forty-eight coins in all. The coins comprise one Qatabanian coin and several coins each of three very common Himyarite and Sabaean types (two issues of 'Amdân Bayyin Yuhaqbid, kingdom of Saba' and dhû Raydân, and various coins of the Sabaean Bucranium series). The paper gives the opportunity to make some remarks on South Arabian Coinage.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the issue of how coins are dated, and how coins are then used to provide dates on archaeological excavations. Using examples from Roman archaeology, the author examines how patterns of manufacture, supply, loss and retrieval can impact on the value of those dates. The need to examine coin finds within their stratigraphic context is emphasized, as well as the need for the archaeological numismatist and the excavator to collaborate closely to obtain the best from the data. The paper concludes with an analysis of the impact of sample size on dating.  相似文献   

The pre-Islamic coins in the al-Mukallâ Museum come principally from Shabwa, the capital of the kingdom of Hadramawt. The collection consists of 76 coins, three of which could not be identified because of their poor condition. Sixty-seven silver and bronze Hadrami coins; five silver and bronze Himyarite and Sabaean coins; and one gold Roman coin comprise the collection. This material provides a general overview of the coinage of the ancient Hadramawt, permitting us to distinguish the issues of certain individual Hadrami rulers.  相似文献   

在研究历史文献资料和西藏铜币照片的基础上,介绍了西藏铜币发行的原因以及发展的概况。西藏铜币的不断发展是科技进步推动的,同时也见证了西藏人民同中国各族人民积极改革,抵制西方列强侵略。  相似文献   

In recent years several coin collections amassed by several expatriates in the United Arab Emirates have appeared on the market. Here 193 coins collected at ed-Dur and Mleiha are presented. With three exceptions, all belong to known types. The purpose of this article is to document as many coins as possible and to thereby contribute to the avoidance of a distorted image of coin circulation in this little-known area. The classification elaborated by D.T. Potts has been followed.  相似文献   

宋代是我国钱币的一个大发展时期,宋代钱币在我国钱币史上占有极其重要的地位.为了解南、北宋钱币的成分、显微结构的差异对铸币保存状况的影响,通过显微镜观察、合金成分分析、显微结构分析,对南宋和北宋各21枚钱币的保存状况进行了对比分析研究,以了解这42枚钱币的锈蚀状况、锈蚀原因,以及成分、显微结构的差异对铸币保存状况的影响.同时在分析研究的过程中,对北宋、南宋钱币的合金成分、铸造工艺进行了对比研究.研究结果表明,南宋钱币的保存状况比北宋的差一些,合金成分及显微结构的差异,是导致保存状况不同的重要原因.这些钱币主要是由铜、锡、铅铸造而成,分析结果进一步证实北宋钱币合金成分比较稳定,成分配比比较科学.而南宋成分数据比较分散,早期铜、锡含量较高,铅含量较低,晚期铜、锡含量较低,铅含量明显增高,合金品质大大降低.本研究可为了解当时的科学技术、社会经济形态进一步提供基本信息.  相似文献   

与汉代铸钱相关的遗物中,铸钱夹砂陶背范出土数量最多,是由泥质面层与夹砂背层组成。为了揭示铸钱夹砂陶背范的制作工艺并探讨陶范多次使用的可能性及夹砂层的作用,对陕西西安窝头寨汉代铸钱遗址出土的铸钱夹砂陶背范进行分析研究。结果表明,泥质面层采用细泥料制作,其作用是保证所铸造的金属钱币具有优良的表面质量;夹砂背层是在制范泥料中掺杂了较多的肉眼可见的砂砾,其作用是提高陶范的机械性能,减小陶范受热后的变形,有利于它与金属范合范铸钱。铸钱夹砂陶背范的制作过程是:先制作夹砂层,然后在夹砂层上制作细泥层,在细泥层上印制钱币的背郭型腔,与金属范组成铸型铸造钱币。证实夹砂层可以重复使用,当泥质面层损坏后可以除掉表面的细泥层或直接在原型腔面上另加一层细泥重新制作背郭型腔,再次进行钱币的铸造,夹砂层可以一直使用到被损坏为止,从而极大地提高了铸钱效率。  相似文献   

Summary. The majority of Icenian coin hoards have traditionally been dated to the historical events of the Boudican revolt. This paper removes that link and examines the material using classical numismatic methods to show that far from all being of one date they represent a series of depositions throughout the period of the client kingdom: AD 43–60/1. It also demonstrates the gradual increase in use of Roman coins within that kingdom alongside the local Iron Age series.  相似文献   


Throughout the c. 2,000-year period coins have been circulated in Britain, they have also been ritually employed, most notably as votive deposits. Focusing specifically on the understudied custom of the British coin-tree, whereby coins are ritually embedded into the barks of trees, this paper considers the coin’s role and applicability as a deposit. It aims to demonstrate that our understanding of the coin’s past, present and future ritual employment is not only aided by a consideration of economics and the coin’s secular function; it would be utterly incomplete without it.  相似文献   

1991年8月,河南省安阳县伦掌乡盂村(岳城水库南区“柏阳城” 战国遗址南1500米处)出土一古钱窖藏,计160余公斤8万余枚。我们征集到其中的20余公斤,现经初步整理报告如下。 一、出土概况 据发现人称,古钱原放在一灰陶缸内,距地表0.5米,在出土过程中陶缸被打碎,残存陶片上饰有花纹,无盖。出土时钱币多成串放置在一起,大小相混,锈蚀严重,有穿系痕迹,呈长条形盘放其中。据初步整理,该窖藏数量大,种类丰富,有较多的珍稀币种,是安阳地区近一时期发现较重要的古钱窖藏之一,实为难得的实物资料。 二、钱币类别…  相似文献   

Studies on Old South Arabian (OSA) coinage are rare and state‐of‐the‐art materials analysis for them lags far behind that of ancient Greece and Rome. Understandably, numismatists responsible for preserving their collections discourage destructive analyses. We have selected coins of the aesthetically and technically developed Himyarite Royal Raydan series (early first to late second century ce ), so‐called Old and New Style Athenian Imitations, among others to provide a wide spectrum of information on OSA coinage. We used non‐destructive neutron diffraction to ascertain the metal compositions and corrosion products. Density determinations using gas‐pycnometry support these experiments. The results provide detailed information with regard to a small, apparently homogeneous, selection of 10 Himyarite period specimens and first insights into the actual and the original metal compositions of about 90 coins of the three main OSA numismatic groups. The analytical results make clear which OSA coins originally were struck and which ones were cast. The analyses provide not only detailed information concerning the manufacture of the selected representative coins, but also suffice to cast a shadow on the reliability of commonplace macro‐optical classification, which proves often to be inaccurate.  相似文献   

制钱铸造在庚子之变中遭受重创,此后经历了一个艰难规复、地方实践、观念转型、民间转向与最终解体的复杂过程。面对庚子后的钱荒危机,清政府通过批准开铸铜元、重建中央铸钱局、改铸新制钱、推广粤式制钱等钱法改革,于光绪三十三年初步规复传统的制钱铸造体系。但随着各省对铜元余利的倚重与货币本位制改革的推进,朝野人士对主、辅币关系形成新的认识,铜元超越制钱被纳入主辅币方案,一文铜元亦在光绪三十四年逆转一文制钱成为推行全国的一文新钱。由此,钱法改革从属于本位制改革,政府币制改革观念亦由银钱并行、分层开展转型为统筹划一、建立银本位,故制钱被排除在新币制之外,长期亏赔的宝泉局最后亦被撤销。同时,民间私钱历经泛滥与衰落之后,在宣统朝转入消亡期。至宣统三年,虽然官私制钱仍在广泛流通,但相关铸造活动已全面停止,这标志着自秦代以后运行两千余年的传统铸钱体系最终解体。  相似文献   

The measurement of the fineness of debased ancient silver coins has proven to be a very difficult issue, which has been studied for a long time. In this paper, this subject is analysed, and the various consequences of the silver surface enrichment (SSE) are discussed exploiting the most recent investigations. A new model is proposed for the complex object that is an ancient-debased silver coin, based on the silver profiles measured on some sectioned specimens. The model is applied to a sample of 43 coins, mainly Roman victoriati, Cisalpine and Illyrian drachms (from late III to I century B.C.). The coins are investigated in two different ways: neutron diffraction (ND) and specific gravity (SG). The results of the two measurements are combined via the proposed model to provide a more complete numismatic information of the original fineness of the monetary alloy. As a result, a relation between SSE thickness and SG is derived, which, for these coinages, allows to estimate the original alloy silver content from a simple SG measurement; the same method can be used to study other debased coinages, provided that all the procedure (ND and SG) is applied.  相似文献   

冀和 《东南文化》2011,(4):67-70
河南省新郑"郑韩故城"相继出土了几批古钱范和一处古钱币窖藏,其中"异形布"的归属与出现各国货币的现象一直有争论,根据伴出的兵器性质以及当时西楚政权控制封地经济、楚汉相争楚军败退等历史资料分析,这批钱范和钱窖所反映的社会内容最符合项羽西楚政权的历史背景,它们都应属西楚政权时期遗存。  相似文献   


Much has been made of the presence or absence of seventh- and eighth-century coins on several sites in Greece, primarily in Athens and Corinth. Kenneth Sefton and Peter Charanis have paved the way for a cultural-historical interpretation of coin finds, but a thorough comparison of both single and hoard finds from Greece with others from the Balkans suggests a very different interpretation. Instead of signalising decline, low-denomination coins, especially from Athens, may point to local markets of low-value commodities, such as food, as well as to the permanent presence of the fleet.  相似文献   

The almost ubiquitous presence of small amounts of iron in ancient coins gives them remanent magnetic properties which can be measured easily on commercial magnetometers. The stability of the remanence suggests that ancient coins might retain information about the geomagnetic field at the time and location of manufacture and so be valuable in setting up archaeomagnetic dating curves. However, measurements show that the remanence directions tend to be too scattered for this purpose, although it is quite possible to distinguish magnetically the obverse and reverse faces of struck coins.Saturation remanence studies of coins and coin analogues indicate that the main carrier of the remanence in struck coins is precipitated fine-grained iron (rather than the oxides of iron) which is produced during the minting process. The intensity of the remanence generated depends upon the thermo-mechanical history of the flan prior to striking, which suggests that the magnetic properties of such coins are not simply related to the provenance of the ores used.  相似文献   

学术界关于异形布币(所谓"楚大布")的时代和国别归属讨论已久,众说纷纭.根据此种布币的出土地、铸造遗址情况及其自身特征,结合历史和地理文献及考古资料综合分析,我们认为应属秦末项梁所铸之大钱.  相似文献   

In 1252 Genoa and Florence embarked upon the issuance of gold coins. Although Genoa's effort ultimately failed due to an internal economic crisis, the Florentine florin dominated the international money markets of western Europe and beyond for the next two and a half centuries. Lucca, Florence's Tuscan neighbor, likewise ventured into the issuance of a gold coin at least by 1256. However, Lucca's gold issue was apparently of a modest scale and never mounted a challenge to the florin. This article establishes the date ante quern at which Lucca made her return to gold and attempts to explain why the Lucchese gold groat did not become a significant factor in Europe's earliest experiment with bimetallism.  相似文献   

Very small, green colored, partially mummified remains of a perinate individual were found buried in a ceramic pot with a copper coin in the Late Medieval cemetery of Nyárl?rinc-Hangár út (“Nyárl?rinc 3. lel?hely”) in southern Hungary. The remains must date back to the second half of the nineteenth century AD. In this paper; we present data gathered in a series of multidisciplinary investigations targeted to the partially mummified remains (ind. no. 14426) and two other non-mummified perinates (ind. no. 10662 and no. 14336) possibly buried under similar circumstances in the cemetery. Besides standard macromorphological and stereomicroscopic examinations, we compared Cu concentrations in the remains using ICP-AES and mapped Cu concentration changes using μXRF. The partially mummified perinate showed the highest Cu concentrations, while the individual buried without a possible Cu source showed the lowest. Body parts in the closer proximity of the copper coins always showed higher concentration. The mummified individual showed 497 times higher Cu values than average, and even the perinate buried without copper coin measured higher than the otherwise normal Cu content of the soil. Extremely high Cu values may be related to the corrosion of the coins included in the burials. Mummification must have been facilitated by copper deriving from the coins. Uneven Cu concentrations and only partial mummification of one of the individuals refer to the importance of other environmental factors involved in a possible quasi-natural mummification process. However, the Nyárl?rinc perinate burial no. 14426 may be the first solely copper-driven mummification case ever reported, and hopefully, more cases are to appear in the future.  相似文献   

During the first three centuries AD several eastern provinces of the Roman empire produced silver coinages of specifically local denominations and types. It has been claimed that at certain periods the mint of Rome was employed to strike some of these coinages, rather than the provincial mints to which the coins are traditionally attributed. This claim is based mainly on stylistic observations, but because style is regarded as subjective, some other form of evidence to support these observations is desirable. In this paper three types of coin are submitted to metallurgical analysis: silver denarii struck at Rome; Roman-style provincial silver coinage; and 'local'style provincial silver coinage. The aim is to discover whether the Rome-style and 'local'style coins have different trace element profiles, and whether these might indicate different ore sources or refining techniques. The results are then compared with Roman denarii to see whether there are any similarities between the denarii and the Rome-style provincial silver coins.  相似文献   

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