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陕西丹凤县巩家湾遗址发掘简报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Gongjiawan site.about 1200m^2, locates at Chafang township of Danfeng county. According to the stratigraphical deposits and the characteristics of the cuhural relics,Gongjiawan site can be mainly divided into three phases. The first phase is Yangshao Culture. The second is early period of Longshan Culture,which is discovered in the uper reaches of Danjing River for the first time,the discovery fills an important gap in developing alignment of archaeological cultures in this region. The third belongs to the middle--late era of the Western Zhou,which is different from that of the corresponding period of Guanzhong district, while is closed to that of Chu culture of the corresponding period of Hubei Province. The discovery is important for us to explore the distribution of Chu culture and cultural relation between Western Zhou and Chu ,at that lime.  相似文献   

通过对四川大邑县高山古城遗址2015、2016年出土动物骨骼遗存做了比较详细的鉴定、测量、统计和分析,可以肯定为家畜的仅有猪和狗。从出土动物骨骼的NISP、MNI统计来看,家猪的比重均占绝对优势,NISP占比达93.78%,MNI占比为86.49%;家猪上、下第三臼齿的长度、宽度较小,均处于家猪第三臼齿的长、宽参数范围内;从猪的年龄结构来看,以月龄10~20个月为主,也与一般农耕聚落家猪的宰杀年龄结构相符。鉴于以上三个方面的观察,可以推断高山古城先民饲养家猪的技术比较成熟且稳定,饲养家猪也是先民肉食资源最主要的获取途径。而狗所占的比重不高,占NISP、MNI的比重分别为3.76%和5.41%,可能多用做狩猎伴侣或其他。结果表明宝墩文化时期的高山古城先民以饲养家猪作为获取肉食资源的主要途径,当时的家畜饲养技术比较成熟稳定,而稻-粟混作的农业体系无疑为家畜的饲养奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

大地湾新石器时代遗址位于甘肃省秦安县东北4.5公里处的五营乡邵店村东侧,总面积110万平方米。1988年1月,被国务院公布为全国重点物保护单位。1994年12月,被中共甘肃省委确定为“甘肃省爱  相似文献   

本文通过对渭河流域新石器时代晚期诸多聚落遗址的调查和分析,并据现有考古学资料,揭示出该流域聚落间不同社会阶段的发展水平以及差异性的规模化发展梯次,进而总结出渭河流域远古文化不同阶段的聚落演进状况,以及处于其中心地位聚落的历史变迁的文化现象。  相似文献   

1999—2000年,浙江省文物考古研究所对诸暨市次坞镇楼家桥村新石器时代文化遗址进行了发掘,在遗址的发掘中采获了一批动物遗骸。这批动物遗骸虽然在一定程度上反映了当时古人取食的动物面貌和古环境,但不能代表整个遗址的古环境及其演变。为了更加准确地了解当时古人  相似文献   

石刀堆积是盐源皈家堡遗址新石器遗存中一类特殊的遗迹现象,此堆积未见明确实体边界,有着统一的用器制度和相对集中的分布空间。皈家堡遗址新石器时代石刀堆积可能是墓区之间具有象征标识的墓祭遗留,可能属于“瘗埋”的祭祀形式,是农业祭祀仪式活动的反映。皈家堡遗址石刀堆积丰富了中国史前时期器物集中堆置现象的案例,提供了不同的功能解读。  相似文献   

塔儿湾遗址位于武威市古城乡塔儿村杂木河东岸的山坡及二级台地上,距武威市东南35公里。该遗址发现于20世纪80年代,因当地农民在遗址范围内取土,致使遗址屡遭破坏,后又数次遭盗掘。为保护文物,甘肃省文物考古研究所于1992年下半年和1993年上半年对该遗址进行  相似文献   

本文通过热电离质谱分析方法对石峁遗址后阳湾地点出土的猪、黄牛和绵羊等动物牙釉质的锶同位素比值进行了测定。研究结果表明,6个猪牙釉质的锶同位素比值的标准偏差小于其他动物,其平均值是0.711185,将该平均值加或减2倍标准偏差得到石峁遗址当地的锶同位素比值范围在0.711303~0.711067之间。根据遗址当地的锶同位素比值范围可以推测在我们所测定的样品中,仅有1只绵羊牙釉质的锶同位素比值在当地锶同位素比值范围以外,据此推测这只羊可能不是在当地出生的;其他黄牛和绵羊牙釉质的锶同位素比值在当地锶同位素比值范围之内,推测它们可能是在遗址当地饲养的。  相似文献   

三峡地区的玉溪遗址跨越了新石器时代中晚期和商周时期,出土了丰富的动物骨骼。动物群包括28个种,其中猪、狗为家养动物,其余为野生动物。通过对动物骨骼上人工痕迹的观察统计,复原了肢解动物的程序以及"锥形器"的制作流程。野生动物则指示了遗址周围为亚热带气候。  相似文献   

大古界遗址位于陕西榆林市横山县雷龙湾乡沙峁村张油坊组,2010年发掘时出土了大量的动物遗存。按照出土单位对所有的动物骨骼进行了科学的收集以及分类、测量和鉴定。通过系统的分类和研究表明至少代表12个属种,包括蚌类、喜鹊、鹤、草兔、狗、貉、狗獾、黄鼬、猪、鹿科、狍、绵羊等。根据对出土动物骨骼的分析结果表明:当时遗址周围的环境以草原为主,不远处有一定面积的疏林、灌丛,草原、疏林间分布着一定面积的水域。家养动物猪和狗占的比例较少,主要以捕猎野生动物野兔和狍子为肉食来源。  相似文献   

五庄果墚遗址位于陕西省靖边县黄蒿界乡小界村西北部,距离县城约30公里,现为省级文物保护单位。遗址中心位于五个连绵的山峁上,相传该处曾有五户人家居住,因而得名五庄果墚。五庄果墚遗址面积约30万平方米以上,文化内涵以仰韶时代晚期至龙山时代早期遗存为  相似文献   

The earliest evidence of prehistoric religious practice in China found so far comes from excavations at Beifudi, about 120 km south of Beijing, in the form of votive offerings and porcelain sorcery masks dated to the period 8000–7000 yr BP. These finds are part of a rich Neolithic site located on the second river terrace on the north shore of the Yi River. This paper presents results of pollen analysis of part of a sediment profile from a depression at the edge of first terrace towards second terrace, a few hundred metres away from the main archaeological finds. A sequence of marked changes in environment occurred between 9000 cal yr BP and 6000 cal yr BP, and dating evidence suggests strong associations with the ebb and flow of human activity in the area. The first phase of activity on the site begins at around 8000 cal yr BP, towards the end of a period of relatively dry, cold environmental conditions. Between 7800 cal yr BP and 7400 cal yr BP, the first clear evidence of cereal cultivation appears in the pollen record. Rich archaeological finds occur during the same time period, suggesting local prosperity. This first phase of the Beifudi culture ends at 7300 cal yr BP, when warmer and wetter conditions are inferred and wetland areas expand, reducing the area available for crop cultivation near the site. A return to drier and cooler conditions from 6900 cal yr BP corresponds with the second phase of apparent prosperity in the archaeological record from Beifudi. This phase ends at around 6500 cal yr BP, at the start of another shift towards wetter conditions in the flood plain environment. The pollen record suggests that environmental conditions in the flood plain were a major determinant of human activity at Beifudi in the early-mid Holocene.  相似文献   

2018年3月至6月,为配合金沙江下游河段的乌东德水电站建设,四川省文物考古研究院等对位于四川会理县新安傣族乡新开田村的李家坪遗址进行了考古发掘,发掘面积1000平方米。发现新石器时代晚期的房址、灰坑等数十座遗迹,出土百余件遗物及大量陶片标本,为研究城河流域乃至金沙江中下游地区新石器时代晚期考古学文化谱系提供了重要实物资料。  相似文献   

陕西高陵县杨官寨新石器时代遗址   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在杨官寨遗址发现大量新石器时代遗迹和遗物。其中保存较好的环壕聚落,为探索庙底沟文化的聚落布局与社会结构等提供了极为重要的资料。大量半坡四期文化遗存的发现,丰富了关中中部地区特别是泾、渭河交汇地带该文化的内涵;尤其是制陶作坊的发现,对认识当时的社会结构具有重要意义。  相似文献   

一、前言兴乐坊遗址位于陕西华阴市桃下镇兴乐坊村南侧,北依渭水,南靠秦岭山脉。2009年3~7月,陕西省考古研究院和渭南市文物保护考古研究所在该遗址发掘了约1000平方米,发现庙底沟文化时期的灰坑52个、窑址3座、墓葬1座、瓮棺葬1座,出土丰富的遗物。同时对遗址中采集  相似文献   

In archaeology, strontium isotope analysis is developing into an efficient scientific technique for tracing the movement of prehistoric humans and animals. Determining the local bioavailable 87Sr/86Sr ratio range is the key to distinguishing whether the human or animal is indigenous to the local area. It has been shown that the 87Sr/86Sr ratio in the enamel of pigs can be an excellent sample to determine the range of local strontium isotope ratio at the site. However, pigs may not be all local at the site, and there is no special study on whether pigs’ different ages and tooth types impact the local strontium isotope characteristics. In this paper, the tooth enamel of 19 pigs from the Zaoshugounao site for strontium isotope ratio (87Sr/86Sr) by multicollector–inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. There were no significant differences in 87Sr/86Sr ratios of local pigs at different months and different molar types, which did not affect the determination of the local strontium isotope standard. Based on the local strontium isotope ratio range (0.711056–0.711476), we found that five pigs were non-local. The Jing and Wei river basins (in Guanzhong basin) and northern Shaanxi are likely sources of non-pigs.  相似文献   

In December 1988 rescue excavations on a multi-period gravel site 5 km south-east of St Albans revealed the charred remains of a probable logboat containing cremated human and animal remains. Radiocarbon dating indicated a date in the early 4th millennium BC. The site continued to be used sporadically until the Late Iron Age, and there is some indication that it may have continued to have a ritual significance. The excavation also recorded one (possibly two) Early Saxon sunken floor huts, and ovens and ditches associated with medieval Parkbury.  相似文献   

综合花粉、炭化种子等生物指标记录可以提供有关早期植被与农业活动方面的信息。研究显示,下河遗址地区在距今5300~4700 cal a BP之间植被类型以草原为主,仅在河谷地区与山区有少量乔木生长;该地先民在仰韶时代晚期农业活动以旱作农业为主,广泛种植粟类作物,伴随少量黍类作物;另外,较多数量草木犀植物种子的出现可能暗示该地先民利用植物资源饲养牲畜,但仍需进一步研究,以获得更多证据的支持。  相似文献   

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