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希腊神话语境中的"正义"   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
希腊神话内容异常丰富 ,在神话语境中蕴育了自然主义的忒弥斯正义和人为约定的狄刻正义两种话语体系 ,产生了最早的希腊“正义”思想。这种正义成为古代希腊文化的重要组成部分 ,开启了西方自然正义和契约正义的先河 ,成为德性伦理学的滥觞  相似文献   

李晖 《民俗研究》2001,(3):140-151
<全唐诗>里,收有不少有关婚姻风俗的篇章,其中有元和进士、皇太子僚属陆畅以<云安公主下降奉诏作催妆诗>为题的两首.诗云: 云安公主贵,出嫁王侯家; 天母亲调粉,日兄怜赐花. 催铺百子帐,待障七香车; 借问妆成未?东方欲晓霞.  相似文献   

张敏 《东南文化》2013,(1):6-12
《沂南古画像石墓发掘报告》出版后,孙作云先生与曾昭燏先生就沂南汉画像中的"羽人"、"大傩"等内容和汉画像基本思想进行了讨论。讨论不仅反映了考古学与神话学的碰撞,而且揭示了古代物质文化和精神文化的研究需采用不同的学科理论和研究方法。  相似文献   

日本以否定南京大屠杀为宗旨的“学术团体”“南京学会”,2002年9月出版了第1期年报,年报称南京大屠杀是“战后中国政府反日政策的最大成功作”,是一个弥天大谎,完全经不起“学术检验”。年报所提出的疑问多为历年陈说,但在得出结论的路径和说法上确有“创辟”。虽然,形式上的花样翻新,一般不足以改变问题的实质,南京学会的老调重弹离他们否定南京大屠杀的预期其实也尚远,但经过修正的有些说法确实较能惑人耳目。然而,经过“学术检验”可以看到,年报所谓的“学术检验”根本不能成立,年报的预言不过是又一次的一厢情愿。  相似文献   

“山南道”之成立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"山南"在两晋、北魏之世,主要指今南阳、商洛地区;西魏、北周时代,渐扩展到荆襄、梁汉及巴峡,包括今陕豫二省南部、湖北与重庆大部及川东地区。唐代的"山南道",实为承绪西魏北周以来"山南"的地域观念和政治格局而来,并非仅据"山川形便"所划定。  相似文献   

W. Barbrooke Grubb 《Folklore》2013,124(2):184-194
The Voyage of Bran, Son of Febal, to the Land of the Living. An old Irish Saga, now first edited, with Translation, Notes, and Glossary, by Kuno Meyer. With an Essay upon the Irish Vision of the Happy Other-world and the Celtic doctrine of Rebirth, by Alfred Nutt. Section I. London: D. Nutt, 1895. By F. York Powell.

The Gâtakamâlâ or Garland of Birth-stories, by Ârya Sûra. Translated from the Sanskrit by J. S. Speyer. (Sacred Books of the Buddhists translated by various oriental scholars and edited by F. Max Müller. Vol. I.) Henry Frowde, 1895.

Evolution in Art as illustrated by the Life-Histories of Designs. By Alfred C. Haddon, Professor of Zoology, Royal Coll. of Science, Dublin. With 8 Plates and 130 Figures in the Text. Walter Scott, 1895.

Le Folklore Flamand, par Is. Teirlinck. Folklore Mythologique. Bruxelles: Charles Rozez. N. D.

Tales from the Field. A Series of Popular Tales from the Norse of P. Ch. Asbjörnsen. By Sir George Dasent, D. C. L. New Edition. London : Gibbings &; Co., Limited. 1896.

Rappresentazioni Popolari in Piemonte. La Passione in Canavese. Pubblicata e Commentata da Costantino Nigra c Delfino Orsi. Torino: Roux Frassati e Co. 1895.  相似文献   

《说文解字》对字义说解中,有时直接或间接揭示了词与词之间的音义关系。本文具体分析该书《示部》说解所涉及的同源词,并略评其得失。  相似文献   

陈连山 《民俗研究》2002,(1):115-122
一般说来,作为人类最早意识形态形式的神话在社会生活中所具有的意义是极其丰富的。神话既有能被人们的显意识所感觉的意义,比如被马林诺夫斯基称为“原始信仰与道德智慧上实用的特许证”的那种社会功能意义;也有隐藏在人们潜意识之中的内在意义,比如被佛罗依德称为“恋母情结”的那种心理意义。至于神话在文学艺术方面的意义更是人人尽知。分析神话的方法很多,也各有千秋。本文选择有关中岳嵩山最可靠的古迹——启母石的神话作为分析对象,并借此探讨一下分析方法的适应性问题。  相似文献   

古希腊神话与土地占有权   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王以欣 《世界历史》2002,2(4):60-68
一、功能主义神话学希腊神话之魅力在于其审美价值 ,但在古希腊社会 ,神话还有不可替代的社会功能。神话是透视古希腊社会的一面镜子 ,而研究古希腊社会也有助于澄清神话之真谛 ;二者关系密不可分。探讨神话之社会功能是功能主义神话学的主要课题 ,其奠基者是英籍波兰人类学家布罗尼斯拉夫·马林诺夫斯基 ( 1 884— 1 94 2 )。马林诺夫斯基的理论是在研究西太平洋特罗布里安德群岛土著神话的基础上形成的。他指出 :“神话在原始文化中履行着不可或缺的功能 :它表述、加强信仰 ,并使之有条理 ;它捍卫和强化道德 ;它确保仪式之有效 ,并包含着…  相似文献   


In contemporary society the growth of mystical, occult religious cults is providing the public with new interpretations about prehistory, human evolution, and ancient civilizations. One spiritualistic search for the human past is named psychic archaeology and it preaches the gospel that traditional field archaeology is limited, obsolete, and largely useless because it has not been getting the right answers about antiquity. The doctrine continues that the truth about man's cultural origins is obtained from psychic mediums who have the occult power actually to visit prehistoric times in visions and to exchange messages with the spirit world. These psychic mediums are widely believed to have the ability to dowse for artifacts and in various ways communicate with the ghosts of the dead. One looks in vain to the professional journals for discussions of the fallacies of psychic archaeology, and. Partly because of the lack of a professional response to the occult challenge, these new religious movements have grown unchecked despite errors, anachronisms, and false premises in their astonishing claims about the origin and development of human society. This review article is concerned especially with recent publications of Jeffrey Goodman, Hans Holzer, and David Zink, along with a few other earlier authors; their books are cited in the text and in the footnotes.  相似文献   

20世纪前半叶(1901-1950)是中国神话学研究的起步、发展阶段,研究者所面临的重要任务一是中国神话资料的搜集和整理,二是西方神话理论的译介.本文拟从这两方面入手,对这一时期中国神话研究者的资料搜集与理论译介工作做一扼要勾勒,以期揭示中国神话学早期发展的历史脉络,及当时研究者所做出的巨大贡献.  相似文献   

秦娅 《神州》2014,(12):2-3
The difference between human and animals is that human not only obey the rules of nature and history but also possess subjective attitude and spirit of life, which are presented as life values by reflecting directly on ideology. According to it,Greek mythology pours out its life values based on its subjective attitude and spirit of life.  相似文献   

Lekus  Ian 《The Oral history review》2009,36(1):128-130
At the outset of Ask & Tell, Estes recalls the debates thatproduced the 1993 "don’t ask, don’t tell" policyprohibiting "homosexual conduct or activity in the armed forces"of the U.S. and laments the silenced voices of those most directlyaffected by the policy: gay and lesbian service members. Inresponse, Estes, an associate professor of history at SonomaState University, enlists oral history as an ally in the on-goingcampaign to allow gay men and lesbians in the U.S. to serveopenly in the armed forces. He argues "that historically, thesilence concerning gays in the  相似文献   

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