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Excavation on the site of a late 17th-century and early 18th-century clay tobacco pipe kiln and workshop at Roy’s Orchard, Pipe Aston, in north-east Herefordshire has revealed that the site was probably used concurrently by a number of pipemakers, from c. 1680 to c. 1720 or slightly later. In addition to marked and unmarked pipes, the waste from the site includes unmarked wig curlers of two types. Chemical analysis of a sample of pipes and wig curlers and of pipeclays which might have been the source of the clay reveals that the wig curlers are probably products of the Pipe Aston pipemakers and that they were made in two batches, corresponding to their typological classification. The source of the clay used has been shown conclusively not to have been the locally available Silurian clays but a Coal Measures seatearth, comparable with the outcropping at Ironbridge Gorge. Samples of Devon Ball clay and Coal Measures clay from Clun, a closer outcrop than Ironbridge, have been analysed and can be discounted as potential sources of the Pipe Aston pipeclay.  相似文献   


This article first describes the prime movers surviving in three Irish distilleries, and shows how steam and water power were used in conjunction at two of them. The second section describes surviving stationary steam engines in other industries, and these are described in order of technological development, so giving an indication of the evolution of the stationary steam engine between about 1895 and 1940.  相似文献   

This article discusses Catholic responses to evolution between 1859, the year of publication of Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species, and 2009, the year in which the scientific world celebrated its 150th anniversary. Firstly, I will discuss how the Vatican initially responded to evolution in the period between 1859 and 1907, the year in which Pope Pius X issued the encyclical Pascendi dominici gregis. Secondly, I will explore the responses of Catholic authorities and intellectuals and identify the local factors that influenced their responses. Also, I will demonstrate that, gradually, Catholics have shifted towards a more lenient position concerning evolution. Thirdly, I will demonstrate that, in the end, the Vatican has complied with this pattern. In general, this article shows that not only Protestants, but Catholics too have struggled to come to terms with evolution and evolutionary theory and that local factors had an impact on these negotiations.  相似文献   

J.D.A. Widdowson 《Folklore》2013,124(1):111-113
Le Folk-Lore de France, par PAUL Sébillot. Tome iv. Le Peuple et l'Histoire. Paris: E. Guilmoto, 1907. By E. Sidney Hartland.

The Jataka, or Stories of the Buddha's former Births, translated from the Pali by various hands, under the editorship of Prof. E. B. Cowell. Vol. VI. Translated By Prof. Cowell and Dr. W. H. D. Rouse. Cambridge: The University Press, 1907. By W. Crooke.

Cradle Tales of Hinduism, by the Sister Nevedita (Margaret E. Noble). London: Longmans, 1907. By W. Crooke.

Folk Tales from Tibet, with Illustrations by a Tibetan Artist and some Verses from Tibetan Love-Songs. Collected and Translated by Capt. W. F. O'Connor. London: Hurst and Blackett, 1906. By A. R. Wright.

The Welsh Fairy Book. By W. Jenkyn Thomas. With 100 Illustrations By W. Pogány. Fisher Unwin, 1907. By Alfred Nutt.

Popular Handbooks of Religions.

1. J. Abrahams, "Judaism"; 2. E. Anwyl, "Celtic Religion in Pre-Christian Times"; 3. C. Bailey, "Religion of Ancient Rome"; 4. L. D. Barnett, "Hinduism"; 5. W. A. Craigie, "Religion Of Ancient Scandinavia"; 6. W. M. F. Petrie, " Religion of Ancient Egypt " ; 7. T. G. Pinches, " Religion of Babylonia and Assyria"; 8. C. Squire, "Mythology of Ancient Britain and Ireland. " London: Constable &; Co., 1906-7. By W. Crooke.

Short Bibliographical Notices.

Volkskundliche Zeitschriftenschau für 1904, herausgegeben im Auftrage der hessischen Vereinigung für Volkskunde von L. Dietrich. Leipzig: Teubner, 1907. pp. 328. By N. W. Thomas.

Transactions of the First Annual Congress of the European Theosophical Society, held at Amsterdam, 1904. Edited By Johan van Mauen. Amsterdam, 1906. Second Congress, London, 1905. London, 1907. Third Congress, Paris, 1906. London, 1907.

Trans. I., Amsterdam.

E. Weise, Fraternity as found in the Laws of Primitive Races. (Marriage-Laws, Taboo, Totemism, Etc.)

D. v. Hinlasper, Labbertav Kitab Tasaref. (A Dutch Paper, relating to a curious Javanese philosophical work.) By W. F. Kirby.

Trans. II., London.

A. Von Ulrich, The Religion of our Forefathers ; The Mythology of Germany in the Light of Theosophy. (Deals chiefly with the Eddas and the Sagas connected with them.) By W. F. Kirby.

Trans. III., Paris.

George M. Doe, Some Folklore Gleanings, principally from Devonshire. (An important paper, including notes on Omens and Warnings, Charms and Incantations, Witchcraft, and Beliefs and Customs.)

A. Von Ulrich, The Religion of our Forefathers in the SlavonicRace. (Some of the remains of old religious beliefs to be found among the Lithuanians, Russians, Bohemians and Poles, and the Wends and Prussians.)

M. U. Green, Some Notes on the Voyage of Bran, with special references to other Planes and States of Being.

Ed. Bailly, Invocation Aux Dieux Planitaires By W. F. Kirby.

Orkney and Shetland Old Lore, vol. i., 1907, and vol. ii., part i., January, 1908: together with Diplomalarium Orcadense et Hialtlandense. Collected and edited by Alfred W. Johnston, Amy Johnston, and Jón Stefánsson. London : Printed at the King's Weigh House for the Viking Club.  相似文献   


The philosopher Anne Conway (1631-1679) owned a large library, and her reading and book ownership shaped her intellectual life in distinctive ways. Until now, however, almost nothing has been known about the details of her reading or her book collection. Current scholarship assumes that her library, like that of her husband, the third Viscount Conway (c. 1623–1683), was lost or dispersed after her death. This article presents previously unrecognised evidence of Conway’s book ownership, and identifies, for the first time, the only books currently known to survive from her personal library. It traces their path to their current location in the Old Library of Jesus College, Cambridge, through the library of the soldier, book collector, and Cambridge Fellow Francis Sterling (c. 1652-1692). The article demonstrates that the newly identified books reveal previously unknown patterns of intellectual exchange amongst Conway’s family, and argues that they have significant implications for our understanding of her early intellectual development.  相似文献   

Apart from Lucian's Demonax, our only other sources on Demonax the philosopher are the Greek gnomologia. These were exploited by K. Funk in his major study of 1907, but Funk was ill informed about the nature of the gnomological sources. The present article gives a concise overview of modern scholarship regarding Lucian's Demonax and the debate on Demonax's historical existence. It then presents the gnomological sources and provides a new and improved edition of the Greek gnomological material along with an English translation.  相似文献   


A Book of the Cevennes. By S. Baring‐Gould, M.A. London : John Long, 1907. Price 6s.

Isle of Man Illustrated. Eighth edition. By Rev. John Imrie. Bournemouth : Mate and Sons, 1907. Price 1s.

Macdonald's Commercial Gazetteer of Great Britain and Ireland. Edinburgh : Macdonald and Co., N.D. Price 3s. 6d.

The Greatness and Decline of Rome. 2 Vols. By Gugliélmo Ferrero. Translated by Alfred E. Zimmern, M.A. London : William Heinemann, 1907.

Les Falaises de la Manche. Par Jules Girard, Membre de la Société de Géographie. Paris : Ernest Leroux, 1907.

The Shores of the Adriatic: The Italian Side. By F. Hamilton Jackson, R.B.A. London : John Murray, 1906. Price 21s. net.

The Central Alps, Part I. (including those portions of Switzerland to the north of the Rhone and Rhine Valleys). By the late Jonn Ball. A new edition, reconstructed and revised by A. V. Valentine‐Richards. London : Longmans, Green and Co., 1907. Price 6s. 6d. net.

Sveneska Turistföreningens årsskrift, 1906 and 1907. Stockholm : Wahlström and Widstrand.

Sweden: A Short Handbook. Stockholm : Centraltryckeriet. 1906.

Swedish Life in Town and Country. By O. G. von Heidexstam. London: George Newnes. Price 3s. 6d. net.

The Russian Peasant. By Howard P. Kennard, M.D. London : T. Werner Laurie, 1907. Price 6s. net.


Two Dianas in Somaliland. By Agnes Herbert. London : John Lane. New York: John Lane Company, 1907. Price 12s. 6d. net.

Liberia. By Sir Harry Johnston, G.C.M.G., K.C.B., D.Sc. In two volumes. London : Hutchinson and Co., 1906.

In Wildest Africa. By C. G. Schillings. Translated by Frederic Whyte. London : Hutchinson and Co., 1907. Price 24s. net.

Things Seen in Egypt. By Clive Holland. London : Seeley and Co., Ltd., 1908. Price 2s. net.

Die Halbinsel des Sinäi in ihrer Bedeutung nach Erdkunde und Geschichte auf Grund eigener Forschung an Ort und Stelle dargestellt. Von Professor Dr. E. Dagobert Schoenfeld. Berlin : Dietrich Reimer, 1907.

A Woman's Trek from the Cape to Cairo. By Mary Hall. London : Methuen and Co., 1907. Price 16s. net.


Modern Lithology. By E. H. Adye. Edinburgh and London : W. and A. K. Johnston, 1907. Price 10s. net.  相似文献   


Grotius has a rudimentary theory of sociability. Only with hindsight has a remark about appetitus societatis been promoted to the starting point of a theory that flourished in the writings of later natural jurists. In this article, I address the issue of the appearance in Grotius's natural law of sociability [as the 1715/38 English translation of John Morrice renders appetitus societatis, following Barbeyrac's sociabilité]. Writing in the just war tradition, Grotius is first of all interested in finding out the conditions for peace, and although injustice is a condition of war, it is not per se true that injustice is a perversion of society. Apparently, not all societies are perfect and the violence of war and the legal actions of peace are both instruments for achieving a greater modicum of justice in this world. Yet appetitus et custodia societatis is called the foundation of justice. Grotius achieved this context for sociability in phases, through a series of writings from c. 1600 until De iure belli ac pacis of 1625, and its revision of 1631. In this development the notion of fides plays an intriguing role, through which we can obtain a better understanding of the meaning of appetitus societatis in the later work. The present article is a sequel to a previous publication, on fides in De iure praedae (Ms. 1604/5). Analysing the genesis of appetitus societatis in De iure belli ac pacis, I argue that Grotius was changing his strategy over the years, without however arriving at a definitive solution to the question of what commits men to the pursuit of justice.  相似文献   

Following the discovery of a Bronze Age log boat in Shardlow Quarry, Derbyshire in 2003, a scheme was devised to preserve this boat in situ. This included a monitoring programme to ensure that reducing conditions were maintained. This solution was agreed by the mineral planning authority Derbyshire County Council, with input and advice from English Heritage.

Monitoring lasted ten years, during which time gravel deposits surrounding the boat were extracted. The boat was protected from dewatering during this time by a clay cut-off, installed around the area containing the boat before extraction begun. After extraction the adjacent areas were backfilled with on-site soils and inert waste.

Data indicate that a reducing environment has been largely sustained during this period. Following careful and considered discussion, the monitoring programme ceased as there was unlikely to be further impacts to site hydrology, making additional data collection redundant.  相似文献   

Obituary notice     

Moorish Remains in Spain ; being a Brief Record of the Arabian Conquest of the Peninsula, with a particular Account of Cordova, Seville, and Toledo. By Albert F. Calvert. London : John Lane, 1906. Price 42s. net.

The Alhambra. By Albert F. Calvert. Second edition. London : John Lane, 1907. Price 42s. net.

The Sacred Grove, and other Impressions of Italy. By Stanhope Bayley. London : Elkin Mathews, 1907. Price 4s. Gd. net.

Three Vagabonds in Friesland. By H. F. Tomalin. With Photographic Pictures by Arthur Marshall, A.R.I.B.A., F.R.P.S. London: Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent and Co., 1907. Price 7s. 6d. net.

Winter in Schweden. Wegweiser des Schwedischen Touristenvereines, No. 28. Stockholm : Wahlström and Widstrand.


The Tourists’ India. By Eustace Reynolds‐Ball, F.R.G.S., F.R.C.I. London : Swan Sonnenschein and Co., Limited, 1907.

The Desert and the Sown. By Gertrude Lowthian Bell. London: Heinemann, 1907. Price 16s. net.

Arab and Druze at Home. By William Ewing, M.A. London and Edinburgh: T. C. and E. C. Jack, 1907. Price 5s. net.

‘A Mission in China. By W. E. Soothill, Author of “ The Student's Pocket Chinese Dictionary,” translator of the Wenchow New Testament, etc. London and Edinburgh : Oliphant Anderson and Ferrier, 1907. Price 5s. net.

Indian Pictures and Problems. By Ian Malcolm. London : E. Grant Kichards, 1907. Price 10s. 6d. net.


The Sudan: A Short Compendium of Facts and Figures about the Land of Darkness. By H. Karl Kumm, Ph.D., F.R.G.S., with an Introduction by the late Mrs. Karl Kumm (née Lucy Guinness). Illustrations, Maps, and Meteorological Tables. London : Marshall Brothers, N.D. Price 3s. 6d. net.

The Guide to South Africa, for the Use of Tourists, Sportsmen, Invalids, and Settlers. 1906–1907 Edition. Edited annually by A. Sahler Brown and G. Gordon Brown. London : Sampson Low, Marston, and Co.

The Natives of British Central Africa. By A. Werner. (” The Native Races of the British Empire “ Series.) With 32 Illustrations. London : Archibald Constable and Co., Limited, 1906. Price 6s. net.

Sport and Travel: Abyssinia and British East Africa. By Lord Hindlip. London : T. Fisher Unwin, 1906. Price 21s. net.

The Egyptian Sudan. By J. Kelly Giffen, D.D. 3rd edition. London and Edinburgh : Fleming H. Revell Company, N.D. Price 3s. 6d. net.


Highuays and Byways of the Mississippi Valley. Written and Illustrated by Clifton Johnson. New York: The Macmillan Company. London: Macmillan and Co., Ltd., 1906. Price 8s. 6d. net.

A travers l'Amerique du Slid. By J. Delebecque. Paris : Plon, 1907. Price Zfr. 50c.


The Natives of Australia. By N. W. Thomas, M.A. London: Archibald Constable and Co., Limited, 1906. Price 6s. net.


Life in the Antarctic: Photographs by the Scottish Antarctic Expedition. Cowans’ Nature Books, No. 10. London and Glasgow: Cowans and Gray, 1907. Price 6d. net.


The Opal Sea. By John C. Van Dyke. London : T. Werner Laurie, 1906. Pp. 262.

The Polish Jew: his Social and Economic Value. By Beatrice C. Baskerville. London: Chapman and Hall, Limited, 1906. Price 10s. 6d. net.

The Life of Isabella Bird (Mrs. Bishop). By Anna M. Stoddart. London : John Murray, 1906. Price 18s. net.

A Junior Course of Comparative Geography, consisting of Course A ’of “A Progressive Course of Comparative Geography.” By P. H. L ‘Estrange, B.A. With 140 Pictures and Diagrams. London: George Philip and Son, Ltd., 1907. Price 2s. 6d. net.

Iife by the Sea‐Shore: An Introduction to Natural History. By Marion Newbigin, D.Sc. (Lond.) London: Swan Sonnenschein, 1907. Price 2s. 6d. net.

On the Trail of the Immigrant. By Edward A. Steiner, Professor in Iowa College, Grunnell, Iowa. Price 5s. net. New York, Chicago, Toronto, London and Edinburgh : Fleming H. Revell and Co., 1907.

Hunting Big Game with Gun and Camera. By William S. Thomas. New York and London : G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1907. Price 9s. net.

Elementary Studies in Geography: Our Own Islands. By H. J. Mackinder, M.A. London : G. Philip and Son, 1907. Price 2s. 6d.

First Steps in Geography. By Alexis E. Frye. Boston : Ginn and Co., 1906.  相似文献   

The traditional thermal expansion method using a dilatometer fails to accurately determine the original firing temperatures of low‐fired ancient pottery. For this reason, we have developed an improved method of determining firing temperatures for low‐fired pottery. This paper explains the theory of the improved method and presents the reasonably satisfactory results obtained on ancient pottery from the Donghulin site (c. 10 000 bp ). The method and the results are very important for the study of ancient pottery culture and clay moulds used for bronze casting.  相似文献   


This paper sets out the results of the last phase of the hydrological monitoring programme conducted at the Hanson Over quarry in Cambridgeshire, during the first full year (March 2004 to March 2005) in which the area of the first phase of gravel extraction was reinstated as reed beds under the management of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds. It follows on from the studies of the pre-extraction and extraction phases, both published previously in Environmental Archaeology (French et al. 1999; French 2004). It is reassuring to report that the groundwater table in the formerly quarried area and the landscape immediately upstream and downstream has ostensibly been restored to pre-extraction levels, along with a return to previous pH, conductivity, redox and dissolved oxygen values in the groundwater system. Significantly, the continuing gradual fall in groundwater levels observed beyond 500 m from the quarry face for a distance of at least 1·5 km was seen to be arrested, although these had not quite recovered to pre-extraction levels downstream to the northeast. In addition, the soil moisture within the alluvial overburden and the buried palaeosol has also almost returned to pre-extraction levels. This indicates that the clay bunding of the formerly quarried areas acts as an effective barrier against further water abstraction, both inside and outside the sealed area, and allows the natural aquifer to begin to return to its previous levels of influence.

The study dramatically indicates that both the mineral operator, drainage authority and archaeological curator need to collaborate from the outset of any quarrying operation to ensure the continuing maintenance of the groundwater and soil moisture system regardless of how well the combined gravel and water abstraction processes are conducted, and how successful the post-quarry conservation is. As every site's landscape dynamics contribute to its individual hydrological setting, each case is different and requires tailored monitoring programmes to protect the archaeological and palaeo-environmental record from the adverse effects of water abstraction associated with development schemes.  相似文献   


Archaeological recording of the former Crown Pipeworks in Broseley has established that since the site was taken out of the common in the early 17th century its buildings were warehouses, offices and dwellings before being converted to a manufactory of clay pipes in 1881. This article discusses the complex phasing of the buildings and their early uses, describes the manufacture of clay pipes at the works between 1881 and 1960 and places the works within the context of the clay industries of the industrial revolution period. It then argues that, in addition to being the most complete surviving example of a clay-pipe manufactory, the works is a valuable document of shifts in the organisation of the factory system consequent upon a declining industry.  相似文献   

The Upper Triassic Mercia Mudstone is the caprock to potential carbon capture and storage (CCS) sites in porous and permeable Lower Triassic Sherwood Sandstone reservoirs and aquifers in the UK (primarily offshore). This study presents direct measurements of vertical (kv) and horizontal (kh) permeability of core samples from the Mercia Mudstone across a range of effective stress conditions to test their caprock quality and to assess how they will respond to changing effective stress conditions that may occur during CO2 injection and storage. The Mercia samples analysed were either clay‐rich (muddy) siltstones or relatively clean siltstones cemented by carbonate and gypsum. Porosity is fairly uniform (between 7.4 and 10.7%). Porosity is low either due to abundant depositional illite or abundant diagenetic carbonate and gypsum cements. Permeability values are as low as 10?20 m2 (10nD), and therefore, the Mercia has high sealing capacity. These rocks have similar horizontal and vertical permeabilities with the highest kh/kv ratio of 2.03 but an upscaled kh/kv ratio is 39, using the arithmetic mean of kh and the harmonic mean of kv. Permeability is inversely related to the illite clay content; the most clay‐rich (illite‐rich) samples represent very good caprock quality; the cleaner Mercia Mudstone samples, with pore‐filling carbonate and gypsum cements, represent fair to good caprock quality. Pressure sensitivity of permeability increases with increasing clay mineral content. As pore pressure increases during CO2 injection, the permeability of the most clay‐rich rocks will increase more than carbonate‐ and gypsum‐rich rocks, thus decreasing permeability heterogeneity. The best quality Mercia Mudstone caprock is probably not geochemically sensitive to CO2 injection as illite, the cause of the lowest permeability, is relatively stable in the presence of CO2–water mixtures.  相似文献   

The evolution of early Meissen body, glaze and colorant compositions is examined using X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF) measurements on three artefacts that can be accurately dated to the period 1723–c.1740. The results are interpreted based on recipes recorded in the earliest documents of the Meissen archives. The pure Aue kaolinite contains low levels of Ti and can be distinguished from secondary clays, for example, clay from Colditz. The excess Ti in the glaze versus the body reported earlier and confirmed by the present authors is explained by the exclusive use of Colditz clay for the glaze, as described in the recipes before 1730, providing a terminus ante quem for Meissen porcelain exhibiting this particular asymmetry. After 1730, the presence of elevated Ti in the body could serve as a marker for the experimental admixture of clays to Aue kaolinite to alter its properties. Based on the detection of As, Ba and Bi, it is suggested that smalt from Erzgebirge was the colorant for blue enamels until at least 1725.  相似文献   

This article examines the construction of Peter Damian's (c.1007–72) Vita Beati Romualdi (c.1042) as a piece of eleventh-century hagiography. Peter Damian was an erudite hermit, monk and reformer whose ideas on spiritual perfection helped to shape the ideals of the so-called ‘Gregorian Reform’ movement in the eleventh century. This article aims to contribute to recent historiography on the eleventh century through a re-examination of this important piece of hagiography, which has not been more thoroughly considered by medievalists since 1957 in Tabacco's critical edition. This article suggests that, through the biography of St Romuald, Peter Damian sought to promote the example of the Desert Fathers in formulating a more rigorous monastic rule, not only for his hermits at Fonte Avellana, but also for a wide monastic and lay audience. It also argues that there existed a gradual evolution in monastic ideology from the tenth century onwards, sponsored by ascetics like Damian who strove constantly to lead a more austere existence based on the Desert tradition and more particularly the Life of St Antony. In particular, the article pays attention to how Damian, as a hagiographer, was engaged in the construction of Romuald's sanctity.  相似文献   

Caleb Johnston 《对极》2012,44(4):1268-1286
Abstract: This article documents the emergence of the Denotified Rights Action Group (DNG‐RAG), a national social movement orchestrated to assert the citizenship rights of adivasi (indigenous) populations in India. It assesses the movement's efforts to engage the central Indian government in meaningful dialogue to accommodate the inclusion of marginalized adivasis in the democratic politics of the nation. In doing so, the DNT‐RAG reasserts the primacy of the Indian state as the principal engine driving the project of nation building, and as such, the site that activists target to further an agenda of equitable development and democratic rights for those known as India's Denotified Tribes.  相似文献   

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