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While Peter the Great (ruled c1694–1725) can be credited with a concerted attempt to introduce modern European science, technology and other achievements to Russia, the fact that he built upon earlier processes of change which tended in the same direction is frequently underemphasized. The paper challenges the idea that Russia was totally isolated and static before Peter, but emphasizes the very different context in which science, technology and related pursuits developed there by comparison with Europe. It is asserted that the effects of state building in both the European and Russian cases gave rise to certain parallels and similarities. Using mapmaking as an example the paper suggests that its growing importance in both regions during this period was a reflection of the requirements of state building and not merely a product of the rise of commercial capitalism (the latter being as yet relatively insignificant in Russia). The frequently postulated links between commercial capitalism, the rise of mathematical sciences and a growing interest in mapmaking are questioned as being largely inapplicable to Russia before Peter and sometimes overstressed in the case of Europe. The paper presents an analysis of the early seventeenth century Book of the Great Map, a written artefact of pre-Petrine cartography which reflects the priorities and also some of the limitations of Russian mapmaking during the period.  相似文献   

The Germans from Russia are a prominent settlement group in the rural landscape of Saskatchewan. Perhaps because they came incrementally, by chain migration, rather than by organized group colonization, they compose an ethnic group little noticed by historians. Also, their immediate origins are divided, inasmuch as earlier German-Russian immigrants came directly from Russia, whereas many twentieth-century German-Russian immigrants came to Canada from the United States, mainly from North Dakota and South Dakota. This article offers the first focused, scholarly historical treatment of German-Russian immigration and life in Saskatchewan. Drawing on oral histories collected with the support of the Faculty Research Program of the Canadian Embassy, it focuses particularly on growing up German-Russian on the prairies, positing a German-Russian ethnic identity distinct both from neighbor immigrant groups in Saskatchewan and from origin communities in the United States.  相似文献   

A UK-based team of two geographers and a criminologist presents the results of its ongoing investigation of the geography of Russia's prison system, which in 2011 is in the early stages of transition from housing inmates in communal barracks (regardless of the severity of their crimes) to one more similar to that in the United States, in which facilities are differentiated to accommodate the entire spectrum of inmates from those housed in maximum security prisons (cellblocks) to minimum security institutions ("colony settlements"). The authors seek to determine whether a Soviet-era spatial bias in the location of facilities persists in presentday Russia by comparing the location of prisons across regions with the distribution of the country's population as well as the per capita incidence of recorded crimes and serious crimes.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the unique find from medieval Novgorod the Great—an almost complete skull of a young Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber L.). Comparisons of the craniometry of this skull with the skulls of the autochthonous and reintroduced populations of beavers from the same and adjacent regions suggest that a type of large beaver once inhabited the Volkhov basin. Further studies are necessary to accept or reject this hypothesis. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

走上长城,再走下来,总是会有种说不出的感觉荡漾心头。你看见了什么?是起伏的城墙,坚毅的烽燧,抑或是冰冷的砖石?轻抚沧桑的墙体,历史的铁灰从岁月浸透的砖缝中一层层剥落。似乎在向后来的人们诉说着无数生命的激情与悲壮。  相似文献   


This paper analyzes a short essay by Kang Youwei (1858–1927) – one of the intellectual and political protagonists of late imperial and early Republican China. In it, he interpreted the historical experience of Russian modernization under Peter the Great (1672–1725) and used it as a “success story” for the renewal of Chinese monarchical institutions. It was written in 1898 and presented to the Manchu throne under the title “Account of the Reforms of Peter the Great”, and for our purposes will be the departing point for a “global intellectual circuit” through which the following questions will be addressed: Why was seventeenth and eighteenth century Russia considered as a model for China by the author? How did he manage to adapt the historical experience of Russia into a social and political conceptual framework for China? What was Kang’s historiographical method, and what kind of philosophy of history framed his reflections? What does this short essay tell us about Kang’s view on “Westernization”, on the concept of “modernity” itself, and on its use for historiographical purposes?  相似文献   

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