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John Stuart Mill devoted much of his life to developing a ‘science of morality’ to enhance the social, moral and intellectual character of individuals and society as a whole. His liberal aspirations included the reform of legal and political institutions according to utilitarian principles and consistent with personal liberty, and the development of a diverse and creative culture. Paradoxically, Mill, the liberal optimist, was also a pessimist about achieving these goals. This article argues that Mill’s pessimism reveals an intellectual depth and forthright political realism about England’s parliamentary democracy and the political and cultural consequences of growing affluence and social equality. Mill’s critiques of liberalism and socialism in their original emergence point the way to explaining why his ideas remain provocative and profoundly illuminating in contemporary debates concerning multiculturalism and human rights.  相似文献   


The starting point of the present paper is the nudge phenomenon. The most disturbing element of nudge is its potential for individual manipulation, that is, for relying on initiatives that go beyond the acceptable limits of interference in individual choice. This feature is not ignored by nudge advocates, who discuss it extensively to justify the overriding benefits of such initiatives. In this discussion, they acknowledge the seminal importance of J.S. Mill’s harm principle, which is introduced in On Liberty. Academics without hidden agendas must look into Mill’s theories from an intellectual history perspective and study to what extent Mill’s harm principle lends support to the interference of government and society in private lives. This paper first unveils some contradictions in the interpretation of Mill’s harm principle in order to show that it is an unlikely source of philosophical justification for nudge proponents. The paper argues further that Mill was familiar with Jeremy Bentham’s writings on indirect legislation, presented in the Traités de legislation civile et pénale. It pinpoints elements of indirect legislation that are discussed by Mill in On Liberty, without ever naming them as such. The paper contends that Mill’s presentation of the harm principle can be read as a discussion with Bentham in relation to the appropriate limits of government intervention in people’s lives. This double reading of Mill and Bentham through the lens of indirect legislation makes it possible to pinpoint the main differences between the authors as regards the appropriate degree of government interference. Bentham’s theories appear to be a more appropriate source of philosophical justification for the use of nudges than Mill’s harm principle.  相似文献   


As part of the Glamorgan-Gwent Archaeological Trust's survey of the Gower peninsula, a study of disused lime kilns on the peninsula's limestone belt was initiated in 1984. At its commencement the project appeared to be straightforward, but it soon expanded into an extensive study as both calculation and documentary research revealed previously unexpected aspects. An intensive map search doubled the anticipated number of kiln sites and revealed the fact that the early nineteenth century kilns were located in the portion of the limestone belt where the greatest amount of Dolomite was present, thus suggesting that the early lime burners preferred Dolomite to other limestones. Then by analysing the lime burning process and using contemporary data, the process of lime kiln development during the nineteenth century became apparent, also the possible background to statements in contemporary accounts. In addition, analytical studies also revealed why the use of Dolomite for lime production could have been an attractive alternative to using other forms of limestone. With the completion of the historical research phase, the Friends of the Trust have set up a group to visit each known site and compile the formal Sites and Monuments Record. It is anticipated that, in due course, some kilns will be excavated or renovated as appropriate. In order to maintain knowledge of kiln site locations now that reference to them will no longer be present on as maps, a list of them is being published in the 1988 issue of the journal Gower together with an article placing them in their local context.  相似文献   

烽火台是我国古代防御工程体系的组成部分,也是我国古代军事通信的重要手段。我国烽火台的出现早于长城,在军事要地以及交通不便、人烟稀少的边疆地区有众多的烽火台。烽火台汉代称事还,唐时称烽台,明朝称烟墩、墩台,史书上林峰除。另外,还有称狼烟台和烽堆的。尽管名称不一,但其功能都是用烟或火两种方法传递军情的。作为军队耳目和联络信号的烽火台,是设五在山顶或高处,每隔一两千米用土石堆砌的台子。据《明史卷.第gi卷》记载,绵延千余里的高大边墙就有峰堆三万余处。烽火台上“广积粮草,昼夜轮流看望。遇有急警,昼则举烟,…  相似文献   

In 1858 Dr. Brown-Séquard arrived in London. During his stay there, he was appointed physician at the National Hospital for the Paralysed and Epileptic (now the National Hospital), and was elected Fellow of the Royal College of Physician's of London, as well as Fellow of the Royal society. During this time he also published his 'Course of Lectures on the Physiology and Pathology of the Central Nervous System' an early exposition of what is now know as 'his' syndrome. During his time in London, Dr. Brown-Séquard made many well-known acquaintances, amongst others Charles Darwin, T.H. Huxley, and Louis Pasteur. Three years after his appointment as physician at the National Hospital, he left London. Increasingly, he was to abondon fashionable practice to concentrate on his study of what are now known as the endocrinal glands. In this way, he became a pioneer of the study of endocrinology.  相似文献   

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