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Ethical consumption mobile phone apps are increasingly popular. These apps allow consumers to scan the barcodes of products they are considering purchasing and determine whether or not they align with their ethics. App technologies are often applauded for their potential to provide consumers with targeted, crowd-sourced information about products while shopping and to foster more political, and less individualistic, consumption practices by connecting users to one another and to campaigns. There is a growing field of scholarship conceptually examining the role of information and digital technologies in ethical consumption. However, there is little empirical research on how consumers engage with ethical consumption apps in everyday ways. Drawing on an in-depth study with 21 participants, this paper explores how app use mediates people's experiences of ethical consumption. We contend that the app design structures and limits how individuals engage in ethically motivated consumption and influences their conceptualizations of ethical consumption as a political practice. We conclude by illustrating that critically examining what it means to be “ethical” in a digital world is a crucial area of research for geographers, particularly as these ethics play out through the everyday use of mobile technologies.  相似文献   

Google Glass was deployed in an Urban Studies field course to gather videographic data for team-based student research projects. We evaluate the potential for wearable computing technology such as Glass, in combination with other mobile computing devices, to enhance reflexive research skills, and videography in particular, during field research. The utility as well as the limitations of Google Glass are discussed, including its actual and potential application for teaching and data gathering purposes in the field. As such, this article constitutes one of the first instances of evaluating Google Glass as a social science research tool.  相似文献   

The paper introduces a library of video podcasts (vodcasts) used to support the learning and teaching of geographical methods and techniques relating to physical geography and GIScience in particular. While the notion of video learning is not new, the accessibility of the multimedia snippets via lightweight mp4 players in a field context allows a geographical freedom to learning that goes beyond previous classroom-based work. Evaluation, conducted through the use of reflective diaries and focus groups, identified that all students thought the podcast reference library was a valuable learning resource, of particular appeal to students with a visual approach to learning.  相似文献   

The study of material culture generated by military engagements has created an emergent sub-discipline of archaeological studies centred on battlefields. This approach has developed a particular and sophisticated methodology that is able to deal with the fact that archaeologists will often not find either structures or a useful stratigraphical record on the site, as the material remains of the battle will basically be metallic objects carried by combatants. It is therefore rather complicated not only to test hypotheses about battle events based on archaeological data, but also to validate the methodology used. Here we propose the use of agent-based models to explore these issues in the case of eighteenth-century battlefield archaeology. The simulation is divided into four different steps. Firstly, a battle is simulated in order to generate realistic virtual archaeological remains left by an engagement between two armies of this era. We then simulate the loss of information that the passing of time produces in the battlefield. The third step involves simulating the archaeological survey, enabling us to explore different survey strategies and the impact on the interpretation of the event itself. Finally, we design a confidence index in order to compare the results of the different virtual excavations using spatial analysis and statistics. The results show that the methodology is fully functional in terms of understanding a battle, and it allows us to suggest new strategies to improve fieldwork and to develop new ways of exploring these particular archaeological sites. It is concluded that the described approach illustrates how simulation can be used to explore methodological issues of archaeological science.  相似文献   

翟青  甄峰 《人文地理》2012,27(6):50
手机用户、手机网民规模的不断增大意味着移动信息技术的出现和应用带来了信息革命的第二阶段。移动信息技术开始赋予了空间以新的内涵,其影响下的空间结构成为地理学研究的主要内容之一。本文重点梳理西方学者近些年来关于移动信息技术及其影响下的城市研究范式、研究内容变化的最新成果,以期了解最近的学术动态,并为国内相关研究提供一定借鉴。  相似文献   

This article reports the authors’ design and evaluation of a web-based app called PastPort for the locality of Port Melbourne. Created through an interdisciplinary collaboration between architectural history, planning, cultural heritage and human–computer interaction, PastPort allows local citizens and history groups to post and share historic materials, and is designed to be used by residents and visitors in situ as a mobile guide. We reflect on our design of PastPort, together with evidence from a study of early users, to explore how digital heritage tools quickly become inscribed with historiographic tendencies for how the past might be constructed, communicated and experienced.  相似文献   

This study uses geographic information systems (GIS) based analyses and virtual reality (VR) reconstructions, to explore landscape context for two types of Neolithic monuments: cup and ring rock art and a stone circle. Specifically, the impacts of the contemporary vegetation at the study sites are analysed with regard to viewshed areas and views from the monument locations. Results show that while GIS-based viewshed analysis is useful for quantifying the absolute upper and lower limits for viewshed area, the virtual reality reconstructions allow the possibilities in between these extremes to be explored. In addition, VR provides the opportunity to explore visually rich representations of past environments for site interpretation and it is also a useful way for presenting uncertainty and testing different scenarios for landscape archaeology context.  相似文献   

This paper introduces and details an innovative mode of fieldcourse assessment in which students take on the role of tour guides to offer their lecturer and peers a themed, theoretically informed journey through the urban landscape of Havana, Cuba. Informed by notions of student-centred learning and mobile methods, the tour offers an enjoyable, challenging, rigorous yet flexible form of assessment that can be effectively transferred to a wide range of contexts. Feedback suggests that students are very positive about the tours in relation to other potential modes of assessment both in terms of what they learn and as an experience. Ongoing efforts to develop the tours since they were first used in 2003 are described.  相似文献   


The village of Dereuzunyer located in the Rahmanlar Valley of the Küçük Menderes Basin is a settlement that is a natural extension of a topography shaped by a joint contribution of culture and nature. It has preserved the authenticity and integrity of its traditional rural fabric and gives detailed information about the architectural approach, building technology, construction techniques, landscape features and traditional craftsmanship of past rural life. While some of the cultural assets in the settlement containing detailed information about the rural lifestyle of the past have survived to date despite the harsh natural conditions, the remainder have been neglected, become dilapidated, and fallen into ruin over time due to lack of maintenance by the local people because of rumors about the possible dam project and expropriations in progress. After completion of the Rahmanlar Dam in 2019, the cultural landscape values of Dereuzunyer will be lost irretrievably. This article aims to make a contribution to creating awareness about avoiding such losses, not only by introducing the non-renewable values of Dereuzunyer, by documentation of its historical development, its traditional architecture, its traditional building types, its construction techniques, and its plan and façade features, but also by promoting and interpreting its lost cultural heritage.  相似文献   

This paper assesses the experience of undergraduate students using mobile devices and a commercial application, iSurvey, to conduct a neighborhood survey. Mobile devices offer benefits for enhancing student learning and engagement. This field exercise created the opportunity for classroom discussions on the practicalities of urban research, the survey data was available for immediate analysis, and students felt they were conducting meaningful research. The module experience supports recent research finding that mobile devices offer significant benefits for instructors, but using mobile devices also creates potential risks (to the students, equipment, and data) that must be considered while planning modules and during instruction.  相似文献   

文物领域利用数字化文物通过网络媒介传播文物信息已经成为一种文物交流的新趋势。如何更好地利用采集的文物数字化档案,发挥数字文物的作用是进行文物数字化的最终目的。为此,针对新津观音寺明代壁画各种病害造成的不同程度的缺损状况,利用数字图像修复技术对其进行了计算机自动虚拟修复研究。研究表明,Criminisi基于样本的图像修复算法可利用图像小波域的小波系数优化因子,保证算法对不同纹理程度的图像采用适当的优化因子值以实现修复策略的调整,其采样的"素材"同实际壁画修复一样来自于画面已知区域,在观音寺壁画数字图像上有较好的虚拟修复效果。  相似文献   

A time‐geographic approach, including time–space diaries and in‐depth interviews, is used to investigate the daily use and implications of information and communication technologies (ICTs) among a group of Swedish urban youth. We identify individual variations and nuances in ICT‐based practices in our respondents' social and spatial contexts. Using individual cases and detailed time‐geographic trajectories, we demonstrate how daily communicative actions – physical and virtual – are combined and integrated. From this we identify four ideal types of mobility practices: (i) home‐oriented, heavy Internet users; (ii) physically mobile, heavy mobile phone users; (iii) physically mobile, heavy Internet and mobile phone users; and (iv) home‐oriented, rarely mobile people (virtually and physically).  相似文献   

陈晓雪  冯健 《人文地理》2021,36(5):44-52
本文对爱沙尼亚塔尔图大学人文地理学教授Rein Ahas基于手机定位数据的方法创新与地理研究做了相对全面的梳理与综述。随着信息与通信技术的快速发展以及手机的大规模普及,手机定位数据可以突破有限的时空框架,实现海量、客观、实时、准确和电子编码的数据收集,从而便于研究者发现人的时空间行为模式和规律。Ahas以社会定位法为主线,以手机定位数据为主要数据源,以地理可视化为分析手段,不断地通过时空间行为和活动空间研究参与到旅游、通勤、交通、社会隔离和智慧城市等多样化的领域中。他的研究方法及经典案例有助于国内学者扩宽视野,更加深入理解这一新型数据源的使用特点和应用潜力,并进一步对其进行理论与方法上的挖掘与探讨。  相似文献   

Remote survey using high-resolution satellite images allows archaeologists to study ancient landscapes in regions made inaccessible by ongoing conflict as well as in regions located between zones of better archaeological knowledge. Such studies frequently suffer from a lack of chronological information. This paper presents the results of remote landscape survey in the territory of Spin Boldak (“white desert”) in Kandahar province, Afghanistan, and methodological efforts to detangle the chronology of a landscape made inaccessible by conflict. The studied region crosscuts several environmental zones (desert, alluvial plain, river, and hills) and lies within an important corridor of movement toward mountain passes on the Afghanistan–Pakistan border. Morphological comparisons of surveyed sites to better-documented examples and synthesis of data from a variety of sources allow us to draw chronological and taphonomic conclusions about three types of documented sites: fortified enclosures, caravanserai, and mobile pastoral camps. These methods provide time depth to our understanding of the remotely-mapped landscape and allow us to consider Spin Boldak as a place shaped by local and regional historical processes rather than merely as a timeless thoroughfare between more intensively inhabited locales.  相似文献   

Mundane mobilities,performances and spaces of tourism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The extension of information and communication technologies is purported to provide great opportunities for women, with the potential for empowerment and feminist activism. This paper contributes to the debate about women and cyberspace through a focus on the role of the internet in the lives of a group of technologically proficient, socially advantaged white heterosexual new mothers. The internet played a central role in providing virtual social support and alternative information sources which increased these women's real sense of empowerment in the transition to motherhood. Simultaneously, however, very traditional stereotypes of mothering and gender roles persisted. A paradox is evident whereby the internet was both liberating and constraining: it played an important social role for some women while at the same time it encouraged restrictive and unequal gender stereotypes in this particular community of practice. An examination of new virtual parenting spaces therefore has a contribution to make in understanding changing parenting practices in the new millennium.  相似文献   

三维激光扫描是近年来飞跃发展的一项高新测绘与信息技术,在文物保护中发挥了重要作用介绍了三维激光扫描技术的主要特点,从岩土文物保护需求出发,结合实际文物保护工程,重点介绍了三维激光扫描技术在文物信息留存、虚拟修复、监测等方面的应用,最后指出三维扫描技术在岩土文物保护中的心用与发展须与保护需求紧密结合,而硬软件的改进完善及相关技术的集成心用亦是重要研究方向。  相似文献   

张玮  冯健 《人文地理》2021,36(5):53-62
手机移动地图作为一种新兴的地图形式近年来迅速发展并对居民出行特征产生了深远的影响。本文通过问卷与访谈相结合的方式进行了相关定性定量分析,研究了当前居民对移动地图的使用情况、不同人群对移动地图的使用差异及移动地图的使用对居民出行特征的直接影响,并且进一步探究了其背后的机理模型。一方面移动地图对出行的直接影响造成了信息化时代下居民出行的新特征。另一方面不同年龄,性别,教育,区域的居民对移动地图的使用存在差异,而这种差异或放大或削弱了个人属性对出行特征的影响,从而间接作用于出行特征,改变了传统出行模式。最终,本文讨论了目前移动地图存在的问题及其在未来对城市交通的影响并提出了相应意见建议。  相似文献   

建设博物馆数字化的科普平台,加强了对馆藏文物的保护能力,促进了博物馆的历史文化教育和传播功能,具有重大的现实意义和深远的历史意义。本工作将介绍其构建方法:采用全景拍摄、三维扫描等数字化信息采集技术,对博物馆建筑的内外景、重点馆藏文物进行信息采集,构建虚拟的历史遗迹遗存、网上博物馆,将实体博物馆以数字化方式完整呈现,通过互联网/移动互联网提供身临其境的虚拟参观服务;采用二维码、电子标签、混合定位等技术,为现场观众提供自助音视频文化科普导览服务;策划制作面向广大青少年的反映中国历史文化遗产的4D影视科普作品及建设面向普通观众开放的博物馆4D动感影厅工程播放系统,以此构建博物馆数字化科普平台。  相似文献   


The physical space has historically served as an important support for human expression. However, the production of location-based information has been consciously used as means of social control by the hegemonic power, which decides what can be publicly displayed, and what should be hidden. With the development of mobile media, space has gained new dimensions, resulting in a sort of hybrid space where digital information overlays the physical space revealing what was previous unknown about a place. As mobile devices become increasingly present in our society, they should be understood as a social interface to our experience of space, serving not only as means to consume information, but also tools for communication. This paper discuss the current mobile media practices, such as mapping, urban electronic annotations, location-based mobile games, and smart mobs, which creates opportunities for new forms of human expression, reappropriations of space, and contestation of hegemonic power.  相似文献   

Explorations of perception using GIS have traditionally been based on vision and analysis confined to the computer laboratory. In contrast, phenomenological analyses of archaeological landscapes are normally carried out within the particular landscape itself; and computer analysis away from the landscape in question is often seen as anathema to such attempts. This paper presents initial research that aims to bridge this gap by using augmented reality (AR). AR gives us the opportunity to merge the real world with virtual elements, including 3D models, soundscapes, and social media. In this way, aspects of GIS analysis that would usually keep us chained to the desk can be experienced directly in the field at the time of investigation.  相似文献   

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