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中国近代海军教育始于晚清末年,福州船政学堂的创建是其开端。近代海军教育的兴起,虽然破除了八股取士的陈规陋习,引进了西方的教育模式,但清末民初社会的污水浊流,依然使海军教育充满了黑暗和腐败。20世纪初叶,在俄国十月革命的强劲春风吹拂下,海军教育中的黑暗和腐败受到了猛  相似文献   

张震 《文史天地》2015,(2):13-17
中山舰事件是中国国民革命史上的一次重大事件,它被认为是蒋介石反革命的开始。对于中山舰事件的影响,无论是对于国民党还是共产党以至于整个中国近代史而言,都是极其深刻的。对于中山舰事件,传统史学的一般表述是蒋介石发动反革命的中山舰事件,逮捕海军局代局长、共产党员李之龙。李之龙何许人也?李之龙是当时广州国民政府的海军局代局长,相当于海军司令。然而在此后的历史中,李之龙这个名字却消匿于波澜壮阔的历史长河中。同时期在广州的共产党员,  相似文献   

十五世纪末以前,俄国并没有引起人们的注意。正如马克思所说的,“惊惶的欧洲,当伊万在位之初,几乎不知道夹在鞑靼人和立陶宛人之间还存在着一个莫斯科公国。十八世纪以前,俄国是一个弱国,日耳曼人、蒙古人、波兰人、瑞典人都打过它。十八世纪时,俄国农奴制度仍有发展的余地,资本主义关系还很脆弱。但是,从十八世纪起,俄国便开始跻身欧洲强国之列。1861年俄国进入资本主义社会以后,社会经济迅速发展起来,到十九世纪  相似文献   

近代俄国资本主义的困窘   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
早在17世纪,俄国已出现了资本主义关系的萌芽,以后资本主义因素不断成长,19世纪60年代后便正式走上资本主义发展的道路。至19世纪末20世纪初,俄国也和其他资本主义国家一样进入了帝国主义阶段。尽管如此,它在政治经济上的落后状况却始终令人惊异。1914年的俄国基本上还是一个农业  相似文献   

18—19世纪,俄国村社是俄国农村广泛存在的社会组织,它有独立的行政机构和管理村社内部事宜的各种职能。但是,在俄国封建农奴化的过程中,公社的土地被封建领主所占有,因而公社变成依附于封建主的纳税性组织,执行封建主的意旨,完全封建化了。所以,村社内部机制的基本方面都具了封建社会所具有的主要特征,其中之一就是它的封闭性以及在封建社会后期随着资本主义关系的发展,而出现的农民分化对它的冲  相似文献   

新疆与苏维埃俄国的早期关系考述王智娟新疆与中亚地区山水相连,自古以来政治、经济、文化联系密切。1917年十月革命的胜利,新疆与中亚地区关系成为新疆与苏维埃俄国关系的一部分。但是,由于当时的北京政府追随协约国对苏俄持敌对立场,新疆与苏维埃俄国关系的建立...  相似文献   

石沧金 《史学集刊》2006,2(5):29-36
为了恢复与发展同新疆地区的贸易,为了与英国争夺在新疆的利益,俄国与阿古柏政权积极发展非法关系。沙俄利用阿古柏政权,通过各种手段,谋取到了在新疆的很多侵略权益。《俄阿条约》的签订表明俄国与阿古柏政权之间的相互勾结、利用达到了高潮。俄国与后期阿古柏政权的关系较为冷却疏远。俄国和英国围绕阿古柏政权也展开了一系列角逐。  相似文献   

本世纪初,沙皇俄国使用中世纪的极其野蛮的方式,屠杀七千多名海兰泡和平中国居民的事件,曾引起了国际舆论的轰动并成为欧洲各国资产阶级报纸上风糜一时的新闻。一个时期,关于海兰泡大屠杀的种种离奇古怪报道接踵而至。那些为沙俄政府效劳的御用文人的言论自不必说。许多评论家,也都把海兰泡大屠杀看成是与沙俄政府无关的偶然事件。大半个世纪过去了。“海兰泡大屠杀”在俄国的近代历史上已消声匿迹;在国外许多研究俄国这一时期的远东政策的著述中,也难见其历史的本来面目。美籍俄人安德鲁·马洛泽莫夫是一位研究西伯利亚和俄国远东政策的专家。他的遗著《俄国的远东政  相似文献   

英布战争期间,德国奉行中立政策,严格约束本国官员、商人行为,拒绝援助布尔人和参与俄国所主张的集体干涉行动。德国中立政策的出台与执行是出于所谓最大限度维护自身利益的考虑。借助中立,德国暂时性地获取了巨大的战略利益:独占西萨摩亚,强化了太平洋地区的影响;顺利通过海军法案,加强海军建设,加速世界政策的执行。但是中立也加重了英国对德国外交政策的怀疑,加深了两国间的不信任感。德国谋求实现与英国合作的计划破产,俾斯麦所担忧的两面夹击状况出现了。  相似文献   

1929年,中东铁路事件引发了中苏两国间的大规模武装冲突。在张学良主持下的东北当局,动用了东北边防军以及东北海军与苏联军队相抗衡。国内史料在介绍这一争端的过程中,大多侧重于双方在陆上的战事。而对中国东北海军江防舰队与苏联阿穆尔河舰队展开的中苏历史上惟一的一次水上较量,鲜有涉及。庙街事件与东北海军的建立1919年,北京政府为加强边防,派遣江亨、利捷、利绥、利川等四艘军舰开往松花江。途经黑龙江口庙街时,因为天气渐冷,江面即将结冰,就停泊在附近过冬。当时,沙皇政府已经被推翻,俄国革命正在继续,英、美、日本等国均出兵干涉,…  相似文献   

Twice at least in the Court's first too centuries it has found itself inundated with litigation that has outstripped its abilities to process it. Congress has from time to time had to make adjustments in the Supreme Court's jurisdiction so that the court could cope with its caseload. These “reforms” are potentially quite, important., yet few scholars have studied the effects, intended and unintended, of them. This paper reviews and criticize the scholarship on the effects of one especially interesting reform, the Judges' Bill of 1925, Along the way I offer a number of suggestions ore offered on how social scientists might in the future go about studying the effects of judical-reform.  相似文献   

Summary.   The reputed Neanderthal 'flute' from the Slovenian site of Divje babe I has stimulated much interest and detailed research since the original publication of its discovery in 1997. In spite of nearly ten years' worth of analysis and discussion its status as an artefact has remained ambiguous; nevertheless it is still frequently cited as a 'flute'. This paper examines the literature and research regarding this object, and finds that much of the ambiguity regarding the object's status derives from the literature itself. It concludes that there is no need to invoke hominin agency in explaining the features of the bone.  相似文献   

This article addresses the power of popular geographical ‘imaginations’ and ‘knowledges’ to foreclose public debate and, in the process, to reinforce often contentious policies or practices. It argues that historically, a prominent example of such a powerful geographical knowledge has been that of ‘ overpopulation’. The concept of ‘underpopulation’, meanwhile, has been much less discussed, but in this article I argue that it, too, needs to be queried in much the same way that critics have examined claims of overpopulation. I make this case first at a generic level, describing some of the main situations in which notions of underpopulation are popularly invoked, before substantiating it in much greater detail in one specific context: that of the television economy in New Zealand, a country, it is frequently said, with ‘too few people’ to support a publicly funded broadcaster. I show that in this particular instance the underpopulation thesis is backed by flawed arguments, but that none the less it is widely accepted and seldom countered, hence serving to protect its protagonists from disclosing in public debate the real reasons for the television policies they pursue and which the idea of underpopulation actively allows.  相似文献   

This article has two broad concerns, both of which are pursued primarily with reference to Hegel's philosophy of history. First, it examines whether Hegel can help explain the difficulty we have in modernity in responding to climate change and ecological crisis. It argues that Hegel provides a useful analysis of this problem, since the model of self‐determination that he appeals to is comprehensively embedded in embodied forms of culture. This helps explain why even a self‐correcting worldview like modernity is obdurate in the face of this crisis. Second, Hegel claims that the defining attribute of spirit is its capacity for self‐production. Modernity is characterized by the emerging and widespread knowledge that spirit is self‐producing. Modernity develops institutions that facilitate and provide an objective reality for spirit's self‐production and its freedom. This aspect of the article examines whether the distinctive capacity of spirit for self‐determination, which is realized in modernity, is subject to the same atrophying conditions by which Hegel says all other historical shapes of spirit are characterized. It asks if the present ecological crisis, something that is directly attributable to spirit itself, represents the limits of self‐producing spirit. The article concludes by examining the difficult position of those countries that cannot be considered to be responsible for the emergence of the Anthropocene but whose actions in the present will amplify its impact.  相似文献   

景观社会理论范式可以溯源于马克思的消费理论,如今已成为当代颇具解释力的社会研究范式之一,对旅游研究尤具启发性。本文梳理了景观社会范式的理论渊源,归纳了其本体论、认识论和方法论,说明了它为景观消费、景观空间文化、情境体验以及后现代景观生产等领域提供的理论框架与方法进路,阐释了其核心概念群和基本理念,展示了景观社会理论范式与旅游现象和研究的双向关系。该研究亦梳理了景观社会范式在国内外旅游领域中已有的实践与方法变迁,进而指出该范式日益丰富的未来领域与本土化实践,为旅游体验研究领域的拓展和深化提供新的理论视角,为分析和解决旅游发展中的社会、文化、空间、消费,以及景观建构等问题提供新的理论路径。  相似文献   

“Thing” has undergone reification, and it has done so together with its linguistic “conjoined twin” – “landscape”. Whereas thing once was the name for meetings where people assembled to treat common things that matter, things, in the modern sense, have become physical objects (things as matter). Likewise, landscape's meaning has been reified from being a polity constituted by common thing meetings treating substantive things that matter, to becoming a spatial assemblage of physical things as matter. To fully grasp the contemporary meaning of both things and landscape it is necessary to understand the way in which those meanings are the intertwined outcome of a process of revolutionary inversion, or turning inside–out, by which the meaning of things has been spatialized, enclosed, individualized, privatized, scaled and reified as a constituent of the mental and social landscape of modernity. The potentiality of the concept of thing lies, it will be argued, in its continued containment of older, subaltern meanings that can work to empower an alternative “non‐modern” understanding of things along the lines of, but distinct from, Bruno Latour's notion of Dingpolitik, which will be termed “thing politics” here. This argument is analysed in relation to Martin Heidegger's concept of the “thing”, and exemplified by the mandate of the European Landscape Convention, and the modern planning usage of Landscape Character Assessment and Ecosystem Services, as applied to England's Lake District.  相似文献   

none 《巴勒斯坦考察季》2013,145(3):164-184

Although Nazareth has usually been seen by scholars as a relatively minor Byzantine pilgrimage centre, it contained perhaps the most important ‘lost’ Byzantine church in the Holy Land, the Church of the Nutrition – according to De Locis Sanctis built over the house where it was believed that Jesus Christ had been a child. This article, part of a series of final interim reports of the PEF-funded ‘Nazareth Archaeological Project’, presents evidence that this church has been discovered at the present Sisters of Nazareth convent in central Nazareth. The scale of the church and its surrounding structures suggests that Nazareth was a much larger, and more important, centre for Byzantine-period pilgrimage than previously supposed. The church was used in the Crusader period, after a phase of desertion, prior to destruction by fire, probably in the 13th century.  相似文献   

Summary. From the 6th century BC onwards the Iberian culture, with its strong and deep Mediterranean roots, developed along practically the whole of the east coast of Spain, in eastern Andalusia, and part of the Ebro valley, being most clearly defined between the 5th and 3rd centuries BC. An example in the South East of the Iberian Peninsula is one of those which most clearly displays its character.
This paper (a summary of my doctoral thesis, Madrid 1988) concentrates on the middle of the Segura basin, in what are known as the western and eastern districts of Murcia and the pre-coastal depression of Murcia. It is a region which has its own cultural and geographical identity, while offering a minimum of published data, sufficiently significant for bibliographical review, which makes it possible to maintain the historical hypothesis put forward.  相似文献   

沈正平  韩雪 《人文地理》2007,22(6):47-51
在海洋经济区中,海岸带具有一定的特殊性。虽然其资源丰富且种类繁多,但由于受到多种作用力的交互影响,而客观上存在各种灾害频繁、生态环境脆弱等问题,因此迫切需要实施可持续发展。江苏是海洋资源大省,海涂面积占全国海涂总面积高达30%左右,大陆海岸线长度约占全国大陆海岸线总长度的5.3%,但却又是海洋经济弱省,其海洋产业产值仅占全国海洋产业总产值的4.4%,与广东(21.71%)、山东(14.14%)、浙江(14.05%)、福建(12.68%)相比存在很大差距,已经成为江苏区域发展中必须正视和急于解决的突出问题。本文从可持续发展原理出发,通过分析江苏省海岸带的特点及其开发利用现状与存在问题,提出了实施其可持续发展的战略选择以及所应采取的主要措施。  相似文献   

殷洁  罗小龙 《人文地理》2013,28(2):67-73
尺度重组和地域重构理论是当前从政治经济学视角研究全球化时代城市与区域空间重构和治理重构的热点理论。本文运用马克思主义地理学的研究方法,结合对当代资本主义运行方式的分析,对尺度重组和地域重构理论进行了深入的解析,并阐明了它们之间内在的、本质的联系。研究认为,尺度重组和地域重构是一个一体两面的过程,当资本为了克服危机而在地域组织上进行去地域化与再地域化时,地域组织(城市和国家)也同时发生了尺度重组,它们描述的是同一个资本转型的过程。  相似文献   

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