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l998年8月21日,长江中下游的特大洪灾刚过,我们从成都出发,向长江的源头走去。考察队途经松潘,穿过若尔盖草原出川,沿109国道经西宁、格尔木,翻过昆仑山口,经过八天的兼程赶路,于8月29日到达了唐古拉山脚下的小镇——雁石坪。  相似文献   

安多县位于唐古拉山南麓的青藏公路沿线。帕那是她的具体县址地名。全县总面积十万多平方公里。平均海拔4500m 以上。早期的安多由多玛、江木措、扎如、肖庆、色若、夏扎等六个部落构成,后来肖庆分出了肖琼,多玛分出了买玛,于是形成了著名的安多八部。历史上安多八部属那曲宗(昔日西藏嘎厦政府建制中  相似文献   

北京大学飘柔登山队已于7月19日从北京出发,开赴青海,攀登长江源头——各拉丹冬峰,同时进行社会调查和科学考察活动。这是北大登山队第五次攀登雪山,此次活动得到了广州宝洁公司飘柔品牌的独家赞助。 北大登山队是一支由本科生、硕士生、博士生和青年教师组成的业余体育团体。这次参加登  相似文献   

王沛郁 《文史月刊》2007,(10):55-56
董氏是一个古老的姓氏。自帝舜赐姓,迄今已有4000多年的历史,世代相传,世系蕃衍,支派繁多,源远流长。董氏家族上历夏商周,中经秦汉魏晋南北朝,下迨隋唐宋元明清,而今已有800万后裔子孙,遍布  相似文献   

正《教科书谈中国古代科技发明,常回避一些东西》初中《中国历史》教科书对中国医学有不少介绍,说到华佗"发明了‘麻沸散’,让病人和酒服下,失去知觉,然后进行各种手术"。在记有"麻沸散"之名的《三国志·华佗传》中,并没有说明配方,以至现在众说纷纭。如清人托名所作的《华佗神医秘传》中说是羊踯躅、茉莉花根、当归等;还有不  相似文献   

冯永锋  赵钢摄影 《山茶》2009,(9):160-173
在三江源地区,孩子们7月底还在上课。大约两年前,青海省玉树州所有学校的暑假从七八月份提前到了五六月份,改名为“虫草假”。称多县的一位小学老师说,五六月份是采挖冬虫夏草的季节,要是暑假不改为“虫草假”,到了五月,家长把小孩子几乎都带走挖虫草去了,一百多人的学校,最多只有十几个孩子可能还会来上学。  相似文献   

从布加勒斯特飞往慕尼黑的航班准时着陆,我登上了前往帕骚(Passau)的火车。帕骚的老城建在一座小岛上,多瑙河在这里和Inn与Ilf河汇合。这里是多瑙河上游最大的港口,再往上游,河水的深度就无法支持大型轮船了。因此,大部分多瑙河的邮轮从这里启航。  相似文献   

邵萍 《文史月刊》2010,(8):76-76
<正>吹牛拍马,这个成语源出于两个典故。远古时代还没有船只,人们只能用牛皮缝制成筏,当作渡河的工具。这种筏子,全靠人用嘴把皮筏吹起来,不使足够的力气是  相似文献   

玉树藏族自治州的版图面积大约与浙江省相仿——27万平方公里,人口却只有23万。 玉树还是我国的名山之宗,江河之源。境内昆仑山横亘,长江、黄河、澜沧江就是由万年冰川的融水和山间涌流的泉水汇聚而成。初到玉树的几天里似乎总在落雨,湿漉漉的空气都能拧出水来,远处如黛的群山却还缠绕着洁白的云岚,大有江南春雨的韵致。 就在这样一个落雨的日子里我去了巴塘草原。是和玉树军分区宣保科杨晓筠科长,还有中央电视台“三江源”摄制组一同去的。采访对象是玉树军分区独立骑兵连。1999年9月20日,中央军委主席江泽民签署命令,授予骑兵连…  相似文献   

高放 《百年潮》2008,(3):52-57
“三八”国际妇女节是全世界女性共同的节日。它是各国妇女争取和平、平等、发展的节日,也是庆祝各国妇女在经济、政治和社会等领域作出的贡献和取得的成就的节日。而这一节日得以确立并广泛推行的背后,是各国妇女长达一个世纪的不懈努力和艰苦斗争。然而,关于这一节日的源头,国内现有的说法令人存疑。在2008年“三八”国际妇女节即将来临之际,为正本清源,现将我所掌握的一些真实史料原原本本提供出来,供大家参考、商榷。  相似文献   

朱平豆  周浩 《华夏地理》2003,(2):114-123
3月12日,苏灌南渔1314船主张来弟用对讲机与连兴港的表弟联系上了.表弟告诉他,长江入海口的鳗鱼苗比前段时候多,张来弟决定启锚去连兴港.  相似文献   

岷江上游的石棺墓   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3  
中国西南地区有大量的石棺墓遗存,分布较广,并在文化特征上存在不同程度的差异。本文对岷江上游的石棺墓作了分析,对其分期与文化特征作了探讨。结合文献记载,认为汉代活动在岷江上游石棺墓分布区域的民族为“冉驡夷”,岷江上游石棺墓即为“冉驡夷”的文化遗存。  相似文献   

Christine Goldberg 《Folklore》2013,124(3):309-320
The female helper identified in two recent articles in this journal is a figure in a stereotyped scene that exists in a number of different folktales. When the hero arrives at the ogre's house, this woman warns him that when the ogre returns, he will eat him. Then she protects the hero by hiding him. When the ogre comes in, he smells the human, but the woman (his wife, daughter, grandmother, or captive) prevents him from finding the visitor.  相似文献   

Critics of spatial modeling make several damaging points: (1) results are often trivial; (2) they contradict a priori insights derived from theory or experience; and (3) they preclude an evaluation of the substantive coherence of theories. These critiques arise because analysts have selected criteria of statistical explanation over substantive interpretation. This paper reviews the trade‐off as exemplified by regression models. The paper then presents an alternative methodology, staged regression analysis, and discusses its three‐fold advantage over traditional regression models: (1) avoiding statistical‐substantive trade‐offs; (2) facilitating comparisons among spatial systems; and (3) evaluating and refining existing theory.  相似文献   


Themostserioustragedyinrecordedmountaineeringhistorytookplacein1991atMeili,asnow-coppedmountainlocatedontheborderofeastTibetandnorthwestYunnan.ElevenJapaneseandsixChinesedisaPpearedovemightonJanuary3fromtheNo.3Campsiteat5,200metersabovesealevel.TheChinese…  相似文献   

《Political Theology》2013,14(5):619-627

This article engages directly with Jonathan Burnside and raises a set of further questions concerning how we read biblical law and the manner in which we might endeavor to teach it in the context of the critical and/or secular classroom. Respecting the wide-scope of Burnside’s approach and material covered, further attention to the historical and cultural contexts of biblical law, as well as a more transparent presentation of its complexity, allows us to be responsible readers of biblical law, appreciating its theological and legal sophistication.  相似文献   

What can an account of manual labour in an increasingly precarious environment tell us about how humans build meaningful lives? Using an ethnographic example from the working relations on a fishing boat based out of the fishing community Tombo in Sierra Leone, I argue that shared bodily work entails possibilities of individual economic gain while simultaneously laying the foundations for solidarity and care. We find a playful competition between working mates at the core of this seeming contradiction. This article explores how people make a living and make a life, not simply despite their continued marginalization in political and economic terms, but through it. In the physically demanding shared labour of hauling a fishing net and learning how to compete for the fish by doing the handfailure, crew members forge relations of care and solidarity that stimulate individual aspirations while asserting the right to life by the sea.  相似文献   

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