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技术学习与创新:经济地理学的视角   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
苗长虹  魏也华 《人文地理》2007,22(5):《人文地理》-1-9,18
技术学习与创新是20世纪90年代以来经济地理学研究的核心领域之一,它与"异端经济学"之间的互动,既促进了经济地理学的繁荣和学科地位的提升,也为"异端经济学"对技术学习与创新的研究提供了独特的地理视角。本文试图全面梳理经济地理学技术学习与创新研究兴起与深化的过程,从地理接近与面对面交流,关系接近与实践社区,制度接近、嵌入、路径依赖与创新场三个既相互争论又高度互补的方面,来系统阐述技术学习与创新的经济地理机制,并针对当前研究的局限性提出了建构高层次综合的技术学习创新与区域发展理论的设想。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Intertemporal differences in input-output coefficients can be attributed to technological change and to changes in the mix of products composing the aggregate sectors of input-output models. In this work, we develop the theoretical foundation necessary to separate these changes for both the structural and Leontief inverse matrices. Using this foundation, we examine the relative empirical importance of technological and product-mix change. The product-mix effect is then combined with RAS estimates of the technological effect to form updated estimates of the inverse. Results show that the accuracy of updated input-output coefficients can be improved in this manner.  相似文献   

经济地理学研究视角的变迁及进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
经济地理学通过不同的多样化的研究视角来丰富和展现自己的学科特色,拓展自己的研究范围和领域。多维的研究视角在经济地理学的发展过程中扮演了重要角色。本文梳理了经济地理学重要发展阶段上研究视角的变迁,发现多维视角转向在新近的经济地理学发展中具有革命性意义,它促成了为数众多的思维视角和理论流派的形成,带来了经济地理学发展的繁荣局面。不同的研究视角既带来了争论和迷惑,也使经济地理学成为一个充满新奇的学科。各种研究视角相互交织在新经济地理学的形成与发展中,因此,不断出现的新视角和新思维让经济地理学的未来发展充满期待。  相似文献   

Government control of colleges and universities has been increasing in recent years. The challenge for higher education is how to make institutions properly accountable but less controlled by government. The experience in this regard in the United Kingdom and the United States is compared. The danger in both nations is that left unchecked, control will leave universities resembling regulated public utilities. American and British academics can learn from each other on how to avoid such a fate.  相似文献   

Techniques of production were measured for 18 manufacturing industries across 6 regions of Canada between 1961 and 1988. In any given year, production technology, measured by a pair of capital and labour input coefficients, varies markedly over space. The relative positions of regions in a two-dimensional technology-space appears consistent across industries. With industry-mix effects removed, multivariate analysis of variance confirms that regional differences in production techniques are significant. Further investigation reveals that spatial variations in techniques of production persist over time. These findings support the claims of evolutionary theorists, demonstrating that in Canadian manufacturing industries regions tend to move along distinct trajectories of technological change.
On a mesuré les techniques de production dans 18 industries manufacturières de 6 régions du Canada au cours de la période 1961-88. La technologie de production, mesurée par deux coefficients des entrées du capital et du travail, diffère considérablement d'une région à l'autre à une année donnée. Les positions relatives des régions par rapport aux deux dimensions espace-technologie se maintiennent dans toutes les industries. Si on écarte les effets de la composition industrielle, l'analyse de variance à plusieurs variables démontre qu'il existe d'importantes différences régionales en techniques de production. L'analyse complémentaire révèle que les variations spatiales des techniques de production persistent à travers le temps. Ces résultats confirment la position des théoriciens évolutionnistes à l'effet que dans les industries manufacturières canadiennes, les régions ont tendance à suivre des trajectoires distinctes de changements technologiques.  相似文献   

论城市竞争力及评价方法和程序   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
李娜  于涛方 《人文地理》2005,20(3):44-48
本文对国内外"竞争力"辨析的基础上,探讨了城市竞争力的概念。其结论是:城市竞争力是指一定竞争环境中,一个城市在发展过程中所具有的吸引、争夺、拥有、控制和转化资源,以创造价值或财富,提高居民生活水平和城市可持续发展的能力。在城市竞争力概念和城市竞争力影响因素的"环境学派"、"资源学派"和"能力学派"基础上,本文分析了城市竞争力的一般评价方法:区域经济学方法、基准法和SWOT方法。最后总结了城市竞争力评价的一般程序。  相似文献   

A variant of the structural contingency model is applied to the post-war experience of the British shipbuilding industry to show how technological change has affected the market for ships and compelled shipbuilding firms to adopt a number of responses. These include changes in industrial organization and the promotion of government intervention. Some of the ensuing outcomes are explored in detail by focusing on the industrial impact of the introduction of large tankers and standard ship designs. The regions that have benefited from the interaction of technological change and market demand are also identified.  相似文献   

Summary. This paper considers the very different views on Roman technology expressed by K.D. White, O. Wikander and J.P. Oleson. The concept of Roman technology is explored in the light of recent archaeological research into boats, vehicles, water-lifting devices and water-mills. It is argued that the application of appropriate, evolving, and occasionally innovative technology can be detected in several spheres of civil and military engineering, such as water-supply and architecture. However, the application of technology is most impressive in the context of food production and transport. Whilst agreeing that the Roman empire was not fertile ground for an Industrial Revolution of the kind experienced in eighteenth-century England, I hope to demonstrate that this conclusion does not require a wholesale rejection of the possibility of technical innovation.  相似文献   

美国发展生态旅游的经验与启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生态旅游的概念自20世纪80年代由国际保护联盟首次提出以来,世界范围内的生态旅游已经有长足的发展,美国走在了世界的前列。90年代以来,我国也提出了发展生态旅游的概念,但从目前生态旅游具体运作上来看,我们无论在理念上和方法上都与国际社会存在着很大的差距。在对美国生态旅游深入考察调研的基础上,笔者剖析了浙江省的生态旅游现存的问题,并从生态旅游规划、管理等方面提出了建设性的建议。  相似文献   

The Sagebrush Rebellion began in the late 1970s with the objective of transferring various categories of federally owned lands to the states. The movement was centered in western “public lands” states, where nearly half the total land area is in federal ownership. Within a relatively short period of time this objective was changed to one of “privatizing” federal lands, of selling these land into private ownership. While the Sagebrush Rebellion has been highly political in its activities, the movement can be viewed in the perspective of historical land disposition policies in the U.S. These policies were changed near the turn of the century from alienating public lands into private ownership to their retention and management by the federal government. Confusion over the economics of building a free enterprise system based on private property rights, and the costs associated with building such as system, appear to have been major factors in changing land policies. Two important aras in which this occurred were the Homestead Act of 1862 and timber. The provisions of the Homestead Act imposed heavy costs on settlers, and these costs caused a reaction against the economic system that was being built.  相似文献   

苏晓智  白娟 《人文地理》2013,28(4):58-63
在当代世界各国的城市化进程中,城市的更新改造和发展以及相关问题和矛盾的解决都是要面临的重要课题。示范城市运动是美国大规模城市更新运动的重要阶段,也是轰轰烈烈的"伟大社会"改革中后期重要的战略转移。本文选取该项运动为研究主题,回顾了其发生背景、发展过程,分析了其正反两方面的经验,以期为中国在进入改革开放关键时期构建和谐社会进程中更好地解决城市问题提供一个有价值的参照。  相似文献   

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