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<正>2012年6月19~24日,由中国地理学会、中国地理学会人文地理学专业委员会主办,华南师范大学文化产业与文化地理研究中心、华南师范大学地理科学学院、中山大学城市与区域研究中心承办,美国俄勒冈大学地理系协办的2012年中国地理学会"社会文化地理"高级研修班在华南师范大学顺利举行。本次研修班旨在帮助广大从事社会文化地理研究的青年教师及研究生及时了解社会文化地理的学术前沿、加强学术交流和互动,从而推动国内社会文化地理研究的发展。  相似文献   

2012年11月19—20日,由五邑大学广东侨乡文化研究中心、中国华侨华人历史研究所和美国旧金山州立大学亚裔学系联合主办的第二届"国际移民与侨乡研究"国际学术会议在五邑大学举行。来自美国等七个国家和来自中国大陆和港澳台地区的60余名学者参加了研讨。中国华侨华人历史研究张春旺副所长在开幕式上的致辞中指出,开展国际移民与侨乡研究,  相似文献   

本书英文原名《(China Transformed:Historical Change and the Limitsof European Experienee》。作者王国斌(R.Bin Wong),加利福尼亚大学尔湾分校(The University of California at Irvine)教授,多年来一直从事中国史(主要是明清社会经济史)研究和中西历史比较研究,是当今美国中国史坛上有影响的中年学者。  相似文献   

<正>2015年7月31日,由中国华侨历史学会、中国华侨华人历史研究所主办的"中国侨联华侨华人研究系列讲座"在中国侨联机关七层会议室举行。美国加州州立理工大学普莫娜分校历史系王作跃教授主讲《华人华侨科学家:留美科学家历史研究》,美国加州州立理工大学普莫娜分校亚裔研究刘海铭教授主讲《美国华人饮食历史与文化》。本次讲座由中国华侨历史学会秘书长、中国华侨华人历史研究所副所长张秀明主持。  相似文献   

<正>9月19-22日,中国地理学会历史地理专业委员会主办,中国西部边疆安全与发展协同创新中心、四川大学历史文化学院承办,四川省历史地理专委会等多家单位协办的"历史地理学的继承与创新暨中国西部边疆安全与历代治理研究——2014年中国地理学会历史地理专业委员会学术研讨会",在美丽的蓉城圆满举行。来自国内外近百所高校和科研院所的200余名专家、学者出席了盛会。9月19日晚上,中国海外地理信息系统学会会长、美国密歇根大学教授鲍曙明应邀为大会作了题为《历史地理研究新视野:空间历史研究》的专场报告,为年会成功预热。在9月20日上午的大会开幕式上,中国地理学会副理事长杨桂山、四川大学常务副书记罗中枢、中国地理学会  相似文献   

1920年,一位名为约瑟夫·洛克的德国人以探险家、撰稿人、摄影家的身份,先后在中国西南部的云南、四川一带生活了27 年,他的探险深入到传说中的神秘黄金王国“木里”, 深入到贡嘎神山。他在美国《国家地理》杂志发表了他吃惊的发现,随后世人知道了香格里拉。 2006年1月22日,由美国国家地理学会授权, 中华民族文化促进会和美国国际数据集团(IDG) 主办、爱奇会展有限公司独家承办,索尼(中国) 有限公司赞助的“超越视觉——美国国家地理百年经典摄影作品中国巡展“,在结束了长沙、武汉、北京、广州四个城市的巡回展出之后,于农历新年移师香格里拉的故乡云南昆明,让昆明市民在欢乐、祥和的新年享受到这份名满全球的美国国家地理杂志百年摄影精品的饕餮盛宴。本次巡展为期八个月,覆盖北京、长沙、昆明等八大城市,是美国国家地理百年经典摄影作品首次在中国大规模地举行。尽管是首次到中国进行大规模巡展, 但是美国《国家地理》杂志与中国的渊源历史是相当久远的。据了解,美国《国家地理》杂志每期只有5个专题内容,但过  相似文献   

##正##初夏上海,在阮仪三的家中相见时,他刚从美国获奖而归。还在担心他的时差尚未倒过来,面前的他已精神抖擞地准备接受采访。此次在美国所获奖项,是由美国圣母大学(The University of Notre Dame)颁发的2014年度"亨利·霍普·里德奖"(Henry Hope Reed Award)。作为美国精英大学中的贵族典范,美国圣母大学在建筑研究及传统文化保护上有着悠久的历史。从2005年起,"亨利·霍普·里德奖"每年颁发一次,这是第十次,也是第一次颁发给中国学者,阮仪三的名字也将镌刻在圣母大学的史墙上。  相似文献   

6月3日至7日,西安外国语学院和美国加利福尼亚州州立大学北岭分校联合举办了"了解美国"研讨会.加州北岭大学选派了六名教授,就美国历史、地理以及涉及到的政治、外交、教育、妇女、少数民族和民间艺术等领域做了专题讲座和讨论.  相似文献   

2012年4月27-29日,亚洲世界历史学家学会(The Asian Association of World Historians,AAWH)第二次大会在韩国首尔梨花女子大学(Ewha Womans University)召开.此次大会的主题是"亚洲的全球交换网络与亚洲另类的现代性",来自韩国、日本、中国、越南、印度、马来西亚、新加坡等国家和中国台湾、香港、澳门地区,以及美国、澳大利亚、欧洲和非洲的近200位学者参加了会议.此次大会紧紧围绕大历史、东亚的世界史、全球史研究以及亚洲的现代性三个方面展开.现就这三个方面的内容概述如下.  相似文献   

应东北师范大学亚洲文明研究院、历史文化学院邀请,美国罗文大学(Rowan University)历史系王晴佳(Qingjia Edward Wang)教授于2009年6月17日至22日在东北师大进行了为期一周的讲  相似文献   

As I write this, Little Rock is gearing up for the fiftiethanniversary of the desegregation of Central High School, thatnigh archetypal event which seemed to pitch the forces of progressagainst those of ignorance and Southern intransigence. Preciselybecause it is often viewed in such starkly Manichaean terms,the Central High crisis has become the focal point in yet anotherbattle for memory, with some former students—white students—disparagingthe attention paid to the Little Rock Nine, insisting that they,too, suffered during that tumultuous school year. Further, theonly statewide newspaper in Arkansas is headed up by a formerplayer in the crisis who routinely recasts Governor Orval Faubusas a  相似文献   

Contemporary and later commentators emphasized the Supreme Court's forceful affirmation of its own authority in Cooper v. Aaron (1958). The case was the Court's first significant test of states' rights opposition denying that Brown v. Board of Education (1954) (Brown I) and the Brown II (1955) decree permitting gradual implementation were legitimate constitutional law. Indeed, following the Court's announcement of Cooper v. Aaron in September 1958, Arkansas Governor Orval Faubus and his followers closed the very same Little Rock schools the Supreme Court had ordered desegregated. Black students' rights did not prevail until summer 1959. In Arkansas and elsewhere, defiance initially triumphed over the Supreme Court's self‐assertive power. 1  相似文献   

This introduction presents the background to the present research project at Diepkloof Rock Shelter, initiated in 1998. It is followed by a series of original papers that were presented in November 2010 at the join 13th PAA Congress (Panafrican Association of Prehistory and Associated Disciplines) and 20th conference of SAfA (Society of Africanist Archaeologists) at the University Cheikh Anta Diop in Dakar (Senegal). These papers were presented in a “Symposium on the MSA sequence of Diepkloof Rock Shelter: a view on the cultural evolution of southern African modern humans” organized by Pierre-Jean Texier, Guillaume Porraz, John Parkington and Jean-Philippe Rigaud. This series of papers is a first attempt at a multidisciplinary reconstruction of the way Middle Stone Age people inhabited the site of Diepkloof and the way they interacted with their environment. The resultant narrative outlines artifactual change through the sequence and discusses the factors that might underlie it.  相似文献   


Research conducted by Hiawatha National Forest personnel in 2000–2002 investigated the well-preserved archaeological remains of a circa 1820s fur trader’s wintering post located on Grand Island, near the south shore of Lake Superior. The most likely occupant of this post was Henry A. Levake, a trader from Sault Sainte Marie (St. Mary’s Falls) who was accompanied by his Native American wife. Both archaeological and historical information show that the Little Island Rock Post is an example of a specialized cold-climate adaptation developed in the boreal forests of North America and in the northern portion of the temperate forests to the south. Key elements of this adaptation include: location near a late fall or winter fishery, use of large amounts of clay for chimney construction, and the presence of ample storage facilities, especially pits. Features associated with this adaptation at the Little Island Rock Post also reflect the multiethnic occupational subculture of the fur trade. This site fills a large gap in the known distribution of wintering post archaeological sites across North America.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to assess the ways in which President Dwight D. Eisenhower and John F. Kennedy reacted to the civil rights crises in Little Rock in 1957 and at Ole Miss in 1962. A side theme is to assess presidential learning by seeing whet Kennedy learned from the lessons taught by Eisenhower. Each president was reluctant to commit federal troops to enforcing civil rights, was concerned about the problems associated with federalism, and ended up feeling forced to commit troops nonetheless. The message is that despite the presidents' best intentions, troops ultimately had to be committed. Kennedy was unable to avoid the traps that Eisenhower had encountered, and the imposition of the national government on the enforcement of civil rights was firmly established.  相似文献   

康永超 《攀登》2011,30(5):1-6
城乡一体化战略思想的形成和确立,是十六大以来以胡锦涛同志为总书记的党中央推进理论创新取得的重大成果。这一战略思想的形成和确立,既有理论渊源,又有实践基础,是伴随着十六欠以来科学发展的推进,通过对城乡关系认识的不断深化而实现的,其形成和确立具有重大的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

This article looks at one of the more obscure moments in British constitutional history, the rise of federal devolution in the United Kingdom in the early 20th century and, in particular, the context to the Conference on Devolution that sat between October 1919 and April 1920. The conference, as this article will briefly discuss, has been relegated to footnote status in the historiography on federal devolution and British politics. However, while the conference has not been the subject of detailed academic attention, the claim that devolution and constitutional reform in this period was a by‐product of the crisis in Ireland pre‐partition has gathered considerable traction among political historians. This article will redress both the paltry analysis of the Conference on Devolution within the academic literature and the Irish‐centric historiography on federal devolution in the early 20th century. On the latter front, this article will demonstrate that the conference was the product of forces that extended beyond the Irish crisis, in particular parliamentary congestion. As for the conference itself, this article will use a wide range of archival sources to examine critically the conference's deliberations and in doing so will challenge prevailing assumptions regarding the supposedly one firm source of agreement during the conference: the powers that the devolved bodies should enjoy.  相似文献   

Born in Oklahoma City in 1939, educated at George Washington University, the University of Central Oklahoma, and the University of Oklahoma, Baird taught for a decade at the University of Arkansas, Fayettmille, and for another ten years at Oklahoma State University before accepting in 1989 the Howard A. White Professorship of History at Pepperdine University. He and his wife, Jane, are the parents of a daughter and a son. In addition to numerous articles, Baird has published eight books on the history of Native American peoples in Oklahoma and two on the history of medicine in Arkansas. He has been president of the Western History Association and chair of the Oklahoma Foundation for the Humanities. From 1989 to 1991 he served as president of Phi Alpha Theta, whose advisory council he now chairs. Bairds presidential address was delivered in December 1991 at the 70th Anniversary Phi Alpha Theta convention held in Chicago.  相似文献   

近500年特别是19世纪以来,中国社会结构处于急遽的历史变动进程之中,探寻转型与变动中的中国社会结构及其内在奥秘自然成为社会史学研究的重要课题与方向。由南开大学中国社会史研究中心暨历史学院共同主办的“近五百年来中国社会结构变迁”国际学术讨论会即围绕近500年来中国社会结构的历史变动主题,在社会结构的特征及其变迁、经济发展与社会结构变动、社会阶级阶层结构、社会流动与社会分层、城市社会结构、国家与社会结构变动等方面进行了深入研讨,力图再现500年来中国社会结构变迁的历史图景,并为当代中国社会结构转型提供历史借鉴。  相似文献   

This study presents a late 19th to early 18th cent. BCE, MBIIA settlement in the immediate vicinity of Tel Nami on the Carmel Coast of Israel. Site 104–106 has been all but destroyed by modern agricultural activity as well as quarrying, but a large number of ceramics and small finds were salvaged during a 1985–6 survey of Tel Nami?'s hinterland as well as subsequent geoarchaeological research of the area. Little of the site remains, and the current study functionally amounts to a salvage project for an MBIIA coastal site, which was mentioned in an earlier survey. Geomorphology reveals how the sandstone kurkar ridges in this area of the coast governed the dynamic relationship between Tel Nami and its hinterland. Comparable ceramic chronology for Site 104–106 presented derives from Aphek-Antipatris, Megiddo, Kabri, Tel Ifshar, Tel Nami itself, and other MBIIA coastal sites of the Southern Levant. The ceramics include well-produced local wares as well as imports from coastal Lebanon, Syria, and Cyprus confirmed by petrographic analyses. Finds suggest a small agro-industrial site in the immediate periphery of the coastal Tel Nami.  相似文献   

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