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陕西乡村聚落分布特征及其演变   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
本文在探讨陕西三大地区乡村聚落宏观分布的基础上,对各地区传统的农业乡村聚落的形成及发展的空间类型、原因作了比较研究,同时,总结了目前乡村聚落的一些空间演变趋势。  相似文献   

聚落的命名反映了人类在聚居时对不同自然和人文地理环境的选择和适应。明清时期 ,走廊内由腹地的平原和低山丘陵区到两侧的中高山区都有人口的分布 ,受不同自然地理条件的影响 ,聚落的类型也比以前丰富。特定历史条件下的经济及社会活动使走廊内也出现了一些特殊的乡村聚落。明清时期走廊内有大量人口以家族或宗族为单位迁入 ,宗族势力的巨大约束及内聚作用使走廊内出现了大批以家族命名的乡村聚落。  相似文献   

新石器时代汉水流域聚落地理的初步考察   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
新石器时代汉水流域的聚落主要集中在中下游平原及其周缘的丘陵岗地,以及上游与其支流河谷,其所在地貌以自然岗地和河谷阶地台地为主。流域文化类型的演进以及不同文化类型下聚落的分布,与气候变化有着密切的关系。作为聚落中心的住宅较早出现地面建筑,逐步由单室住宅向双室、多室住宅缓慢进化并出现排房。聚落形态以散居为主,在新石器时代中晚期形成聚落群,出现中心聚落和城壕聚落。  相似文献   

吴俊范 《民俗研究》2009,(4):170-187
自然环境与风水观念,一度是影响传统聚落形态存在和变迁的两个重要因素,那么,在传统乡村聚落向近代城市聚落转型的过程中,这二者起到何种作用呢?其作用机制又是怎样的呢?本文以历史地理学的实证手法,通过复原上海开埠后乡村聚落向城市化转型的具体过程,发现:在城市扩张的影响下,乡村聚落赖以依存的传统河道体系首先崩解,继而以河道为物质基础的风水形势发生变异,此二点从根本上动摇了乡村聚落赖以存在的自然与人文条件。同时,随着城市产业的发展和移民的大量涌入,原有的乡村空间快速地被不规范的城市空间——棚户区所蓊代。棚户区至今仍然是城市政府面临的治理难题,其产生的历史地理过程和驱动机剂值得更深入的学术考察。  相似文献   

明代山西北部聚落变迁   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
明代,山西长城沿线卫所、关隘、堡寨、墩台星罗棋布,形成了独特的人文地理景观———军事聚落,随着清代的一统,大部分则逐渐演化为城镇和村落。本文对该区域军事聚落的形成、发展以及变迁进行了历史考察,认为明清时期是山西北部历史上聚落形成和发展的繁荣时期,这与明代军事聚落的形成与发展有着非常密切的关系。  相似文献   

石龙门古村落位于重庆市江津区,是从农耕社会中形成发展而来的传统村落。村落以陈氏家族的地主庄园为中心,由祠堂,学堂、跑马场、古道、古树等共同构成。不断扩张的庄园主体建筑、佃户住房和公共建筑物,逐渐形成具有相当规模,带有等级、自成一体的散居形式及完整的家族统治下的乡村社会生活体系,并由此形成"父子异居"、"子大分家而居"的风俗习惯,不仅具有渝西地区传统聚落的典型特征,还呈现出独特的文化地域特点。  相似文献   

国外乡村聚落地理研究进展及近今趋势   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
李红波  张小林 《人文地理》2012,27(4):103-108
乡村聚落地理的研究是乡村地理学的重要研究领域。本文通过对大量的文献资料分析,系统梳理了国外乡村聚落地理的研究动态,将其研究历程划分为:萌芽起步、初步发展、拓展变革、转型重构四个阶段。对乡村聚落地理的研究内容体系进行归纳总结,主要集中在聚落布局、聚落形态与分类、聚落景观、聚落用地、聚落生态等方面。在此基础上对近今乡村聚落地理的研究趋势及发展方向进行了分析,发现乡村聚落的人文社会化和乡村重构的研究趋势。以期能对国内乡村聚落地理的研究提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

为分析乡村聚落景观空间结构的分形特征,以GIS为平台、土地调查数据为主要数据源,通过集聚维数,分别在县域、镇域和村域三个尺度上,分析了聚落体系空间集聚性的分形特征及其影响因素。结果表明:乡村聚落景观在空间结构上具有比较明显的分形特征;空间集聚性存在不同尺度分形特征的差异,同时丹阳市的镇和中心村的集聚性则明显小于句容市;不同尺度聚落集聚性出现明显的尺度特征,即中心村 > 镇 > 县城;地形是影响乡村聚落景观空间集聚性分形特征,表现为腹地内坡度越大,集聚性越强;交通网络的完善降低了乡村聚落对空间直线距离的依赖性。  相似文献   

选取土默特平原1934、1982和2019年的聚落人口数据,运用GIS空间分析法,定性与定量结合分析研究区聚落分布形态演变及其驱动因素,结果表明,1934—2019年土默特平原以小聚落为主,大规模聚落数量和比例逐年增加,人口等级结构由“扁平”向“长高”金字塔形转变。聚落空间分布整体呈现集聚分布特征,大规模聚落集聚性不显著,其他规模的聚落分布模式由随机向集聚转变,研究区人口极化现象显著;聚落空间分布非均衡发展趋势明显,呈现由极核式向点轴式演变的迹象;聚落网络联系的空间近邻效应显著,人口规模较大的中心城区成为强联系节点。地形、河流、交通是研究区聚落分布形态演变的主要驱动因素,聚落低海拔、邻河流、邻干道、邻城镇的指向性强。该研究便于厘清土默特平原近百年聚落分布形态的演变脉络,为当地聚落的空间布局优化与调控提供一定参考价值。  相似文献   

旅游城镇化是中国新型城镇化进程中的重要类型之一。本文以大连金石滩为案例区,从土地利用变化视角,综合采用参与式乡村评估(PRA),GIS和遥感影像分析等方法分析了过去20年金石滩旅游度假区从传统乡村聚落转变为现代旅游度假区的城镇化过程。研究发现,过去20年,金石滩地区经历了从传统乡村聚落到现代滨海旅游度假区的转变。在此期间,农业用地和乡村聚落用地基本消亡,旅游设施用地和第二居所用地等商业设施用地呈现由海滩到内陆波浪式推进和立体集约性扩展。这种转换过程是以旅游持续增长为基本动力,以土地资本化进程为根本原因,以利益主导者转变为主要推手,在各种正式和非正式制度调节下共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

苏北地区乡村聚落的格局特征与类型划分   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
朱彬  马晓冬 《人文地理》2011,26(4):66-72
以苏北地区乡村聚落为研究对象,运用RS和GIS技术,利用景观分析方法,选取空间韵律指数及聚类分析探讨苏北地区乡村聚落的格局特征及类型划分,结果表明,苏北地区乡村聚落的空间分布存在明显的地域差异。徐淮平原聚落规模大而稀疏;淮阴平原聚落规模相对大,较密集;盐城地区聚落规模小而密集。聚落被划分为盐宿地区聚落高密度分布区、徐连淮丘陵地区聚落中密度分布区、淮阴平原过渡性聚落均匀分布区及徐淮平原聚落稀疏分布区四种典型的类型区。  相似文献   

Falling trees commonly turbate soils in primary forest, creating characteristic edaphic patterns related to pit and mound topography. Vernal ponds with associated mounds were observed in mineral soils on a treeless plain in subalpine Tasmania, Australia. The hypothesis that paired ponds and mounds on the plain originated as pit and mound features in forests that were later destroyed by fire was tested by comparing the soils and landforms caused by recent tree falls in adjacent forest with those on the plain. The soil characteristics, orientations, and dimensions of the ponds and mounds were consistent with a tree fall origin, although rare secondary ponds on the tops of mounds may derive from the burrowing activities of the medium‐sized marsupial, Vombatus ursinus (common wombat). The characteristics of pond and mound soils suggested that most were hundreds to thousands of years old, with the ponds persisting because of differences in deflation, deposition, and organic matter formation between themselves and adjacent persistently dry land.  相似文献   

The historical settling process in the Kuban'-Stavropol' plain of the Northern Caucasus has been dominated by the formation of large Cossack settlements and the subsequent establishment ot smaller peasant villages and individual homesteads. Two thirds of the collective and state farms of the region, as illustrated by the situation in Krasnodar Kray, now have a centralized settlement pattern consisting of a single permanent central settlement and seasonal outlying settlements. The other third is distinguished by a decentralized pattern of several smaller settlements. In the interest of more efficient production and the provision ot higher living standards, the recommendation is made that the centralized pattern be favored in the redesign of future rural settlement in the region.  相似文献   


The farm mounds of coastal North Norway are settlement accumulations produced by long period settlement on the same location. The majority seems to have come during medieval and later periods, but there are a few of early iron age origin.

There has been no total excavation of a farm mound, only minor trenches. This paper summarizes the efforts done on exploring the context and characteristics of farm mounds, based on surveys in one central part of North Norway, the Harstad area.

Questions like economical reconstruction and causes of accumulation are discussed.  相似文献   

In Tysfjord Municipality, North Norway, written sources mention Sami farms in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The farms had a mixed economy, with an emphasis on agriculture, fishing, hunting and gathering. On some of these farms there are documented settlement mounds. Minor excavations have been carried out on several of these archaeological sites. A pollen sample has also been taken from one of these locations. By using radiocarbon dating and artefact analyses it is possible to date the settlement mounds back to the Early Middle Ages. The establishment of these cultural monuments documents a change in the economy, with animal husbandry becoming more important. During the Middle Ages, cultivation of barley arose as a new element of the economy. The article addresses the question of whether this change in the economy can be linked to a Sami or a Norwegian population.  相似文献   

本文选取滇池南缘的柴河三角洲为研究对象,试图在小尺度范围内复原明清以来柴河三角洲乡村聚落的发展、分布,并进一步揭示明清以降在人类活动加剧的背景下滇池流域的人地互动。研究发现,从明代中后期至清代,柴河三角洲在滇池水利开发、三角洲营田技术的运用以及南岸入滇河流自然沉积的共同作用下得以迅速沉积,最终形成于18世纪。聚落随着三角洲的沉积不断向滇池岸边拓展。受到土地开发过程和土壤肥力分布等因素的影响,聚落分布的密度则从三角洲上部到底端逐渐递减。  相似文献   


Before timber and stone houses were introduced to northern regions, varieties of turf houses were the most commonly used architecture. These houses had a wooden structure encapsulated in a shell constructed of grass turf. The different ethnic groups of the north built their houses in different styles and constructions, but the general principle was the same. The Norse of North Norway and also on the North Atlantic islands had a tendency to build their houses on top of the ruins of previous houses. After a few centuries this arrangement produced a settlement mound of highly organic soil. In the research literature, both the turf architecture and the settlement mounds have been described as adaptations to and a function of marginality and lack of timber. This paper reports an effort to test the idea that turf houses on top of settlement mounds may have been a finely tuned ecological system that made use of the capacity of organic soil to produce heat.  相似文献   

The methods used in mapping two versions of a map of rural settlement of the USSR are described. Both versions use 17 basic economic types of settlement as suggested by rural settlement patterns shown on topographic sheets. The first version, which includes in the typology additional indicators such as density and size of places, yields a highly complex map legend and reduces map legibility. The second version simplifies and generalizes the settlement patterns by the proportional plotting of settlement symbols against a shaded or tinted background representing the 17 basic economic types.  相似文献   

Complementary techniques of midden analysis have been applied to large oyster mounds on the Richmond River, New South Wales, in order to quantify the dietary contribution of the molluscs. The results are compared with modern data on oyster yields and ethnohistorical data on diet and population size and suggest that, if oysters were the primary food supply while the shell mounds were in use, the sites would have been occupied, on the average, for as little as one week/year. The implications of this for the interpretation of molluscs as a food resource and for the use of shell middens as sources of information about economy, settlement pattern and material culture are discussed.  相似文献   

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