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 共查询到20条相似文献,搜索用时 46 毫秒
Book Review in this Articles Studies in Islamic History and Institutions. Bt S.D. Goitein. Dalil al-Mustalahāt al-D?n?ya: Ingl?zi-Arabi (A Wordbook of Relgion: English-Arabic). By Richard W. Thomas. Icon and Minaret: Sources of Byzantine and Islamic Civilization. Edited by Charles M. Foundations of Pakistan: All-India Muslim League Documents, 1906-1947. Edited by Sharifuddin Pirzada Arab Socialism. Edited by Sami A. Hanna and George H. Gardner. Ibn Khaldū in Egypt, His Public Functions and His Historical Research (182-1406): A Study in Islamic Historiography. By Wallter J. Fischel. Middle Eastern Cities, A Symposium on Ancient, Islamic, and Contemporary Middle Eastern Urbanism. Edited by Lra M. Lapidus. The Day of Maysalū: A Page from the Modem History of the Arans. By Abū Khaldū Sä al-Husr?, tr. The Political Awakening in the Middle East. Edited by George Lenczowski. Arab & jew in Israel: A Case Study in a Human Relations Approach in Conflict. By Martin Lakin The Nature of Normadism: A comparative Study of Pastoral Migrations in Southwestern Asia and Northern Africa. By Douglas L. Johnson. Tunisia. By Wilfrid Knapp. The Geography of al-Andalus and Europe, from the book al-Masä wal-Mamolik (“The Routes and the Contries”). BY abū Ubayd al-Bakr?; America and the Mediterranean World, 1776-1882. By James A. Field, Jr. The Amercan Apporach th the Arab World. By John S. Badeau. American University of Be?; Festival Book (Festschrift). Edited by Fuäd Sarrūf and Suha Tamin.  相似文献   

A Modern Arabic Biography of Muammad: A Critical Study of Muammad usayn Haykal's ayt Muammad . By Antonia Wessels. Leiden: E. J. Brill
Islamic Rationalism: The Ethics of'Abd al-Jabbar. By George F. Hourani
Le Thème de i'Aliénation dans le Roman Maghrébin d'Expression Française de 1952 à 1956. By Isaac Yetiv
The Oxford English-Arabic Dictionary of Current Usage. Ed. by N. S. Doniach
Islamic Education: Its Traditions and Modernization into the Arab National Systems. By A. L. Tibawi. London
God and Man in Contemporary Christian Thought
God and Man in Contemporary Islamic Thought Jordan: A Study in Political Development, 1921-1965
The Broken Sword of Justice: America, Israel and the Palestinian Tragedy
Arab Culture and Society in Change Compiled by John J. Donohue, Maurice P. Martin, Joseph P. O'Kane, and Joseph L. Ryan  相似文献   

Book Review in this Articles Islam, A way of life. By Philip K. Hitti. Concept of Muslilm Culture in Iqbal. By Mazheruddin SWiddiqi. The Political philosophy of Iqbal. By Parveen Feroe Hessan. Muslim Education and the Socholar's Social Status up to the 5th century Muslim Era (11the century chirstian Era) in the light of Ta'rikh Bagihdid. By Manir-ud-Din Ahmed. Jews in the Economic and Political Life Of Mediaeval Islam. By Walter J. Fischel. The Story of an Arab Diplomat, By K. A. Fariq. Muslim Rule in India: The Assessmeat of British Historians. By J. S. Grewal. Voyageurs et ecrivains egyptiens en France au XIXesiécle. By Anouar Louca. Political Trends in the Arab World. The Role of Ideas adn Ideals in Politics. By Majid Khadduri. Shaykh and Effendi: Changing Patterns of Authority Among the EI Shabana of Southern Iraq. By Robert A Fernea. Army Officeers in Arab Politics and Society. By Elezer Beeri. The Horses of the Sahara. By General Eugene Daumas. western Window in the Arab World. By Leon Border Blair.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Quranic Studies: Sources and Methods of Scriptural Interpretation. By J. Wansbrough.
The Qur'ān and its Exegesis: Selected Texts with Classical and Modern Muslim Interpretations. By Helmut Gātje, translated from German and edited by Alford T. Welch
Modern Arab Poets 1950–1975. By Issa J. Boullata
The Persian Metres. By L. P. Elwell-Sutton
A Christian's Response to Islam. By William Y. Miller
The Great Moghuls. By Bamber Gascoigne
The Thirteenth Tribe: The Khazar Empire and its Heritage. By Arthur Koestler
The Arabs in Israel. By Sabri Jiryis
Proceedings of the first meeting of the French Colonial Historical Society, Athens, Georgia, April 3–5, 1975. Edited by Alf Andrew Heggoy
Turkish Grammar. By Robert Underhill  相似文献   

Book Review in this Articles Kanz al-mulūk fi kaifiyyat as-sulūk (The Treasure of Princes on the Fashion of Behaviour) ascribed to Sibt ibn al-Djauzi. Edited by Gosta Vitestam Structural Continuity in Poetry, A Linguistic Study in Five Pre-Islamic Arabic Odes. By Mary Catherine A Lover from Palestine and Other Poems. Edited by Abdul Wahab Al-Messeri. Arabic and Persian Poems in English. By Omar S. Poud. The Arab-Israeli Conformation of June 1967: An Arab Perspective. Edited by Ibrahim Abu-Lughod. Palestine: A Search for Truth. Edited by Alan R. Taylor and Richard N. Tetile. L'Expansion Musulmane (VIIe-XIe, Siécles) [Vol. 20 of Nouvelle Clio, L'Hisorie et see Problétnes]. By Robert Mantran. A Brief History of Islam, a Christian Interpretation. By Harry Boer. The Authority of the Past: A Study of These Muslim Modernists. By Sheila McDonough. Arab Intellectuals and the West: The Formative Years, 1825-1914. By Hisham Sharabi. Les Universités dans le monde Arabe Actuel. By Jean-Jacques The Land To Those Who Work it: Algeria's Experiment in Workers' Management. By thomas L. Blair. Layatey in Morocco: Protectorate Administration 1912-1925. Alan Scham. The Emergence of Modern Afganistan: Politics of Reform and Modernization, 1880-1946. By Vartan Gregorian.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: The Crisis of the Arab Intellectual: Traditionalism or Historicism? By Abdallah Laroui The Muslim Mind . By Charis Waddy The Ethics of al-Ghazali: A Composite Ethics in Islam . By Muhammad Abul Quassem Studies in Old Ottoman Criminal Law . By Uriel Heyd. Edited by V. L. Ménage The Muslim Filipinos. Their History, Society and Contemporary Problems . Edited by Peter G. Gowing and Robert D. McAmis. Tunisie du Sud: Ksars et Villages de Crětes . By André Louis. Preface by H. E. Habib Bourguiba The Surrogate Proletariat: Moslem Women and Revolutionary Strategies in Soviet Central Asia: 1919–1929 . By Gregory J. Massell Zur Soziologie der Dekolonisation in Afrika (On the Sociology of Decolonization in Africa) . Edited by Gerhard Grohs and Bassam Tibi Militär und Sozialismus in der Dritten Welt (Military and Socialism in the Third World) . By Bassam Tibi  相似文献   

Book Review in this Articles Bibliographie zum Erziehungs- and Bildungswesen in den Lãndern des muslimischen Orients. Land Policy in Colonial Algeria: The Origins of the Rural Public Domain. By John Ruedy. National Development and Local Reform: Political Participation in Morocco, Tunisia and Pakistan. By Douglas E. Ashford. Morocco. By Nevill Barbour. American Interests in Syria: 1800–1901. By A. L. Tibawi. Political Parties In Lebanon. By Michael W. Suleiman. The Arab Bacth Socialist Party: History, Ideology and Organization. By Kamel S. Abu-Jaber. Arabic Language Handbook. By Mary Catherine Bateson. Spoken Arabic of Baghdad, VoL II. By R J. McCarthy, S.J., and Faraj Raffouli. Christianity in Tropical Africa, edited with an introduction by C. G. Baëta.  相似文献   

Phenomena of Nature and the Quran. By Sayed Abdul Wadud
Al-Ghazl, Al-Maqad al-asn f shark man Allh al-husn
Al-Frb, Deux ouvrages Inédits sur la réthorique: I. Kitb al-Haba. II. Didascalia in rethoricam Aristotelis ex glosa Alpharabi
Islamic Political Thought: The Basic Concepts
The Arab-Americans: Studies in Assimilation
Elaine Hagopian and Ann Paden, eds. Wilmette
The Palestinian Resistance to Israeli Occupation
The Arab World: From Nationalism to Revolution
Abdeen Jabara and Janice Terry
The Emergence of Arab Nationalism
Capital Cities of Arab Islam
Dialogues Bring Five Major Faiths Together
The British Society for Middle Eastern Studies  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article:
A Study in Igbal's Philosophy . By Bashir Ahmad Dar
Ibn Tufayl's Hayy Ibn Yagżān: A Philosophical Tale . Translated, with introduction and notes by Lenn Evan Goodman
Baššār et son expérience courtoise. Les versa à 'Abda: texte arabe, traduction et lexique. By André Roman
The Muslims of British India . By Peter Hardy
Muslim Self-Statement in India and Pakistan, 1857–1968 . Edited by Aziz Ahmad and G. E. von Grunebaum
The Evolution of the Egyptian National Image. From its Origins to Ahmad Lutfi al-Sayyid . By Charles Wendell
The Making of an Arab Nationalist. Ottomanism and Arabism in the Life and Thought of Sati al-Husri . By William L. Cleveland
Central Asia: Turkmenia Before the Achaemenidr . By V. M. Masson, and V. I. Sarianidi  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Iran Between Two Revolutions , By Ervand Abrahamian Mollā Sadrā Sh?rāz?: Le Livre des pénétrations métaphysiques (Kitāb al-Mashāir). Translated from the Arabic, with an Introduction and Notes, by Henry Corbin Le livre du licite et de l'illicite (Kitāb al-halāl wa-l-harām , Book XIV of Al-Gazāl?'s Ihyā Ulūm ad-D?n). Introduction, translation and notes by Régis Morelon Society, State, and Urbanism: Ibn Khaldun's Sociological Thought. By Fuad Baali Shari'at and Ambiguity in South Asian Islam. Edited by Katherine P. Ewing The Making of the Last Prophet: A Reconstruction of the Earliest Biography of Muhammad. By Gordon Darnell Newby Muslim Hausa Women in Nigeria: Tradition and Change. by Barbara J. Callaway Neopatriarchy: A Theory of Distorted Change in Arab Society. By Hisham Sharabi The Islamic Impulse. Edited by Barbara Freyer Stowasser Christians and Muslims Together: An Exploration by Presbyterians. Edited by Byron L Ägypten unter Mubarak: Identität und nationales Interesse. by Gudrun Krämer Towards Understanding the Qur)ān. Vol. 1, Sura 1–3. English version of Sayyid Abul A(la Mawdudi's Tafhim al-Qur(ān, translated and edited by Zafar Ishaq Ansari Middle East Contemporary Survey. Vol. IX. Edited by Itamar Rabinovich and Haim Shaked. The Sufi Path of Knowledge : Ibn al-(Arab?'s Metaphysics of Imagination. By William C. Chittick Colonising Egypt. By Timothy Mitchell Past-Revolutionary Iran. Edited by Hooshang Amirahmadi and Manouchehr Parvin Sacred Performances: Islam, Sexuality, and Sacrifice. By M. E. Combs-Schilling Islam: The Straight Path. By John L. Esposito Islam, Politics, and Social Movements. Edited by Edmund Burke, III, and Ira M. Lapidus Veiled Sentiments: Honor and Poetry in a Bedouin Society. By Lila Abu-Lughod  相似文献   

Book Reviews in This Article: Al-Quran Rendered into English. By Syed Abdul Latif. The Message of the Qur'an Presented in Perspective. By Hashim Amir-Ali. Ibn Kammn?a's Examination of the Three Faiths: A Thirteenth-Century Essay in the Comparative Study of Religion. Translated from the Arabic, with an Introduction and Notes, by Moshe Perlman. Arab Civilization to A.D. 1500. By D. M. Dunlop. The Baha'i Faith: Its History and Teachings. By William McElwee Miller. Jeunesse, Famille et Développement: Essai sur le changement socio-culturel dans un pays du Tiers Monde (Tunisie). By Carmel Camilleri. Jabal al-Akhdar, Cyrenaica: An Historical Geography of Settlement and Livelihood. By Douglas L. Johnson. Is Western Civilization Universal? By Maryam Jameelah. Syria under the Ba'th, 1963-1966: The Army-Party Symbiosis. By Itamar Rabinovich. Politics and Change in Al-Karak, Jordan. By Peter Gubser. Man, State, and Society in the Contemporary Middle East. Edited by Jacob M. Landau.  相似文献   

Books Reviewed in this article: al-Masih fi‘l-Qur'ān wa‘l-Tawrāt wa‘l-Injil. By ‘Abd al-Karim al-Kha?ib. 1 Cairo: Dār al-Kutub al-?adltha, 1966. 584 pp., L. E. 1,000. Islamic History of the Middle East. By Wilson B. Bishai. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Inc., 1968. pp. 399. The Arab Cold War, 1958–1967 (Second Edition). By Malcolm Kerr. London: Oxford University Press, 1967. 169 pp. The Origins of Communism in Turkey. By George S. Harris. Stanford, California: Stanford University, The Hoover Institution, 1967. 215 pp. 12 photographs, map, end notes, appendices, bibliography, index. The Middle East: A Social Geography. By Stephen H. Longrigg. Chicago: Aldine Publishing Company. First published 1963; paperback issued 1967. 288 pp. 4 maps. 69 photographs.  相似文献   

Book Review in this Articles The Authenticity of the Tradition Literature: Discussions in Modern Egypt. By G. H. A. Juynboll Les théologiens Byzantins et I'Islam.Textes et auteure (VIIIe-XIIIe s.),2e tirage. By Adel-Thédore Khoury. Der theoloische Streit der bysantiner mit dem Islam. By Adel-Théodore Khoury. The Problem of Diglossia in Arabic: A Comparative Study of Classical And Iraqi Arabic.By Salih J. Altoma. Mikhail Naimy: An Introdution, By Nadeem N. Naimy. Myths and Legends of the Swahill. By Jam Knappert. Les Algériens musulmans et la France, 1871-1910. 2 vols. By Charles-Robert Ageron. Revolution and Political Leadership:Algeria, 1954-1968. By William B. Quandt. Algerla: The Polttics of a Socialist Revolution. By David and Marina Ottaway. History of North Africa: Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco: From the Arab Conquest to 1830. By Charles-AndrC Julien. Tunisia. By Anthony Sylvester. Libya. By John Wright. Foundations of British Policy in the Arab World: The Cario Conference of 1921. By Aaron S.Kliernan.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Les Hommes de l'Islam: Approche des Mentalités . By Louis Gardet.
Arabische Nation und islamische Geschichte. Die Umayyaden im Urteil arabischer Autoren des 20. Jahrhunderts . By Werner Ende
Chadian and Sudanese Arabic in the Light of Comparative Dialectology . By Alan S. Kaye
My Life: The Autobiography of M Egyptian Scholar, Writer, and Cultural Leader [A     mad Amīn]. Translated from the Arabic with an introduction by Issa J. Boullata
Arab Politics: The Search for Legitimacy . By Michael C. Hudson
Nationalism in a Non-National State. The Dissolution of the Ottoman Empire . William W. Haddad and William L. Ochsenwald
Die Kultur der Bosniaken. Supplement I: Inventar des bosnischen literariscben Erbes in orientalischen Sprachen . By Smail Bali. Wien
Turkey's Foreign Policy in Transition 1950–1974 . By Kemal H. Karpat and Contributors. Leiden
Landlord and Peasant in Early Islam . By Ziaul Haque
Island of the Blest: Islam in a Libyan Oasis Community . By John P. Mason
Population and Revenue in the Towns of Palestine in the Sixteenth Century . By Ammon Cohen and Bernard Lewis  相似文献   

This article examines the question: why and how the wave of democratization in the Middle East has receded, giving way to the prioritization of security in the post‐Arab Spring by conducting analyses at three levels: societal, state, and international. By applying the main concepts and theories found in the literature on democratization and securitization and by analyzing the Bertelsmann Stiftung's Democracy Status Index, the Arab Barometers Survey, and the Arab Opinion Survey, the article concludes that: at the societal level, the tragic unfolding of events after the Arab Spring prohibits the public from pushing a reform agenda; at the state level, the post‐Arab political environment raises doubts among the ruling elite about how far political reforms should be extended; and at the international level, with the rise of new security threats, international pressure on Middle East countries to democratize has been restrained, giving way to security cooperation as the top priority.  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article:
Islam: Continuity and Change in the Modern World. By John Obert Voll.
Kuwait: Social Change in Historical Perspective. By Jacqueline S. Ismael.
Religion and Politics in Contemporary Iran: Clergy-State Relations in the Pahlavi Period. By Shahrough Akhavi.
Transformations of the Lover. By Adonis (Ali Ahmed Said). Translated by Samuel Hazo.
Libyan Sandstorm. By John K. Cooley.
Arabs in the Jewish State. By Ian Lustick.
Islam and Christianity. A Muslim and a Christian in Dialogue. By Badru D. Kateregga and David W. Shenk.
The Arab World: Libraries and Librarianship, 1960–1976: A Bibliography. By Veronica S. Pantelidis.
Women in Muslim Family Law. By John L. Esposito.
The Middle East: An Anthropological Approach. By Dale F. Eickelman.
Religion and Politics in Iran. Edited by Nikki R. Keddie.
Muslim-Christian Marriages in the Philippines. By Luis Q. Lacar.
Christianity and the Religions of the East: Models for a Dynamic Relationship. (Vol. II: Modern Theological Themes: Selections from the Literature). Edited by Richard W. Rousseau.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Economic Life in Ottoman Jarusalem. By Amnon cohen.
Sultanes Oubliées: Femmes chefs d'Etat en Islam. By Fatima Mernisst.
Greater Syria: The History of an Ambition. By Daniel Pipes.
Islam and human Rights: Tradition and politics. By Ann Elizabeth Mayer.
Studies in Near Eastern Culture and History. Edited by James A. Bellamy.
Trends and issues in Contemporary Arab Thought. By Issa J. Boullata.
Disorienting Encounters: Travels of a Moroccan Scholar in France in 1845–1846. The voyage of Mu     ammad as-Saffar. Translated and Edited with introduction and notes by Susan Gilson Miller.
Islamic Fundamentalism And Modernity. By William Montgomery Watt.
A Catalog of the Islamic Documents from al-     aram ash-Sharīf in Jerusalem. By Donald P. Little.
Interreligious Documents I: Guidelines for Dialogue Between Christians and Muslims. (revised ed.). Prepared by Maurice Borrmans. Translated from the French by R. Marston Speight.
Between Qu'ān and Crown: The Challenge of Political Legitimacy in the Arab World. By Tamara Sonn.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
The Cultural Barrier: Problems in the Exchange of Ideas . By Norman Daniel
The Islamic Pious Foundations in Jerusalem: Origins, History and Usurpation by Israel . By A. L. Tibawi
The Mystical Philosophy of Ibn Masarra and His Followers . By Miguel Asin Palacios, translated by Elmer H. Douglas and Howard W. Yoder
The Old Social Classes and the Revolutionary Movements of Iraq . By Hanna Batatu
Kitāb Ādāb al-Murīdīn . By Abū al-Najīb 'Abd al-Qāhir al-Suhrawardī
ŠUŠ'Ī, Šams ad-DĪn aš-. Die Chronik aš-Šuā'īs. Ed. and transl . By Barbara Schäfer.
Deliverance From The Cross . By Muhammad Zafrulla Khan
Al-Ghadir fi 'l-Kitāb wa' l-Sunna wa 'l-Adab . By 'Abd al-husayn Ahmad al-Amnī al-Najafī
A Mediterranean Society: The Jewish Communities of the Arab World as Portrayed in the Documents of the Cairo Geniza. Volume III: The Family . By S. D. Goitein
An-Nawnwī's Forty hadith . Translated by Ezzeddin Ibrahim and Denys Johnson-Davies  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Ibn Taymīya's Struggle against Popular Religion, with an Annotated Translation of his Kitāb iqti     ā a     -     irā     al-mustaqīm mukhālafat a         āb al-ja     īm. By Muhammad Umar Memon
The Islamic View of Women and the Family . By Muhammad Abdul-Rauf
Middle Eastern Muslim Women Speak . Edited by Elizabeth W. Fernea and Basima Qattan Bezirgan
Images and Self-Images: Male and Female in Morocco . By Daisy Hilse Dwyer
Moroccan Islam: Tradition and Society in a Pilgrimage Center . By Dale F. Eickelman
Prelude to Protectorate in Morocco: Precolonial Protest and Resistance, 1860–1912 . By Edmund Burke, III
Arab Nationalism: An Anthology . 2nd edn. Ed. by Sylvia G. Haim
Saladin . By Geoffrey Hindley
Islam et Jeunesse en Turquie d'aujourd'hui . By Sabine Dirks
Selections from the Poetry of Bassār. Edited with an introduction, translation, and commentary by A. F. L. Beeston.  相似文献   

The Palestine Arab and Jewish Political Leaderships: A Comparative Study . By Taysir N. Nashif
Modern Muslim India and the Birth of Pakistan , ( 1858–1951 ), second revised edition, 1970; reprinted. By S. M. Ikram
Studies in Islamic Mysticism . By R. A. Nicholson  相似文献   

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