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This article examines the Reagan's administration response to the nuclear scare and the ensuing antinuclear mobilization of the early 1980s. Specifically, it analyses the interaction between the Nuclear Weapons Freeze Campaign (NWFC) and the Administration's Nuclear Arms Control Information Policy Group (NACIPIG), the ad hoc interdepartmental group created in order to counter the NWFC's influence on public opinion and regain control of the debate on nuclear arms negotiations. By looking simultaneously at the NACIPIG's records and the nuclear freeze campaign documents, the article analyses the interplay between the movement and the executive branch, aiming at understand how the White House responded to the domestic antinuclear challenge and in which way the movement influenced public opinion and affected in the end policy-making. The purpose is to offer a nuanced understanding of the role played by the antinuclear movement that, through its pressure on the U.S. public opinion and Congress, induced Reagan first to temper his bellicose rhetoric and then to alter his negotiating strategy with the Soviets.  相似文献   

目的 构建以重组乳酸乳球菌为基础的黏膜输送载体.方法 以高致病性禽流感病毒H5N1的HA1基因作为研究对象,利用nisin诱导表达控制系统,构建分泌型与非分泌型重组乳酸乳球菌表达载体,经口服灌胃途径免疫BALB/c小鼠,通过ELISA检测小鼠血清IgG和粪便IgA,最后,对免疫后的小鼠进行H5N1病毒攻击实验,进而比较分泌型与非分泌型重组乳酸乳球菌表达载体的免疫效率.结果 分泌型重组乳酸乳球菌免疫小鼠后产生的抗体水平(IgG和IgA)高于非分泌型重组乳酸乳球菌,经过同型H5N1病毒攻击后,分泌型重组乳酸乳球菌免疫的小鼠的存活率为80%,而非分泌型重组乳酸乳球菌免疫的小鼠的存活率为60%.结论 本研究为防治高致病性禽流感病毒提供可行的思路与方法.  相似文献   

<正>锤头鲨,顾名思义,这种鲨鱼有着像锤子一样的脑袋,准确地说来,它们的脑袋长得如同一把榔头,而眼睛就长在头的左右两侧,距离非常远,看上去颇有几分怪异,不过也正是因为这样,锤头鲨才有了更为广阔的视野。锤头鲨的寿命通常有30~40岁。一般来说,锤头鲨的体长在4米左右,体重230公斤上下,生活在热带及温带海域。在今天,锤头鲨已经成为濒危动物,在加拉帕戈斯,你能够见到这些"水中巨头"的身影,其实还有赖于当地政府的保护,厄瓜多尔政府已经在加拉帕戈斯群岛的海洋保护区内为濒临灭绝的锤头鲨设立了禁猎区,让这些"水中巨头"可以有一片生存的净土。  相似文献   

This paper explores beliefs revealed in classroom discussions at a majority black university in the United States that HIV/AIDS is a form of genocide. The perspective of the sociology of knowledge, a critique of the realist interpretation of science, argues that these beliefs are rational given the students' social relationship to the scientific establishment. Paolo Friere's philosophy of popular education and the anthropological method teach us to take these beliefs seriously. The white instructor's own gaps in knowledge counsel humility in teaching about the origins of HIV to students of colour. Finally, the paper describes how the students and the instructor were able to find a common ground in the interpretation of AIDS as a man‐made epidemic.  相似文献   

<正>西班牙,这个号称"出产阳光和海滩"的国家,是个享誉全球的旅游大国。截至2018年7月4日第42届世界遗产大会闭幕,西班牙共计拥有47项世界遗产,名列世界第3位。西班牙丰富的旅游资源,深厚的文化底蕴,以及热情的舞蹈,就像一个強大的磁场,吸引着世界游客频繁往来。建在云端的龙达小镇吃过早饭,我们从塞维利亚出发,前往西班牙安达卢西亚的龙达小镇参观。龙达小镇有3000多年的悠久历史。早在罗马帝国时代,一批旅人风尘仆仆地爬上这座750公尺的悬崖峭壁,发现这里地势险要,风景秀丽,河流丰沛,于是安营扎寨,建造出第一座房子。这白  相似文献   

<正>在马来西亚沙巴州西南海岸的红树林保护区,居住着一种珍贵的灵长类野生动物——长鼻猴(proboscis monkey)。长鼻猴有着大得出奇的长鼻子,目前只有在马来西亚婆罗洲的沙巴、沙劳越等地的红树林中才能看到,属于世界濒危动物,也是马来西亚的国宝。  相似文献   

“折柳”作为我国特有的送别习俗起源很早,因为“柳”在我国是“祝福”的象征,也是可以“驱鬼避邪”的“鬼怖木”;柳在中国古人心目中可以起到保护的作用,它既可以保护逝去的亲人的灵魂远行,同样保护活着的亲人路途平安。折柳送别的习俗植根于我国独特的传统文化,与我国古代人民的文化心理密切相关。  相似文献   

<正>绿色海岸如果要用颜色来形容澳大利亚,在我爱人心中,澳洲是绿色的,而在我的脑海里,澳洲是个黄颜色的大陆,这种印象源于电影《荆棘鸟》对我的影响。其实我们两人都没错,沿海的澳洲就是绿色的,令人心旷神怡的翠绿。前一晚我们在寻找住宿的路上先看到了水库保护区的牌子,而且觉得周围生境也不错,原想在这附近找住处,但没能如愿。尽管如此,我们一早还是赶到了这里。在我们停车的住宅区里的花丛中,垂蜜鸟与澳蜜鸟来回穿梭。  相似文献   

<正>拍摄蝴蝶"对称"之美,是蝴蝶摄影中的一种挑战。一是机会可遇不可求,"蜂团蝶阵乱纷纷",当你与群蝶相遇,它们如天女散花般毫无秩序,又似小河流水一样,形成一种动态的"彩流",常常让你望蝶兴叹,不拍则失去良机,而选择拍摄又仅仅是一种简单的影像记录,难以展现蝴蝶的美、张扬和摄影者的艺术表现力;二是瞬间难把握,当你看到两只  相似文献   

Nationalism and Communism in East Asia, by W. Macmahon Ball (Melbourne University Press, 1952. 25s.).  相似文献   

<正>"每个人心底或许都有一片孤独而自由的大海,我们往往在深夜,独自潜入其中,有时又因为潜入得太深,而思念陆地上的灯火。大多数人一生都在这两者间穿梭。"——电影《碧海蓝天》2018年,第90届奥斯卡金像奖选出了最佳影片——《水形物语》,影片讲述了人与水中生物的一段奇缘。人类对海洋的向往,从古至今,颇有几分愈演愈烈的趋势。古希腊神话中海神波塞冬掌握着海洋的力量,北欧神话中的尼约  相似文献   

《硕鼠》所展示的庶民理想国近于“极真”而远于“极幻”,这种强烈的现实意味起源于农业社会,而由理想者主体的庶民身份所决定.它产生的深层原因是魏国统治者以横征暴敛取代了周初设计的恩顾庶民政策.经济生态平衡的破坏引发了庶民的不满,于是逃往理想的国度便成为庶民的选择.此外,庶民理想国还缘于魏国的国境狭小.局缩于周、秦、晋等大国之间的魏国人民崇敬和向往大国,是国人产生去国离家而前往理想国度的重要因素.  相似文献   

清代《王制》研究及其成篇年代考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《礼记·王制》的作者和成篇年代,自汉以来,说法不一。清末,廖平、康有为等人认为,《王制》是“孔子改制之作”,故《王制》备受晚清学者重视。分析诸家观点和《王制》的内容,并将《王制》与《孟子》、《荀子》等文献进行比较,《王制》经文部分盖写成于战国中期,与郭店楚简的写作年代大致相当。刘向以前,经文部分和后面解释性文字已经抄写在一起,成为我们目前看到的样子。  相似文献   


Osphresiology, though beginning with Aristotle, and the title of a classical monograph from 1819 by Cloquet, has, like the human sense of smell itself, played a relatively modest role, compared to other sensory functions. The anatomical and physiological connections of the nose to the brain proved to be more complex than those of sight, hearing and even touch, and were therefore poorly understood before the second half of the 19th century. Moreover, the close association between smell and taste gave rise to much controversy regarding the respective roles of the first and the fifth cranial nerves. Next, came the unfolding of the evolutionary influence of cerebral structure and function ‐ viz Broca's “limbic”; concept, and the “olfactory desert”; in the brains of “anosmatic”; animals. Jackson's “uncinate”; seizures featuring olfactory hallucinations brought the hippocampal formation into focus. Finally, there were the clinical manifestations of hyposmia and hyperosmia, from “coryza”;, the common cold, to injury or neoplasms causing hyposmia, as well as some endocrine alterations causing hyperosmia. (And let us not forget Charles Huysman's “Against the Grain”; and Marcel Proust's evocative fragrant madeleine.)  相似文献   

秋瑾研究专家郭长海先生的《秋瑾全集笺注》是一部秋瑾研究领域里的最新成果,是目前所见秋瑾研究中收录最全、注释最详、笺解最精的版本。本书对秋瑾作品的每个篇章都作了校对,写有标记。并加有详细的注释。这是其它有关研究秋瑾著作无法比拟的。  相似文献   


This article is the first in a series devoted to discussions of the responsibilities, activities, and techniques of the various specialists who might make up a modern archaeological field staff The articles are all written by scholars with extensive field experience. It is hoped that the series will be beneficial to scholars in framing the design of their research projects, in planning their budgets, and in determining the number and types of specialists best suited for the projects envisioned. Readers are urged to comment on the series in the light of their own experiences in the field: letters will be published in Perspectives.

Authors of a few of the forthcoming articles in this series include Vaughn M. Bryant, palaeobotany; Frederick R. Matson, ceramics analysis; and Al B. Wesolowsky, physical anthropology.


Few major excavations are now mounted without staff representation from the natural sciences. The classical concern of the geologist with stratigraphy and chronology coupled with his/her broad training in the natural sciences makes the geologist a particularly necessary component of the field staff Responsibilities of the staff geologist are likely to include regional geologic studies, lithology and identification, on-site stratigraphy and sedimentology, other technical assistance (e.g., surveying), and post-excavation laboratory analyses. The staff geologist should playa major role in the final synthesis of all environmental data.  相似文献   

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