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This paper reviews the results of a long-term research project that used stable isotope analyses (δ13C, δ15N, δ34S) and Bayesian mixing models to better model the chronology for a presumed Viking Age cemetery at Hofstaðir, near Lake Mývatn in north-east Iceland. δ13C and radiocarbon dating indicated that many of the individuals consumed a large amount of marine protein, which results in a marine reservoir effect (MRE), making ages older than expected. In addition to the MRE, geological activity in the region has the potential to introduce massive quantities of radioactive ‘dead’ carbon into the freshwater system, resulting in a very large freshwater reservoir effect (FRE) that can offset radiocarbon ages on the order of a few thousand years. The radiocarbon dates of organisms that derive an unknown proportion of their carbon from both marine and freshwater reservoirs are extremely difficult to ‘correct’, or, more appropriately, model. The research not only highlights the complexities of dealing with multiple reservoirs, but also how important it is to develop models that are temporally and geographically relevant to the site under study. Finally, it shows how this data can be used to inform the development of chronological models for refining the dating for archaeological activity.  相似文献   

A combined clay mineralogical, fluid inclusion, and K‐Ar study of Upper Jurassic metasediments at the Gehn (Lower Saxony Basin, Germany) provides evidence for a transient hydrothermal event during Upper Cretaceous basin inversion centered on a prominent gravimetric anomaly. Kaolinite and smectite in Oxfordian pelitic parent rocks that cap a deltaic sandstone unit were locally transformed into pyrophyllite, 2M1 illite, R3 illite–smectite, chlorite, and berthierine at the Ueffeln quarry. The pyrophyllite‐bearing metapelites lack bedding‐parallel preferred orientation of sheet silicates and experienced peak temperatures of about 260–270°C consistent with microthermometric data on quartz veins in the underlying silicified sandstones. The presence of expandable layers in illite–smectite and high Kübler Index values indicate that the thermal event was rather short‐lived. K‐Ar dating of the <0.2 μm fraction of the pyrophyllite‐bearing Ueffeln metapelite yields a maximum illitization age of 117 ± 2 Ma. Lower trapping temperatures of aqueous fluid inclusions in quartz veins and the absence of pyrophyllite in metapelites of the Frettberg quarry in a distance of about 2.5 km from the Ueffeln quarry infer maximum paleotemperatures of only 220°C. The highly localized thermal anomaly at Ueffeln suggests fault‐controlled fluid migration and heat transfer that provided a thermal aureole for pyrophyllite formation in the metapelites rather than metamorphism due to deep burial. A pH neutral hydrothermal fluid that formed by devolatilization reactions or less likely by mixing of meteoric and marine waters that interacted at depth with shales is indicated by the low salinity (3–5 wt. % NaCl equiv.) of aqueous inclusions, their coexistence with methane–carbon dioxide‐dominated gas inclusions as well as carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen isotope data. The upwelling zone of hydrothermal fluids and the thermal maximum is centered on a gravimetric anomaly interpreted as an igneous intrusion (‘Bramsche Massif’) providing the heat source for the intrabasinal hydrothermal system.  相似文献   

Fluid chemistry and microbial community patterns in chimney habitats were investigated in two hydrothermal fields located at the Central Indian Ridge. Endmember hydrothermal fluid of the Solitaire field, located ~3 km away from the spreading center, was characterized by moderately high temperature (307°C), Cl depletion (489 mm ), mildly acidic pH (≥4.40), and low metal concentrations (Fe ≤ 105 μm and Mn = 78 μm ). Chloride depletion indicates that the subseafloor source fluid had undergone phase separation at temperatures higher than ~390°C while the metal depletion was likely attributable to fluid alteration occurring at a venting temperature of around 307°C. These different temperature conditions suggested from fluid chemistry might be associated with an off‐spreading center location of the field that allows subseafloor fluid cooling prior to seafloor discharge. The microbial community in the chimney habitat seemed comparable to previously known patterns in typical basalt‐hosted hydrothermal systems. Endmember hydrothermal fluid of the Dodo field, standing on center of the spreading axis, was characterized by high H2 concentration of 2.7 mm . The H2 enrichment was likely attributable to fresh basalt–fluid interaction, as suggested by the nondeformed sheet lava flow expansion around the vents. Thermodynamic calculation of the reducing pyrite–pyrrhotite–magnetite (PPM) redox buffer indeed reproduced the H2 enrichment. The quantitative cultivation test revealed that the microbial community associated with the hydrothermal fluid hosted abundant populations of (hyper)thermophilic hydrogenotrophic chemolithoautotrophs such as methanogens. The function of subseafloor hydrogenotrophic methanogenic populations dwelling around the H2‐enriched hydrothermal fluid flows was also inferred from the 13C‐ and D‐depleted signature of CH4 in the collected fluids. It was observed that the hydrothermal activity of the Dodo field had ceased until 2013.  相似文献   

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