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思想史视野与国际关系的历史和理论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
石斌 《史学月刊》2005,(6):11-14
历史与理论的关系,实质上是人类的社会实践与理论的关系,因此可以说它是人类的社会性思考的一个永恒课题。战后以来,西方国际关系研究的“社会科学化”和专业分工所导致的学科“碎化”趋势愈演愈烈,弊端也日益明显。20世纪后期以来,人们逐渐意识到,对于复杂多维的国际政治现象,任何一种研究途径都有其合理性与有效性的限度,只能解决部分问题。国际关系的学科边界极为模糊,这就决定了依托不同的知识谱系,打破相关学科间的藩篱进行跨学科综合研究的重要性。以国际关系的历史研究与理论研究之关联这个基本问题为例,优秀的论著表明,理论思考可以卓越地体现在历史叙事之中,而历史实例的娴熟运用则能有力地支撑理论建构。但多年来国内这两类研究颇有一种相互隔绝甚至厚此薄彼的倾向历史家常常只摆事实不讲“道理”,认为国际关系不过是对外政策及其实践之总和,并无抽象理论可言;理论家则言“义理”而罔顾事实,视历史研究为小道,结果把理论架空。有鉴于此,本刊特约请国内几位国际关系研究者,围绕几个具体研究领域来共同探讨这一主题。讨论的目的当然并非刻意高抬传统人文主义或任何单一研究途径的价值,而只是提醒人们举凡学术研究,无不靠事实与理论相互联系共同推进。历史研究是一切人文社会科学研究的基础,历史  相似文献   

赫伯特·斯宾塞虽然在国际关系思想领域的并不著名,但在他的思想中确有一些国际关系思想,并与国际关系思想的理想主义与现实主义两大流派都有所契合。尽管他被人诟病,但更多程度上是源于人们对他的误解。就本人看来,斯宾塞的思想在今天是不容忽视的。  相似文献   

孙洋 《攀登》2008,27(2):70-73
康德哲学在西方哲学史上起着“承前启后”的作用。康德在近代哲学史上恰似一个处于贮水池地位的人:以前的哲学皆流向康德,以后的哲学又是从康德这里流出。作为德国古典哲学的开创者,康德哲学的地位和意义是显而易见的。马克思主义哲学中关于“人的主观能动性的原理”和“实践观点”就直接受到了康德哲学的启示,康德哲学在西方哲学史和德国古典哲学中的地位非常重要,其对马克思主义哲学的影响意义更应给予重视。  相似文献   

康德作为德国古典哲学的先驱和典范,他所发起的"哥白尼式的革命"不仅是一场认识论的革命,而且是一场人性思想的革命。他从先验唯心主义的立场出发,把人的本质归结到先验理性上,他的这一理性主义人性观的思想来源可最早追溯到古希腊哲学的理性主义传统。休谟哲学和莱布尼茨哲学作为康德哲学的直接出发点,也为康德人性观的确立提供了直接的来源。  相似文献   

国际关系学的研究与教学中有着"一套正统的"基准时间(benchmark date):1500年、1648年、1919年、1945年和1989年。笔者认为,国际关系学者需要对这些作为内外参照物的正统基准时间进行质问,对基准时间被确立的方式进行批判性思考,并对基准时间进行修正,以便能够更好地反应宏观历史中的国际动态。第一部分对建构该学科自我认知的正统基准时间进行质疑。第二和第三部分讨论成为基准时间的资格与原因。我们从主流国际关系理论(现实主义、自由主义、建构主义/英国学派和社会学研究途径)对基准时间进行了分类,并总结其标准。第四部分进而建构了一套可以拓宽学科理论与历史视野的修正后的基准时间。我们设计了一种基准时间评级的方式,并针对近期的候选者提出了一种获得基准时间资格的方法,从而对该学科的基本时间点进行批判性思考提供了更好的启发。一套修正后的基准时间能够帮助国际关系的重心从关注战争与和平的动力转移到关注更为宽广的宏观历史动态上。  相似文献   

作为历史学科的一个重要分支,改革开放以来,我国的国际关系史研究取得了突破性进展,无论是宏观体系阐释,还是微观个案研究,无论是国际关系史的理论探索,还是档案材料的发掘和解读,对比改革开放之前,都有了一个质的飞跃和提升。对于国际关系学、国际政治学等学科的发展和进步也产生了重大影响。具体体现在研究机构的设立、研究领域的拓展和学术交流的加深等方面。  相似文献   

郭永虎 《世界历史》2006,(6):138-140
现代主流国际关系研究通常将签订于1648年的《威斯特伐利亚和约》视为欧洲国际体系的开端。1648年和《威斯特伐利亚和约》作为一种时间坐标对国际关系研究影响可谓深远,以至于形成了该领域研究的威斯特伐利亚模式。虽然该模式在国际关系研究领域仍居于主导地位,但同时它也存在着自身的局限性。一方面,它使得多数国际关系理论被无意识地锁定在相对狭隘的欧洲和西方历史的范围之内,这意味着不同于欧洲和西方的文化和历史基本上被排除在国际关系理论的建构之外;另一方面,它在某种程度上干扰了国际关系学对1500年前的世界的整体考察,而且它还严…  相似文献   

蒙古国地缘特性及其国际关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陆俊元 《人文地理》2000,15(4):38-41
在国际关系格局中,从力量和影响来看,蒙古不是一个十分有地位的国家。然而,由于蒙古国的地缘政治位置的特殊性,在大国战略关系中,蒙古就象一个砝码,它能使亚太战略结构的天平产生倾斜。蒙古对中国、俄罗斯、美国、日本等大国均有重大战略价值,它的对外政策取向将对这些大国之间构成的复杂的战略关系产生深刻影响。同时,蒙古处于有关大国之间形成的地缘政治结构中,蒙古的国家战略和对外关系受到大国关系的严重制约,具有清晰的地缘政治特点与模式。  相似文献   

最近几十年来,国际关系学科经历了机构的急剧增长和前所未有的知识拓展。然而,与地理学、社会学、历史学和比较文学这些邻近的学科不同,它仍然没有生成能够影响整个人文科学的"大思想"。为何会出现这一情形?对此有何应对之策?本文分三个方面予以阐释:首先,回溯了国际关系学作为政治学分支的持久性界定问题;其次,指出应依据自身学科相互关联的问题群——即(社会)多样性的重要性来重新确定国际关系学的基础;最后表明重新确定国际关系学基础如何开启了它的跨学科潜力。具体而言,"不平衡与综合发展"提供了国际关系学的"大思想"可以传播到其他学科的一个范例,因为通过把多样性的意义付诸实践,它揭示了"国际"对于作为一个整体的社会世界的因果意义和构成意义。  相似文献   

2007年4月13-15日,首都师范大学历史系世界史学科主办了以“世界历史上的文明:文化的比较与交流”为主题的学术研讨会,来自全国各地五十多个高等院校、研究机构、学术期刊和出版社的一百二十多名专家学者出席了本次盛会。学者们围绕着世界文明进程中的战争与和平、不同文明/文化对国际关系的影响、文化与现代化进程的关系、文明交流的机制等方面展开了多层次、多角度的讨论,并对“全球化”、“全球史观”和“全球史”等世界史教学和研究的理论前沿问题进行了深入探讨。本期刊发几位学者提交研讨会的文章,意在进一步推动相关问题的研究向深度和广度发展。[编者按]  相似文献   


The aim of this article is to explore in what respects Thomas Hobbes may be regarded as foundational in international thought. It is evident that in contemporary international relations theory he has become emblematic of a realist tradition, but as David Armitage suggests this was not always the case. I want to suggest that it is only in a very limited sense that he may be regarded as a foundational thinker in international relations, and for reasons very different from those for which he has become infamous. In the early histories of international thought Hobbes is a cameo figure completely eclipsed by Grotius. In early histories of political literature, the classic jurists were often acknowledged for their remarkable contributions to international relations, but Hobbes is referred to exclusively as a philosopher of a positvist ethics and absolute sovereignty. It is among the jurists themselves that Hobbes is believed to have made important conceptual moves which set the problems for international thought for the next three centuries. He conflates natural law and the law of nations, arguing that they differ only in their subjects—the former individuals, the latter nations or states. This entailed transforming the sovereign into an artificial man, not in the Roman Law sense of an entity capable of suing and being sued; rather, as a subject not party to a contract, but created by a contract among individuals who confer upon it authority. This subject is not constrained by the contractors, but is, as individuals were in the state of nature, constrained by the equivalent of natural law, the law of nations in the international context. Throughout, the methodological implications are drawn for modern historians of political thought and political philosophers who venture to theorise about international relations.  相似文献   


In early and prehistoric times, human groups cooperated among themselves and competed viciously with other groups. Concepts of international relations, notably universal hegemony and exclusive nationalism, go back to the earliest recorded history. Only the ancient Greeks experienced inter-state relations somewhat analogous to those of modern Europe; and the first reflections on these may be found in Thucydides. The Greeks, and later the Romans, above all Cicero, developed a notion of cosmopolitanism. During the Latin Middle Ages, the papacy perpetuated the idea of universal hegemony. The principle of state sovereignty was also formulated. The pre-modern Chinese empire was held to rule ‘all-under-Heaven’; Confucian ethics contributes the notion of humanity (ren) as the fundamental category. Muslims deepened the us–them distinction by claiming sole legitimacy for their religious community under the Caliph (Deputy of Muhammad). Today, Muslims veer between this and a more Western approach to international relations.  相似文献   

何平 《史学月刊》2002,(9):14-17
何伟亚的《怀柔远人:清代的宾礼与1793年马嘎尔尼使团》引发了一场关于后现代主义方法论的争论。何伟亚对其书题目和一些重要清史料的“误读”折射出了后现代主义对分析历史本复杂意义层结构所持的令人深思的理论。何伟亚对具体史料的解读是否准确是可以继续争论的,然而,他从“历史诗学”的角度,对马嘎尔尼使华失败背景和原因的新诠释可能会有助于破解清代占优势地位的政治化心理及其符码。  相似文献   


International intellectual history—the intellectual history of the international and an internationalised intellectual history—has recently emerged as one of the most fertile areas of research in the history of ideas. This article responds to eight essays inspired by my own contribution to this field in Foundations of Modern International Thought (2013). It engages with their positive achievements regarding the recovery of other foundations for modern international thought: for example, in theology, historiography and gender history. It addresses some of the methodological problems arising from the search for foundations, notably anachronism, presentism and diffusionism. It expands on others' arguments about the international thought of Hobbes and Locke and the limits of cosmopolitanism. Finally, it points the way forward for international intellectual history as a collaborative, interdisciplinary, transnational and transtemporal enterprise.  相似文献   


This essay provides an overview of the disciplinary and analytical significance of David Armitage's Foundations of Modern International Thought in the context of the new international history, and the so-called ‘international turn’. It then goes on to discuss the significance of the absence of women in this new sub-field of intellectual history.  相似文献   


In Foundations of Modern International Thought, David Armitage provides a genealogy of the multiple foundations of international political thought. But he also enables political theorists to reflect on the nature of the pluralisation of our concepts: that is, the way various components come together (or apart) in particular circumstances to form a concept that either becomes dominant or is rendered to the margins. Armitage claims that concepts can ‘never entirely escape their origins’. In this paper I explore this claim from the perspective of contemporary debates about the nature of cosmopolitan political thought.  相似文献   

This article seeks to highlight the significant contribution of Latin American scholarship to the further promotion and understanding of more ‘global’ approaches to International Relations. It focuses on the immediate post-independence period and explores the internationalist perspective of Andres Bello, an enormously influential continental scholar, publicist, and political figure, whose work is little known outside South America. It argues that his contribution to International Relations broadly conceived, part of a wider regional contribution, cannot be neatly accommodated within either accounts of the expansion of international society or revisionist post-colonial thought. As such it is neither fully ‘Western’ nor ‘non-Western’. Analysing his contribution under three interrelated headings - international law, the problem of order and international co-operation - it argues that Bello's work needs to be examined on its own terms. Above all it provides an illustration of why we need to take more seriously Latin American thought as part of a wider movement to internationalise International Relations.  相似文献   

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