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About 50 years ago, people going into and out of Tibet could only rely on their own backs and pack-horses to transport something. Then,it would take more than 100 days to go to the hinterland from Lhasa, and a round trip would take about a year. The QinghaiTibet Railway will tell the world that the only region without a railway in China will soon lose this title. This is obviously an exciting and great event!  相似文献   

The State authority concerned gathered various expert opinions in order to develop an ecologically friendly railway. An appraisal meeting was held in Beijing, and the government of the Tibet Autonomous Region set up a leading group, headed by Leqoi, the  相似文献   

According to monitoring conducted byrelevant departments in charge of environmental protection in Qinghai and Tibet construction of the Qinghai Tibet  相似文献   

I have known old Toinzhub foryears. After only one meeting, heseemed to sense what was on mymind and could always talk aboutmy favorite subject. A day passesby slowly along with his sips of liquorand his vivid and detailed narration.That noon, I met the old man in thecourtyard and invited him to have a drinkand chat in my home. As the liquor tookhold, he began to talk freely of the eventsof the past forty years.In 1965, when the Tibet AutonomousRegion was founded, he was 21 and wasstudying …  相似文献   

About 50 years ago, people going into and out of Tibet could only rely on their own backs and pack-horses to transport something. Then, it would take more than 100 days to go to the hinterland from Lhasa, and a round trip would take about a year. The Qinghai-Tibet Railway will tell the world that the only region without a railway in China will soon lose this title. This is obviously an exciting and great event! Given the hard natural condition as well as many streams of people and cargos, it is still difficult to transport them by plane and automobile.  相似文献   

Editor's Note:Sun Yongfu is now vice-minister of railways. In 1962, when he graduated from the Department of Bridges and Tunnels of the Changsha Railway Institute of Hunan Province, he was assigned to work in the Zhengzhou Railway Bureau. In a survey of the bearing capacity of railway bridges, he examined bridges one by one from Zhengzhou in Henan Province to Wuhan in Hubei Province. On this basis, he produced the studies that made him famous and led to his promotion as one of the senior technical personnel. In the ensuing years, he participated in construction of a number of railways, including the Sichuan-Guizhou, Guizhou- Kunming, Chengdu-Kunming and Hunan-Guizhou lines. He also participated in the China-aided construction of the railway between Tanzania and Zambia. In 1984, Sun was promoted to be vice-minister of railways and was put in charge of national planning and construction. He presided over the construction of some 10,000 km of trunk line, including the Beijing-Kowloon, Datong-Qinhuangdao, Nanning-Kunming and Hengyang-Guangzhou railways. In early 2001, Premier Zhu Rongji proposed Sun to be the deputy head of the leading group for the construction of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, taking charge of the routine work. In the document Premier Zhu signed, Sun was allowed to enjoy treatment due to a minister (instead of a vice-minister). On June 29, 2001, when the inauguration ceremony for construction of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway was held in Lhasa,  相似文献   

I have known old Toinzhub for years. After only one meeting, he seemed to sense what was on my mind and could always talk about my favorite subject. A day passes by slowly along with his sips of liquor and his vivid and detailed narration.  相似文献   

Iinterviewed these most common and lovely women over a period of several days. They have sacrificed their love and friendship to the construction of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, plunging themselves into building railways on the ancient permafrost.  相似文献   

The collection of official war art housed in the Australian War Memorial has played an important role in shaping a memory of the First World War for almost a century. This article explores the importance of eyewitness testimony in the production of war paintings for the Memorial's collection during the interwar years. Focusing on the repainting of official artist Harold Septimus Power's canvas Saving the Guns of Robecq, it explores the reasons why—in the inevitably contested construction of memory—Charles Bean and John Treloar privileged veterans’ memories over artists’ interpretations of the conflict. It argues that in the process of memory making aesthetics mattered less than portraying the war in a way acceptable to the men who had experienced it.  相似文献   

In early November 2004, the TAR Federation of Trade Unions and its female workers committee cited female workers in the forefront of track-laying with the China Railway No. 11 Bureau Group. It was the first time for me to come to Amdo to interview this group of women who toil at an altitude of nearly 5,000 meters in disregard of freezing cold nights.  相似文献   

<正>V.Animal Skulls and Suppression of Evil Spirits As the sacrificial pits Nos.2,3,and 4 were excavated,more peculiar archaeological findings were unveiled in front of us.Underneath pit No.2,beneath two layers of stone chips,sixteen sets of animal skeletons,mostly skulls,with a small amount of  相似文献   

At present, Tibetan human rights are a hot topic amongst some people right around the world. On the face of it they sound plausible. But as a matter of fact, they have absolutely no idea of what “Old Tibet” (referring to the time before the peaceful liberation in 1951) was really like, how the Tibetan slaves/serfs lived in old Tibet and how they survived in an appalling lack of numan rights in those days.  相似文献   

Portugal was the second country in Western Europe to ratify the 2001 UNESCO Convention, a pivotal step that occurred on September 21, 2006. In 2000 the Portuguese delegation presented a statement in the UNESCO meeting for the draft Convention, the substance of which emphasises the protection and cooperation principles concerning the underwater cultural heritage rather than the issue of its possession. In 2008, the discovery of a sixteenth century Portuguese shipwreck near Oranjemund, Namibia, confirmed that the referred statement opened a premonitory strategic window for the conciliation of interests of States around such examples of common heritage.  相似文献   

Since the early 1990s, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has struggled to make Superfund, the program that addresses the nation's worst hazardous waste sites, "faster, fairer, and more efficient." Indeed, agency figures reflect substantial changes in recent years. Since 1993, over 500 Superfund sites have reached the "construction completion" stage in remediation. Comparatively, in the program's first 13 years, only 156 sites reached construction completion. This article explores why some Superfund sites are more likely to be remediated than others. We use survival analysis to empirically test three theoretical models of Superfund remedial progress: (1) Administrative Convenience/Transaction Costs; (2) Problem Severity; and (3) Political Pressure models. The results indicate that the EPA is more likely to tackle "easier" or low-risk sites within the program, community involvement in Superfund is associated with decreased remedial progress, and remedial action is more likely to occur when political oversight is present.  相似文献   


This is the last of three articles about the campaign to abate smoke in the cities of England which began early in the 19th century and culminated in the Clean Air Act 1956. It describes the third sustained wave of activity by lobbies for smoke abatement and the way the public conscience was raised to a level which made it practicable to bring in laws to control domestic as well as industrial smoke. The impediments to this evolution of public opinion were (a) social: the Englishman's sentimental attachment to an inefficient and wasteful way to heat and cook in his home; (b) technological: the practical difficulties in producing a solid smokeless fuel which could be used in an open grate; and (c) administrative: the difficulties in enforcing laws against smoke when smoke could be neither defined nor measured with the precision necessary in a court of law.  相似文献   

March 10, 2004 was an unusual day. A King Gesar singing party was being held in a packed hall. Inside, the balladeers were singing and King Gesar experts were making explanations, while, outside, many oth-ers, including foreign embassy officials,were waiting for a chance to enter.  相似文献   

The world knows China is building a railway from Qinghai to Tibet, a project that began in the early days of this new century. The Tibetans hail it as a golden bridge. How much progress has been made in this regard? Beginning with this issue, we will devote some space to this subject.  相似文献   

A model of the auroral backscatter amplitude, in the form discussed by Uspensky and Oksman et al., has been derived for the radar geometry appropriate to joint observations by the PGI auroral radars at Karmaselga and Essoyla and the EISCAT incoherent scatter radar. The model shows how refraction effects cause a strongly non-linear dependence of backscatter amplitude on electron density in the E-region. It also explains why the macro aspect sensitivity for auroral radar operating at a frequency of about 45 MHz is only 1–2 dB per degree for aspect angles greater than 5°.  相似文献   

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