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苗长虹 《人文地理》2006,21(6):97-103
20世纪70年代末期以来,“产业区”作为经济全球化背景下世界经济发展中最具有活力的区域而受到学术界的高度重视。伴随着研究的深入,相继形成了一些侧重点有所不同的理论学派,如弹性专业化学派、新的产业空闻学派、创新环境学派、产业集群学派、区域创新系统学派、第二级城市学派辱。本文重点阚释了各个学派的产生与发展过程、理论基础和主要观点,分析了各个学派的优点及其局限性,在此基础上探讨了通过学习型产业区的理论建构而对这些学派进行互补、整合的基本途径。  相似文献   

Curry has raised some new and important issues concerning the value of the idealist philosophy in geography, and his paper makes a significant contribution to a clearer understanding of this approach. Although in his final judgment Curry comes down hard on my position, declaring it to be 'fundamentally misguided,' his actual view of idealism is more ambivalent and not nearly as clear-cut as the words 'fundamentally misguided' might suggest. This is revealed by his defence of the position in the earlier part of the paper and his mild treatment of Collingwood, on whose book The Idea of History much of my own position is based.1 There are also parts of Curry's paper that would seem compatible with idealism as I understand it, and with some clarifications and modifications to both our positions a basis of broad agreement between us would appear to exist.  相似文献   

At the end of his review essay occasioned by 'the appearance of Margarita Bowen's Empiricism and Geographical Thought: From Francis Bacon to Alexander von Humboldt ,' J. A. May wrote: I think  相似文献   

许娟  程励 《人文地理》2020,35(6):149-160
社区对旅游的满意度评价是乡村旅游目的地可持续发展的重要观测维度。而对满意度影响的相关研究通常采用线性因果模型展开,对其复杂性关系研究不足。本文采用基于复杂性理论的模糊集定性比较分析方法(fsQCA),构建了以人口统计学、旅游共享感知、社区归属和居民生活质量为主要影响因素的居民旅游满意度复杂理论模型。选取成都市三道堰所辖惠里社区和青杠树村进行实证研究,获得了18条高旅游满意度和13条低旅游满意度因果组合路径,发现高水平和低水平旅游满意度的前因变量具有异质性和复杂性,其在不同的旅游满意度预测中可能产生正向、负向影响或不出现,并且没有一个单一因素导致高或低水平居民旅游满意度,两种或两种以上的因素组合可以实现旅游满意度的高分或低分。  相似文献   

In his article ‘Some notes on the geography of tourism,’ Britton raises a number of interesting issues about this relatively new branch of geography. Certainly he makes a thoughtful contribution to the discussion of the concepts, viability, and tasks of the geography of tourism, but there are points on which I disagree with him. I will address them through two main themes: the costs and benefits of tourism, and the conceptual questions of the geography of tourism.  相似文献   

The generally accepted view that material-intensive industries tend to gravitate toward raw-material sources is analyzed in the case of the USSR. Primary processing is found to gravitate toward raw-material sources mainly in underdeveloped parts of the country. In the developed zone (European USSR, Urals, Transcaucasia), a significant spatial gap has developed between primary processing activities and raw-material sources as the original local resources become depleted and the industry must draw increasingly on long-haul raw materials. Several industrial groups are distinguished in terms of the pull of resource sites. In view of the current trend toward greater concentration of production (for cost-benefit reasons) and the growing volumes of production per establishment, primary processing establishments are usually dependent on more than one resource site, and this also tends to increase the length of haul. At the same time, the distribution of fuels, energy and water resources is assuming greater significance and tends to pull such industries as iron and steel, nonferrous metals, pulp and paper as well as petroleum refining toward the eastern areas of the USSR. The controversy over the location of a new integrated iron and steel plant based on ore from the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly is recalled.  相似文献   

Rural housing conditions and needs across Canada are as complex as the rural landscape itself, yet within the research literature rural housing is often treated as a single and unproblematic unit. This paper makes two arguments about rural housing research in Canada. The first is that the ‘rural’ is a complex housing landscape, not simply an undifferentiated ‘other’ in comparison to urban housing. The second is that this complexity has important implications for assessing changes to the local housing stock. The empirical content of the paper is drawn from three study areas in Canada where there is a mix of rural / agricultural and cottage area properties. Questions of housing stock change within these rural-recreational countryside examples are examined using questionnaire and building permit data. The findings presented here support the contention that the rural landscape is in fact a complex housing landscape, and also support the view that unless this complexity is recognized, a coherent portrait of rural housing will not emerge. Les conditions et les besoins d'habitations rurales au Canada, sont aussi complexes que le paysage lui-même, même si la littérature traite I'habitat rural en tant qu'unité“unique, dénuée de problèmes. Cet article présente deux arguments concernant la recherche sur I'habitat rural au Canada. En premier lieu, ‘rural’ decrit un paysage contenant des habitations complexes et pas simplement une ‘autre chose’ non-déstincte par rapport a I'habitat urbain. Deuxidmèment, cette complexité a des conséquences importantes qui ont un rapport avec les changements dans I'inventaire local des habitations. Le contenu de l'article est basé sur trois Études de cas au Canada où il y a un mélange de propriétés rurales, agricoles et vacancyères. Les questions concernant le changement dans I'inventaire des habitations pour ces examples ruraux et vacanciers, sont reliées à des donnés de questionnaires et aux permis de construction. Les résultats présentés ici, confirment l'argument qu'un paysage rural est en fait un paysage complexe d'habitations. lis confirment aussi I'idée qu'un portrait cohérent de I'habitat rural n'apparaitra pas, sauf si cette complexity est reconnue.  相似文献   

上海创意产业园区的空间分异研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
褚劲风 《人文地理》2009,24(2):23-28
创意产业园区是一种新的生产空间组织,90年代末以来在一些国际著名大都市中发展迅速。本文试图通过分析上海创意产业集聚园区的空间分布特点和形成机理,研究上海创意产业集聚的时空变化规律。研究表明,上海创意产业园区的分布具有以下两个特点:由黄浦江和内环线围合而成的半环状地带和苏州河沿岸地带,因传统的老工业区,老仓库、老厂房分布集中,伴随传统工业逐步迁出市区,这些旧城建筑为创意产业的发展提供了理想的地理空间;东北、西南地区是大学集中分布地带,是知识溢出的空间,知识型创意产业园区相对比较集中。上海创意产业集聚空间的规律,折射出上海创意产业发展的道路。  相似文献   

产业集群现已成为发展区域经济和增强区域竞争力最有效的途径之一。然而,如何识别和选择产业集群则是困扰决策者和研究者的主要技术问题。本文在分析国内外产业集群相关研究方法的基础上,以陕西省为例,综合应用LQ法和基于投入产出表的主成分分析法,尝试性地进行了区域产业集群的识别与选择研究,结论显示LQ法和基于投入产出表的主成分分析法可以很好地体现产业集群的"空间联系"和"功能联系"。  相似文献   

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