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Waelti‐Walters, J. and Hause, S.C., Feminisms of the Belle Epoque: A Historical and Literary Anthology (University of Nebrasaka Press, 1994), 338pp., £40 hbk, £15.99 pbk, ISBN 0 8032 9748 3

Moses, G. and Rabine, L.W., Feminism, Socialism, and French Romanticism (Indiana University Press, 1993), 372pp., £35 hbk., £15.99 pbk., ISBN 0 253 20818 1  相似文献   

Using asymptotic expansions of the hydrodynamic equations in the Rossby number and the method of multiple time scales, we derive approximate expressions for the inhomogeneous “forcing” terms which describe the continuous generation of inertio-gravity waves by quasi-geostrophic motions. As a result of numerical modelling applied to the evolution of tropospheric meso- and macro-scale wave sources, the values of these forcing terms are estimated. A three-dimensional numerical simulation of wave propagation from a mesometeorological tropospheric eddy into the upper atmosphere was done to estimate the gravity wave response to the sources described. The results of the calculations show that the most part of the wave energy propagates quasi-horizontally carried by two-dimensional inertio-gravity waves. At the same time, a part of the energy is transported into the upper atmosphere by internal-gravity waves which can create regions of wave disturbance in the upper atmosphere at considerable distances from the source site. The amplitudes of these waves increase with increasing intensity and decreasing time scales of the wave sources and can reach the values observed in the upper atmosphere.  相似文献   

The generation mechanism of electric fields in the middle atmosphere based on the interaction between charged aerosol particles and an updrafting air flow is considered. Due to the gravity force there occurs a relative motion of air and aerosol particles which excites electric space charge waves. The mechanism is analogous to that of the resistive beam-plasma instability. It is shown that the most favourable conditions for the instability are realized at heights of 80–90 km in regions where the electron density is relatively low and heavy ions are predominant. Estimates are given for the aerosol component parameters which are necessary for the instability to be switched on.  相似文献   


Future uses of fossil fuels (particularly natural gas), nuclear power, and renewable sources of energy such as hydroelectric and biomass, as well as solar and wind power, are reviewed. Looking further into the future, ocean power sources and possibilities for gravitational energy are identified.  相似文献   

The concept of human security, while much contested in both academic and policy debates, and highly fragmented across different meanings and forms of implementation, offers a potential locus around which global security discourse might converge, particularly in light of current shifts in US security thinking. However, key pioneers of human security, such as the United Nations and Canada, appear to be losing their enthusiasm for the concept, just at the moment when others such as the European Union, are advancing a human security agenda. This article examines the divergence of human security narratives between the UN and the EU. It argues that the UN's use of the concept ran aground owing to a triple problematic of lack of clarity, confusion between previously distinct policy streams on human rights and human development and conceptual overstretch. After assessing the EU experience with the concept to date, the article argues that future use of human security will require greater focus on how it deepens ideas of individual security, rather than treating it as an agenda for broadening security. As well as a need to project clarity on the conceptual definition of human security, there is also a need to associate human security with greater clarity of intent. If successful, this would contribute to establishing second generation human security as a new policy paradigm.  相似文献   

In the aggregate, acoustic gravity waves in the F-region constitute a spectrum of geophysical noise extending from the frequencies involved in diurnal variations up to the Brunt-Väisälä buoyancy frequency. They drive a roughly uniform power spectrum of travelling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs) with vertical scales of the order of the atmospheric scale height H and with horizontal scales extending from the radius of the Earth down to H. It has been known since the 1950s that this permits multiple normals onto the F-region from an ionosonde, thereby creating the multiple-trace type of spread F on ionograms. At shorter scales the spectrum of TIDs decreases in strength and, below the mean free path of the neutral atmosphere, creates a spectrum of plasma turbulence aligned along the Earth's magnetic field. Progressively shorter scales are responsible for phase scintillation, for amplitude scintillation and for blur-type spread F on ionograms. A weak extension of the spectrum to scales less than the ion gyroradius is responsible for spread F and transequatorial propagation in the VHF band. Under evening conditions in equatorial regions a band of TIDs with wavelengths of the order of 600 km can, at times, have a phase velocity that matches the drift velocity of the plasma (Röttger 1978). This band of TIDs is then amplified until it breaks (Klostermeyer 1978). The associated explosive increase in plasma turbulence creates the plume phenomenon discovered by Woodmn and La Hoz (1976).  相似文献   

EISCAT measurements of the electric field in the auroral electrojet are compared with the signature of TIDs propagating equatorward as observed by an HF-Doppler network. At night-time the onset of auroral activity is usually followed by the arrival of a TID at lower latitude. Cross-correlation of the time variations of the electric field measured by EISCAT and the frequency offset recorded by the HF-Doppler system confirms a relationship between the auroral activity and the gravity wave, indicating both the travel time and the periodicity of the wave. The relationship is especially close under quiet conditions when the cross-correlation coefficient is typically 60%, significant at 0.1%. When the observed electric field is used as input to a thermosphere-ionosphere coupled global model it predicts the time signature of the observed HF-Doppler variation reasonably well but seriously underestimates the amplitude of the disturbance. Examination of this discrepancy may lead to a better understanding of the mechanisms involved in the generation and propagation of atmospheric gravity waves.  相似文献   

马学勤 《攀登》2004,23(5):13-16
加强党的执政能力建设.是事关党和国家长治久安的带有全局性、根本性和长期性的重大课题。党的第三代领导集体在创造性地实施党的建设新的伟大工程的实践中.对执政能力建设问题进行了锲而不舍的探索。认真研完第三代领导集体对党的执政能力建设思想的重大贡献.对于我们进一步贯彻落实“三个代表”重要思想,从根本上加强执政党能力建设,巩固党的执政地位,具有十分重大的意义。  相似文献   

文章主要从马克思主义的历史唯物论和中国近代的历史事实论证了中国资产阶级是和工人阶级同时产生的,以及资产阶级的形成过程.文章首先从历史唯物主义理论论证了工人阶级和资产阶级是同一对矛盾中的对立统一关系,是从小生产者的分化中同时产生的,不分先后.接着从中国历史事实指出:中国最早的工人阶级虽然受雇于外国资本家,但不是由外国资本家直接雇佣的,而是通过中国买办雇佣并由买办直接管理的,买办与外国资本家结合在一起,对中国工人实施剥削.因此中国买办就是资产阶级,故与工人阶级同时期产生.文章最后阐述了资产阶级的成长壮大过程:1869年以后一些地主、官僚、富商投资民营企业和洋务派的民用企业,使资产阶级队伍有所壮大.随着戊戌维新的开展和辛亥革命派的形成,标志着资产阶级上层和中下层已相继觉醒,登上政治舞台,逐步成为自为的阶级.  相似文献   


Education-motivated migration from East Asia is regarded as a family capital accumulation project where middle class families reproduce their socioeconomic advantage at a transnational level. This study focuses on one-child generation migrants from mainland China who came to study in the UK as teenagers or young adults but remained to work as professionals after their education. Caught between the British social/employment system and the Chinese family system, the one-child migrants showed a fragmented sense of belonging and a high level of uncertainty in the migration plan. The pervasive Confucian family culture in these transnational families also calls for an expanded conceptualisation of the term ‘children’ and a long-term observation of their mobility curve in the project. This paper incorporates rational motivation with human complexity in the context of transnational reality, thus it contributes to a more nuanced understanding of changing intergenerational relationships in the transnational family capital accumulation project.  相似文献   

During the Worldwide Atmospheric Gravity-wave Study (WAGS) in October 1985, the EISCAT incoherent scatter radar was used to observe the generation of atmospheric gravity waves in the auroral zone in conjunction with a network of magnetometers and riometers. At the same time a chain of five ionosondes, an HF-Doppler system, a meteor radar and a radio telescope array were used to monitor any waves propagating southwards over the U.K.The EISCAT measurements indicated that in the evening sector both Joule heating and Lorentz forcing were sufficiently strong to generate waves, and both frequently showed an intrinsic periodicity caused by periodic variation in the magnetospheric electric field.Two occasions have been examined in detail where the onset of a source with intrinsic periodicity was followed by a propagating wave of the same period which was detected about an hour later, travelling southwards at speeds of over 300 m s−1, by the ionosondes and the HF-Doppler radar. In both cases the delay in arrival was consistent with the observed velocity, which suggests a direct relationship between a source in the auroral zone and a wave observed at mid-latitude.  相似文献   

The expansive use of armed unmanned combat aerial vehicles (UCAV), or ‘drones’, by the United States over the past decade has occurred within a particular strategic context characterized by irregular warfare operations in permissive environments. Ongoing strategic, ethical and moral debates regarding specific uses of drones may well be overtaken by a new generation of armed combat drones able to survive and operate in contested airspace with design elements such as stealth and greater levels of machine autonomy. These design parameters, and the likely strategic context within which second generation UCAVs will be deployed, suggest a fundamentally different set of missions from those performed by the current generation of drones. The most beneficial characteristic of current unmanned systems has been the ability to combine persistent surveillance with the delivery of small precision‐guided munitions. With a shift to more contested environments, this type of armed surveillance mission may become less practical and second generation UCAVs will instead focus on high intensity warfare operations. These new systems may have significant implications for deterrence, force doctrine and the conduct of warfare.  相似文献   

International adoption relocates minors, and only minors, from one country to another. The centrality of age to adoptive migration may prevent us from seeing the significance of generation: the prospective parent's age is also examined and evaluated for its relationship to the child's age and what this relationship will mean for the creation of a family. Because international adoption results in children crossing borders to enter new kinship formations, the assumptions under which it operates require closer geographical analysis. Generation, or the age range that separates dependents and their caretakers, is a significant but unstated motivator of international adoption policies and practices. This article argues that a normative and biologized sense of intergenerational difference is embedded in international adoption. The presence of generational ideology in national laws and international norms regarding international adoption demonstrate a broader sense in which policies situate more privileged families as acceptable and others as inadequate. I draw material for this analysis from both legal documents and documents which aim to provide interpretation of those laws, with reference to international adoptions from Peru.  相似文献   

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