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ABSTRACT. For many years, regional scientists, economists, and geographers have been unable to clarify the influence of economic diversity on unemployment and instability in regional economies of the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada. This article presents plausible theory, proper units of analysis, valid measures, and more inclusive models of the diversity-stability relationship. The findings are generalizable because the sample includes most metropolitan areas in the U.S. The empirical analysis estimates the influence of diversity, employment concentrated in unstable industries, population size, growth rate, and control variables on unemployment and employment instability during the 1972–88 period. The results indicate that metropolitan areas which are more diverse experience lower unemployment rates and less instability than areas which are less diverse.  相似文献   

云南横断山区的多样性与可持续发展的案例研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
横断山区是我国自然环境、生物、民族社会、文化、经济最为复杂多样的区域。多样性是国家和民族的财富。人类的持续发展离不开多样性。自然生物多样性和民族社会文化多样性各具特色。横断山区的多样性要采取开发性保护和保护性的开发。在民族地区要开发民族文化力,建立既能固守文化传统,又能适应现代化道路的民族文化发展模式。通过民族文化力来协调人与地的关系。保证横断山区多样性永存和社会经济的持续发展。  相似文献   

Vicky  邢峥摄 《世界》2012,(6):20-21
周一到周五专注工作,周六、日必须留给家庭,重庆女人戴兵在这个行业摸爬滚打了而是二十多年,已趋事业巅峰,在事业与家庭的平衡中依然游刃有余,她喜欢用的一个口头语是:纯粹。纯粹而真诚,成功之路就此铺就。  相似文献   

本文论述职能开发、领域开发以及内发开发、外发开发的接近方式,比较分析其理论基础、执行手段及期待效果,提出能够简便地分析区域开发战略的理论框架  相似文献   

We are becoming increasingly aware of regional data patterning in the archaeological record of Prepalatial Crete, yet a theoretically informed and methodologically systematic study assessing the significance of such differences is still lacking. This article investigates variation through the rich mortuary record of the period and explores the significance of such diversity for our understanding of Prepalatial Crete. A detailed analysis using mortuary data reveals a complex spatial and temporal variation in the record which raises questions about social, political and ideological differences between communities on the island during the early periods of the Early Bronze Age. Prepalatial Crete emerges from this analysis as a complex context resulting from an intricate combination of local and regional histories and trajectories and far from the unified culture that the term 'Minoan' implies.  相似文献   

为贯彻"居民所需要"的环境规划,实施机关应妥善处理民众各向度的差异性,以实践环境永续发展的原意。本研究由经济学"新自由正义"提倡之"差异原则",探讨小区居民的差异性与"参与式环境规划"之关系,及应思考的处理原则。研究案例为"台北市五分埔小区",进行访谈及问卷调查,调查对象包括店家、住家的居民。进行变异数显著性检定,检验居民小区意识与参与环境规划之间的关系,进而检讨"参与式环境规划"因应之"差异原则"。  相似文献   

粤闽赣边客家文化地域差异与旅游合作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
客家人是在中国历史上的中原人南迁到南方后,逐步形成的独立民系。位于粤、闽、赣边区的梅州、龙岩、赣州是中国客家人最集中的居住区域,在当今发展旅游的热潮中,三地都把客家文化作为最重要的旅游产品进行开发。三地的客家文化具有一定的差异性:(1).客家民居主要表现为外形及功能的差异;(2)因各地自然条件和地域文化不同,客家美食主要表现为材料和制作方法的差异;(3)客家山歌具有唱腔特色和歌唱内容的差异;(4)因农耕文化、海洋文化影响程度的不同带来客家名人的差异。在发展旅游过程中,粤、闽、赣三地出现了客家文化地位、旅游产品种类和质量的竞争。应避免和减少恶性竞争,珍惜宝贵的客家文化旅游资源,共同培育优秀的客家文化旅游产品,进行广泛的旅游合作;同时,强化各自符合自身地域和发展历史的特色,开发客家文化旅游特色产品,达到三地旅游持续、健康发展。  相似文献   

正The Summit Cafe is one of the most popular cafes in Lhasa.Since it started in 2005,it has expanded to three stores now.In addition to the concise style dining environment,the fragrant fresh coffee,and the authentic western cuisine,the great service especially attracts lots of return customers.Douglas,who originally comes from California,is the founder of the Summit  相似文献   

李晓莉 《人文地理》2010,25(1):118-122
美国国家家公园管理水平世界领先,运用归纳、描述方法介绍了休闲土地管理中的三个模型:休闲机会图谱(ROS)、可接受改变极限(LAC)、游客体验与资源保护(VWRP)的应用理念、设置要素、标准及管理过程,提出游客休闲体验与资源保护之间的矛盾可以通过"管理设置"而得到统一和实现,并指出公益性理念、模型的科学运用及多方参与的管理机制是美国国家公园成功的关键所在。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper identifies the impact of cultural diversity on local economies, by explaining spatial disparities in wages and housing prices across Dutch cities using unique individual panel data of homeowners during the period 1999 and 2008. We distinguish between the effects of spatial sorting based on individual heterogeneity, interactions‐based productivity effects, and consumer amenities while controlling for interactions between the labor and housing market. In line with previous literature, we find a positive effect of cultural diversity on average housing prices. After controlling for spatial sorting, the effect of cultural diversity on housing prices is negative. The negative impact of cultural diversity on local housing markets is likely driven by a causal effect between the presence of immigrants and neighborhood quality that outweighs a positive effect of immigrant‐induced diversity in consumption goods.  相似文献   

利益主体多元化背景下的区域经济一体化   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
安筱鹏 《人文地理》2003,18(5):61-64
区域经济一体化是经济发展的客观要求,中国区域经济一体化进程滞后已成为影响整个经济持续发展的重要因素。改革开放的过程是多元利益主体形成的过程,在现有的制度体系内,追求地方利益的最大化成为影响区域经济一体化进程的重要阻力。区域经济一体化需要均衡的利益格局,制度变迁是实现利益均衡的重要途径。  相似文献   

The author extends his earlier work on the concept of a support framework for settlement (i.e., interconnected linear and nodal elements supporting the activities and needs of population within the settlement system), developed initially for the Caucasus region, to the entire country. A five-level hierarchy of urban nodes, ranging from highly developed agglomerations to small and medium-sized cities, is proposed, which is used to analyze the level of urban support provided in the major economic regions of the USSR. (Translated by Jay Mitchell, PlanEcon, Inc., Washington, DC 20005.)  相似文献   

多样性、创造力与城市增长   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
是经济多样性或是产业专业化更有利于技术创新和城市增长是近几年来学界争论的问题。传统的研究方法,多利用经济分类(包括标准产业分类和专利分类)数据来探究产业构成与知识溢出和经济增长之间的因果关系,但这种方法并不能清晰地说明不同环境下知识溢出的具体过程,从而对有关争论无法给出令人信服的结论。本文通过比较人造事物与自然生物的演化差异,发现人类创造力的特性与技术创新的本质在于把现有的、以前不相关的资源或技术进行有效的组合。虽然专业化城市在特定城市体系中也能够促进技术创新及经济增长,但从单体城市的层面看,产业多样性较专业化不仅有利于各种不相关的事物的组合,而且还能提供创新者所需的企业家精神氛围和更大的集聚经济,因此更利于城市的长期增长。  相似文献   

Theory is crucial but has become boring and unintelligible; it is often ignored by most professionals. Archaeology must include a foundation of culture history, processual science, and postprocessual imagination and counteraction of bias. Further, all archaeology should aim for public aspects and practical applications. Theoretical writing must be clear and avoid pretension. Gender bias in Southeastern archaeology is one of the worst distortions of the prehistoric record for what were probably matrilineal societies. Diverse humanistic approaches from many (including non-archaeological) viewpoints can provide worthwhile avenues for investigation with new scientific tools. Narrow interpretive frameworks should be avoided in favor of the delightful banquet of multiple simultaneous or blended approaches.  相似文献   

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