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The analysis of dietary traits of ungulates through tooth microwear and mesowear has been applied to archaeological sites to investigate seasonal changes in settlements by hunter–gatherers. In this paper we propose to test the hypothesis that tooth microwear (combined to mesowear) is able to indicate seasonality in the diet of extant ungulates in arid habitats (semi-deserts or steppe). The material analyzed comes from six faunal monospecific assemblages of guanaco (Lama guanicoe) resulting from a mass mortality event in winter 2000 near the Cardiel Lake in Southern Patagonia (Province of Santa Cruz, Argentina). Mesowear results indicate that the guanacos from the Cardiel Lake area are mixed feeders, and thus, have a diet that shifts seasonally. Moreover, microwear analysis supports the hypothesis that tooth microwear is able to indicate seasonality in the diet of extant guanaco in arid habitats. The pattern is clear for the winter sample and needs to be confirmed for a summer sample. Consequently, tooth microwear is proposed as a new potential proxy for detecting seasonal occupation in archaeological sites in Patagonia and other arid environments.  相似文献   


Microwear analysis of pig teeth from the classical site of Sagalassos (SW Turkey) is undertaken to obtain insight into pig management strategies in this region from the 1st to 7th centuries AD. Earlier research on modern pigs revealed significant differences in microwear patterns between stall-fed and free-ranging, rooting individuals. A comparison of the microwear data of the Sagalassos pig with those from archaeological and modern pigs with a known or presumed type of management shows that the microwear of the Sagalassos pigs is very different. It is suggested that the Sagalassos pigs had a very soft, non-abrasive diet, that in the first instance cannot be attributed to either management type. Therefore, the nature of the substrate on which the animals were foraging and its impact on microwear are considered and the microwear data are compared with the results of previous archaeozoological research carried out at the site. Further, diachronic changes in microwear patterns are investigated.  相似文献   

Dental microwear texture analysis has proven to be a valuable tool for inferring aspects of subsistence behaviour in human groups and diet in other mammals. Studies have to date been limited to molar teeth. Here we report on the first microwear texture analysis of incisors. Five bioarcheological groups were included in this analysis: Aleuts from various islands in the Bering Sea (n = 24), Arikara from the Mobridge site in South Dakota (n = 18), ethnic Chinese cannery workers from Kodiak Island (n = 16), a Late Woodland Bluff sample from Jersey County, Illinois (n = 18) and Puye Pueblo from Pajarito Plateau in New Mexico (n = 18). First, point clouds with 0.18 µm lateral spacing and 0.005 µm vertical resolution were obtained from maxillary central incisor labial surfaces using a white‐light confocal profiler. Four adjoining fields were sampled for a total area of 276 µm × 204 µm for each specimen. Surface data were then imported into scale‐sensitive fractal analysis software for texture characterisation. Results indicate significant variation among groups in anisotropy, fill volume and heterogeneity. These differences are likely related to differences in diet, degrees and types of non‐dietary incisor use, as well as exposure to abrasives. This study also suggests that texture variables most useful for characterising and comparing incisor microwear may differ from those most useful for distinguishing molar microwear patterns. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A recent article by M. Newcomer, R. Grace & R. Unger-Hamilton published in the Journal of Archaeological Science (1986) takes a critical approach to the question of microwear polish. By means of blind tests and texture analysis by computer, the authors attempt to show that microwear polishes are not distinct from one another. The present review takes exception, not to criticism of microwear analysis, but to the faulty approach taken by Newcomer et al., which may engender a misunderstanding of functional analysis as a whole. A point-by-point critical review of Newcomer et al. indicates that their evidence is invalid and ought not to be taken as a measure of progress in microwear studies.  相似文献   

Stable isotope and dental microwear analyses are integrated to observe changes in plant food diet in east-central Mississippi. Dental specimens are compared from seven sites in Mississippi and one in Alabama ranging in time from the Archaic to the Protohistoric periods. Microwear analysis of phase II dental facets is performed and pit percentages, scratch length and width, and pit length and width are recorded. Analysis of variance statistical tests were performed between temporally contiguous sites. The results indicate that the size and frequency of microwear features decrease through time until the Protohistoric period where pit feature size and frequencies increase significantly. These results are then compared to stable isotope analysis to test whether the methods yield congruent results and to assess additional dietary changes, specifically the increased importance of nut foods. Carbon isotope analysis indicates differences in dietary maize use between the Mississippian and Protohistoric samples and dental microwear analysis show a significant increase in pit percentages and pit size, microwear features generally associated with hard food mastication. One important question addressed is whether there was a return in the Protohistoric period to naturally available resources, specifically hard foods such as nuts, a pattern observed at sites in Alabama and Arkansas. The use of secondary burials in the later Protohistoric period is examined as a possible cause for this microwear pattern. The study demonstrates the importance of integrating different methods when assessing dietary change, especially when ethnobotanical information is not available.  相似文献   

Dental microwear features in a sample of 10 human teeth from Tell Ashara and Tell Masaikh, two archaeological sites in the Middle Euphrates valley, Syria, were compared for possible evidence of a shift in grinding technology in Mesopotamia—parallel to the well-documented introduction of large rotary querns and watermills in the Graeco-Roman world. Two chronological subsets (Bronze Age, n = 4 and Late Roman/Islamic period, n = 6) differred substantially and features related to a more abrasive diet (broad lines, pits and punctures visible on SE micrographs) were significantly less frequent in the later subsample which may indicate that the shift in cereal grinding technology occured in Mesopotamia before the Late Roman period.  相似文献   

The objective for this study is to explore interspecific variations in domestic and wild ungulate diets and management at the Neolithic site of Kouphovouno (Sparta, southern Greece). We tested four hypotheses related to environmental context and livestock management using, for the first time, a combination of mesowear and microwear analyses on a Neolithic site. We identified interspecific differences between ungulate taxa, especially between wild and domestic ungulates, however there is no significant difference between Ovis and Capra. There is no diachronic change in diet from the Middle Neolithic to the Late Neolithic. Changes in animal utilization are not reflected in their diet. Whatever the purpose of the husbandry, animals had access to the same food resources. The study of dental wear patterns gave some insights regarding the management practices for the domestic livestock as well as paleoenvironment through the study of wild ungulates.  相似文献   

Our previous analysis of phytolith content of coprolites showed that calcium oxalate phytoliths from desert food plants caused dental microwear among prehistoric Texas hunter-gatherers. We demonstrated that phytoliths from desert succulents were ubiquitous and abundant in hunter-gatherer coprolites. We found that calcium oxalate phytoliths were harder than human dental enamel. We concluded that phytoliths from desert succulent plants caused dental microwear and hypothesized that such dental microwear would be common in other desert hunter-gatherer and horticultural peoples. Presented here are further analyses of phytoliths from coprolites. Two additional hunter-gatherer sites and three Ancestral Pueblo (Anasazi) horticultural sites are included in this study. Calcium oxalate phytoliths are ubiquitous in coprolites from hunter-gatherer sites in the Mojave Desert and the Colorado Plateau. For the three Ancestral Pueblo sites, calcium oxalate phytoliths from desert succulents (agave family and cactus family) are the most common types of phytoliths encountered. However, silica phytoliths are also present in Ancestral Pueblo coprolites. The data demonstrate that phytoliths from non-cultivated desert plants were a source of dental microwear for the pre-maize Archaic hunter-gatherer bands and maize-reliant Ancestral Pueblo villages.  相似文献   

With the exception of few studies, occlusal microwear of pre‐agricultural modern humans has not been documented. In this study, microwear fabrics of samples from seven historic/prehistoric hunter‐gatherer populations with known and diverse dietary habits, representing mostly meat‐eaters from different environments, arctic/tundra (Tigara from Point Hope), cold‐steppe (Fuegians) and Mediterranean (Chumash), and mixed‐diet hunter‐gatherers from tropical climates (Andamanese and Khoe‐San from Matjes River, Riet River, and Oakhurst Shelter), were analysed to better understand how dietary differences affect microwear in these groups and to establish a reasonable comparative database for interpreting fossil hominins microwear. Significant microwear differences, related to diet and food preparation techniques, between the meat‐eaters and mixed‐diet hunter‐gatherers were detected. Finer scale differences within each of these dietary categories were also observed. Ethnographic accounts indicate that the Tigara and Andamanese ingested hard particles attached to their food as a result of their food preparation techniques; their microwear fabrics also reflect highly abrasive diets. On the other hand, as expected, the microwear signatures of the Chumash and Fuegians indicate a diet low in abrasives, reflecting their almost exclusive reliance on marine meat for subsistence and the low amounts of extraneous particles attached to this meat. The mixed‐diet Khoe‐San occupy an intermediate position between the Tigara and Andamanese on the one hand, and the Chumash and Fuegians on the other, with regard to the level of abrasives ingested. The Khoe‐San ate large amounts of hard plants, most likely responsible for abrading their enamel surface. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Archaeological excavations at Point Hope, Alaska uncovered skeletal remains of two populations: the Ipiutak (100 B.C.–500 A.D.) and Tigara (1200–1700 A.D.). Archaeological evidence indicates that, although both groups relied on animal (largely marine) resources for their subsistence, the Ipiutak were mainly caribou hunters, whereas the Tigara were primarily whale hunters. To date, no study has attempted to ascertain whether the inferred dietary differences of these two groups could be substantiated using a more direct technique, e.g. microwear or stable isotope analysis. In this study, the occlusal molar microwear fabrics of the Ipiutak and Tigara were analyzed. Comparative data for two other modern human groups, the Aleut and Arikara, were also examined. Significant differences in microwear signatures were detected among the groups considered. The results of this study show that the Tigara have significantly more microwear features, more pits and narrower scratches compared to the Ipiutak. These results are concordant with interpretations that the two Point Hope populations had significantly different dietary habits. Differences in microwear signatures between the Aleut and the two Point Hope populations were also detected. Compared to the two Point Hope populations, the Aleut has significantly fewer features and wider scratches. The Aleut microwear signature further differs from that of the Tigara in having significantly lower pitting incidence. The microwear pattern of the Arikara, who had a mixed diet, differed from that of the mainly meat-eating Aleut and Point Hope peoples in that the Arikara has significantly fewer features, lower pitting incidence and narrower scratches.  相似文献   

Pollen from intestinal contents of mummies, backed by macrofloral analysis, provides important clues to diet, medicines, and season of death. Intestinal contents were recovered from the Piraino 1 mummy from the “Sepulcher of the Priests”, Piraino Mother Church, in the province of Messina, Sicily. Using standard palynological methods and pollen concentration technique, we quantified the numbers of pollen grains per gram of coprolite. The pollen spectrum was dominated by Polygalaceae, the Milkwort Family. Polygalaceae pollen is rarely found in archaeological sites. Based on comparison to published keys, we determined that the pollen came from a species of Polygala. Polygala contains species with medicinal value. We found nine other pollen types. Traces of Potamogeton (pondweed) was observed in preliminary scans. Multiple grains of Brassicaceae (mustard family), cereal (cultivated grains), Typha (cattail) and Cheno-am were found. Single grains of Castanea (chestnut), Fabaceae (bean family), Salix (willow), and Solanaceae (tomato family) were found. The preservation of the pollen was poor except for Polygala and the cereal pollen. Brassicaceae and Cheno-am have been part of the natural pollen spectrum in Sicily since ancient times. Cereal grains were consumed with prepared food. Importantly, background arboreal pollen was nearly absent. This indicates that Piraino 1 died during months of low pollination. The absence of olive pollen is important since this plant in Sicily reaches its maximum pollination in May and June and tapers off rapidly by mid-June. Therefore, absence of the key warm season airborne pollen type suggests a post-June death. Macrofossils, especially residue from grape pulp, indicates a death in September to November. His cause of death was likely a result of multiple myeloma. The methodological differences between archaeopalynology and forensic palynology are summarized. We suggest that the palynological methods presented here should be adopted for human remains analysis in forensic palynology.  相似文献   

In recent years, dental microwear analysis has attracted considerable interest as a potential method for reconstructing ancient diet. This article presents results from research exploring the potential of dental microwear analysis in the reconstruction of domestic ungulate diet through the quantitative analysis of diet-microwear relationships in modern grazing and fodder-fed sheep and goats. Diet-related microwear patterning is identified in the modern populations examined and it is concluded that with investigation of a wider range of modern diets, dental microwear analysis will emerge as a valuable and insightful approach for the investigation of diet in ancient livestock.  相似文献   


The results of a high-power microwear analysis of stone artifacts from the Magdalenian site at Verberie, France, are reported in this study. Both retouched and unretouched implements were examined, and the various use-wear traces that were found are briefly discussed. The relationship between tool morphology and function, the use of unmodified lithic artifacts, and microwear traces indicative of hafting are described. In addition, some hypotheses are advanced regarding specific activity areas at the site. It is concluded that the unretouched component of the lithic industry comprised a large part of the Magdalenian toolkit at Verberie.  相似文献   

The fruit (pods) of Prosopis (Fabaceae) are frequently recovered from pre-Hispanic Argentinian archaeological sites, suggesting that this genus was of importance in ancient economies in this region. Yet it is only recently that archaeobotanists have begun to carry out systematic research into this genus. Therefore many questions remain to be addressed concerning the food value of Prosopis fruit, and its potential contribution. This paper examines starch from the pods of two species, Prosopis flexuosa and Prosopis chilensis, for the purposes of describing and classifying their morphological features and biometrical parameters. Pods of both species were gathered from two extremes (northern and southern) of the Hualfín Valley, Catamarca, Argentina. Starch abundance is estimated and compared with that of Zea mays, an economically important plant with high concentrations of starch. This paper reveals that Prosopis pods contain very low amounts of starch compared to starch-rich edible species. Despite this, the recovery of Prosopis starch grains can be successfully used to assess archaeological tool uses. Prosopis starch grains were found to be highly variable in shape. Grain size ranged between 10 and 20 μm. Granule irregularity and the high birefringence under polarized light are two of the most important diagnostic features. No significant statistical differences were found in the structure (morphology, size and hilum) of the starch of the same species from both localities. Finally, the implications for the role of this plant in past societies are discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of this research is to explore regional and temporal patterning in diet in medieval Danish populations. δ15N, δ13Ccoll, δ13Cap values were obtained from 154 human bone samples from three sites located in the Jutland peninsula of Denmark. These sites span the medieval period. The results suggest that the medieval Danish diet was composed of C3 plants, terrestrial animals, and freshwater and marine fish in varying amounts. The data also suggest some regional patterning in diet, but little temporal differences in the composition of diet.  相似文献   

The present work reports an analysis of a shell midden found in Terroso hillfort, an important Iron-Age oppidum located in northwest Portugal. The midden was dated from the latest phase of occupation of the hillfort, between the Ist century BC and the Ist century AD (Roman period), and contained 684 well-preserved Patella shells. The identification of archaeological shells was carried out comparing them with modern specimens collected in two shores in the neighborhood of the hillfort. The identification of modern shells was based on radula pluricuspid teeth and shell morphology. Relative abundance of Patella species in the Terroso midden was different from modern populations. Archaeological shells were dominated by Patella vulgata, but Patella intermedia was the most abundant species in modern populations. Dimensions of archaeological shells were very different from modern populations. Shell length range and variability in archaeological shells were lower than in the modern populations. Log height vs. length plots for archaeological shells were different from modern populations. Patella shells from Terroso midden was significantly taller then modern specimens. These differences between archaeological shells and modern populations could be due to environmental changes, namely an increase in wave action and intensity. These harsher costal conditions could have resulted from an alteration in the morphology of the coast, caused by a rise in the mean sea level from 2000 years BP to the present. Alternatively or additionally, the observed differences can be related to gathering strategies. Archaeological shells could have been selected by size, and collected preferentially at high shore and in sheltered sites.  相似文献   

The calcium isotope ratios (δ44/42Ca) of bones from humans and fauna from three archaeological sites, Taforalt, Abu Hureyra, and Danebury, are evaluated in order to assess whether calcium isotope ratios of bones can be used to detect dairy consumption by adult humans. At each site the fauna δ44/42Ca is the same regardless of species, while the humans have lower δ44/42Ca than the local animals by 0.24–0.41‰ (site means). However we cannot ascribe this difference to dairy consumption, given this human–faunal difference also occurs in Epipalaeolithic and Mesolithic adult humans, where dairy consumption is unlikely. Rather, this difference appears to be a result of differences in metabolic processes or other aspects of diet between humans and fauna. Minimal isotopic change in sequential acid leaches of bone powders and consideration of the high calcium concentration in bone suggest that bone calcium isotope ratios are not substantially affected by diagenetic change.  相似文献   

The swollen basal internodes of the grass species Arrhenatherum elatius var. bulbosum (tuber oat grass) are recorded here for the first time for Neolithic Germany. These charred bulbs occurred in the Late Neolithic soil mantle of the megalithic tomb of Albersdorf-Brutkamp LA 5. They are interpreted as most probably originating from the natural vegetation on and around the grave mound. The bulbs were possibly charred in the course of a ritual fire. However, their use as gathered plants and their intentional deposition in a secondary burial ritual during the Late Neolithic cannot be excluded with any certainty. Identification criteria for Arrhenatherum bulbs as well as the ecological requirements of the species are introduced here. Furthermore, prehistoric bulb finds from north-western and central Europe, and different interpretations concerning the occurrence of Arrhenatherum in different archaeological contexts, are discussed. The compilation of finds from literature and excavation reports shows that bulbs of Arrhenatherum were found rather infrequently in the Neolithic. Most commonly, charred bulbs of A. elatius var. bulbosum are detected in Bronze Age cremation graves. In the Iron Age, however, they mainly occur in domestic sites. This shows that the interpretation of the plant remains is dependent on their archaeological context. A ritual meaning of the bulbs has to be considered in the interpretation, but they may also have contributed to people’s daily diet. This evaluation of bulb finds in prehistoric and historic contexts contributes to the debate on the relevance of plant gathering in early economies and in ritual activities.  相似文献   

In this study we examine the effects of alkaline cooking on carbon and oxygen stable isotopic ratios of mineralized tissues from nine pigs raised on monotonous mixed C3/C4 vegetarian diets. Two sources of collagen (humerus and mandible) and two sources of apatite (humerus and enamel) were analyzed. Within each diet group, humerus and mandible collagens were found to record equivalent δ13C and δ18O ratios; however, enamel apatite was found to be enriched over bone apatite by 2.3‰ in carbon and 1.7‰ in oxygen. Alkaline cooking was found to slightly, but significantly increase the Δ13Ccollagen-diet and Δ18Ocollagen-diet of bone collagen. A similar trend towards enrichment was observed in bone and enamel Δ13Capatite-diet and Δ18O apatite-diet, but the differences were not significant. Observed isotopic shifts were consistent with increased nutrient utilization of the alkaline-cooked maize as compared to raw maize. In addition, a reexamination of the relationship between diet and tissue carbon isotopic values suggests that species and alimentary type should be considered when interpreting ancient diets.  相似文献   

We present the results of a palaeodietary study of a skeletal sample (~800–300 BP) from the south coast of Papua New Guinea (Nebira, site ACJ) using multiple stable isotope analysis of bone collagen. The carbon, nitrogen and sulphur stable isotope ratios of 28 individuals (n = 12 males, n = 13 females and n = 3 subadults) suggested the diet at Nebira was based on C3 plants (likely starchy vegetable staples) and included protein resources from the surrounding forested areas and C3/C4 savannah grasslands such as wallaby and other wild animals. Domestic species (e.g. Sus scrofa, Canis familiaris and Gallus gallus) may also have been consumed but could not be differentiated from wild species by stable isotope analysis. There were no significant differences in stable isotope values between males and females, but the δ34S values of the juveniles suggest they may have consumed varied protein resources. The sulphur stable isotope ratios indicate there was no discernable marine component in the diet of any of the individuals from Nebira. The stable isotope results are interpreted within a wider context of Papuan south coast trade and exchange systems in an attempt to understand local interaction in the region.  相似文献   

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