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杜璇  温薇 《神州》2011,(17):142
黑龙江省是我国最大的商品粮生产基地,全省耕地面积1191.72万公顷,人均耕地面积9亩多,粮食商品率超过70%。改革开放以来,在全国实行农村家庭联产承包责任制的大环境下,黑龙江省也积极推行家庭联产承包责任制,充分调动了广大农民发展农业的积极性,促进了农村经济的快速发展。  相似文献   

杜璇  温薇 《神州》2011,(8):142-142
黑龙江省是我国最大的商品粮生产基地,全省耕地面积1191.72万公顷,人均耕地面积9亩多,粮食商品率超过70%。改革开放以来,在全国实行农村家庭联产承包责任制的大环境下,黑龙江省也积极推行家庭联产承包责任制,充分调动了广大农民发展农业的积极性,促进了农村经济的快速发展。  相似文献   

统分结合的家庭联产承包责任制度经过近40年的运行,已显现出对农业生产的障碍与约束,特别是对大农业生产的排斥,甚至在一些地方产生了对土地制度的"内卷化"回应,其突出的表现就是土地撂荒。一方面土地撂荒根源于家庭联产承包责任制度的历史惯性和传统文化的路径依赖;另一方面,家庭联产承包责任制度中存在着普遍实行和责任制本身包含的分离——重组机制,这给土地撂荒提供了必然的发生机制。在社会主义条件下,要改变土地撂荒的现状,就要从产权救济、制度救济、经济救济、保障救济四个方面调整,发挥土地产权的激励和稳定预期的功能,调动土地使用者的积极性,从而制约土地撂荒的发生。  相似文献   

河沿村位于积石山下,黄河北岸的土族聚居区,是民和“三川”各土族村中的穷村之一。它主要由张家、郭家、下马家、上马家、山赵家、大板沟六社组合为村。全村人口约2296人,耕地面积3420亩,解放后,尤其是改革开放以来,河沿村与全国贫困山区一样变化很大。主要表现在:通过实行联产承包责任制,极大地调动了农民群众的生产积极性。通过推广多种农业实用技术,提高了群众的科技意识以及农村生产力素质构成中的科技含量,坚持科技种田、发展小农经济,为生产力发展注入了一  相似文献   

闽北农民对农业生产责任制的探索吴其乐江泽民同志在中共十四大上的报告中指出:"实行家庭联产承包,是中国农民的伟大创造。"这个历史性的结论及评价,来之不易,闽北农民也曾为这个"伟大创造"作出贡献。闽北山高岭峻,交通不便,地块细小,居民点分散,不宜于大呼隆...  相似文献   

众所周知,几千年来,中国农民都是生于斯、长于斯、死于斯,一辈子圈于农村和农业,过着日出而作、日落而息的封闭式生活。中华人民共和国的成立,使中国农民发生了亘古未有的根本性变革。然而,几十年来,中国实行的是农村和城市分割的二元管理体制,农民阶级虽然经历了几次历史性的巨变,但农民在农村从事农业生产的身份依旧。特别是在人民公社时期,农民的流动受到严格限制。20世纪80年代初在全国农村普遍推行的农业家庭承包责任制,在促进农业产量稳定和发展的同时,排挤出大批农业剩余劳动力。它在调动起农民生产积极性的同时,也使长期隐匿在集体…  相似文献   

段文洋 《沧桑》2010,(3):48-48,86
建设社会主义新农村是党中央贯彻落实科学发展观,统筹城乡发展,构建和谐社会的战略部署,是新世纪,新阶段巩固农业基础地位,改善农村生产条件,提高农民生活水平的重要举措。新农村建设农民是最有潜力的资源,也是建设新农村的主力,必须大力发挥农民的主体作用,只有充分调动农民的积极性,发挥农民的主动性,才能抓住建设社会主义新农村这个最关键问题。  相似文献   

农业、农村、农民三大问题,是中国共产党建国以来探索有中国特色社会主义的首要问题之一。本文主要研究大跃进后山东省恢复农业的对策。这些措施提高了农民的生产积极性,恢复和发展了农业生产与农村经济。期望能够为当今解决三农问题提供借鉴。  相似文献   

十一届三中全会以来,我省由于在农村中推行了以家庭承包为中心的生产责任制,解放了生产力,调动了农民生产的积极性,农村面貌发生了历史性的变化,农民收入也有了显著提高。近年来,随着改革的进一步深化,农村在坚持按劳分配为主的情况下,实行多元分配原则,收入结构也发生了变化。了解这些变化,深入研究这些问题,对于继续深化农村改革,进一步推动生产力发展,无疑有巨大的现实意义。 1 改革十年给我省农民收入带来的变化主要表现是:  相似文献   

一、建立我国农村社会保障是破译“三农”问题和维护农村社会稳定的必然选择1.传统保障功能的缺失,迫切要求建立新型的农村社保制度。长期以来,我国农村的社会保障是依靠集体积累、家庭自主和土地来完成的。随着时代的变革和形势的变化,这三条保障线的保障功能呈日益弱化的趋势。首先,多数地区由于农村集体积累不足而使集体保障功能受到严重削弱。联产承包责任制实行以来,我国农村的生产、生活、经营方式由集中走向分散,这一改革在充分调动了农民生产积极性,使一家一户的生产成果得到空前发展的同时,绝大多数农村的集体积累和集体福利事业受…  相似文献   

我国乡村地理学研究的回顾与展望   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
本文从乡村地理学产生的背景出发,回顾了我国近年来乡村地理学的发展过程,同时对我国乡村地理学的主要研究领域进行了阐述,最后本文指出了我国乡村地理学研究存在的主要问题以及今后的发展方向。  相似文献   

20世纪70年代末80年代初,在国家政策扶持下,社队企业在集体所有制下实现了较快发展。农业实行包干到户之后,社队企业迅速转型,或直接转化为个体、私营企业,或实行了各种形式的责任制。社队企业转型与农村私营企业兴起之间有着密不可分的关联,前者成为后者的起点。社队企业向农村私营企业的转型为以后城镇中小型企业转型积累了宝贵的经验和教训。  相似文献   

Using the political culture analysis method, this paper discusses the origin, contents and functions of the agriculture encouragement system of the Song dynasty, which originated from the pre-Qin period (221–207 BC). The main content of this system in its early stage is that in the early Spring days, the king symbolically ploughed a piece of land near the suburbs of his capital in order to send to his subjects a clear message of the importance he attached to agriculture. It was expected that peasants would be encouraged by his majesty’s guidance, and thus agricultural production of the countryside would be promoted. With the rationalization of the political system since the Qin period, agricultural encouragement gradually became a routine work of the Chinese governments at different levels. Under the Northern Song dynasty (960–1127), “agricultural encouragement envoy” was added to the official rank of heads of counties and prefectures. They each were required to take the responsibility of persuading peasants in their jurisdiction to work harder in the field. The actual work as an “agricultural encouragement envoy” in the Song dynasty was to go to the countryside to reward peasants with food and wine in early February, and to write an essay to express his encouragement, and to distribute it to the peasants. Formalistic as it is, the agricultural encouragement system is a typical manifestation of the traditional Chinese political culture. As one of its social impacts on the Song society, it helped the spread of advanced agricultural technology with its institutional basis. __________ Translated from: Zhejiang Daxue Xuebao, Renwen Shehui Kexue Ban 浙江大学学报: 人文社会科学版 (Journal of Zhejiang University, Humanities and Social Science), No. 1, 2004  相似文献   

In 1998, the province of Ontario introduced the Consolidated Municipal Service Manager (CMSM) system, which effectively downloaded the responsibility for delivery and partial funding for a range of social services to municipalities. Separated cities and counties—a unique system of municipal organization in Ontario that draws a sharp institutional distinction between urban and rural areas—were given a particularly wide range of discretion over the implementation of these services. A number of these jurisdictions experienced an array of problems reaching a local solution. Some even wound up in arbitration. This article examines the implementation of the CMSM, focusing specifically on the unique institutional arrangement found in counties with separated cities, finding that the provincial government overlooked the institutional design of city–county separation, hindering the policy downloading process. Overall, it is argued that the local institutional environment is key when shifting policy responsibility from central to local actors.  相似文献   


The productivity of modern agriculture is a result of a remarkable fusion of technology and science. The emerging skepticism about the role of science in society has led to a questioning of the benefits from technical change in agriculture and there is a rising demand for more effective social control over the development and use of agricultural technology. Agricultural science cannot evade responsibility for the costs as well as the benefits of technical change. But it is in society's interest to let the burden of responsibility rest lightly and to insist that agricultural science maintain its commitment to expanding the productive capacity of the resources used in agricultural production. But society should also insist that agricultural science embrace an agenda that includes a concern for the effects of agricultural technology on the health and safety of agricultural producers; a concern for the nutrition and health of consumers; a concern for the impact of agricultural practices on the aesthetic qualities of both natural and man-made environments; a concern for the quality of life in rural communities; and a concern for the implications of technical choices for the options that will be available in the future. The agricultural science community should, in turn, expect that society will acquire a more sophisticated perception of the contribution of agricultural technology to the balance between man and the natural world. It is also time for the general science community to begin to follow the lead of agricultural science in embracing the fusion of science and technology rather than continuing to hide behind the indefensible intellectual and class barriers that have been retained to protect its privilege and ego from contamination by engineering, agronomy and medicine.  相似文献   

中国的改革开放是从农村开始的。在农村改革的第一步即实行以"大包干"为主的家庭联产承包责任制取得一定成效后,必然要求改革农村商品流通体制,变革农村的产业结构,取消实施已久的农产品统购统销制度,建立新型的农村发展体制。目前国内学术界对农村改革起步阶段的研究相当重视,并取得了许多成果,而对农村改革第二阶段的研究则相对薄弱。本文在梳理相关资料基础上,对农村统购统销制度改革中的若干问题进行分析,揭示中国农村改革的曲折性与反复性,展现中国共产党领导中国人民矢志改革的坚定决心、追求国强民富的信心及冷静处理改革中出现的新问题的能力。  相似文献   

农业生产空间是农村基本功能的载体。从资本“三重循环”视角出发,将“空间的生产”理论引入农业研究,提出并构建农业空间生产资本化的作用逻辑及其特征表征,并以山东省泰安市村庄为研究单元,研究其农业空间生产资本化特征、模式表征及空间规律。发现,泰安市农业生产具有资本投入集约化、空间生产集中化、组织分工专业化等特征;农业空间生产资本化模式共有四种,在空间上呈现出以中心城区为圆心,圈层式向外拓展的规律性,农业空间生产资本化度和三重特征都表现出由内向外先增后缓降的格局。在乡村振兴背景下,识别村庄农业发展模式,根据要素条件,分类指导农业种植结构调整,有利于促进农村多功能有机融合,实现乡村农业产业兴旺发展目标。  相似文献   

This article focuses on the two major reforms undertaken in the Cuban agricultural sector during 1993 and 1994: the re-organization of the state farm sector into worker-managed production co-operatives and the opening of free agricultural markets for above-plan production. It is argued that the Cuban agricultural sector is now characterized by multiple forms of organization of production and land tenure or a ‘mixed economy’, and that the two reforms have produced a turn-around in agricultural performance. Still, the macro-economic impact is likely to depend on a deepening of the reforms in two directions: the development of a free market in agricultural inputs and a reform of the food rationing system.  相似文献   

Archaeological investigations of Hawaiian agriculture have relied on relatively coarse-grained data to investigate archipelago-wide processes, or on fine-grained data to examine patterning within localized zones of agricultural production. These trade-offs between spatial coverage and data resolution have inhibited understanding of both spatial patterns and temporal trends. Our analysis of 173 km2 of high-resolution airborne Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data for leeward Kohala, Hawai’i Island identifies spatial and temporal patterning in regional agricultural development. Differential densities of alignments suggest variable levels of agricultural intensity. Agricultural processes of expansion, segmentation, and intensification can also be discriminated, with distinct zones of the field system having undergone different mixes of development. Areas within the field system with moderate to high levels of both average production and variability in production (determined using a climate-driven productivity model) were utilized relatively early in a highly intensified manner; these areas often underwent processes of segmentation and intensification. Less productive areas were developed later and exhibit evidence of expansion with lower amounts of segmentation and intensification, at set levels of intensity. The spatial and temporal variability in agricultural activities was influenced by the diverse environmental conditions across the landscape as well as variation in cultivars and cultivation techniques. Combining the high-resolution LiDAR data from a large area with potential productivity modeling allows for a more fine-grained understanding of agricultural development in this region of the Hawaiian archipelago.  相似文献   

孙颖 《福建史志》2020,(2):43-46,72
日本占据台湾后,为了满足本国粮食与糖类的需要,也为侵华战争提供粮食支持,加紧扶持台湾的农业生产。对此,日辖台湾总督府多次颁布有关农业发展的政策并采取一系列措施。在推广优质品种、实行强制性农会组织后,总督府逐渐将重点放到完善和修筑水利工程上。由于原有埤圳模式缺点的暴露以及政府期望更有力地控制公共资源,日辖台湾总督府开始实施官修埤圳政策。台南州的嘉南大圳正是这一时期的代表。  相似文献   

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