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The history of psychology makes three major contributions:(1) promoting the development of psychology in China;(2) establishing the history of Chinese psychology as an academic discipline;(3) playing an important role in training the next generation of Chinese psychologists.This effort faces numerous challenges,including the reduction in undergraduate teaching hours,declining enrolments at the postgraduate level,limited innovation in research,and a lack of financial support.These challenges stem largely from changes in the Chinese academic assessing system,the greater weight placed on experimental psychology,and a fewer opportunities for researchers.To address these concerns the history of psychology in China should make the history of Chinese psychology its research priority,while also presenting its findings to the public,and developing innovative teaching and research approaches.  相似文献   

三星堆考古发现,使一个已经失落的古老的巴蜀明,闪现出耀眼的光芒。研究三星堆化是中国考古学,也是中国化史的一个重要课题。但由于三星堆化面貌的神奇和化渊源的扑朔迷离,也为我们的认识和研究带来了巨大困难。本对此作了分析,并对《古蜀的辉煌》一书在这一研究领域的探索,作了热情的介绍和评价。  相似文献   

翟华丽 《民俗研究》2005,(2):245-249
曾在《历史知识》1981年第六期拜读过方诗铭先生的一篇文章,名为《顾颉刚先生与(文史杂志)》。文章陈述了《文史杂志》办刊的艰辛,并且不无遗憾地告知《文史杂志》六卷由于“十年浩劫,保存下来仅是第六卷第三期一册了。这一册可能是海内孤本”,可见《文史杂志》六卷之稀有珍贵。  相似文献   

Historians with feminist commitments have expressed reservations about men's history and men's studies. This unease has existed more or less from the first appearance of men's history as a specialised area of inquiry, and shows no signs of abating. The first part of this article explores the sources of this unease. It discusses several guiding premises of men's history and shows that they tend to lead to the occlusion of men's gendered power over women. Nonetheless, the scrutiny of the gender of men is the logical outgrowth of several decades of theoretical and empirical work on gender–witness the many historians of women and gender who have recently turned their attention to the systematic study of manliness and masculinity. With the help of examples drawn from the scholarship on the history of the British colonies in America and the early United States, the second part of this article enumerates several strategies for successfully highlighting men's gendered power in histories of manliness and masculinity.  相似文献   

关于中共党史学理论的若干问题   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
关于中共党史学理论和方法的研究一直比较薄弱,而且其中若干问题尚存有争议。关于中共党史学的理论方法论体系、学科性质与特点、学科的研究对象与研究内容、党史的体系与历史分期等问题,有进一步探讨、研究和厘清的必要。  相似文献   

方维规 《史学理论研究》2020,(2):151-156,160
概念史是历史语义研究的著名范式,尤其是德国概念史模式享誉世界,备受推崇和借鉴。概念史方法在逐渐国际化的过程中,也在不断适应不同地域历史文化的研究取向,同时越来越显现出解决悬而未决的理论问题的迫切性。在中国新近的概念史实践中,量化分析较为常见。倘若忽视概念史方法的要领,很可能发现不了相关历史“真相”。另外值得关注的是概念史与新文化史的关系,二者有着不同的问题意识和追求。最后,概念之国际传输中的翻译困难是一个从来就有的难题。全球视野中的历史语义学是复杂的、跨地域的考析,是概念史国际化过程中极有意义的挑战。  相似文献   

目前历史学界在澳门历史的分期、定位和葡占澳门的特点等问题上存在一些不同的意见。作者在本文中依据历史事实,对上述问题提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   

吴承明 《近代史研究》2005,1(3):247-251
由于战争环境和时代思潮的动荡,我的学生生活非常曲折。我曾经历北洋工学院、清华大学、北京大学,学过工科、理科、经济和历史,非常杂,都没学好。但是,后来我在专业经济史研究中,却发现过去学的一点点理工知识(尤其数学)很有用。我学过的献学,连同童年在私塾读的经,也都常派上用场。这里的一个体会是:做学问必须专,专才能精;但又要有比较广泛的知识,博而后专,大有好处。  相似文献   

关于统万城历史的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对十六国时期匈奴夏国都统万城建造的起讫时间、统万城与汉奢延城、大城的关系、统万城的城制形态等相关的传统观点提出质疑。在重新解读文献的基础上,结合实地考察认为:一、统万城建设的起讫时间并不是一般认为的公元413年和419年,而是公元413年和424年;二、统万城既不是在十六国时期大城基础上兴建的,也不是在西汉上郡奢延县城的基础上兴建的,而是在汉朔方县所在地基础上兴建的;三、将统万城划分为宫城、皇城(内城)、外郭城三大块的做法显然是与中国古代都城制度发展史相违背,统万城筑造外郭城也不适宜于从事游牧的匈奴民族,至于现在东、西城外存在的不规则分布的夯土遗迹,东城之外的部分可能是在修筑统万城时未被加以利用的汉朔方城的残留遗迹,西城之外的部分疑为一处类似皇家园林的游猎场,或是战备马匹的圈养场。  相似文献   

陈独秀不是历史学家,但他的历史观值得我们研究。他视历史学为一门科学,他对中国古史分期、封建社会长期延续的原因、中国近代史的基本线索和科学体系以及近代社会的性质等重大历史理论问题都提出了看法,有的符合唯物史观,具有一定的理论意义和学术影响,有的则缺乏科学性,存在明显的缺陷。陈独秀历史观影响他对中国现实的认识和态度。  相似文献   

Vingt études sur le Mexique et le Guatemala. Réunies à la mémoire de Nicole Percheron. Edited by ALAN BRETON, JEAN‐PIERRE BERTHE and SYLVIE LECOIN. Toulouse: Presses Universitaires du Mirail, 1991. Pp. 381.

Literacy, Education, and Society in New Mexico 1693–1821. By BERNARDO P. GALLEGOS. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1992. Pp. viii, 119.

Nahuas and Spaniards: Postconquest Central Mexican History and Philology. By JAMES LOCKHART. Stanford: Stanford Universty Press, 1991. Pp. xiii, 304.

The Nahuas After the Conquest: A Social and Cultural History of the Indians of Central Mexico, Sixteenth through Eighteenth Centuries. By JAMES LOCKHART. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1992. Pp. xv, 650.

Disease and Death in Early Colonial Mexico: Simulating Amerindian Depopulation. By THOMAS M. WHITMORE. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1992. Pp. xvi, 261.  相似文献   

Contemporary historiography, especially in North American, European and Australian history, now includes a fairly respectable body of literature on men and masculinity. While this literature has produced important contributions to the usefulness of gender as a category of historical analysis, there has also been some wariness within feminist scholarship on the grounds that the issue of the gendered organisation may be evaded. Reflecting on the question ‘what is involved in writing a history of masculinity?’, this article considers the potential contribution that the historiography of colonial India offers to the study of masculinity  相似文献   

古蜀王都与早期古城遗址探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
成都平原上的考古发现揭示,早在商周时期,古代蜀人已在三星堆建立了古蜀王都,而在此之前或更早的时候就已出现了宝墩化等早期古城遗址。三星堆古城遗址为我们了解蜀国和殷商的关系提供了重要证据,说明地处内陆的蜀国在当时是一个独立发展的富饶繁荣的王国,殷商在青铜时代并不是唯一的明中心。宝墩等早期古城遗址的发现和比较研究,则显示了中华明在不同区域发展进程中的不同特点。  相似文献   

This paper argues that the notion of weak intentionalism in Mark Bevir's The Logic of the History of Ideas is incoherent. Bevir's proposal for weak intentionalism as procedural individualism relies on the argument that the object of study for historians of ideas is given by the beliefs that are expressed by individuals (whether authors or readers) since these beliefs constitute the historical meaning of the work for those individuals as historical figures. Historical meanings are thus hermeneutic meanings. In the case of insincere, unconscious, and irrational beliefs, however, the beliefs expressed by individuals are not in fact their actual beliefs, and their actual beliefs are now taken to be those expressed by the works. It thus turns out that it is not the beliefs expressed by individuals that are the object of study for historians but the works themselves, since the overriding requirement for historians of ideas is to “make sense of their material” and it is this requirement that determines whether or not the beliefs are to be construed as expressed by individuals or by the works. But once it is accepted that the beliefs that are the object of study for historians are expressed by the works and not by individuals, the original argument that such beliefs are historical hermeneutic meanings for historical figures no longer applies. The argument for weak intentionalism thus turns out to be incoherent. Bevir's argument fails to establish that the object of study for the history of ideas is external to the works, and the attempted distinction between interpreting a work and reading a text also fails.  相似文献   

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