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Since 1946, there has been a significant increase in annual rainfall in the Hunter Valley, especially for stations in the western sector. Contemporaneous increases in rainfall intensities of frequent storms and flood peaks have also been recorded. From analyses of the data, together with a review of recent environmental changes in the Hunter Valley, it is concluded that human disturbance of the catchment has played no significant part in the increase in flood magnitude. Instead, the change in floods may be completely attributed to the variation in rainfall regime. The altered hydrologic regime combined with a decrease in sediment yield from extra-channel sources appears to be the primary cause of recent river channel changes.  相似文献   

Changes in channel morphology that occurred along the Macdonald River between 1949 and 1955 are often cited as an example of catastrophic channel change. However, the question of whether these changes represented one component of a cyclical evolutionary pattern, or a systematic and persistent shift to a new morphologic state remains to be clearly defined, as does the significance of these dramatic channel changes when viewed against the river's longer‐term Holocene history. In this paper, new measurements of the Macdonald River's channel morphology are used to resolve the river's evolution in the ~50 years since these major channel‐altering floods. By 2002, the Macdonald River's bed had narrowed considerably from its 1955 post‐flood maximum due to the construction of a new floodplain surface within the widened channel. In some locations, the 2002 bed width is comparable to that of the pre‐1949 channel. This aspect of the river's evolution follows models of cyclical channel evolution proposed for the region. However, in light of recent research into the river's longer term Holocene evolution, it is clear that other channel changes that occurred in response to the 1949–1955 floods, particularly the 2 metres of river bed aggradation and 7 kilometres down‐valley shift in the thalweg's intersection with mean sea level, are less cyclic in nature. The capacity of coastal rivers to prograde into estuaries, which in turn induces river bed aggradation, can be seen in this case to counteract the incisional tendencies associated with post‐flood channel contraction, such that persistent river bed aggradation occurs.  相似文献   

Since 1955 the NSW Department of Water Resources has undertaken extensive river training works on many NSW streams. In the Hunter Valley alone over $23 million have been spent and more than 850 km of channel have been treated Published work suggests that river training works are usually undertaken in response to a pre-existing problem of river instability but can also induce adverse hydrogeomorphic effects. One of the treated streams, the Allyn River, had been supposedly degraded by the constructed works. It was alleged that vegetation clearing, channel excavations, alignment straightening and bank protection works had decreased roughness thus increasing velocity and flood frequency. As a result, what were thought to be relatively moderate floods were eroding the banks and destroying the floodplain. A critical evaluation of the available hydraulic, hydrologic and geomorphic data revealed that the river training works were a response to, rather than a cause of river instability.  相似文献   

Channel roughness in desert streams is generated by the colonisation of beds and banks by trees including the river red gum, Eucalyptus carnaldulensis. Often growing densely over the bed surface, these trees contribute channel roughness which is distributed through the flow; the effects are heightened by substantial barriers of flood-transported debris which lodge against trunks and branches, offering additional obstruction to water movement. Bed scour often occurs around such obstacles. Field mapping of channels in the Barrier Range, western NSW, where E. camaldulensis growth is common, has permitted the quantification of channel roughness. Results suggest that just under half of the total channel roughness may be contributed by in-channel vegetation, the remainder coming from boundary friction effects. Site-to-site variations in vegetation density are great and assessment of flood discharges and sediment fluxes in these streams without due incorporation of a roughness correction could result in substantial errors of overprediction.  相似文献   

On the 19th and 20th September 1981 heavy rain fell throughout Scotland. Almost 140mm was recorded for the 24 hours up to 9.00 am on the 20th at Dundonnell in Wester Ross, an event with a recurrence interval of approximately 120 years. The storm generated a peak discharge of c.60m3 s‐1 on the Ardessie Burn which drains a 13.3km2 catchment on the northwestern slopes of An Teallach. The resulting flood caused severe localised bank erosion and partially destroyed a fish farm. The total volume of measured flood deposits exceeded 1800 tonnes, approximately equal to 14 years normal average annual non‐dissolved sediment output. The identification of specific sediment source areas and deposition sites allows an assessment of geomorphic work in terms of direct landscape adjustment in response to extreme rainfall. The flood stresses the importance of rare events in the landscape evolution of upland environments and the influence of antecedent catchment conditions.  相似文献   

A number of investigations have been undertaken by the New South Wales Water Resources Commission to determine the regional and compound effects of large scale extractive industries on the stability of the Hunter River, New South Wales. Sedimentologic studies of bed material suggest that the Hunter River upstream of Denman has an armoured gravel bed that is immobile during regulated releases from Glenbawn Dam but is disrupted by moderate but less than bankfull flows. Annual bedloadyields have been computed by the bedload rating-flow duration technique for five river gauging stations. Approximate sand and gravel budgets for selected reaches of the Hunter River demonstrate that the present annual extraction rate from temporary sediment storages within the channel greatly exceeds the transport rate upstream of Denman and is approximately equal to the transport rate downstream of Denman. River degradation is imminent if extractive industries continue operating in the channel of the Hunter River  相似文献   

Trigger levels for fine suspended sediment (FSS) load in streams are required to identify rainfall-runoff events that have significantly elevated FSS loads, compared with expected background loads, as a result of catchment disturbance. Stream FSS load data collected in the mine-impacted Magela Creek catchment in the wet-dry tropics were used to derive water quality management trigger levels for two approaches – a Before-After-Control-Impact Paired difference design (BACIP) and a regression relationship between observed FSS load and corresponding event discharge characteristics. The results indicate that both the BACIP and regression relationship approaches behave similarly, with similar FSS load events elevated above trigger levels. Notwithstanding this, it is recommended that in order to reliably assess the location and magnitude of a catchment disturbance on FSS load, a combination of BACIP and regression relationship approaches must be adopted. In this study, an event with a FSS load above trigger levels associated with both BACIP and the regression relationship fitted for the downstream site is considered to be significantly elevated as a result of a disturbance within the mine-impacted region. While this technique cannot conclusively determine whether the cause of the disturbance is mine-related or natural (such as fire or bank erosion), it is an efficient statistical method of identifying events that warrant further investigation and management action, if required.  相似文献   

Suspended sediment and total dissolved material concentrations in stream flow were studied in Deep Creek Representative Basin near Cessnock, N.S.W. between April, 1976 and June, 1977. Sediment and solute transport rates were calculated at two gauging stations for individual flood events and low flow periods using the hourly hydrograph record, stage/season concentration-discharge relationships and calculated rating curves. Limitations in the use of the rating curve suggest that during flood hydrographs of long return period, calculated transport rates may be in error. A continuous record of concentration variation was sampled during one runoff event enabling comparisons to be made between methods of load calculation. For the satisfactory calculation of transport rates during extreme flood hydrographs, it is essential that concentration variation be accurately defined.  相似文献   

Geoarchaeological investigations at two archaeological excavation sites lead to new results with respect to the Holocene landscape development of an archaeologically important loess landscape of Central Europe. Colluvial and alluvial sediments were sampled during archaeological excavations on the valley edge of the Weiße Elster and dated by means of 14C, TL and dendrochronology, and on the basis of archaeological finds. Thus, for the first time, the development of a valley edge of a river in the Leipzig area, which has been continuously settled for 7300 years, can be reconstructed. The first soil erosion on the valley edge is established towards the end of the Atlantic period. During the High Middle Ages, a colluvial sediment developed. Its deposition time can be limited to between ad 1000 and 1100. The flood loam near Großstorkwitz, which can be stratified by means of the soil and colluvial deposits, originated in the late Sub‐Boreal and early Sub‐Atlantic, as well as after ad 1100. During the first millennium ad, a soil developed in the older flood loam, which indicates a phase of reduced flood loam sedimentation.  相似文献   

Landform conservation is the main task of geomorphology in the 21st Century. Since landforms provide the templates for the development of wildlife habitats, landform change is likely to cause habitat loss, inducing a reduction of biodiversity. From the viewpoint of ‘geomorphic species’, specific landforms such as natural rivers, tidal flats and coral reefs are endangered species in the Japanese islands. To avoid the further destruction of natural rivers, environmentally appropriate flood control plans are necessary. The analysis of the Chitose Diversion Channel project in Hokkaido, Japan, revealed that (1) the construction of this diversion channel has caused not only environmental problems but also serious social conflicts relating to habitats within and beyond the drainage basin; (2) excavation of a deep channel changed the groundwater supply which previously supported a natural river system, and (3) selection of a very high discharge value as the target of flood control was the main reason for planning this project. From a landform conservation perspective, the method adopted in Japan is unsuitable because it does not incorporate the scientific procedure necessary for selecting the ‘best’ peak discharge corresponding to the target rainfall with a certain recurrence period. An alternative flood control plan, combining the selection of a lower peak discharge, construction of retention pools and the restoration of meandering river channels is proposed to avoid the further destruction of natural rivers.  相似文献   


Here we describe the properties of a debris flow apparently generated by a warm phase El Niño event that buried an intermittently occupied Late Pleistocene forager site located in the southern coastal desert of Peru. Although the event deposited roughly one meter of sediment over the initial occupation, our analyses of debris flow dynamics and data from large scale archaeological investigations indicate that the earliest anthropogenic deposits at the site of Quebrada Tacahuay were preserved intact as a result of the burial episode; there is no evidence that the debris flow scoured or disturbed the cultural deposits. The event that buried the oldest archaeological contexts at Quebrada Tacahuay differs from other flood events that are characterized by turbulent, fast-moving floodwaters. Our data on debris flow dynamics and our results from excavation have implications for identifying, investigating, and interpreting other deeply buried archaeological sites both in the central Andes and in other geographic regions.  相似文献   

Alzira is situated in a cut-off meander loop of the Rio Júcar. Geo-archaeological study shows that the Islamic city wall was built during the second quarter of the 11th century AD, at a time when the river had a low-amplitude and low-energy flood regime. After mid-century, overbank silts began to invade the city as peak flood discharge increased, with a spate of destructive floods reflected by high-energy deposits during the late 11th century. Urban expansion within the city wall is dated to the later 11th or early 12th century, interrupted by local abandonment and moderate-energy flood silts. Major construction during the mid-12th century was followed by protracted abandonment (after a siege in AD 1171?) and further, moderate-energy flood silts that redistributed occupation and collapse debris. Reoccupation, during the late 14th century, was terminated by catastrophic floods in 1517 and 1571, after which much of the western end of Alzira was not rebuilt. Following further flood catastrophes during the 17th century, parts of the central walled city remained abandoned until the 19th century. with new occupation atop flood sands of yet another disaster in 1864. The change in flood regime after 1150 was a result of deforestation of the watershed, but progradation of a downstream tributary fan after 1517 created an unstable, aggrading floodplain increasingly prone to severe flooding. Climatic anomalies were responsible for periods of recurrent severe floods, archaeologically verified during the 11th and 12th centuries, and historically documented, beginning in 1318. The geo-archaeological methodology illuminates the constructional and settlement history of Alzira, allows distinction of fluvial and cultural components, and provides the necessary microstratigraphic detail and dating control to document the true complexity of alluvial processes during the last 1000 years.  相似文献   

Urban water was supplied to the Roman city of Forum Julii (Fréjus, southeastern France) for at least 200 years by a 39.4 km long aqueduct, operating in ad 50. Two perennial springs were successively collected, the Foux and the Siagnole, located at the outlet of Triassic and Jurassic karstic reservoirs, respectively. In this study, we performed high‐resolution PIXE (Particle‐Induced X‐ray Emission) measurements of Ca, Si, Fe and Sr concentrations on selected cross‐sections of laminated carbonate sampled along the sidewalls, before and after the connection of the two collection channels. Seasonal variations of water composition, suspended sediment load and discharge are recorded by alternating clear and dark layers, and can be traced by their Sr and Fe contents. On the basis of an annual bimodal high‐discharge regime for the two karstic reservoirs, the concentration measurements allow the derivation of a chronological record (117.5 years) of water supply and maintenance activities for a part of the operational period of the aqueduct. The water level in the channel was mainly controlled by the extent of carbonate deposition and by dredging, repair and maintenance operations rather than by the past hydrological regime of the two springs.  相似文献   

While geoarchaeology as a practice within archaeology grew out of many historical roots, a major role has been the explication of site formation processes and site-level contextual analysis. In recent years, geoarchaeological research has branched out to encompass larger geographic scales, and to play a greater role in environmental archaeological investigations. This paper argues that geoarchaeology has a great deal to contribute to the understanding of human history and to archaeological theory through the application of multiscalar approaches that place human behavior in a physical, environmental and ecological context and by creating linkages between physical processes and human responses. We use geoarchaeological data from the Yellow River valley to show that drainage/irrigation canal and bank/levee building had commenced in the lower reaches by ca. 2900–2700 cal B.P. The emphasis on flood plain flood control infrastructure was a result of long-term increases in sedimentation caused by large populations farming with increasingly efficient technologies in the fragile environments of the Loess Plateau. Ever increasing sedimentation set in motion a cycle of further investment in flood control works eventually leading to a massive flood catastrophe in the first 20 years of the first millennium A.D. as the Yellow River exceeded natural and human geomorphic thresholds that constrained it in its previous course. These floods arguably triggered the social and political events that brought down the Western Han Dynasty but the root causes are clearly more complex. Geoarchaeology thus contributes to an understanding of the multiple causes and consequences of large-scale social and political collapse.  相似文献   

The South Downs in southern England have been farmed for 5000 years: the initial loess cover is now a thin, stony remnant as a result of erosion. During the 1980s, field monitoring of erosion events in an area of 36 km2 showed that average rates of erosion are low (0.5–5.0 m3 ha−1 yr−1), but that occasional storms result in losses of over 200 m3 ha−1 yr−1 on individual fields. On soils that are only 15 cm thick, such rates pose a threat to future farming. Almost all recent erosion has been on fields of winter cereals, which are bare in the wet autumn period. Of greater significance in the short term are the effects of soil-laden runoff (or muddy floods) on urban areas. Flood damage to property has been a regular event since the conversion of this area to winter cereals in the 1970s. Soil conservation measures have been negligible and flood protection has consisted mainly of engineering works and limited land-use change at sites where property damage has occurred. Conversion to grass under the Set Aside, and an Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA) scheme, could be an effective soil conservation and flood protection approach. In the longer term, increasing stoniness of soils, the economic incentives for arable farming in marginal areas, and the success of legal proceedings relating to flood damage, will determine the future of erosion on the South Downs. Current farming systems clearly are unsustainable and would become more so under future climates without substantial site-targeted land use change.  相似文献   

Large-scale river training works have been carried out in the Hunter valley since 1955 in response to flood-driven channel changes. Vegetation was planted on in-channel benches induced by river training works to consolidate the deposits and to increase channel boundary roughness. Exotic species of vegetation such as willows and poplars were previously used. In 1983, ten trial sites were planted with various species of native vegetation. Survival rates were evaluated in 1987 and 1997. The most successful species planted was Eucalyptus camaldulensis with an overall survival rate of 77 per cent in 1997. The Acacia species were found to be short-lived, exhibiting a significant decline in survival rates between 1987 and 1997. Survival rates for most species were higher on sand-bed than on gravel-bed sites. This difference may be attributed to better drainage on benches at the sand-bed sites. Investigations of flood disturbance showed that between 1983 and 1997 the sites were flooded between four and 13 times. The survival rates of Grevillea robusta and Eucalyptus melliodora trees were negatively correlated with the total number of recorded floods at each site. Poor natural regeneration of planted species is attributed to a combination of periodic flooding, intensive weed growth, low light intensities at ground level and grazing disturbance. These trials were not well designed for statistical analysis but provide valuable long-term information on the suitability of various species for planting in riparian rehabilitation programs. Such information is of relevance not only to river and catchment management authorities, but also to community groups.  相似文献   

Lateral channel migration is normal or autogenic, with bank erosion often on concave and accretion on convex banks. Where bank erosion occurs, particularly at an accelerated rate through land abuse and an increase in flood magnitude and frequency or allogenic, it threatens human use of the flood plain. There is a demand for protection, often with very little understanding of the erosion hazard. Measurements based on photogrammetry were used to define bank erosion and accretion, as well as width changes, in eight meander arcs (11 sections in each) over 41 years. It was concluded that, if this rate continued over the next century, 82 ha of alluvial land, 6.2 km of roads, two bridges, 9 homes and 51 home sites could be lost. Various management options, costs and benefits are given in order to show how future planning and protection can be more rational.  相似文献   

This study uses GIS techniques to examine the spatial distribution of stream power along major streamlines in the Lane Cove catchment in northern Sydney, Australia. Channel gradient estimates derived from a 5 m resolution digital elevation model (DEM) are combined with streamflow data to estimate stream power along river courses. Stream power and its constituent components are then related to a detailed field‐based assessment of sediment storage along the trunk stream and primary tributaries. At the catchment scale, sediment storage per unit length decreases as channel gradient and gross stream power increase. However, local controls such as variability in valley width and occurrence of confluence zones exert a greater influence upon sediment storage, disrupting systematic catchment‐wide relationships. The total volume of storage along each streamline has a strong linear relationship to the area of the subcatchment, but the distribution of sediment along streamlines varies between subcatchments. The GIS framework employed in this project allows generation of continuous, empirical data, thereby providing catchment‐specific predictive capacity that can accompany theoretical approaches to stream power modelling.  相似文献   

During the 1994/95 wet season, runoff, suspended load and bedload loss from large scale erosion plots under natural rainfall events were measured at three sites with different treatments on the Energy Resources of Australia Ranger waste rock dump (cap, soil, fire). The fire site has well established trees, the soil site smaller shrubs and the cap site minimal vegetation. All three sites are located on the flat areas of the waste rock dump with similar slopes and cap, fire and soil are local names for the sites. The quantity of bedload eroded from the soil and fire sites decreased during the monitoring period, however, the same trend was not observed on the cap site. Bedload loss from the fire and soil sites is significantly log‐linear with time and reduces at a decreasing rate until becoming statistically constant toward the later part of the first half of the wet season. For corresponding storms at each site, bedload erosion was highest from the unvegetated and unripped cap site and lowest from the well vegetated fire site. Site specific linear relationships between bedload and total sediment load have been derived and can be used to derive total sediment load in the absence of measured suspended load.  相似文献   

Medium to large natural catchments are often more spatially heterogeneous than small catchments or single landforms. Attempting to model landform evolution of large areas is consequently more complex. This paper demonstrates that modelling landform evolution in medium to large catchments can be improved by calibrating the model to smaller, more geomorphologically homogenous sub‐catchments. The paper investigates landform evolution in the Ngarradj catchment in the Northern Territory of Australia (a medium scale catchment of approximately 67 km2). The catchment is complex and contains two distinct landform regions; an upland plateau region with highly dissected sandstone and shallow, sandy soils, and a lowlands region with gentle, wooded slopes and floodplains with deep, sandy soils. The SIBERIA landform evolution model is calibrated and applied to the Ngarradj catchment. The complexity of the Ngarradj catchment is incorporated into the modelling by dividing the catchment into three sub‐catchments (Swift Creek (SC), Upper Main (UM) and East Tributary (ET)) which are relatively homogeneous and for which hydrology and sediment transport data are available. A discharge‐area relationship and long‐term, sediment loss rates for the catchment are derived based on an annual series flood frequency analysis of a 20 year runoff record predicted in a previous study. Sediment transport modelling incorporates both suspended and bedload sediment loss. The denudation rates derived using these data are 37, 63 and 77 mm kyr?1 for the SC, UM and ET sub‐catchments, respectively. Model predictions indicate that the UM sub‐catchment will have the greatest mean erosion. This is balanced by the large amount of deposition that will occur in the upper Ngarradj valley of the UM sub‐catchment. Further deposition occurs on the floodplain of Ngarradj, with the area between the SC and ET/UM (up‐stream) sub‐catchments experiencing a small net accretion of sediment (15 mm kyr?1).  相似文献   

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