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大量现场地质调查结果表明:大型平原土体遗址原地原样保护的主要环境地质病害是地下水形成的渗水对遗址及其文物造成的腐蚀和破坏,因而治水工程是这类遗址保护中最主要的岩土工程。结合该类遗址原地原样保护原则要求:①遗址围岩和文物的含水率要低于40%;②遗址区地下水位要长期保持在遗址底板高程减去土层毛细水上升的水平面上;③为遗址长期保护服务的地质工程要能长期保持稳定正常运行;④地质工程要与文物景观相容。提出了治水工程的基本技术思路;①查明遗址区水文、工程地质条件;②建立遗址区水文地质模型;③遗址区工程地质、环境地质问题评价;④遗址区治水工程方案论证;⑤工程优化设计;⑥工程施工。其中,治水工作的关键是查明遗址区水文地质条件和地下水渗流场的变化规律,而地下水数值模拟技术能够模拟计算地下水随时间的动态变化。本工作以抗州萧山独木舟遗址为例,分析了该遗址区的水文地质条件,采用地下水数值模拟技术模拟计算遗址区原始地下水位分布;根据遗址区工程地质条件和原始地下水位模拟结果,提出了暗沟疏干排水方案,并模拟预测疏干排水工程实施后地下水位随时间变化规律,模拟结果合理,能够用于指导治水工程设计施工。  相似文献   

褚静涛 《安徽史学》2018,(3):103-110
奄美群岛是琉球群岛的一部分。1951年9月8日,《旧金山和约》签署,美国获得琉球群岛等岛屿的行政管辖权。为了扶植日本,对抗苏联,美国拟将奄美群岛的行政管辖权移交日本。台湾当局认为,包括奄美群岛在内的琉球群岛的主权属于琉球人民,不属于日本。台湾当局与美国政府展开沟通,指出美国此举将挑战《开罗宣言》《波茨坦宣言》,公开支持琉球人民追求自治。台湾一些民众向美国国会中的参议员打电报,劝告美国勿将奄美群岛交给日本管辖。1953年12月24日,美日两国在东京签署了关于奄美群岛的协定,根据《旧金山和约》第三条,美国将奄美群岛的行政管辖权移交日本。同时,美国政府发表声明,将继续管辖冲绳群岛、先岛群岛等岛屿。  相似文献   

徐一鸣  张生 《世界历史》2020,(1):108-126,I0006
如何处理琉球群岛,是美国战后对日和约中需要解决的主要问题之一。1950年4月,杜勒斯被杜鲁门总统任命为国务卿顾问,负责对日和约问题。当时,美国政府内部特别是军方和国务院之间对此存在争论和分歧。杜勒斯因应美国遏制共产主义发展的亚洲政策主要目标,与美国政府内部各方、美国各盟国、苏联、日本等折冲博弈,基本上界定了琉球政策的框架。为满足各方需求,杜勒斯创造了“剩余主权”这一全新概念,通过《旧金山和约》确保了在联合国托管的名义下,美国对北纬29度以南的琉球群岛进行排他性战略控制。同时,杜勒斯主导了《美日安保条约》《美澳新安全条约》《美菲共同防御条约》的形成,初步构建了美国在亚太地区以琉球群岛军事基地为核心的防卫体系。  相似文献   

旅游系统的空间分层拓扑结构研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
旅游业的发展离不开旅游系统,因此掌握旅游系统要素的空间分布规律就十分必要。本文结合图论及计算机网络拓扑结构的知识,联系计算机网络中的分层理论,提出旅游系统要素分布的空间分层拓扑结构。通过对陕西省的旅游景点、交通线路、客源地的区域空间结构的分析,将旅游系统的空间拓扑结构分为客源地层和景点层两层。并利用旅游空间分层拓扑结构对陕西省的旅游景点、交通线路、客源地的空间分布规律进行了探讨,初步提出了分层空间旅游系统的计算分析方法。  相似文献   

<正> 井陉,地当太行腰冲,左控幽冀、右扼雍并,在八陉之中不仅是兵家必争的天下险塞,且是渤海湾迤西一条十分重要的冀晋孔道,自古即为山左右经济往来、文化交融的要枢之区。井陉古道何时开通?当时情况与具体走向又如何?这个问题在文献中找不出确切的记载。1989年冬,1990年春,河北省进行文物复查,笔者曾率队对井陉境内(含矿区)的文物遗存做了踏勘,所获资料或可对此问题的探讨有所裨益,因述所见,以资参考。 一、周穆王以前的“羊肠山径” 《穆天子传·卷一》:“天子北征,乃绝漳水。庚辰,至于□,觞天子於磐石。载立不舍,至于鈃山之下。癸未,雨雪,天子猎于鈃山之西阿,於是得绝鈃山之坠,北循滹沱之阳”。对此,郭沫若先生解释为:周穆王沿太行山西麓北行,渡过漳水,经山西平定县的磐石,循桃  相似文献   

马卫东 《史学集刊》2006,(4):132-137
西周、春秋时期,诸侯列爵五等:公、侯、伯、子、男。五等爵是分封制度下诸侯的法定身份。西周时期,诸侯阶层内部依据五等爵规定的等级制原则分配权力、财富并确立对天子承担的不同义务。迨至春秋,五等爵仍被奉为重要的外交准则,对列国的朝聘会盟活动发挥一定的影响。然而,随着天子的衰微和诸侯的强大.春秋列国开始依据实力强弱进行权力和财富的再分配,五等爵原有的政治功能逐渐丧失。战国时代,五等爵制退出了历史舞台。  相似文献   

Gold was the most valuable metal in the ancient times and also the combination of the most magnificent materials and of the most complicated techniques. A history of the gold and silver wares reflects the development of the ancient handicraft, culture and aesthetics. The history of the Chinese ancient gold and silver handicraft is colorful and each period has its own distinguished character. The simplicity of Shang and Zhou. the vividness of the Spring and Autumn period and the Warring States. the boldness of the Han. the foreign style of Wei Jing and the Northern and Southern Dynasties, the vigor of Dang, the elegance of Song and Yuan and the delicacy of Ming and Qing, all makes the audience clap their hands in admiration.  相似文献   

The history of vernacular landscapes at the urban fringe is poorly studied, limiting our understanding of the contemporary character of the fringe and our knowledge of the urbanization process. This article argues the necessity of a combined analysis of the legacies of planning and the footprints of former landscape ideals in order to understand the conditions for spatial planning at the urban fringe. After first introducing the methodological use of landscape/planning history, the article focuses on the Swedish discourse on landscape change and landscape planning concerning the urban fringe in the 1930s. Particular focus is placed on the discourse on agricultural landscapes at the urban fringe. The third section of the article presents an examination of the footprints of the ‘landscape convention’ (i.e. an agreement on the meaning of landscape in relation to law and justice) resulting from the landscape discourse of the 1930s. The article argues that the legacy of the 1930s explains some of the difficulties arising when planners of today aim to utilize the farm landscape as a resource for recreation at the urban fringe. The shadow of the landscape discourse of the 1930s also creates difficulties in dealing with peri‐urban landscapes in Swedish planning and Swedish law. With the ongoing discourse on how to implement the European Landscape Convention, such knowledge is particularly useful.  相似文献   


During the fourth season of the Vasilikos Valley Project in the Larnaca District of southern Cyprus, excavations were continued at the Aceramic and Ceramic Neolithic site of Kalavasos-Tenta. Excavation on the west side of the top of the site revealed more of the plan of the earliest curvilinear building that underlies the stone complex. Elsewhere on the top of the site, further mud-brick and stone structures were uncovered, and a unique wall painting was found on the central pier of one building. Excavations in the Lower South Slope area confirmed the existence of a deep ditch outside the outer settlement wall. Five Aceramic phase burials were excavated in different parts of the site. Investigation of the Ceramic phase deposits on the eastern flanks of the site revealed a series of pits, but no standing architectural remains.

Excavations at the Chalcolithic site of Kalavasos-Ayious on the east side of the valley were also continued. A series of pits of widely varying size was brought to light in several different areas of the site. The largest pits contained numerous artifacts, sometimes in situ on distinct surfaces. At the north end of the site three pits were found connected by subterranean tunnels.

Rescue excavations, lasting from July 1979 through February 1980. were also undertaken at the Late Bronze Age site of A. Dhimitrios, a short distance to the south of Tenta. An extensive architectural complex of finely built stone structures was uncovered within the line of the new Nicosia-Limassol highway. The quality of the building, and the clear degree of planning that underlies the whole architectural layout, betoken a site of considerable importance. The architectural levels on the site may be dated to a late phase of Late Cypriote II, but one of the tombs also contains material of Late Cypriote I or early Late Cypriote II date.

A systematic field survey of the southern half of the Vasilikos valley, employing a regularly spaced series of transects, revealed a number of additional sites of varying type and period. A chronological outline of prehistoric Cyprus is provided in Table 1. Specialist reports on geographical, fluvial geomorphological, faunal, and conservation studies are also included.

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant no. BNS77–07685 A02.  相似文献   

刘桂春  韩增林 《人文地理》2007,22(3):51-55,27
随着社会生产力的提高,人类认识和干预自然的能力逐渐增强,人地关系也随之向广度和深度发展。在人地关系发展初期,人与陆地之间的相互作用强度远大于人与海洋之间的相互作用,而人地关系发展至今天,"地"的概念已经扩展到陆地和海洋的总体。本文首先阐述海陆复合生态系统理论,在此基础上分析海洋功能介入到原本主要以陆地为基地的人地关系系统中的机制问题。文章认为,海陆生态系统的进化、系统开放性所决定的物质能量和信息的交流以及人类需求的拉动都可能解释海洋功能对人地关系系统的介入。  相似文献   

李广全 《人文地理》2005,20(2):21-24
近年来,东北地区产业结构正处于由资源型向加工型转变阶段,几乎成为当地政府,乃至专家的共识。但是,对比数年来东北地区资源型工业和加工型工业的工业总产值、基本建设投资、更新改造投资的变化表明东北地区的产业结构类型属于典型的资源型地区。之所如此,其根本原因在于:市场经济的发展强化了在计划经济时期形成的资源型产业结构的发展模式,资源型产业潜在的效率增长空间因技术改造获得迅速的释放。  相似文献   

从传道之师到大学教员:现代学术研究职业化趋向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
左玉河 《安徽史学》2007,3(1):47-53
近代知识人的学术研究出现了职业化趋向.所谓学术职业化,就是将学术研究作为一种谋生的职业,学术研究者成为职业学者.随着清末民初现代学术教育体制的建立、科学家群体的形成、专门科研机构的创建、科研成就的取得与科学交流系统的建成,近代学者的社会职业角色开始形成,学术研究逐渐呈现一种职业化趋向,不仅出现了以知识生产和传授为谋生手段的社会职业,而且这种学术研究职业为一定的制度所保障.学术职业化是现代学术体制的重要特征.职业化学者被纳入近代分科化、专门化之学术体制中.现代学术体制以有形之场地和无形之规范,直接限定着学者之学术活动,并间接影响着学者之学术思想.职业化之知识人多遵从现代学术体制从事知识生产,甚至将知识作为稻粱谋,而不再执着于思想之道.这是职业化体制下学术研究的特点及知识人的特色.  相似文献   

潘美含  杨晓霞  潘卓 《人文地理》2017,32(6):154-160
对养老旅游决策行为影响因素的研究有助于发现旅游主体的内在动因,深入开拓养老旅游市场。本研究基于生命历程理论,选取影响养老旅游决策行为的16个变量设计问卷,在重庆市展开实地调查;运用二元logistic回归模型对调查数据进行分析。结果显示:对养老旅游决策行为的影响中,“个人能动性”影响最为显著,“相互联系的生活”影响较为显著,“一定时空中的生活”有一定影响,“生活的时间性”影响不显著;总体而言,对养老旅游决策行为影响较为显著的因素有居住地、退休前从事职业、退休后年收入水平、是否有需要照顾的家人、文化程度、养老储蓄、个人年际旅游最高频次、动态爱好活动频率。养老旅游决策行为受不同生命历程影响。  相似文献   

河北考古发现研究与展望   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
<正> 河北地处华北平原北部,东临渤海,西倚太行、南近鲁豫、北接燕山、幅员辽阔,历史悠久,是中华民族发源地之一。在我国古代文明史上占有极其重要的地位。半环形的渤海湾直从东鄙深入腹地,连京、津、唐三角地带,山东半岛、辽东半岛相对如钳形,中间的长山、庙岛列岛形成了古代齐鲁与辽东的重要陆桥。这里也是从渤海东去黄海、朝鲜半岛、日本和远及东北亚、东南亚的重要通道。是东亚地区古代人类面向太平洋的重要活动空间地带。  相似文献   

《晋书》以"载记"之体记述十六国史,融伪史入正史,蕴涵着史家对十六国历史的肯定。它以东晋为正统,这一书法的形成,与其史料来源大有关系。唐初所存的十六国史,不少出于南北朝史官之手,尤其是《十六国春秋》和《三十国春秋》,皆黜十六国为僭伪,但同时又在书法上肯定其历史地位,其褒贬对《晋书·载记》正统观的形成都产生了重大影响。另外,《晋书》不以前凉、西凉二政权入"载记",其理据颇可怀疑,但它打破了正统与僭伪的界限,折射出南北统一、民族融合后的历史心理。  相似文献   

This study addresses the problem of evaluation of strength of masonry walls. In-plane behavior of masonry panels has been studied under monotonic diagonal-compression and shear-compression loading in quasi-static test facility. The results of 35 laboratory and in situ tests are analyzed to show that in the case of the diagonal compression test results are lower than the strength of masonry walls evaluated trough the shear-compression test, highlighting the problem of choosing the test which best simulates to the real behavior of the masonry when stressed by lateral loads. A presentation is also given of the results of a F.E. investigation for shear strength evaluation of masonry walls. F.E. modeling non-linear procedure was used for the representation of masonry panels. The numerical simulations are compared with experimental results and the reliability of the different finite element models is discussed, thus confirming the different shear strength values measured in the experimental campaign.  相似文献   

The evaluation of seismic risk of masonry monuments requires to study the combination of vulnerability and hazard. In the present work, the global seismic response of slender masonry towers has been studied by means of a specific 3-D fibre model. Accounting for the particular behaviour of such structures, the hazard should also be described by a suitable measure of intensity of the seismic action. A variety of different parameters relating with the ground acceleration recordings have been investigated for what regards their correlation with the damage indicators of the model. The combination of the peak ground velocity of the horizontal component and of the significant duration is an effective measure of intensity. This measure can be improved by considering the accord of the frequency content of the ground motion with the dynamical characteristics of the tower. Since in some cases the effect of the vertical component proved to be important, a further improvement can be obtained by taking into account also the vertical ground motion intensity.  相似文献   

The article aims to reconsider the history of Ottoman Transjordan during the second half of the nineteenth century. Istanbul's decision to impose its direct control over this province triggered a process of evolution and change within local political spaces. The traditional balance of power was altered and tribes were forced to accept the authority of the Ottoman Empire. States and tribes were not the only political actors. Christian religious institutions also participated in the dynamics of change. The article reconsiders the history of a Christian village of Transjordan, Madaba, to describe the complex relationship between tribes and Christian religious communities during this period of change and evolution. The section Karak highlights the main aspects that characterized the refoundation of Madaba. In the section The Exodus and the Rebirth of Madaba, the exodus of several Christian tribes from Karak to Madaba is analyzed to explain the overlap and intertwinement between the different cultural horizons and sociopolitical logics of the two actors. The section The Village of Madaba analyzes some episodes of daily life in Madaba to detail the consequences of the interaction between tribes and religious communities. Finally, the functioning of the local sociopolitical space on which the Hashemite emirate was later founded is explained. The religious community‐tribe dyad was, in fact, part of the transition from “the tribe to the state.”  相似文献   

刘丽丽  徐蕊 《人文地理》2010,25(4):77-81
自1978年始,为了发挥中心城市带动周围农村的作用,国家行政体制作出了重要改革,实行市领导县体制。随之各级行政区的数量、名称和范围发生了较大的变化。本文以1978-2007年国家民政部统计数字为准,对改革开放30年来,中国县级以上行政区域名称的变更进行了统计分析与研究,揭示了政区通名和专名的变更特点及影响因素,指出更名中存在的主要问题,最后提出县级以上行政区域名称的变更的对策和建议。  相似文献   

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