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Soledad Garciat† 《对极》1993,25(3):191-205
This paper examines the restructuring of the local economy in Spain's largest cities, particularly Barcelona, but also Madrid and Seville, in relation to the main changes that have taken place in the urban environment since local democracy was re-established after the elections of 1979. This involves an analysis of the real capacity and impact of local council intervention in the economy and in the extension of the social dimension of citizenship. Despite their relatively small resources, local administrations have in the last few years attempted to create a more dynamic approach of leading, or at least collaborating in, economic and social reconstruction. The increasing role of localities in the economy has been particularly important since, in addition to counteracting a strong centralist tradition, it has coincided with the emergence of a new urban democratic arena which permits more social participation. However, the restructuring of state political and administrative power remains problematic at the local level due not only to the historical will of central government to apply a homogeneous pattern to heterogeneous urban realities, but also to the control that new regional governments seek to exercise over cities.  相似文献   

中小企业集群与推进我国小城镇经济发展的路径选择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自改革开放以来,我国中小企业得到了长足发展,成为区域经济发展的重要力量。本文从中小企业集群与小城镇发展的关系入手,以我国已经形成中小企业集群的小城镇为例,分析得出中小企业集群是小城镇经济发展的动力和方向的结论;另外,分析了小城镇形成中小企业群的区位条件,认为特色文化传统、价值观念对中小企业集群的形成与发展起一定的影响作用,并针对目前小城镇发展中小企业集群存在的问题提出建议。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The paper investigates the importance of history for local economic performance in Italy by studying the role of social capital, which refers to trust, reciprocity and habits of co‐operation that are shared among members of a local community. The paper presents a test based on worker productivity, entrepreneurship, and female labor market participation. Using as instruments regional differences in civic involvement in the late 19th century and local systems of government in the middle ages, it shows that social capital does have economic effects.  相似文献   

珠江三角洲中小城市的城市化研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
李永洁 《人文地理》2002,17(5):33-35
本文通过对中小城市在珠江三角洲城市化进程中的发展地位、发展特点、城市化形成机制以及珠江三角洲未来发展环境等方面进行分析,得出:①中小城市的发展完善了珠江三角洲的城镇体系;②中小城市对城市化水平的贡献率远远大于大城市;③未来城市发展的动力机制将更趋多样性,将会出现更加理想的城市化空间发展模式。另外,针对珠江三角洲未来中小城市的发展,本文提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

我国区域经济地理学科的创新与发展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
王荣成  张英 《人文地理》2002,17(2):94-96
本文认为随着世界政治经济格局的深刻变化和世界经济一体化、区域集团化的飞速发展,区域经济地理学作为我国地理科学中的一门年轻学科,正处于深刻的变革之中。在新的21世纪中,学科发展面临着重大挑战,同时也面临着发展的重要机遇,要实现学科的创新与发展,关键在于如何深刻认识与处理学科发展面临的相关学科的挑战、继承与创新、理论与实践相结合等几个重大问题。最后,本文提出了区域经济地理学科的四个发展趋势。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The proposition that a decentralized structure of local governments can effectively constrain public sector growth is empirically investigated. Data on Swedish municipal sector size for the 1942–87 period are analyzed within the context of a median voter model. The results indicate that decentralization, measured by the number of units of local government serving a given population, constrains the influence of institutional factors (e.g., rent seeking, bureaucracy) on local budgets as long as these units exceed some minimal threshold size. The findings support the view that communities should be given the flexibility to determine their own ideal pattern of local governments.  相似文献   

罗小龙  陈烨婷 《人文地理》2012,27(3):141-146
南京大学是我国地理学研究的重要阵地,在经济地理学领域更是有着深远的影响。本文基于对地理学刊物上发表论文的统计,对南京大学经济地理学发展的历程进行了系统的研究。南京大学经济地理学发展主要分为快速发展期、波动停滞期、复苏繁荣期、蓬勃发展期等四个阶段。在研究内容上,主要涉及区域经济与区域发展、交通地理学、空间结构与空间布局、产业集群与新产业区、企业与区域增长、低碳经济与可持续发展、全球化的经济活动、技术进步与信息化、制度经济地理学等9个主要领域。这9大领域在国内学界有着重要的影响。最后,展望南京大学经济地理学学科发展,提出新经济地理学、制度转向/文化转向、服务国家需求是未来研究的三大主要方向。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. A large proportion of regional production takes place in nontraded goods and services. In addition, significant productivity increases can be observed in some segments of this sector. Starting from these two empirical observations we construct a model of growth in a two-region setting with factor mobility. The growth process is based on endogenous technological change in the nontraded input sector, whose output serves as an input in the production of one of the two final goods, the so-called industrial good. We consider two extreme cases, one with locally limited, the other with interregional knowledge spillovers. Conditions are established under which interior solutions with production of local inputs and steady-state growth in both regions result, and others under which we find a core-periphery pattern with growth concentrated in one region only. The stability of the equilibria is discussed by considering the transition processes. Finally, it is shown that catching-up as well as leapfrogging may occur, if new technologies become available.  相似文献   

区域发展理论与当代经济地理学的发展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
赵媛 《人文地理》1998,13(3):30-34
本文系统地阐述了区域发展理论发展进程的三个阶段,分析了每个阶段最有代表性的关于区域发展的理论,及其对当代经济地理学的影响。指出,区域发展理论在经济地理学研究领域中的广泛应用,有力地推动着学科的发展进程。  相似文献   

历史时期西北城市发展简论   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
本文运用历史地理、文化地理的方法,通过分析周代至清末西北地区城市的发展过程,简要探讨了西北城市形成、发展的过程及其内在机制。  相似文献   

东北地区资源性城市接续产业的选择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
东北地区资源性城市接续产业的发展是东北老工业基地改造的重要内容之一。本文分析了东北地区资源性城市的发展历程和产业现状,指出了资源性城市接续产业发展的必要性和迫切性。然后,讨论了接续产业的选择依据。在此基础上,对东北地区资源性城市进行分类,并研究了不同类型资源性城市接续产业的选择。  相似文献   

本文计算评价了江苏省地区级中心城市的中心性,并利用重力模型划分主要中心城市腹地范围,通过分析人口密度函数的变化探讨了20世纪90年代江苏省中心城市的增长模式和集聚扩散特征。江苏省中心城市增长模式和集聚扩散特征存在南北差异。  相似文献   

中国资源型城市的演化特征与趋势探析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
肖劲松  毛锋 《人文地理》2008,23(2):67-72
本文在追溯中国资源型城市发展历史背景的基础上,选取1952、1984、1990和2004年四个时段我国届存的资源型城市,从城市数量、类别和空间格局的变化,比较系统地揭示了我国资源型城市演化的特征与规律,并剖析了其形成的根源;进而,对我国资源型城市的未来发展趋势作了探讨,为进一步研究资源型城市发展机制和调控措施等奠定基础。  相似文献   

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