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This paper presents the results of electron microprobe analysis of two gold studs, and their associated gold alloy solders. from La Tolita in Ecuador. Metallographic and compositional data are presented and the types of solders used are discussed.  相似文献   

The silver content within the body and at the surface of 22 Roman ‘bronze’coins dating to a.d. 274–305 was determined by X-ray fluorescence to discover whether these coins were silver dipped and/or issued with a deliberately added amount of silver in their alloy. Results of this analysis indicate that antoniniani and fractional coins of the period 274–294 were probably both silver dipped and minted in an argentiferous alloy. Radiate and laureate fractions issued after 295 do not seem to have had an argentiferous alloy, nor does this analysis provide any evidence that they were silverdipped.  相似文献   

Summary. An assemblage of 20 bronze artefacts discovered together is described, which includes 17 Late Bronze Age objects belonging to the Wilburton tradition (including one decorated sword hilt). The assemblage also includes three other objects, of later dates, and the separate discovery of a Wilburton sword, found nearby, is also described. The origin of the Wilburton items as part of a hoard is discussed and the likely history of the assemblage is considered. A metallurgical report on all the objects, by J.P. Northover is included.  相似文献   

正Ethnic people living on the Tibetan Plateau during the Tubo period have been well-known as not only strong and brave on horses,but they were also an ethnic group enriched with powerful creativity and rich imagination.From Tubo's cultural art,we can observe a large amount of extremely fine artifacts.For instance,among recently  相似文献   

A series of silver coins was analysed for silver and gold contents by three methods—chemical wet analysis, activation analysis and X-ray fluorescence using a point source linear spectrometer (milliprobe). The results indicate that while the X-ray fluorescence technique gives better agreement with chemical analysis for major components the use of activation analysis with automated equipment results in a considerable saving of time and has a high sensitivity for some minor components.  相似文献   

In recent years ion beam techniques have become more and more important since in most cases the analysis of copper and copper alloy coins has to be non-destructive. It is therefore of interest to study the relative advantages of several nuclear methods for a certain type of metal. The results are presented here of a comparison between three non-destructive ion beam techniques: particle induced X-ray emission, proton activation analysis and fast neutron activation analysis.  相似文献   

The probability of nuclei capturing neutrons reveals sharp peaks, so‐called ‘resonances’, which occur at neutron energies that are specific for each element. These resonances are very suitable for analysing the elemental composition of objects. They are the basis of a new analytical method, ‘neutron resonance capture analysis’ (NRCA). This is a fully non‐destructive method, which is applicable to almost all stable isotopes, determines the bulk elemental composition, does not require any sample preparation and results in a negligible residual activity. Recently, NRCA has been applied in a study of a series of bronze statuettes, obtained from the National Museum of Antiquity in Leiden (NL).  相似文献   

R. J. FLEET 《Archaeometry》1975,17(1):101-106
Using partly plastic apparatus, specific heats of coins have been found calorimetricly to an accuracy of ± 3% for most coins. For silver/copper alloys the specific heat varies approximately linearly with the weight percentage composition, so the latter can be calculated for coins of unknown composition.  相似文献   

吐蕃系统金银器研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Tibetan Kingdom rose in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau in the 7th century as a mighty minority regime under the Tang Dynasty of China.Tibetan gold and silver wares were recorded in Tang literal documents and enjoyed a great fame throughout the world for their distinctive and exquisite form.But their samples were seldom discovered for a long time.Based on a study of the Tibetan gold and silver articles recently unearthed from Tibetan tombs in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and known from collections abroad,the...  相似文献   

Public sector aid to K-12 parochial schools is often justified on the basis that providing assistance is cheaper than having to absorb all those students into public school systems. But is it? The cost of transferring students from parochial to public K-12 schools has never been satisfactorily calculated. This article points to the weaknesses in previous efforts and outlines the elements that must be present in a comprehensive estimate of transfer costs.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a metallographic examination of Eneolithic and Early Bronze Age axes from the Northalpine region of central Europe. During this period, different types of copper were in use: arsenical copper, Fahlerz copper and tin bronze. We examine if and to what extent the different properties of the metals used were known to prehistoric metalworkers and actively manipulated in the production of the axes. The development of methods of casting and smithing is discussed. Both aspects contribute to our understanding of the nature of prehistoric technological change. During the Early Bronze Age of the Northalpine region, different traditions of early metallurgy can be identified, which differ in their use of Fahlerz copper, their attitude towards tin alloying and the use made of tin bronze in the production of the axes. These traditions can only be adequately described by reference to both composition—that is, access to different types of copper as well as tin—and knowledge of the production techniques provided by metallographic data.  相似文献   

戴建兵 《中国钱币》2006,9(1):15-19
流通数量反映了银元在流通领域中的地位,但由于当时统计资料的分散,更由于地方造币厂为地方利益而滥铸、盗铸及浮报、伪造统计报表,准确详实的铸币数量极难获得,仅能依据现有资料做出一般性的大趋势估计。彭信威先生认为:清末货币总量(包括中外银元、银锭、银角、铜币、纸币等)为20·97亿银元,“全国人口若以四亿计,每人约占五元二角四分”,如果以其中30%的货币在上海流通,则上海流通货币量有6亿元。①《银行周报》认为:自光绪十五年张之洞在广东开铸银元,到1913年底时,全国共铸银元约2·2亿元,小洋约铸2·3亿元。1913年至1916年,银元共铸1…  相似文献   

Fifty‐three ceramic samples were collected in the area of the colonial city of Riobamba, Ecuador (today Sicalpa/Cajabamba). Neutron activation analysis was used to attempt to establish elemental compositions, and from these gain information on the manufacturing locations of these samples. Colonial samples imported from Panama were separable by their high Cs contents, and can be sorted into glazed and unglazed industries based on As and Cs. High As concentrations in several sherds indicate an origin near Cuenca, in the Southern Highlands of Ecuador, for both colonial and Inca samples. Inca and colonial Quito samples from the north of the country are identifiable through high Na combined with low Sc and Cr concentrations. Locally produced Puruhá, unglazed colonial and majolica samples form a group indicative of local Riobamba elemental composition.  相似文献   

Summary. The majority of the well-stratified Early Bronze Age metal objects from Poliochni, with the exclusion of one hoard find, was analyzed for their chemical and lead isotope composition. The results show that a major change occurred in the metal used at Poliochni during periods contemporary with Troy I and Troy II. Unalloyed or arsenical copper with relatively high lead contents during the earliest two periods 'azzurro' and 'verde' is gradually replaced and supplemented by tin bronze which, during period 'giallo', i.e., by the end of Troy II, becomes the dominant metal type. Lead isotope abundance ratios in the earlier artefacts are consistent with a derivation of the metal from regional ore sources but the trace element abundance pattern is not. Concurrent with the appearance of tin bronzes is an increase in the diversity of ore deposits exploited; for about one third of the artefacts from period 'giallo' there is as yet no matching ore source in all Anatolia and the Eastern Mediterranean. It is argued that the tin bronzes have been imported as such but that the lead isotope signature does not provide any direct clues to the origin of the tin.  相似文献   

明代是中国古代金银钱铸造较多的历史时期。据史籍记载和考古资料 ,其时官炉金银钱由内府银作局与金银矿坑冶主管部门所主铸 ,民间金银钱则由金银铺或富豪私家铸作。一、明代内府银作局铸造的金银钱史述明官制设有职掌“打造宫廷金银器饰”的“内府银作局” ,为明代宦官十二监之一 ① 。万历朝任内府司礼监要职的宦官刘若愚在其所作之记录中 ,述内府银作局事颇详。其云 :银作局“专管造金银铎针、枝个、挑杖、金银钱、金银豆、叶。……以备钦赏之用”② 。明代用内府金银钱、豆于钦赏的史录不少。如明人记述正统间“英宗初开经筵 ,每讲毕 ,…  相似文献   

潘懿 《中国钱币》2006,(3):16-22
宋代典章文物多有可观,钱币文化亦堪称高峰。两宋金银钱的发展演变脉络是比较清晰的:北宋多为年号钱,形制、钱文与流通铜钱相近;南宋年号钱并非主流,而以寿庆宫钱和吉语钱为其特色。具体讲来,北宋初年宋元、太平皆有与铜钱同版之银钱,淳化元宝金钱面版亦与铜钱无异。孙仲汇先生曾见过一枚绍圣通宝旋读小平银钱①,此乃金银钱文字形制与铜钱趋异之分野,惜未留拓。徽宗时金银钱品种甚多,圣宋、崇宁、大观、政和、宣和皆见有小平银钱,版式繁多,精粗不一,政和、宣和且有小金银钱极精。靖康通宝银钱是北宋最后一种银钱,制作并不考究。北宋又铸有大…  相似文献   

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