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This paper examines the theoretical implications of quantity-discounted transportation rates on the optimum location decision of the firm. It shows that the linearly homogeneous or homothetic production function is not a sufficient condition for the independence between the optimum location and the output level, unless (i) the elasticities of transportation rates with respect to quantity shipped are constant and identical, and (ii) the ratios of marginal products 60 the marginal transportation costs are equal for each input.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper examines the role of the structure of transportation rates in the Weber-Moses triangle model. It shows that, in Zeigler's analysis, the appearance of the price elasticities of demand for inputs actually vanish by a simple application of the envelope theorem. Applying comparative statics analysis, we show when transportation rates are a function of quantity and distance, the assumptions that the production function is homogeneous of degree one and the transportation rates elasticities with respect to quantity and distance are constant are not sufficient to insure that the optimum location is independent of the level of output. This result is significantly different from that obtained by either Miller and Jensen or Zeigler.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider oligopolistic competition in a spatial model when firms take care of goods' delivery and discriminate among consumers. Firms compete by setting quantity schedules independently over space. We show that under general conditions a Nash equilibrium in this game exists and is unique. In equilibrium, firms’ markets overlap, a feature which accords with intuition and empirical observations. Over the interval between two firms, the equilibrium spatial price schedule is quasi-concave (quasi-convex) when transport costs are concave (convex). With linear transport costs, the model predicts uniform delivered pricing. Uniform pricing could moreover be obtained by a combination of increasing returns to volume in transportation together with concavity of unit transport costs in distance.  相似文献   

Geographical distance constitutes friction in searching for research collaborators. Taking advantage of a quasinatural experiment featured by High-Speed Railway (HSR) lines in China, this paper employs the difference-in-differences model to identify the causal impact of a substantial improvement in the intercity transportation infrastructure on collaborative innovation across cities. The data pertain to a universe of patent applications filed by Chinese universities and their citations. We find that HSR contributes to a substantial increase in the innovation quantity and quality of collaborative patenting innovation between universities and corporates. It contributes to industry collaboration by utilizing university academic disciplines in the related technology fields. Lastly, HSR facilitates universities to search for new research partners with better quality beyond the geographical boundary.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. This paper outlines some arguments about the role of transportation costs in determining the welfare consequences of trade restrictions. The analysis uses a computable general equilibrium (CGE) model and presents the relevant features for trade analysis. The model has two alternative spatial formulations. In the first, all production and trade occur at one point, while in the second the regions are separated by distance. The calculated effects of a unilateral tariff increase are compared using the CGE model with the “point” and “distance” formulation. While the presence of transportation costs is crucial to some sectoral trade and production results, most welfare results are relatively insensitive to the spatial structure of the model.  相似文献   

This study presents an algorithm for measuring the time‐distance accessibility based on the flow data of actual transportation networks and examines resulting accessibility distributions. Specifically, we construct an extended graph of the transportation network to take into account not only the average speed and transfer time extracted from the data set but also various possible trajectories taken via transfers. Employing the modified Floyd algorithm which finds the shortest time distance, we compute the time‐distance accessibility of every bus stop in the Seoul bus system, which yields distinctive skew distributions. We then introduce a time‐distance cutoff to focus on effective connections and probe the emergent spatial distributions as the cutoff is varied. Revealed are the characteristic scales as well as spatial structures of the system. It is suggested that the time‐distance accessibility can serve as a significant measure to describe and predict the urban land use pattern.  相似文献   

This study examining community gardens in Calgary was initiated in collaboration with the non-profit organization, Sustainable Calgary, as part of their housing-transportation-food nexus initiative. The main research objectives were to determine the socio-economic demographics of neighbourhoods that support community gardens and the proximity of community gardens to active transportation and public transit. Methods included the use of GIS visualization and quantitative analyses to investigate relationships between demographic variables of neighbourhoods that support community gardens, as well as the accessibility of active transit routes and Light Rail Transit stations. Findings show that community garden neighbourhoods are located in neighbourhoods with significantly fewer visible minorities, higher levels of educational attainment, and more attached dwellings such as apartments and townhomes. The average distance of community gardens from a major bike lane is 330 m, while the average distance from a Light Rail Transit station is 1.78 km. This study suggests potential inequities that may be present within the proliferation of public community gardens based on socio-economic factors other than economic capital. This paper concludes with a discussion surrounding implications and recommendations to further the equitable expansion of community gardens.  相似文献   

以山东省Q市为例,从公共服务满意度视角探讨城市空间正义问题及其作用路径。研究发现,近年来我国城市存在公共服务视野下明显的空间不正义问题,临近省市政府能享受更多、更好的公共服务,而区政府并不显著,且远离政府权力中心的边缘地带更加严重。不过,这种空间不正义问题更多源自省市政府权力的空间资源配置失衡,区政府没有足够话语权;主要在市辖区层面,街道尺度并不显著。受制于公共产品属性不同,不同公共服务的空间不正义问题有明显差异,弱排他性或弱竞争性的问题较小。另外,权力空间化通过公共产品配置数量和质量影响空间不正义问题,且质量层面远大于数量层面。新时代城市要从提高公共产品质量入手实现空间正义。  相似文献   

感知距离对旅游目的地形象、旅游满意度以及旅游者的目的地选择行为具有重要影响。本文运用由感知距离定位图获取的第一手数据和单因素方差分析法,研究了中国人对距离远近的感知标准及不同常住地、性别、学历和年龄群体差异。主要结论为:中国人对距离远近感知标准为:直线距离≤200 km、时间距离≤4 h感知"很近",直线距离200-400 km、时间距离4-8 h感知"近",直线距离400-700 km、时间距离8-13 h感知"远",直线距离700-1000 km,时间距离13-20 h感知"很远",直线距离≥1000 km、时间距离≥20 h感知"遥远";常住地交通便利程度、性别、学历、年龄都在影响着人们对距离远近的判断。本文首次实证研究了中国人对距离远近的感知标准,丰富了感知距离研究内容,研究结论对于旅游目的地市场营销具有实践指导价值。  相似文献   

宜居性一直是人类的共同理想和追求,人本导向下的宜居城市建设是新型城镇化建设的重要内容。城市交通是城市形态和出行行为的主要载体,实现交通与城市的和谐发展是宜居城市建设的根本和关键要素。本研究在梳理国内外相关研究的基础上,主要从理论层面探讨了基于多维视角的城市宜居交通概念、目标、要素与框架。本文强调了宜居交通的多维目标,认为宜居交通建设应更全面地与经济、社会和环境目标相融合,满足更广泛的需求和相关规划体系的有效性。同时,提出宜居交通构建的主要策略和研究的主要方向。  相似文献   

短途旅游中心的引力范围研究——以南京市为例   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
张燕  张洪 《人文地理》2001,16(3):89-93
短途旅游是我国目前很有发展潜力的一种旅游形式,为此,有必要建立短途旅游中心。此中心的引力范围可用心理距离与地理距离相结合来度量。从短途旅游者的角度来看,选择短途旅游的旅游目的地,主要受闲暇时间与经济条件的限制,因而,用游客从居住地到旅游目的地的往返途中所耗时间与在旅游目的地滞留时间之比,及短途旅游出行支出意愿二项定量指标,可动态地描述衡量短途旅游中心引力范围的距离尺度,并据此作出等值线图形式的引力范围图。最后分析了南京市作为短途旅游中心的大致引力范围、竞争对手的分布及潜在旅游者。  相似文献   

Over the past decades, islands and archipelagos undergoing decolonisation have opted not to pursue independence. Many have instead become autonomous subnational island jurisdictions (SNIJs), maintaining links with their former colonisers in order to gain economic, social, and political benefits. The age of island independence movements has largely ceased. One exception is Greenland, an SNIJ in which the public overwhelmingly favours independence from Denmark. This desire for independence is linked to a binary understanding of Greenlandic identity and Danish identity as well as a binary understanding of independence and dependence. Greenland's colonial experience has trapped it in a Denmark-oriented conceptualisation of Greenlandic identity, which prevents the pursuit of potential political and economic futures, for example gaining economic benefits through the provision of strategic services to a patron state. This study demonstrates how island status and centre-periphery relations can influence political culture and, by considering the exceptional case of a present-day island independence movement, sheds light on the dynamics of island-mainland relations more generally.  相似文献   

The present paper examines the importance of integrating geographical effects into the analysis of social networks. Specifically, we study the impacts of spatial distance and territorial borders on information exchange within two European cross-border regions where there is evidence of extensive cross-border political interaction in the domain of public transportation. We use exponential random graph models to review how these spatial factors influence policy interaction. We show how the effect of distance on the exchange of information between organizations is less obvious than it seems at first sight, when we control for endogenous networks effects with which it tends to be confounded. We also explore moderating effects among the spatial factors studied and in particular how the effect of distance affects information exchange by territoriality. While the probability of interaction decreases with distance in the context of domestic ties, distance does not exert the same friction when it comes to cross-border ties. These findings suggest that borders are not necessarily a barrier to interaction and that peripheral actors located in border regions may bridge distance in order to access strategic information they do not have access to within their territorial jurisdiction and is likely concentrated in foreign decision centers.  相似文献   

This study deployed statistical and spatial (GIS) analyses to test the effects of geographic, demographic and occupational factors in predicting health centre visits among the elderly (≥60 years) with chronic ailments in Kanchanaburi Province, western Thailand. Datasets from the Kanchanaburi Demographic Surveillance System (2004 baseline survey and a 2006 project follow-up) comprised five land-use landscape and occupational strata: urban/semi-urban (industrial), rice field, plantation crop, upland and mixed economy. Travel distance to the nearest health centre was calculated following transportation routes and the GPS coordinates of individual home locations, and the number of healthcare visits under the national free universal coverage (UC) scheme reported for the previous year was used as a dependent variable in regressions. Broadly, the study found that distance was not a significant predictor of the rate of elderly health centres visits for those with co-residing spouses and/or adult children (77% of sample), and for the elderly still working (48% of the sample) who were the least likely to access healthcare. Owning motorised vehicles did not encourage visits, which also varied by land-use and occupational strata.  相似文献   

网约车的普及重塑了居民的通勤行为。城市建成环境作为居民通勤出行的制约因素,是交通地理学的重要研究议题。采用海口市滴滴出行订单数据,刻画格网尺度的居民通勤时间与通勤距离的空间分异格局,并运用地理探测器分析城市建成环境对居民通勤出行的影响。结果表明:(1)早晚高峰通勤时间在空间上表现为中间集聚、四周分散的分布特征;早晚高峰通勤距离呈现梯度递增的圈层结构。(2)不同维度的建成环境因素对通勤时间和通勤距离的影响程度不一;其中距公交站距离、距市中心距离、职住比、道路邻近度是核心影响因素;人口密度、就业可达性、路网密度产生较为显著的影响。(3)从影响效应看,交通区位优越、职住趋于平衡、道路邻近度高、就业可达性好能引导网约车与多元交通协同发展。结果可为改善交通出行环境、优化居民通勤结构提供借鉴。  相似文献   

赵璜 《人文地理》1995,10(3):37
哈萨克斯坦是资源丰富、战略地位重要的中亚国家。独立后成为东西方投资的热点和竞争的市场。本文通过对哈经济现状及其与俄罗斯、西方国家和伊斯兰世界关系的分析,全面阐述了中哈经贸联系的历史、现状和前景,特别强调两国连接欧亚大陆桥的地缘优势。作者认为发展国际关系、保持过境运输通畅与推动经贸合作是密切相关的,三者缺一不可。  相似文献   

王殿华 《人文地理》2005,20(6):15-18
本文分析了东北地区劳动力国际流动数量和营业额在全国的地位、去往国别、从事的行业等特点,论述和分析了影响东北地区劳动力国际流动的有利和不利因素。针对存在的问题,提出了发展东北地区劳动力国际流动的基本对策。  相似文献   

在采用地名志及相关史料的基础上,通过从时间和空间两个角度,解读连州市乡村聚落格局演化及形成原因。研究结果表明:连州早在西汉元鼎六年即已设立,后随南北交通线和区域开发进程演变,在时间上,可划分为六个发展阶段,以明清时期增长最快。在空间分布上,连州市乡村聚落具备空间传承性,连州镇是连州市乡村聚落增长的核心,各时期乡村聚落密度最大的乡镇均位于市域的中西部和东北部地区,聚落密度较小者集中于北部少数民族聚居区与东部高山区。在此基础上,从自然地理条件、移民、交通、经济发展、民族构成等五个方面对连州市乡村聚落建立和发展的影响进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Nationalism is frequently considered as an extreme, ‘hot’ phenomenon related to often violent nation/state-building processes. Billig’s Banal Nationalism turned the attention to how nationalism is also ‘flagged’ and routinely reproduced in existing states. This article studies the mobilization of these forms of nationalism and suggests that independence is a useful notion in bridging the hot/banal divide and for tracing the ‘hot in the banal’. Whereas for separatist movements independence is primarily a goal aspired to, in existing states independence/sovereignty is used to bring together hot and banal forms of nationalism which are mobilized in reproducing the discourses/practices related to the purported national identity. This paper first outlines a heuristic framework for conceptualizing independence and its key dimensions in relation to hot and banal nationalism as well as state-territory building. Secondly, the paper will study empirically the merit of the notion of independence regarding nationalism research via four themes: (1) the role of independence in Finland’s state/nation-building process, spatial socialization and in mixing hot and banal nationalism; (2) the use of the ‘independence card’ by (nationalist) parties; (3) the mobilization of nationalist practices/discourses in the performativity of Finnish Independence Day; and (4) the resistance that the independence celebrations have incited. This study shows that the idea of independence in this context is inward-looking, draws on Othering, and is flagged in media and spatial socialization (e.g. education) using particular iconographies, landscapes, events, and memories related above all to wars. Rather than expressing hot or banal nationalism these discourses/practices effectively merge the two, challenging any simple dichotomy between them. The performativity of Independence Day in particular displays this blending.  相似文献   

A system of territorial differentials in retail prices for consumer goods in the Soviet Union is considered essential as long as regional physical and other geographic differences produce cost differentials in production and transportation. It is suggested that the present system of three price zones be revised for individual food products to take fuller account of distance between producing and consuming areas.  相似文献   

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