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中国"儒家社会主义"论析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
盛邦和 《史学月刊》2007,1(4):109-115
“儒家社会主义”在中国思想史上占有重要一席,与西欧和俄国的空想社会主义相比,诞生时间早、经历时间长,对古今中国的影响恒久深远。儒家社会主义理论包括其高端纲领——大同社会论,及其低端纲领——小康社会论。“儒家社会主义”是宝贵的民族精神遗产,既有其理想的光辉,又有其空想的色彩。历史证明,惟有科学社会主义与和谐进步的科学发展理论方为当代中国践行必胜的思想道路。  相似文献   

平阳商帮作为晋商的一支,明清两代是其发展的重要阶段,清末民初逐渐由繁盛走向衰落。平阳商帮经贸西路,其经营地点基本为丝绸之路沿线城市如西安、兰州、银川、武威、酒泉、西宁等,其经营行业涉及盐业、冶铁业、布业、烟业及茶叶等。明朝"开中法"的实施为平阳商人经贸西路拉开了序幕,丝路贸易的繁荣吸引平阳商人前去经商,"互通有无"的商业模式给平阳商人提供了商机,便利的交通亦是平阳商人经贸西路的重要条件。  相似文献   

Federal programs to help small business obtain government contracts reflect a type of policy learning termed the comparison effect. In contrast with studies of learning focused on policy instruments, the comparison effect directs attention to a class of policy dissatisfaction that leads to a search for new policy and the translation of dissatisfaction into problem definitions that influence the agenda. In the comparison effect, policy fuels comparisons of government treatment of different groups or sectors that contribute to compensatory or offsetting programs for those deemed to be on the losing end of the comparison.  相似文献   

中国的城市地理学:评价和展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
周一星 《人文地理》1991,6(2):54-58
本文对我国城市地理学近十几年来取得的成绩给予了积极而谨慎的评价,对存在问题和今后研究重点发表了见解。  相似文献   

1949年以来中国城市现代化与城市化关系探讨   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
作为同一历史进程的两个方面 ,城市现代化与城市化本应相互促进、共同发展 ,但由于现代化启动并发生于特殊的历史时代 ,194 9年以来 ,中国的城市现代化与城市化经历长期的曲折反复 ,两者之间的关系错综复杂 ,并呈现出不同的特征 ,直至改革开放以后 ,城市现代化与城市化才最终走上相互协调的良性发展轨道。  相似文献   

This article highlights the striking similarity of underlying social forms on both sides of the 1950s Cold War divide. Urban China in the early People’s Republic is interpreted as a variant of Fordism, a coherent social system that assumed hegemony across the globe in the postwar period. Under Fordism, bureaucratic mediation of a rationalized production process was brought together with a new regime of inclusive and homogeneous work and culture, all of which supported a vision of national unity and industrial development. Such an understanding may prove useful in working through difficulties in theorizing this period and in pursuing new directions for research.  相似文献   

Despite its importance as a part of the economic reform in China, sectoral employment has been overlooked as a potential determinant of child and adolescent obesity (CAO). Using large-scale longitudinal data from surveys conducted from 1989 to 2006, this paper examines the relationship between the sector in which a parent is employed and CAO, with the sector being based on ownership and categorised as either state or non-state. Analyses of over 1700 children and adolescents show that children and adolescents whose parents work in the state sector are less likely to be obese. Patterns of sectoral employment's effect are robust across time periods, in fixed-effects models, and across multiple measures of obesity. Additionally, the paper shows that socioeconomic characteristics of the parent, such as income, education, and occupation, typically thought to be important predictors of CAO, are not as important when the parental working sector is included in the models.  相似文献   

The article examines the development of the urban planning system in Tallinn from 1991, when Estonia re-established its independence from the Soviet Union, until 2004. The planning laws and planning documents are analysed from the point of view of what kind of tools they provide for the public authority to intervene in urban development. It is argued that a liberal ad hoc urban planning that was established in the early 1990s is currently gradually being replaced by a more regulatory system where the rights of landowners are increasingly yet not always comprehensively defined in advance. Nonetheless, despite the recent revival of planning, the market still primarily dictates Tallinn's urban development.  相似文献   

The recent increase in business services in terms of both value added and employment has had a positive effect on regional economies, helping them to create a comparative advantage and contributing to the general development of regional productive systems. This heterogeneous set of activities is characterized, among others, by its uneven distribution in the territory. In this paper we aim to identify the key factors that influence the location of business services within the NUTS 2 regions of the European Union. Using a multivariate analytical approach (combining a principal components factor analysis and a multiple linear regression by means of ordinary least squares), four key factors have been identified. In terms of their influence on the location of business services, we can pinpoint the following factors: urban dimension, competitiveness, accessibility and economic dynamism. It was found that business services tend to locate in urban, densely populated and dynamic areas with high levels of competitiveness and easy access.  相似文献   

城市旅游在中国:研究回顾与发展展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐福英  马波 《旅游科学》2012,26(4):52-64
本文对中国城市旅游的研究动态进行了回顾与反思后认为,中国城市旅游研究虽然成果数量多并呈现稳定递增态势,但同时存在着动态研究不足、系统性缺失、研究深度不够以及方法落后等问题。本文从发展目的、形态、生产模式和空间结构四方面对城市旅游进行了重新认识,并探讨了对城市旅游与城市发展以及与城市其他产业的融合和嵌入发展等问题。  相似文献   

周恩来认为,中国社会主义建设是一条漫长的道路,大致要经过两个阶段;中国社会主义建设要靠自己摸索经验,创造出一条适合自己的社会主义建设的路子;中国社会主义建设不能搞单一的公有制,还要有个人所有制作为补充。这些重要思想理论观点,为中国共产党探索中国社会主义建设的发展阶段、方法和途径以及生产资料所有制等做出了重要理论贡献。  相似文献   

城镇劳动就业与中国改革的发轫   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
劳动就业不仅是现代社会必须解决的基本问题之一,也是社会改革的推动力。20世纪70年代末的中国城镇劳动就业就是如此。中国政府通过改革的方式顺利解决了当时严峻的就业问题,为社会的发展和进一步改革创造了稳定的环境。这一实践增进了人们对社会经济发展规律的认识,加深了人们对生产关系与生产力相互关系的理解,为中国经济体制的改革奠定了一方面的基础。  相似文献   

In recent years, the challenges of urban regeneration and sustainability have been brought together in discourses concerning the re-shaping of inner-city districts of large cities. Currently, sustainable development in regeneration policies is mostly dominated by the environmental dimension and qualities of the built environment, with some focus on the more easily quantifiable aspects of social and economic dimensions. There is, however, limited discussion about integrating socio-economic aspects of sustainable regeneration in the literature. This paper presents a critical exploration of the role of the existing small business base in facilitating more sustainable urban re-development from a socio-economic standpoint. Indigenous food outlets in Birmingham's Eastside district—a re-development initiative branded as exemplar of sustainable urban development—are used to illustrate the role of small businesses in the day-to-day life of districts undergoing regeneration. The paper reflects on challenges and benefits from retaining and supporting established businesses throughout the re-development process and concludes with some reflections on lessons learnt from the case study. It argues that planners, policy-makers and developers should accord greater attention to the role of established businesses to foster urban districts that strive towards integrating aspects of socio-economic sustainability.  相似文献   

An American urban geographer and noted specialist on China comments on the preceding review essay on monumentality in the urban design in world cities (Ford, 2008). Focusing on monumentality in China, the author surveys a number of monumental urban projects in Beijing (particularly in relation to Olympic construction), Shanghai, Chongqing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Kunming. In the context of urban theory, he discusses the massive presence of the Chinese state in everyday urban life. Noting the explosive urban growth and megaproject-related construction, the author alludes to recent evidence that the clearing of city neighborhoods and mass displacement of residents have prompted widespread opposition and resistance at the local level. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: O18, R14, R53. 9 figures, 42 references.  相似文献   

方川 《民俗研究》2000,(4):86-94
城市民俗是民俗学十分重要的研究领域.从历史发展看,我国的城市脱胎于原始社会的民族村落制度,商代出现了城,西周就出现了城郭相连的都城格局,产生了城隍的信仰,城市民俗应运而生.《周礼·考工记》中记述了帝都的六职、百工以及丰京、镐京的"匠人营园"等城市民俗文化情景,从此揭开了城市民俗研究的序幕.本文在对我国城市民俗研究历程探讨的基础上,对当代城市民俗研究成果进行评析,进而提出该研究领域的拓展方向,以更好地促进城市民俗研究的勃兴.  相似文献   

乔尔.科特金的《全球城市史》是一部通史性质的世界城市史著作,该书具有显著的理论色彩,对于城市的本质要素、城市发展的阶段与规律等问题提出明确认识,其特点还集中体现在对于世界城市史研究所持有的全球史视角。该书对于宏观研究与理论研究的重视,值得在中国城市史研究中加以倡导。中国城市史研究应具有全球视野,应积极拓宽和深化中国城市史研究的学术领域,积极开展跨国家或地区的宏观比较研究。  相似文献   

中国古代城市旅游经历了起步、兴盛、成熟和普及四个发展阶段,由事务型旅行逐步走向休闲娱乐,并最终成为一种城市化生活时尚。中国古代城市旅游活动有其独特的风格与魅力,体现了中国古代旅游发展的最高水平,在世界古代城市旅游发展史上也不多见。  相似文献   

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