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The destabilizing forces wrought by economic globalization increasingly buffet local communities throughout America. This article explores a local policy strategy for coping with the effects of these forces and restoring some degree of stability to local economies. This strategy entails the creation of place-based ownership models of economic enterprise. With ownership and control held in a more collective or community-oriented fashion, such enterprises tend to anchor or root investment more securely in communities, providing a counterforce to globalization. We present and critically assess six place-based ownership models while providing illustrative examples to demonstrate how each model can work in practice.  相似文献   

The effect of human activity on climate is examined against the background of a rapid increase in the production of man-made heat, which is likely to reach a magnitude of the order of the natural radiation balance on the earth's surface. The microclimate of cities is particularly affected by the production of industrial heat and by the heating of buildings in winter. Deforestation of large areas in conjunction with the expansion of agriculture has an impact on climate. The impact of shelterbelts is analyzed in detail, together with the effect of irrigation, swamp drainage and the creation of large reservoirs.  相似文献   

略论美国内战在经济上的代价和影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
韩铁 《世界历史》2002,2(2):11-22
查尔斯和玛利·比尔德在他们的名著《美国文明的兴起》中把内战称为“第二次美国革命”。这不仅仅是因为内战解放了 40 0万黑奴和废除了奴隶制 ,而且是因为比尔德夫妇认为内战推动了美国工业资本主义的迅速发展。路易斯·海克后来对此作了进一步阐发。他认为内战中的政治权力转移替“工业资本主义的代言人”提供了完成其经济蓝图的机会。海克引述为证的战时措施包括关税、《银行法》、铁路土地赠与、《宅地法》、《莫里尔法》以及《契约劳工法》等等 ①。在比尔德和海克看来 ,内战是美国资本主义经济发展中的一个分水岭或者说转折点。他们这…  相似文献   

Economic development levels in the USSR are measured and mapped on the basis of an aggregate of three density parameters: the value of plant and equipment; the value of gross output, and population numbers, all per unit area. Data on the value of plant and on gross output are not available below the oblast level, and in the case of small oblasts in Central Russia, Ukraine and Belorussia, economic development levels within oblasts have been assumed to be relatively uniform. Large oblasts, especially in Siberia, required a further breakdown within oblasts, and in such cases the value of plant and gross output were allocated in proportion to population density. Economic development levels were graded on an eight-interval scale, but no absolute values were given. A related attempt to measure and map economic productivity was made by A. F. Burghardt, in his paper on “Income density in the United States” (Annals Assoc. Amer. Geographers, Sept. 1972).  相似文献   

In February 1952 the British Cabinet met to consider implementinga series of proposals that would have transformed the postwarinternational political economy. The policies, code-named OperationRobot, centred on introducing sterling convertibility on a floatingexchange rate allied to the blocking of sterling balances andthe reopening of the London gold market on budget day, 11 March.To assess whether the defeat of Robot is of historical significancethis article analyses the likely impact of the plan on the internationalpolitical economy in the 1950s looking in particular at itseffect on the Sterling Area, Europe, and the United States.It concludes that the plan would have changed fundamentallythe existing international order leading most probably to theclosure of the European Payments Union and the InternationalMonetary Fund. Robot would also have undermined Franco-Germanco-operation and provided support for the British conceptionof European collaboration with sterling at the heart of an enlargedCommonwealth/European trading area.  相似文献   

内部营销和内部服务质量对外部服务质量的影响   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
管理人员应明确员工的工作任务、评估员工的服务质量、指导员工工作、关心员工、高度重视员工培养工作,各个职能部门之间的相互服务质量、员工之间的相互服务质量都会直接或间接地影响宾馆的外部服务质量。作根据数据分析结果,对宾馆管理人员如何加强内部服务质量管理提出了一系列建议。  相似文献   

Two European geographers and an economist analyze the impact of the 2008-2009 global economic recession on remittances in the Commonwealth of Independent States. Drawing on balance-of-payments data as well as information on money transfers to and from the region, they detail the annual growth of remittances since 2001, illustrating the growing importance of this income stream to a number of countries in the region. Using quarterly data, they then provide details of the impact of the financial crisis on remittances starting with the 2007 credit crunch and intensifying with the collapse of global markets in 2008. Based on the impact of the 1998 Russian Crisis, they suggest that by 2012, remittances to the region could fall to only one-third the 2008 level, and that a return to pre-crisis levels of remittances could take almost a decade. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: F220, F240, J610, O180. 4 figures, 6 tables, 47 references.  相似文献   

A noted specialist on the Russian economy presents an assessment of the impact of the global financial crisis on the mechanism of the country's economic growth. Focusing on the demand side of the economic ledger, the author explores the question of whether Russia will be able to re-attain the high economic growth rates of the period from 2000 to 2007 after recovering from the crisis. The paper analyzes the sharp drop in production in 2008 and the first quarter of 2009, attributing most of the damage to liquidity problems and declines in the price of oil. Empirical evidence is based primarily on data collected by the author from the Central Bank of Russia and the country's federal bureau of statistics (Rosstat). Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: E010, E200, E660, F210, G010. 11 figures, 3 tables, 29 references.  相似文献   

土尔扈特蒙古西迁至伏尔加河流域后,其经济状况可以概括为:传统游牧经济由盛而衰;以互通有无为基础的对俄贸易往来不断;为俄国军事战役出兵助战获得战利品和报酬成为特殊的收入来源;突袭其他民族和控制贸易路线是增加财富的渠道之一;捕鱼成为相当一部分生活贫困的土尔扈特人赖以维持生计的重要方式。作者认为经济状况恶化是促使土尔扈特蒙古东归的原因之一。  相似文献   

2005年以来,国际原油价格剧烈震荡,除实体经济层面的供求因素外,能源作为金融商品的虚拟经济属性被放大,预期、投机、突发事件、汇率波动因素等都可能成为引燃油价波动的导火索。新的油价变动特点,使日本更加难以保持经济的内外均衡。从内部看,企业、行业间的收入分配效应分散了油价上涨的通货膨胀效果,具有技术垄断优势、善于利用金融工具避险及有效采取能源分散化和节能措施的企业与行业受油价波动的冲击更小。从外部看,进口成本增加和出口成本转嫁不完全引起了日本贸易条件恶化;石油美元通过贸易渠道和资本渠道的回流,对日本的国际收支产生一定影响;日元升值因素一定程度上缓和了高油价的冲击。日本政府、企业、居民的不懈努力创造了日本经济超低能耗的奇迹,这个奇迹将日本抵御油价波动的能力变成现实。.  相似文献   

第三次全国文物普查中要求普查者对不可移动文物的所有权进行登录,但在登录时出现了所有权认定不准确现象,由于《文物保护法》中对国有和非国有不可移动文物的不同规定,将给以后的保护工作带来不利的影响。因此,要正确把握不可移动文物的所有权,以便为国家制定相关的文物政策提供参考,为文物保护工作提供依据。  相似文献   

本研究利用空间计量模型研究中国省际旅游业发展与经济增长的关系。结果表明:1999~2007年各省级行政区的旅游发展对经济增长具有长期推动作用;各省级行政区的经济增长受到本区域旅游业发展水平、邻近区域的旅游业发展水平和经济增长的共同影响;并且入境旅游对经济增长的作用效果比国内旅游更为显著。因此,建议各省级行政区在旅游产业布局和功能分区的基础上加强区域间旅游合作和开拓国际国内旅游市场。  相似文献   

An Australian geographer examines the effects of the global financial crisis on China's migrant workers, based on a recent survey of over 2,700 such workers conducted during January-February 2009. The author focuses on the number of migrant workers returning to their home villages for the annual New Year holiday period, the types of workers that were laid off, options available to such workers upon losing employment, and the reasons underlying their subsequent moves. Implications of the findings for labor policy in China are briefly outlined and several directions for future research identified. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: E240, G010, J610, J690. 7 tables, 68 references.  相似文献   

当代中国所有制结构变迁管窥   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张兴茂 《史学月刊》2002,1(11):123-126
所有制及其结构作为一个社会的基本经济制度,是决定一个社会的经济乃至于政治制度的基础,决定着一个社会的根本性质。所以,马克思主义“特别强调所有制问题,把它作为运动的基本问题”(《马克思恩格斯选集》第1卷第285页)。建国以来,我国的经济社会伴随着所有制结构的变迁而跌宕起伏的发展史也证明了这一马克思主义理论的正确性。因此,认真总结建国以来我国所有制结构变迁的历史经验,对于我国今后进一步调整和完善所有制结构,保证经济社会的健康发展,具有重要意义。  相似文献   

公有制与市场经济的兼容性新论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许兴亚  张昆仑 《攀登》2001,20(2):85-89
本在对经典作家关于公有制与市场经济关系问题的论述以及改革开放以来我国理论界对这一关系问题认识上的进展进行评价的基础上,从必然性和适应性两个角度就公有制与市场经济兼容进行了新的分析和阐述。  相似文献   

Islands in the European Union (EU) are very diverse, with many small or very small islands and are recognized as territories facing particular development challenges. In this study, we seek to compare the state and the attractiveness of island administration units in their national and EU context and highlight their divergence in different dimensions, building on existing analysis of the European Commission and of ESPON, using more indicators than the GDP per capita. The assessment is performed with the use of five different indexes: one for the state of development, one for changes during 2000–2006 and three for the attractiveness of islands (direct effects of insularity to attractiveness, indirect effects and natural and cultural potential of islands). Findings for economy demonstrate that islands with better economic performance either specialize in a low added value activity (tourism), or have their GDP “boosted” by exogenous influences (duty free area, oil extraction or the public sector). For attractiveness, most of the islands perform very low and the situation of small islands and archipelagos is worse. Since insularity can be considered as a permanent, natural feature affecting negatively, directly and indirectly, most of the factors that make islands attractive, the need for a territorial policy emerges.  相似文献   

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