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王婧晖 《沧桑》2014,(2):111-114
减缓气候变化、防止全球变暖已成为国际社会共识,碳减排问题已逐渐发展为国际政治博弈,我国碳减排政策制定也深受影响。通过对国内外碳减排政治背景研究,探究政治背景下的利益格局,分析其对我国碳减排政策的影响,以期为我国完善碳减排政策体系提出有益建议。  相似文献   

《全球环境问题与国际回应》徐再荣著,中国环境科学出版社2007出版,拟于2012年再版。本书是作者对当代全球环境史进行跨学科研究的开拓性成果。作者从历史学与国际环境政治学相结合的角度探讨了当代全球环境问题的历史演变、国际社会的回应进程及其对当代国际关系的影响。本书从结构上分为四大部分。第一部分从宏观上分析了全球环境问题产生的经济和社会根源;第二  相似文献   

路阳 《史学集刊》2021,(3):121-131
二战的爆发造成全球产生了大量的难民和流离失所者,国际社会围绕这一问题的解决进行了积极探索。国际难民组织作为联合国处理难民问题的专门机构应运而生,通过与各国政府、社团组织开展合作与互动,共同致力于战后国际难民问题的解决。该组织重点从难民的照护、失踪人员追踪、法律和政治保护等领域出发,参与到国际难民保护实践当中。同时,该组织通过遣返、重新安置以及本地安置等方式积极推动难民安置目标的达成。作为联合国对于战后难民问题的制度化回应,国际难民组织的实践本身体现了持不同立场的国家之间的合作,也逐渐显现出各国的合作意愿与冷战现实之间的矛盾。随着冷战在欧洲及其他地区的开启,国际难民问题日趋复杂且出现新变化,联合国难民署的成立标志着全球难民治理进入新的阶段。  相似文献   

本把民族问题和宗教问题放在国际政治格局发展变化的大环境中、观察其对世界和平的影响,认为国际政治格局演变牵动世界民族宗教问题的发展变化,世界民族宗教问题也会对国际安全局势产生重大影响,一个国宗内部的民族宗教问题处理不好,也会影响到周边国家、整个地区乃至全球的稳定。当今世界,极端民族主义、极端宗教势力和国际恐怖主义三股恶势力勾结在一起,引发了一轮又一轮的国际安全危机,巳成为危害国际牡会稳定和世界安全的重要因索。世界各围应促进民族和解、加强宗教平等对话,国际社会爱好和平的力量应共同携手、合力解决世界民族宗教矛盾,维护世界和乎与全人类的进步。  相似文献   

国家治理体系和治理能力现代化是中国特色社会主义民主政治不断发展进程中,制度设计和制度执行日臻科学、合理、有效,政府、社会、民众多方良性互动逐步建构明晰,权力与权力的边界日渐厘清、有序的系统动态过程。扩大民众有序参与是国家治理现代化的必然要求,统一战线为公民制度化参与提供了组织架构、机制资源。回应中国国家治理现代化和民众政治参与双重需求,新时代统一战线应进一步拓展包容性,深化协商性,强化整合性。  相似文献   

我国经济快速增长,各项建设取得巨大成就,但也付出了巨大的资源和环境代价,经济发展与资源环境的矛盾日趋尖锐,群众对环境污染问题反应强烈。这种状况与经济结构不合理、增长方式粗放直接相关。不加快调整经济结构、转变增长方式,资源支撑不住,环境容纳不下,社会承受不起,经济发展难以为继。只有坚持节约发展、清洁发展、安全发展,才能实现经济又好又快发展。同时,温室气体排放引起全球气候变暖,备受国际社会广泛关注。进一步加强节能减排工作,也是应对全球气候变化的迫切需要,是我们应该承担的责任。  相似文献   

人类社会是由政治、经济和文化三个系统构成,而科学技术是社会系统中的基本要素。科学技术与社会结构中的政治、经济、文化相互作用、相互影响。经济是科学技术的物质基础,为科学技术提供物质设施和人力资源;政治规定在社会中占主导地位的经济制度,为科学技术提供制度条件和社会环境;文化促进经济和政治的调整和变革,激发人对科学的追求,有利与科学技术的发展。因此,科学技术与人类社会的发展是一个互动的过程。  相似文献   

王栎 《神州》2012,(28):147-147
与时俱进是党的思想路线的创新发展.是思想政治教育改革发展的灵魂。时代提出人与社会科学发展的需要,作为服务社会的思想政治教育也应该代表社会的要求,体现时代精神,科学发展。在社会转型的新形势下,思想政治教育面临新情况、新问题、新矛盾。因此,研究思想政治教育的科学发展和与时俱进,具有重要的现实意义的。  相似文献   

张杨 《世界历史》2020,(1):74-87,I0004,I0005
第二次世界大战结束后,美苏两国在政治经济领域和地缘政治方面的矛盾和冲突频仍,冷战格局逐渐形成。在此过程中,以不同社会或文化属性为特征的跨国民众组织纷纷建立,并借助思想和文化的力量将裂痕延伸至民族国家内部,形成更为深度的东西方对峙样态。学生群体在这场冷战对抗中表现格外突出。以美国全国学联和国际学生大会为代表,跨国学生组织虽然参与到冷战政治对抗进程中,却并未完全遵循政府议事日程。学生组织的独立性和进步性使其始终与冷战政治保持距离,并成为促进冷战缓和乃至终结的重要力量。对“学生冷战”及其悖论展开探讨,有助于建立更加完整的冷战叙事,回应仍旧处于争议中的冷战史研究母课题。  相似文献   

浅谈新时期的思想政治工作   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
思想政治工作历来是我党的一大法宝,无论是在过去的革命战争年代还是在社会主义革命和建设时期都发挥了非常重要的作用。今天的中国面临着方方面面的改革,尤其是加入WTO以后,更大程度更大范围的对外开放,需要我们与国际接轨,随着改革的不断深入,企业和社会深层次的矛盾和问题越来越尖锐地暴露出来。在这种情况下,加强和改善思想政治工作是非常必要的。通过深入细致的思想政治工作,为我们的改革发展保驾护航,对矛盾和问题疏通减压,这样才能使我们的改革事业一路走好。如何做好改革中的思想政治工作,我认为可以从以下几方面考虑:思想政治工…  相似文献   

Climate change,environmental degradation and armed conflict   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《Political Geography》2007,26(6):674-694
Climate change is expected to bring about major change in freshwater availability, the productive capacity of soils, and in patterns of human settlement. However, considerable uncertainties exist with regard to the extent and geographical distribution of these changes. Predicting scenarios for how climate-related environmental change may influence human societies and political systems necessarily involves an even higher degree of uncertainty. The direst predictions about the impacts of global warming warn about greatly increased risks of violent conflict over increasingly scarce resources such as freshwater and arable land. We argue that our best guess about the future has to be based on our knowledge about the relationship between demography, environment and violent conflict in the past. Previous rigorous studies in the field have mostly focused on national-level aggregates. This article represents a new approach to assess the impact of environment on internal armed conflict by using georeferenced (GIS) data and small geographical, rather than political, units of analysis. It addresses some of the most important factors assumed to be strongly influenced by global warming: land degradation, freshwater availability, and population density and change. While population growth and density are associated with increased risks, the effects of land degradation and water scarcity are weak, negligible or insignificant. The results indicate that the effects of political and economic factors far outweigh those between local level demographic/environmental factors and conflict.  相似文献   

Climate change is a major issue in global politics, one that has profound implications for the future of the planet, and one that political geographers have been addressing in recent years. This special virtual issue of Political Geography highlights the contributions made in the journal to addressing both the empirical questions of how climate change might cause conflict and human insecurity and the larger questions of how climate is represented in political discourse and policy discussions.  相似文献   

During the years following national unification, the Mezzogiorno became one of the greatest problems for the Italian government. On the one hand, because of its social and economic backwardness and the loyalty of some sections of the population to the previous illiberal government, it was devalued by the national political and military elite as a part of the large and undeveloped ‘South’ of the world, which was at that time affected by the criticism of ‘orientalistic’ Western discourse. On the other hand, it was also the place where the democratic and progressive opposition to the moderate liberal national rulers was stronger. A transnational and transregional perspective shows how the Mezzogiorno contained two different coexisting nations, a reactionary and a progressive one, which were in mutual conflict and, at the same time, on different grounds, in conflict with the central State. Building the state in the South meant, for the Italian liberal elites, discovering an ambiguous and dangerous periphery of the Nation.  相似文献   


Global warming is recognised as an important environmental, and consequently political, issue. Rising global temperatures have demonstrated the potential for raising sea levels and increasing surface temperatures, with wide-reaching implications for habitats and biodiversity. While this remains high on the priority list for ecological sciences and coastal management, the implications for archaeological resource management remain unexamined. This is surprising given the increasingly close relationship between ecological and archaeological site management. This paper aims to focus attention on the issue of archaeology and global warming, and presents an outline of the possible consequences and approaches that may be considered, particularly in relation to the archaeology of wetlands.  相似文献   

慕尼黑会议之后,德国在中东欧占据了优势,英法在对德绥靖走到尽头后,逐步趋向对德遏制,并试图在东欧组建反德阵线。在两大集团争夺东欧的情况下,罗马尼亚推行在所有大国间保持平衡的政策。一方面,罗马尼亚与德国签订经济协定,以经济上的让步减轻德国对它的压力,并谋求从政治上得到相应的回报;另一方面,寻求英法的政治保障,加强自身的安全,但同时拒绝加入英法匆忙组建的反德阵线,使自己置身于冲突之外,期待出现有利于自己的时机。  相似文献   

The threat of global warming has attracted considerable attention from policy makers around the world. We analyse public support for environmental protection and the main drivers of support in Australia and cross-nationally using survey data from the International Social Survey and the Australian Survey of Social Attitudes. Support is measured as a series of trade-off questions based on willingness to pay extra taxes or prices, or accept cuts to one's standard of living to protect the environment. Willingness to pay more for environmental protection has decreased across a range of countries from 1993 to 2000 with the ‘routinisation’ of ‘the environment’ as a political issue. Risk perceptions regarding the dangers of global warming, having a tertiary education and holding post-materialist value orientations all increase the willingness to pay for environmental protection. In Australia, environmental support is still divided along partisan lines and global warming was as an important issue in the 2007 federal election.  相似文献   

Abstract: While there is much justifiable attention to the ecological implications of global climate change, the political implications are just as important for human well‐being and social justice. We posit a basic framework by which to understand the range of political possibilities, in light of the response of global elites to climate warming and the challenges it poses to hegemonic institutional and conceptual modes of governance and accumulation. The framework also suggests some possible means through which these responses might be thwarted, and political stakes in that construction of a new hegemony—which, to avoid suggesting we know or can yet determine the form it will take, we call “climate X”.  相似文献   

This paper explores the ways in which heritage as a practice and concept has been used and diverse meanings and values ascribed to heritage by different claimants, using the medieval site of Ani in eastern Turkey as a case study. On one hand, the site marks a point of conflict between Turks and Armenians, with the heritage and the past of the site playing an important role for identity making and construction of national narratives, as well as developing what might be seen as the authorised heritage discourses for both sides. On other hand, the local community around the site has developed a different relationship to the site Ani because of their daily relationship with its landscape and built environment. This has revealed meaning and values embodied in the site that are beyond the national and political level. This paper considers to what extent the built environment in particular, can play a role in identity making and add to the political tension. It also examines how the value and meaning of a heritage site can be distinct for local communities from national political meanings and uses, and, as a consequence, can be used to resist authorised heritage discourses.  相似文献   

On 3 May 2010, a ‘Call to reason’ (Appel à la raison) was presented to the European Parliament in Brussels by a number of prominent figures from European Jewish political and intellectual classes, launching JCall, which is supposedly the European version of the US J Street. JCall explicitly positions itself as pro-Israel on one hand but against the Israeli state's occupation and increased settlement of Palestine, including East Jerusalem, on the other hand. The ‘reason’ it calls for is thus a negotiated two-state settlement to the Israeli–Palestinian conflict and the organisation urges EU governments to apply pressure on both Israel and the Palestinian Authority to this end. This article looks at JCall within the French context, first in distinction to J Street in the USA, with which JCall shares a political position but not organisational links, and second in relation to the broader French political debate about Jewishness, Muslimness and the Middle East. Criticised by the right for its supposed disloyalty to Israel and even ‘anti-Semitism’, and by the left for its non-support of boycott, divestment and sanctions and its ongoing support of the Israeli state, JCall at first appears as somewhat middle-of-the-road in the French context. It also, from this writer's point of view, regrettably lacks a strong female presence or gendered perspective. It has, however, emerged as a serious political voice in the debate over the Middle East and could be less of a lightweight in the French political battles over Israel and Palestine than it may have first appeared.  相似文献   

The Framework Convention on Climate Change addressing the problem of global warming at the international level, was signed in 1992. A protocol to the convention, including emission limitation or reduction commitments, was recently adopted. Joint implementation (JI), in any of its various forms, constitutes one of the mechanisms for reducing overall greenhouse gas emissions. The basic rationale for JI is to achieve the greatest global environmental benefits for the least cost. JI can in principle be a useful instrument in implementing environmental agreements. In this article, the authors argue that JI raises several issues of concern in relation to the realization of different aspects of sustainable development. More specifically, in the forestry sector, JI often seems to conflict with local and global environmental priorities. Moreover, the basic premiss on which JI forestry projects are predicated, namely the carbon sequestration potential, is not borne out by available scientific date. In the long term, such projects have a very limited capacity for carbon sequestration considering that woody biomass eventually decays or burns.  相似文献   

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