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实业家张謇之子张孝若在20世纪20年代赴欧美日等国的大型实业考察,是近代中国的实业考察中空前绝后的一次。本文就张孝若被任命为实业考察专使时的年龄、张孝若被委任为实业专使的时间、考察团的出发时间、随员数量、正式考察的国家数量、考察持续的时间以及回国后在南京秀山公园演讲的时间等学界若干舛误和含混之处,作了相关史实的仔细考辨。  相似文献   

三兴安南省的日本满蒙开拓团及满蒙开拓青少年义勇军1939年底该省有日本集合开拓民1个团,51户,107人。这当然是指一棵树开拓团。省府王爷庙有民生厅及下属的地方科负责开拓事宜①。至1940年底该省的日本集合开拓民仍为1个团,52户,115人。同年度满洲建设勤劳奉仕队在该省有3个日本内地学生特技队,均为医班。翌年南省实业厅殖产科在下属的旗县设了关系科。据开拓总局发表的省别土地利用表:1940年底南省全面积9428793陌,已耕地929552陌,可耕地3062063陌,改良可耕地内湿地265354陌,碱地483972陌;不可耕地内森林地414850陌,其他42729…  相似文献   

实业救国思想是19世纪末20世纪初兴起的一股颇为壮阔的爱国进步的思想浪潮,影响深远。在该思潮的推动下,清末民初时期全国兴起了一股兴办实业的热潮。广西地处西南边陲,其政治、经济、文化各方面都比较落后。清末年间,广西当局顺应历史发展趋势,调整实业政策,大力倡导实业,在一定程度上促进了实业救国思潮的传播,推动了广西近代化进程,客观上有利于边疆稳定、民族团结。对其进行历史考察,对于西部大开发战略及广西兴边富民行动的实施仍能提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

1.江苏省实业厅致苏州总商会函1918年3月1日(到) 迳启者:案奉农商部令开,“案准国务院函知,议决加入巴黎粮食股会议办法由本部主任会同外交、内务、陆军、财政、交通各部暨税务处,各派专员组织战时粮食出口筹办处,暂设本部内,业于一月十日成立。现议定先从调查入手,仰将该省所有米、麦、牛、羊、茶、糖六项常年产额  相似文献   

1936年,因国际国内形式的急剧变化,凡是有一定爱国热情的民间人士或团体有机会考察外国实业时,总不忘宣传中国人民反对法西斯主义、实现民族平等的主张,社会各界也纷纷献计献策,国内一时形成了颇有声势的"民间外交"舆论。  相似文献   

近代中国企业家周学熙,由他创办或参加投资的企业,约有15项之多,其中心环节不外乎两大项:一是开滦一带的煤炭、洋灰为代表的土石工业;一是以华北棉花为基础的纺织工业。前项笔者已著文论述,后者则是本文要说的主要内容。一 1903年3月,袁世凯命周学熙到日本考察日本实业状况,历时三月。同年9月,周向袁建议创办北洋工艺局,作为振兴北洋实业的枢纽。在北洋工艺局的鼓励和保护下,天津的民族工商业获得一定的发展,“至1907年直隶全省各府、厅、州、县已  相似文献   

福建船政学堂是中国近代历史上第一所高等实业学堂,它的出现和发展是中国教育史上的一次重大创新,同时开启了中国教育的近代化。本文试图从福建船政学堂的创办发展、课程设置、教学制度和教育管理的进步来考察它在中国近代教育史上的重要地位。  相似文献   

吕平 《民国档案》2001,(1):57-65
民国时期新疆、云南、东北(吉黑)、四川、贵州、台湾等省曾发行过“限省贴用”邮票。“限省贴用”邮票只能在所限省境内及该省发往他省的邮件上贴用,他省寄往该省的邮件上则只能贴用无加盖“限省贴用”字样的普通邮票或他省“限省贴用”邮票,如果使用限该省贴用邮票,此邮件则被视为欠资邮件。  相似文献   

张謇实业教育思想的精髓是实业与教育迭相为用,张謇通过实业与教育两者之间的认识,对近代的实业与教育思想起到了积极的作用,通过实业与教育的实践,在丰富经验的基础之上,研究到振兴实业为救国急务,注重教育又是一国之强,进而得出了实业与教育迭相为用的实践,从而促进了近代实业与教育的发展。  相似文献   

清末民初 ,黑龙江实业教育蓬勃兴起 ,不仅是中国新兴资产阶级大力倡行的“实业救国”方针付诸实践的重要组成部分 ,而且在黑龙江边疆危机日益深重的情形之下 ,有富国强兵、共御外侮的意义存焉。本文探讨了黑龙江实业教育兴起的原因、发展历程 ,剖析了黑龙江实业教育的意义及发展的不足。其中所反映出的实业教育的推广和普及在国防建设上的作用和意义 ,于今仍有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

The article begins by showing that the traditional concept of industrial sector has been radically criticized on both theoretical and empirical grounds. The reasons for the concept's inadequacy are raised, and they are identified as: (i) the fact that in a rapidly changing world empirical classifications must be changed; (ii) the fact that when scholars seek to classify reality they must take account of the classifications of that reality made by the actors concerned. Given the diverse importance for different productions of technology and social context, of tacit and codified knowledge, the article sets out some practical rules, exemplified by the Italian footwear industry, for empirical research. It then proposes to dynamize analysis of the Marshallian industrial district, first conceptually in its elementary processes, and then with a view to empirical study of the convergence of these processes on the district form and the reasons for reviving the district analysis originally formulated in the 1960s and 1970s.  相似文献   

The Italian debate on industrial districts suggests that local development can be based on small and medium-sized firms, provided they work in teams and are embedded in a local system of social relations. If the availability of local public goods complements the private supply of local specialized services and goods, Marshallian external economies are engendered. When inner social and economic relations boost the supply of local public goods, and are reproduced by the consistent economic behaviour of local (economic and political) agents, they become local factors of economic development, or, in other words, the district's social capital. These propositions are considered within a three-layered framework comprising structure, conduct and performance. The relations among these levels allow joint consideration of three different processes of economic selection: competitive, strategic, evolutionary. This complexity is necessary if the conditions that foster significant Marshallian external economies are to be represented correctly.  相似文献   

A typology of industrial nodes based on such economic factors as the use of local or long-haul raw materials, the importance of the national market for each node's finished products, the level of industrial employment, electrification of production processes, output per unit of capital investment, and labor productivity.  相似文献   

Industrial policy is back at the centre stage of policy debate, while the world is undergoing dramatic transformations. This article contributes to the debate by developing a new theory of industrial policy, incorporating some issues that have been neglected so far and taking into account the recent changes in economic reality. The authors explore how the incorporation of some of the neglected issues — commitments under uncertainty, learning in production, macroeconomic management (especially demand management), and conflict management — changes the theory. They then examine how the theory of industrial policy should be modified in light of recent changes in economic reality: the rise of the global value chain, financialization and new imperialism. This contribution aims at promoting a pragmatic approach to industrial policy and pointing to new areas for policy intervention in a changing world.  相似文献   

工业革命定义之争   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
一百多年来,史学界和经济学界对工业革命进行了深入研究,但究竟什么是工业革命往往人言人殊.学者们就历史上是否存在工业革命争论不休,即使承认工业革命是一场经济大变革的学者,也开展了渐进论和突变论的争论.罗斯托、门德尔斯、德弗里斯等学者提出了起飞、原工业化、勤劳革命等概念.国内外学者把工业革命定义的研究分为社会变革学派、工业组织学派、宏观经济学派、技术学派、能源学派和消费学派,博采众长者亦有之,这些研究从不同侧面抓住工业革命的特征.这些成为后来工业革命研究的起点.  相似文献   

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