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Several measures of variation are applied to an analysis of the local systems of rural settlement of the Estonian SSR. The measures used in the analysis are the range between the largest and smallest populations of places within a system; the mean population; the mean distance between places; the relative variability, defined as the ratio of the mean deviation to the mean; and the coefficient of variation, defined as the ratio of the standard deviation to the mean. These indicators are used to break down the systems of rural settlement in Estonia into five basic types and 12 subtypes.  相似文献   

东北环壕聚落开始于距今 80 0 0年前的新石器时代 ,结束在战国晚期。据辽西地区考古资料 ,可划分三个阶段 :即兴隆洼文化期 (6 0 0 0~ 5 0 0 0BC) ;红山文化期 (470 0~ 30 0 0BC) ;夏家店下层文化期 (2 0 0 0~ 10 0 0BC)。迄今在下辽河、嫩江中下游、吉林的中部和东部也发现环壕遗址 ,并呈序时性的由西向东延展分布。东北环壕聚落的形态和结构特征不同于黄河流域的中原与南方地区。中国东北的环壕形式对朝鲜半岛和日本出现的环壕产生了积极影响  相似文献   

In order to simulate the evolution of a system of settlements with a dynamic model, many processes must be integrated: the spatial aggregation of population, the complexification of urban activities, and the increasing hierarchical differentiation of settlements. The model must also simulate the progressive structuration of the settlement system through a growing variety and enlarged range of interactions between its elements. “Multiagent systems” provides a flexible modeling method for dealing with the multiple spatial interactions of cooperation and competition and relations that generate and regulate the evolution of a settlement system. Its principles are described and applied to building an evolutionary model, including a simulation tool. The model combines economic and spatial rules to produce birth, growth, decline, and functional diversification of the towns. The “urban transition” from an agrarian settlement system toward a hierarchical system of trade- and manufacturing-oriented towns and cities can be simulated.  相似文献   

Models of both primate and hunter-gatherer decision-making systems are developed and their relative abilities potentially to detect certain classes of spatial distributions within a standardized environment are compared. It is demonstrated that in situations where language facilitates the pooling of information between individuals within a hunter-gatherer group, the group minimally need only to pool information with one central decision maker in order potentially to recognize all possible spatial distributions within a limited environment. On this basis alone, we would theoretically expect the presence of one-leader groups to be a fairly ubiquitous phenomenon among hunter-gatherers.  相似文献   


The integration of spatial datasets from historical satellite imagery, digital elevation models (DEMs), and past archaeological surveys provides new insights into the nature and remains of past landscape transformations. Using southern Mesopotamia as a case study, this article addresses, both quantitatively and qualitatively, long-held assumptions concerning the nature and relationship of settlement patterns and river channel systems in antiquity. GIS and image analysis are used to fill in gaps in the settlement record and propose a revised location for the Tigris River during most of antiquity. Given that only one-third of the central alluvial plain had been ground surveyed in southern Mesopotamia, how complete was our picture of landscape and settlement? How could gaps in settlement be interpreted? The present work in the area east of Baghdad suggests that archaeologists and historians have underestimated the nature and movements of the Tigris River. Satellite imagery can help reveal the location of the Tigris River prior to its settling into its modern course, shedding light on its potential role in the rise of early Mesopotamian agricultural societies. The work presented here proposes a methodology for unweaving and mapping preserved pieces of ancient landscapes, addressing larger issues of human modification of the landscape.  相似文献   

选取土默特平原1934、1982和2019年的聚落人口数据,运用GIS空间分析法,定性与定量结合分析研究区聚落分布形态演变及其驱动因素,结果表明,1934—2019年土默特平原以小聚落为主,大规模聚落数量和比例逐年增加,人口等级结构由“扁平”向“长高”金字塔形转变。聚落空间分布整体呈现集聚分布特征,大规模聚落集聚性不显著,其他规模的聚落分布模式由随机向集聚转变,研究区人口极化现象显著;聚落空间分布非均衡发展趋势明显,呈现由极核式向点轴式演变的迹象;聚落网络联系的空间近邻效应显著,人口规模较大的中心城区成为强联系节点。地形、河流、交通是研究区聚落分布形态演变的主要驱动因素,聚落低海拔、邻河流、邻干道、邻城镇的指向性强。该研究便于厘清土默特平原近百年聚落分布形态的演变脉络,为当地聚落的空间布局优化与调控提供一定参考价值。  相似文献   

The Delice Valley in north-central Anatolia is one of the regions where Hatti societies lived during the Early Bronze Age. This region has rarely been explored in terms of its geology, geomorphology, and human-environment interactions throughout the Bronze Age. The focus of the Delice Valley Survey is to build a holistic approach to assess complex socio-ecological dynamics in the region from the perspective of the longue durée. This paper examines the paleoclimatic conditions, the settlement systems, the production capacity of agropastoral systems, and the changes in the political economy in the Delice Valley during the Early Bronze Age and the Iron Age. The results of the first season of fieldwork suggest that the Delice Valley was settled intensively only during certain periods. Although paleoclimatically suitable for denser settlement, the area showed significantly lighter settlement patterns during the Middle and Late Bronze ages.  相似文献   

传统时代江汉平原腹地的乡村聚落,主要选择地势稍高的自然墩台、长冈或建造人工墩台,以躲避洪水的侵袭;很多台墩依堤而建或与堤相联,但台墩之间并不相连,从而形成以散居为主导的乡村聚落形态。江汉平原腹地以散居为主导的乡村聚落形态之形成,有其根深蒂固的地理基础与社会经济根源。环境与资源条件的限制、传统的经济生活方式,乃是散村形成并长期延续下来的根本原因。  相似文献   

Michael Schiffer’s theoretical and methodological contributions to archaeology are substantial. For the last two decades, Schiffer has become increasingly interested in the history of electrical technology, including portable radios, electric automobiles, eighteenth-century electrostatic technology, and, most recently, nineteenth-century electric light and power systems. Schiffer has long held a behavioral view, which focuses analytical attention on interactions between humans and material things, including complex technological systems (CTSs). For Schiffer, two key aspects of the evolution of CTSs are stimulated variation, defined as an increase in invention resulting from changing selective conditions, and cascading, defined as sequential spurts of invention that occur through the recognition of emergent performance problems in a CTS. To attain maximum usefulness, these concepts should be placed in a modern evolutionary framework that correctly identifies, and does not oversell, the role played by cultural selection. Research on individual and social learning provides the critical link between Schiffer’s stimulated variation and cascade models and the diffusion of CTSs.  相似文献   


The study of prehistoric cities has often been marked by research strategies that focus completely on urban centers and thus preclude the delineation of entire settlement systems by ignoring the interrelationships between cities and their rural sustaining communities. A major focus of recent research in the Moche Valley on the Peruvian North Coast has been on elucidating the nature of urbanrural relations between the prehistoric Chimú city of Chan Chan and contemporaneous sites located in its hinterland. Excavation at the village of Cerro la Virgen together with additional evidence obtained from other sites in Chan Chan's rural sustaining area has provided insights into Chimú lifeways in nonmetropolitan areas, as well as evidence suggesting a multifaceted plan for organizing lands outside the civic center of Chan Chan. The archaeological data indicate that an important aspect of the organization of rural argicultural zones was the restriction of settlement to villages circumscribed by the Chimú state.  相似文献   

Christaller's model is used to establish the central place importance of principal Ontario cities at ten-year intervals between 1930 and 1971. Newspaper circulation data are used to determine centrality and linkages within central place systems. The evolving central place pattern exhibits considerable overall structural stability, but new systems are constantly emerging. Patterns of territorial and hierarchical change are repetitive and result in ever more complex and more highly integrated central place systems. The continuing contribution of Christaller's approach is demonstrated.
Le modéle de Christaller est utilise afié de déterminer importance de la fonction régionale des villes principales de 1'Ontario, tous les dix ans entre 1930 et 1971. Une série d'informa-tions sur le tirage des journaux sert de base pour déterminer l'importance de cette fonction et les liens a l'intérieure des systemès de places centrales. La répartition des places centrales est caracterisée par une stabilité globale dans ses éléments principaux, mais des nouveaux systemes se développent constamment. La dynamique du changement territorial et hiérar-chique se répète, et mène à des systèmes de places centrales de plus en plus complexes et de plus en plus intégrés. Cette étude, done, démontre la contribution unique et permanente de l'approche de Christaller.  相似文献   

About 80% of the population in Soviet logging and rafting areas is non-urban and lives in 6000 lumbering settlements assigned to the rural category. The majority of these places are small, crude settlements without adequate services that exist for periods of about 20 years until the surrounding timber stands have been depleted. It is suggested that area planning and diversification of forest utilization can improve the settling pattern, working and living conditions and the provision of services through the concentration of population in larger, modern central settlements supplemented by mobile dormitory camps in timber-felling areas situated beyond an optimal commuting distance. Existing and proposed settling patterns are illustrated with particular reference to a logging area in the western Urals.  相似文献   

本文对赵宝沟文化的白音长汗、水泉、小山和赵宝沟四处居住址的结构进行了分析,总结和阐释了以往在赵宝沟文化聚落形态认识上的主要观点和产生分歧的原因,认为只有对赵宝沟文化居住址做全面的揭露,才能真正解决赵宝沟文化的聚落结构问题。依据现有材料初步将赵宝沟文化的聚落区分为大、中、小三个层次,应该是较为切合实际的。  相似文献   

考古学中的聚落形态   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
〔编者按 :SettlementPatternsinArchaeology (《考古学中的聚落形态》) ,原是作为CurrentTopicsinAnthropology之一种 (vol 5,no 2 4:1 - 2 6 Mass :Addison -WesleyPublishingCo )于 1 972年出版的。这篇长文和张光直先生主编的论文集SettlementArchaeology (《聚落考古学》 ,PaloAlto :NationalPress,1 968)等一道 ,奠定了先生在西方考古学中聚落考古理论方面的领导地位。论者认为 ,张光直先生关于早期人类聚落形态及其演化的研究 ,“使几代考古学者受益 ,其中不仅仅是那些对中国有兴趣的人。” (WolfgangSaxon ,“K C Chang ,69,anthropologistwhodocumentedChineseBronzeagesociety ,dies” ,NewYorkTimes,January 1 6,2 0 0 1 )也有学者指出 ,直到今天还是这样。他对 2 0世纪六七十年代考古学方法论的讨论做出过重要贡献” (RobertE Murowchicketal “Editor’sPreface”viii,JournalofEastAsianArchaeologyVol 1 ,1 - 4 1 999)。张光直先生 (1 93 1~ 2 0 0 1年 )生前对本刊非常关心 ,本刊也先后发表过先生多篇论文和采访录。这篇原本计划收入张先生文集的早期论文 ,为纪念张光直先生逝世一周年 ,经文集编者同意先行在这里发表 ,以表达本刊对这位伟大学者的悼念之情。〕  相似文献   

Theory, taken phenomenologically, relates to what it is about not as an equation or a rendering, but as a logos which lets something be seen which is then seen on its own.  相似文献   

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