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Summary. Plant fibres in textiles from the following sites were investigated and those not already identified as flax were identified as such: Tybrind (Mesolithic Denmark)-unidentified; Çatal Hüyük (Neolithic Turkey); the Kerma civilization of Nubia (2000 BC); Kings Road, Guernsey (Iron Age) (mineralised cloth), and eighteenth-century England. Some Bronze Age nettle fabric from Denmark was examined.
The Scanning Electron Microscope provided an invaluable aid to identification, particularly in the mineralised material. Fibre diameter measurements in the form of distributions, like those used with wool, also assisted identification, but no evolutionary changes with time were evident in these. It was possible also to make such measurements on SEM photomicrographs of the mineralised fibres.  相似文献   

三代时期出土柄形玉器研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目次一柄形玉器的发现二柄形玉器的类型及其特征三关于柄形玉器的几个问题四结论夏商西周时期是中国玉器发展的成长阶段,随着各地之间的文化交流不断加强,玉器风格也趋于一致并不断创新。制玉工艺技术的进步大大提高了玉器制品的数量与质量,对后世影响深远的玉器礼制也完备于这一时期。柄形玉器是三代玉制品中出土数量最多的器形之一,大多呈扁平长条形,下端多有短而薄的榫,有的榫上有孔,由于用途不清楚,过去有人称之为琴拨、玉拨子。后来以其形似器柄  相似文献   

丁雨莲  赵媛 《人文地理》2013,28(4):126-131
产业融合是世界产业经济发展的重要趋势。在全球产业融合的背景下,旅游业也呈现出强劲的融合发展态势。以深圳华强集团融合发展旅游主题公园为例,探讨旅游产业融合机理。在"技术、市场、企业、政府"等合力的"助推一牵引"互动中,旅游产业融合发生与发展。纵向渗透融合与横向重组融合是旅游产业融合主要演进方式,技术与资源是演进中的主要融合路径。旅游企业在主观上追求范围经济和持久竞争力,客观上完成融合,成为旅游产业融合的主体。  相似文献   

The composition of ceramics does not just reflect the component of some specific, unprocessed, geological, raw material source, but also certain forms of human behaviour involved in its manufacture. The purpose of this research project is to apply the acid‐extraction chemical method, complemented by a thin‐section petrographic study, to the compositional analyses of certain local ceramic collections (mainly from several sites in the southern Taiwan area). The results present the raw materials that the ceramic manufacturers of the two cultural traditions (O‐laun‐pi Phase II and Phase III–IV), which overlapped temporally, used. These materials came from the same sources, but the ceramics were manufactured in different ways. Particularly, the people of O‐laun‐pi Phase III–IV also procured certain materials from either local sources or from somewhere in eastern Taiwan to make their pots. The results also indicate that there might have been a variation in terms of their manufacture among sites of the same cultural tradition.  相似文献   

1945年 8月日本投降后 ,大批的驻华军政机构日文档案留在了中国 ,其中有不少原是极密级的。日本投降后曾焚毁了一些 ,但仍有不少留存了下来。北京图书馆收藏了一大批 ,由于编目、开放程度等种种原因 ,至今未能对外公开开放。笔者这些年整理这批档案 ,在其中发现了极密级的“法币工作”卷 ,对于揭露日本在侵华战争时期对重庆政权的伪钞工作有至关重要的作用 ,故在此略述于下。日军入侵以上海为中心的华东地区后 ,强行发行军票 ,以为购买占领地物资的掠夺手段 ,当然会遭到占领地中国民众的抵制 ,在金融流通领域受到极大的限制。实际上国民党政…  相似文献   

刘皓 《中国钱币》2003,(3):77-78
清末开始引进机器制币后,各省自行其是,促使户部为整顿圜法而设置了造币总厂。在此统一币制的过程中,曾于宣统二年(1910年)依《币制则例》颁布后的型制,试制标示为“宣统年造” 与“大清银币”或“大清铜币”、单位为“圆、角、分、厘” 系列的标准国币。《中国钱币》2001年第3期刊载黄志明先生大作,在论及此系列  相似文献   

This paper explores national identity in Sleswig by examining three cultural communities. It describes the changing public appearance of these communities at different points in time, but it also reveals diverse layers of affiliation within them. By focusing on the prewar Danish community in Prussian North Sleswig, the interwar German community in Denmark, and the postwar Danish community in Germany, the essay examines the national dichotomy in diverse temporal and societal settings. The multifaceted appearance of these identities makes their analysis both challenging and intriguing.  相似文献   

This study uses electron microprobe analysis of ceramic artefacts and local day-rich sediments and lithics to help address questions concerning the nature of the cultural change implied by ceramics from Lerna III and IV. It redresses the previous lack of a comparative collection of clay-rich sediments that adequately represents the local variation in clay and temper for the area surrounding Lerna. The resulting comparisons indicate that although they produced stylistically different ceramics, potters from both Lenta phases acquired their clays from the local Lerna area.  相似文献   

The claim of many that certain features of Jamaican land reform discourage optimum increases in farm output has been pointed out. To test the argument, seven land-reform features, which meet methodological, theoretical, and practical restrictions, have been examined. An hypothesis derived mainly from agricultural- economic theory about the linear relation between each of the seven features and farm output per acre has been devised. The hypotheses have been tested with a multiple regression analysis of data from six land settlements selected to represent a variety of geographic settings. The hypotheses have been partially upheld, but must be revised in the following form: (1) in many cases, particularly in the early years of production, farm acreage is negatively related to output per acre; (2) in subsistence areas, where great diversity in agriculture is common, greater diversification leads to greater output per acre; (3) in most cases where farmers live an appreciable distance from their holdings (at least 0.3 miles), output per acre is negatively related to the distance; (4) output per acre declines as the age of operator increases, but only if the operator is mainly dependent on his own labour, and only after a relatively advanced age (60 years, perhaps) has been attained; (5) the number of a farmer's dependents does not affect output (gross income per acre); (6) a farmer's non-farm income does not exhibit a negative relation to output per acre, and may be positively related if the outside income can be used to purchase productive farm inputs; (7) in some cases acreage of additional land used is positively related to output per acre on settlement properties. Hopefully, further research will lead to a more rational basis for the formulation of these hypotheses. Using the regression equations, estimates have been made of the changes in output per acre which could have been achieved with feasible changes in relevant factors. Estimates indicate that current farm output could have been greatly increased in some settlements, thus justifying some of the criticism of Jamaican land reform.  相似文献   

Multivariate techniques and especially cluster analysis have been commonly used in archaeometry. Exploratory and model‐based techniques of clustering have been applied to geochemical (continuous) data of archaeological artefacts for provenance studies. Model‐based clustering techniques such as classification maximum likelihood and mixture maximum likelihood have been used to a lesser extent in this context and, although they seem to be suitable for such data, they either present practical difficulties—such as high dimensionality of the data—or their performance gives no evidence that they are superior to standard methods. In this paper standard statistical methods (hierarchical clustering, principal components analysis) and the recently developed model‐based multivariate mixture of normals with an unknown number of components, are applied and compared. The data set provides chemical compositions of 188 ceramic samples derived from the Aegean islands and surrounding areas.  相似文献   

M. S. TITE 《Archaeometry》2011,53(2):329-339
During the 1980s, the late Alexander Kaczmarczyk undertook the analysis of some 1200 glazed Islamic ceramics from Egypt, Iran, Iraq and Syria spanning the period from the eighth to the 14th centuries ad , using a combination of XRF for the glazes, and AAS or PIXE for the bodies. The aim of the present paper is, first, to bring to the attention of researchers into Islamic ceramics the fact that these analytical data are available on the Research Laboratory for Archaeology and the History of Art website, and also that some 400 of the analysed sherds are held in the Research Laboratory. Second, the paper provides a preliminary interpretation of the analytical data in terms of the choice of glaze type (i.e., alkali–lime, lead–alkali and high‐lead), tin‐opacification, body type (i.e., quartz or stonepaste, calcareous clay, and non‐calcareous clay), and colorants.  相似文献   

网络购物影响下的购物行为变革一直是国外交通统计学和地理学领域研究的热点。已有的研究,几乎都将购物看作一个整体行为,很少从购物过程分解的角度对居民购物行为的改变进行分析。本文以南京为例,以分解购物过程为切入点,通过区分不同区位、不同商品类型来研究网络购物对居民购物行为的影响,得出3点主要结论:①居民倾向于只通过网络或实体店完成所有购物活动;②网络购物对实体店购买搜索型商品存在替代与补充的混合效应,对实体店购买体验型商品仅存在替代作用,且替代作用在城区比郊区显著;③网络购物会产生搜索、体验和退换货出行,且网购体验型商品产生的额外出行比搜索型商品多,在郊区产生的额外出行比城区多。  相似文献   

The application of the recently developed thermoluminescent method of pre-dose dating to thirty-seven glazed ceramics, purporting to have been manufactured during the T'ang Dynasty in China (a.d. 618–906), is reported. The modern origin of eight of these pieces is established. The remaining twenty-nine authentic pieces are discussed with respect to the accuracy of dating possible for such wares. The criterion for authenticity judgement commonly used for this material, that of glaze crackleur, is discussed critically and shown to be of only limited reliability.  相似文献   

隋丽娜  程圩 《人文地理》2014,29(4):126-133
在建立感知质量/旅游形象-感知价值-满意度-忠诚度的游客感知链理论模型基础上,探讨三类不同开放程度景区游客感知差异。研究发现,感知质量包括景观、餐饮、交通、游览、住宿、休闲娱乐、管理七个感知维度,其中休闲娱乐感知对感知质量影响程度最大,景观感知与感知质量的相关性最小。旅游形象包含资源与社区认知、设施认知、情感三个形象维度。多群组路径分析发现,不同开放程度景区的游客感知理论模型具有相同形态。封闭式景区中感知质量各方面的评价均很重要,游客重视住宿、游览、休闲娱乐等方面,也更期待景区带来的情感形象认同。开放式和半开放式景区中,游客并未因其免费或低收费而忽视景区景观呈现或不注重游客满意和旅游所带来的收获。  相似文献   

基于世界遗产的形成与发展规律,提出了"未来遗产说"。长江三峡工程作为中华民族伟大复兴的标志性工程,具有成为"未来遗产"的潜质。当前,三峡工程旅游发展应遵循可持续发展的原则,按照世界遗产委员会所确立的世界文化遗产评价标准,对具有时代特征的工程建设遗迹和代表性工程文化符号进行"遗产化"保护和开发,开发体验旅游产品,强化遗产教育功能,使之成为当代人留给后代人的"未来遗产"。  相似文献   

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