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本文把明教遗迹辨识作为纯学术性课题探讨,以泉州晋江华表山麓草庵遗址为个案,在逾半个世纪学界研究的基础上,从学理与方法之角度,解读确认该遗址明教属性之依据,期有助於促进明教遗迹监定之学术规范化。  相似文献   

本文把明教遺迹辨識作爲純學術性課題探討,以泉州晉江華表山麓草庵遺址爲個案,在逾半個世紀學界研究的基礎上,從學理與方法之角度,解讀確認該遺址明教屬性之依據,期有助於促進明教遺迹鑑定之學術規範化。  相似文献   

本文从历史文献学的角度,辨释见於《佛祖统纪》之《夷坚志》明教纪事,认为该纪事虽不见今本《夷坚志》,但大体应出自《夷坚志》作者洪迈之手笔;并就该纪事中有关明教的称谓,教主之名讳,信徒之服色,该教对道教之依托,教徒的习俗等,一一加以辨释,甄别其真伪,界定其与实际的距离。  相似文献   

林悟殊  殷小平 《中华文史论丛》2012,(2):255-283,398,399
本文從歷史文獻學的角度,辨釋見於《佛祖統紀》之《夷堅志》明教紀事,認爲該紀事雖不見今本《夷堅志》,但大體應出自《夷堅志》作者洪邁之手筆;並就該紀事中有關明教的稱謂,教主之名諱,信徒之服色,該教對道教之依托,教徒的習俗等,一一加以辨釋,甄別其真僞,界定其與實際的距離。  相似文献   

宋元时代滨海地域流行华化摩尼教——明教,文献资料记载凿凿,20世纪下半叶以来陆续的考古发现,也左证这一结论。就有关的考古发现,自以泉州成绩为卓著,学界瞩目;前辈学者刘铭恕先生在泉州摩尼教考古成绩的鼓舞下,曾根据浙江文献,对浙  相似文献   

正北宋著名的盛勤禅师,象郡(今象州)人,六祖慧能后"一花五叶"云门宗之四世,时获御封"明教大师"的镡津(今广西藤县)人契嵩禅师曾亲自为他的舍利塔撰写塔铭(并叙),并为他作品《原宗集》写叙,禅宗典籍对他亦多有介绍。契嵩在所撰写的《原宗集叙》开篇即有"象郡勤师聚禅学百家之说",当即点明了盛  相似文献   

<正>编辑部的故事本期版主:熊崧策放假前赶一期要了亲命了!读遍"飞雪连天射白鹿;笑书神侠倚碧鸳",深深为金庸先生深厚的人文历史功底所折服。这一期杂志我们暂且从虚构的江湖金盆洗手,踏入金庸的历史世界,把金庸小说中提到的真实人物、事件梳理一遍。限于篇幅,未能一网打尽,丐帮、明教--天下第一大帮和第一教门是有了,但是少林寺和武当派遗憾缺席  相似文献   

宋元时代滨海地域流行华化摩尼教——明教,文献资料记载凿凿,20世纪下半叶以来陆续的考古发现,也佐证这一结论。就有关的考古发现,自以泉州成绩为卓着,学界瞩目;前辈学者刘铭恕先生在泉州摩尼教考古成绩的鼓舞下,曾根据浙江文献,对浙江地区摩尼教遗址的发现也充满信心,早就吁请文博界努力;但时至1988年始有斩获,是为温州平阳县方志专家林顺道先生所发现的元碑《选真寺记》。  相似文献   

11世纪初期,以大文豪欧阳修为代表的排佛派同以灵隐寺住持释契嵩为代表的卫佛派展开了一场大论战。争论的焦点在于,佛教是否适合中国国情?佛教是祸国还是利国?佛教与儒学是相容还是相斥?争论的结果是,宋仁宗坚定了对佛教的信心,契嵩也因此由一位默默无闻的山中沙门,一下子猋升为朝野闻名的高僧。他被仁宗授予“明教大师”的桂冠,并赐紫方袍,他的理论著作被“诏付传法院编次”。  相似文献   

明代何乔远的《闽书》记载了北宋至道(公元995—997年)中,怀安士人李廷裕以五十千钱购摩尼佛像于开封卜肆一事。本文通过对该条史料的解读,并综合汴京卜肆及唐宋时期中国摩尼教的流传情况,认为李氏可能于开封相国寺卜肆中购得此摩尼佛像,它实为一画像而非塑像。该画像可能作为此后明教神像的原型,在东南摩尼教会中流传开来,由宋到元,在经历佛化、道化的同时,最终演变成了塑像。  相似文献   


Baker, Paula, ed. Money and Politics University Park: Penn State University Press 120 pp., $19.95, ISBN 0-271-02246-9 Publication Date: October 2002

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Segal, Jeffrey A., and Harold J. Spaeth The Supreme Court and the Attitudinal Model Revisited New York: Cambridge University Press 459 pp., $70.00 cloth, $25.00 paper ISBN 0-521-78351-8 cloth ISBN 0-521-78971-0 paper Publication Date: September 2002

Bonnicksen, Andrea L. Crafting a Cloning Policy: From Dolly to Stem Cells Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press 232 pp., $39.95 cloth, $21.95 paper ISBN 0-87840-370-1 cloth ISBN 0-87840-371-X paper Publication Date: August 2002

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Siplon, Patricia D. AIDS and the Policy Struggle in the United States Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press 176 pp., $39.95 cloth, $21.95 paper ISBN 0-87840-377-9 cloth ISBN 0-520-20254-6 paper Publication Date: August 2002

Stiehm, Judith Hicks The U.S. Army War College: Military Education in a Democracy Philadelphia, Pa.: Temple University Press 272 pp., $69.50 cloth, $22.95 paper ISBN 1-56639-959-9 cloth ISBN 1-56639-960-2 paper Publication Date: August 2002

Tusmith, Bonnie, and Maureen T. Reddy, eds. Race in the College Classroom: Pedagogy and Politics New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press 336 pp., $60.00 cloth, $22.00 paper ISBN 0-8135-3108-X cloth ISBN 0-8135-3109-8 paper Publication Date: August 2002

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Cohen, Warren I. The Asian American Century Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 150 pp., $22.95, ISBN 0-674-00765-4 Publication Date: March 2002

Lawson, Chappell H. Building the Fourth Estate: Democratization and the Rise of a Free Press in Mexico Berkeley: University of California Press 287 pp., $19.95, ISBN 0-520-23171-6 Publication Date: August 2002

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Ivanov, Igor S. The New Russian Diplomacy: Ten Years of Moscow's Foreign Policy Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press 203 pp., $22.95, ISBN 0-8157-4498-6 Publication Date: July 2002

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Whiteside, Kerry H. Divided Natures: French Contributions to Political Ecology Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press 333 pp., $24.95 cloth, $16.95 paper ISBN 0-262-73147-9 cloth ISBN 0-262-73247-9 paper Publication Date: January 2002

Muel-Dreyfus, Francine Vichy and the Eternal Feminine: A Contribution to the Political Sociology of Gender Trans. Kathleen A. Johnson Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press 388 pp., $21.95, ISBN 0-8223-2774-0 Publication Date: October 2001

Hahn, Jeffrey W., ed. Regional Russia in Transition: Studies from Yaroslavl' Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press 258 pp., $45.00, ISBN 0-8018-6741-X Publication Date: June 2001

Terry, Fiona Condemned to Repeat? The Paradox of Humanitarian Action Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press 282 pp., $19.55, ISBN 0-8014-8796-X Publication Date: August 2002

Mandelbaum, Michael The Ideas That Conquered the World: Peace, Democracy, and Free Markets in the Twenty-First Century New York: Public Affairs 483 pp., $30.00, ISBN 1-58648-134-7 Publication Date: August 2002

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Employing a wealth of detailed evidence, the author of the book portrays an ambitious picture of gender relations in the roughly five centuries from late-Tang to late-Yuan. In order to make the incredibly complicated picture more organized, Bossier divides the book chronologically into three time periods, the Northern Song (with a little part touching on the late Tang), the Southern Song, and the Yuan. Within each time period, Bossier analyzes three major categories of women---courtesans, concubines, and wives--in that sequence. Such arrangement is a clear sign of her argument: from Song to Yuan, writings on men's romantic relationship with courtesans gradually gave way to wives' fidelity and obligations, which was being applied more generally to all women, including courtesans, courtesan-concubines, and concubines. The application of wifely virtue to all women promoted the status of concubines within the family, as they were expected to behave and be treated like respectable wives. As a consequence, wives' authority declined, especially when sons produced by wives and concubines received equal treatment. Such a practice stressed the importance of paternal side while ignoring the maternal one, hence greatly intensified the patriline.  相似文献   

1993年6月,我们对辽海屯北山遗址进行了重点勘探与试掘,发现房址、窖穴、灰坑等遗迹14处,出土了一批具有特色的陶器和石器.陶器的种类有鬲、鼎、甑、甗、盆、罐、碗等,其年代约在西周时期.  相似文献   

Brochs are impressive stone roundhouses unique to Iron Age Scotland. This paper introduces a new perspective developed from architectural analysis and drawing on new survey, fieldwork and analogies from anthropology and social history. The study of architectural design and constructional detail exposes fewer competitive elements than previously anticipated. Instead, attempts to emulate, share and communicate identities can be detected. The architectural language of the broch allows complex layers of individual preferences, local and regional traditions, and supra-regional communications to be expressed in a single house design. The proposed ‘productive households’ model moves beyond ideas of competing elites at times of stress, and invites a new debate by expanding a more complex broch concept beyond the Atlantic core.  相似文献   

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