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PopulationandEnvironmentinTibet¥WANGSHAOQUANAtthe1992UNConferenceonEnvironmentandDevelopmentinBrazil,ZhaxifromTibetdeclaredth...  相似文献   

In this examination of patterns of cultural traffic in Lübeck and Danzig in the 16th and 17th centuries it is argued that while Danzig was strongly influenced by Dutch commercial contacts and exercised a very strong cultural influence on its Polish hinterland, Lübeck was open to a more diffuse range of external cultural influences, and competed as a centre of culture with its neighbours. Two assumptions are tested here: that a relationship existed between cultural innovation based on external stimuli and levels of commercial prosperity in cities, and that the more passive a city became in terms of international trade, the more it was influenced by external cultural trends. It is concluded that the cultural experiences of the two cities were shaped as much by their relationship with their hinterlands as they were by changing patterns of international trade during the 16th and 17th centuries.  相似文献   

SacrificialFiresandHorsemanshipinYushu¥//GYAYUNGQUNPESinceancienttimes,Julyhasbeenahighlysignificantreligiousmonthduringwhich...  相似文献   

Geological Prospecting and Mining in TibetGeologicalProspectingandMininginTibet¥DONDUINAMGYISeptember1,1995markedthe30thanniv...  相似文献   

The Greek ‘Cinderella’ (with 254 versions recorded in the Catalogue of Greek Magic Folktales) is articulated around an ambivalent female spinning pair of mother and daughter(s), their intimacy menaced by matricide and/or cannibalistic nuances, explicit or implicit. This rich material is here studied framed by the relevant folkloric data with which traditional Greek audiences of the tales were familiar, as well as by older symbolic layers of myths, beliefs, and rituals regarding spinning, which were juxtaposed, inverted, or disguised in the process of their transmission.  相似文献   

In the sixth century after Christ, the Greek cities of Corinth and Thessaloniki were both still centers of imperial Roman and nascent Christian administrations, ancient population centers protected by high fortification walls. But much of scholarship continues to portray Thessaloniki as a veritable island of civilization during the next two “dark” centuries, with cities of southern Greece like Corinth virtually abandoned after earthquakes, plague, and barbarian invasion. Yet recently historians are reading the few literary sources much more critically, and excavation is also slowly beginning to fill in this gap. Thus long-known evidence of urban continuity in Thessaloniki along with the fruits of some of these methodological advances can begin to provide a new model of Dark Age continuity and abandonment for Corinth and other ancient cities of Byzantine Greece.  相似文献   

Owen Davies 《Folklore》2013,124(1-2):19-32
The collection and analysis of Anglo-Saxon and early medieval healing charms has long generated an active interest in their content and application. However, despite the quite extensive ethnographic evidence concerning the content of healing charms in use from the eighteenth to the twentieth centuries, there has been no attempt, so far, to make an extensive collection of charm formulae from this period. This paper seeks to begin that task. It is hoped that this inventory, not only serves to highlight an important aspect of the English and Welsh tradition of folk medicine, but also serves to indicate the long history of that tradition. An examination of these charms also provides an illustration of the importance of the written word in the transmission of popular knowledge.  相似文献   

Britain honored its international commitment under the Balfour Declaration for the duration of the 1920s in order to retain control of Palestine – a strategic buffer to the Suez Canal. The import of Jewish capital and revenues from Zionist enterprise and commerce in Palestine enabled it to do so. Not only was Britain able to administer Palestine at a minimal cost to the British taxpayer, but it also used Zionist-generated capital to finance its own imperial projects in the region: the construction of Haifa harbor, and an oil pipeline and road from Baghdad to Haifa.  相似文献   

Isabella Bird Bishop was one of the remarkable Victorian women who traveled independently in both Persia and the neighboring countries of the Ottoman Empire. She came to Persia as a very experienced and respected travel writer who had journeyed alone and adventurously in the Americas, Australia, Japan and Malaya. Her travels in Persia in 1890 were possibly the hardest and most challenging of her life. She meticulously observed, recorded and finally published all that she saw—the terrain, meetings with the Qajar court, Bakhtiari and Kurdish tribal chiefs and the families, and the daily life and customs of the people.  相似文献   

LE ROND DES SORCIERS. Par CLAUDE SEIGNOLLE. Éditions des Quatre-Vents. Paris. 1945. Reviewed by Leslie F. Newman.

TRINIDAD VILLAGE. MELVILLE AND FRANCES HERSKOVITS. Published by Alfred A. Knopf. 1947. $4.75. Reviewed by Leslie F. Newman.

PAPAGO INDIAN RELIGION. By RUTH M. UNDERHILL. Columbia University Press. New York. 1946. London, Geoffrey Cumberlege. 25s. 6d. net. pp. 359. Reviewed by E. O. James.  相似文献   

《Political Geography》2007,26(2):179-208
This paper examines the role of social cleavages in creating spatial associations between major pre-Revolutionary and post-Soviet political parties at the guberniya-level statistical aggregates. The paper begins with a theoretical discussion of social cleavages and a literature review of cleavage theory research applied to various Russian elections. The analysis of spatial associations between the pre-Revolutionary/post-Soviet parties involved elaborating a new measurement framework, creating a spatial database using GIS, transformation of thematic social–economic–geographic attributes, calculating the strength of the linear relationship among regional spatial units and utilizing probit statistical models. This research empirically supports the hypothesis that contemporary Russian parties are expressions of rediscovered cleavages as well as of conflicts engendered by the Tsarist and Soviet and post-Soviet periods of development. It appeared that the constituent assembly election of 1917 and parliamentary election of 1995 tend to be “maintaining” elections for the liberals. The situation appeared different for the communitarian parties. A critical realignment – significant changes in the left electorate and a split in this electorate did occur. The 1995 election results indicate that only parties with developed networks and local and regional organizations faired well in the election and that nationalization of Russian political life was still weak in 1995.  相似文献   

Media fascination with and misrepresentation of Tongan politics continues, but there is better reason than usual for taking a close look at 2005. The government had suffered a series of reverses and embarrassments in the previous few years, including the dismissal of five ministers. Public controversy had arisen over attempts to control the media, over royalty's business interests, and finally over the price of electricity. These matters were bound to be exploited in the 2005 election, but the manner in which that happened was unexpected because of the new roles in politics for an old radical and one of the dismissed ministers. Moreover, the government had announced a minor but significant reform involving popular representation in cabinet. The general election of March 2005 confirmed the grip that critics of the government have on popular politics but the events of the next few months showed the government's run of bad luck continuing, so much so that it suffered a serious loss of respect. The government has had to make concessions unprecedented in constitutional times.  相似文献   

In the Old Testament, the book of psalms stands out because of its vast and rich imagery and vivid metaphorical language. Deep human experiences and a wide range of human emotions in its heights and depths can be discovered there. The metaphorical language in the Old Testament, particularly in the psalms, is often linked with emotions. This paper centres on emotions within the metaphor discourse and aims to contribute to two fields of research: firstly, the field of metaphor analysis in the psalms and secondly, the area of the Studies of Emotions by using Ps 34,19 as an example. After presenting some core theoretical concepts regarding the study of metaphors and emotions, the analysis of the form and content of Ps 34 as well as the “broken hearted” and “crushed in spirit” in Ps 34,19 will be carried out. The results of the analysis shed new light on the well-known verbal images of the “broken hearted” and “crushed in spirit.”  相似文献   

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