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Italy's intellectual debate over the concept of ‘public opinion’ in the first fifty years after unification can be better understood if one starts from an analysis of the constitutional framework. The definition of the rights and duties of rulers and ruled was the most pressing concern for the liberal ruling class. It should be noted that a strong paternalistic element was always present in the Italian intellectual debate. This paternalistic approach emerges clearly in the official Catholic culture. The main difference between Catholic intellectuals and liberals was over the ‘public sphere’. Liberalism mistrusted the masses because they were prone to insubordination and easily manipulated by demagogy, but it also believed the masses could elevate themselves. The ruling class's culture was essentially a synthesis between ‘moderatismo’ and that section of Catholicism that was less closed to modernity. Public opinion was considered by many as ‘queen of the world’, but according to the Albertine constitutional statute, the king was more politically influent.  相似文献   

This article explores historical assessments of the foreign policy of President John F. Kennedy, who was assassinated fifty years ago. It traces the evolution of JFK historiography from the uncritical so‐called ‘Camelot’ school to harsh revisionist critiques in the 1980s and 1990s, and on to the current ‘third wave’ of scholarship. The article focuses in particular on new work concerning JFK's handling of the Berlin and Cuba superpower crises, his role in expanding the United States’ involvement in Vietnam (and whether blame for this war can be assigned to him) and larger questions about his approach to the danger of nuclear holocaust and the possibility of defusing Cold War tensions. The conclusion to the article examines his various peace‐seeking initiatives in the months following the Cuban Missile Crisis, and suggests that Kennedy may have been turning towards a more critical view of American Cold War politics when he was killed in Dallas in November 1963.  相似文献   

The year 2016 marked the 10th anniversary of the publication of the Janice Monk Lecture in Feminist Geography in Gender, Place and Culture. Here we celebrate that milestone by reflecting upon the 10 lectures that have been delivered in the series. Our aim is to situate these lectures within the context of the wider intellectual changes that have occurred during that period so as to appreciate the lectures, taken as a whole, as a window on contemporary feminist geography. This contextualization also allows us to recognize the continuing development as well as speculate about feminist geography and the Jan Monk Lecture’s role in contributing to and shaping them.  相似文献   

The UK government's consideration of whether to replace Trident evokes past controversies about the bomb including occasions when the Labour Party advocated unilateral renunciation of British nuclear weapons. Out of office, fierce debate engulfed the party, fuelled by, and in turn fuelling, intra-party conflict. In power, while Labour governments took different decisions on key defence issues to their Conservative counterparts, they nevertheless ensured that the UK remained a nuclear weapons state. Labour also ensured the habits of secrecy in nuclear decision-making were ingrained, though these were challenged by the current government. This article examines the development of Labour's approach to nuclear weapons since 1945. Particular attention is given to the 1980s as members of the current cabinet will have clear recollections of campaigning on an anti-nuclear policy in the 1980s. The Blair government has embarked on public debate ahead of a formal decision and should the issue of Britain's nuclear status become embroiled in a political battle over the leadership succession, anti-nuclear sentiment may re-emerge. Yet if the past is guide to the future, the history of Labour governments suggests that the real debate will be about what replaces Trident not whether it is replaced.  相似文献   

Women in Neuroscience (WIN) is an international organization whose major goal is to promote the professional advancement of women neuroscientists. To this end, WIN facilitates contacts and communication among women working in neuroscience, and organizes appropriate activities at the annual Society for Neuroscience (SfN) meeting. WIN was created in 1980, when despite major changes and advances in 'equal opportunities', women were still not achieving a proportionate level of success in the subdiscipline of neurosciences. In 1980, women made up 40 to 50% of entering classes in medical schools or graduate programs, but often comprised only 5 to 15% of leadership in respective organizations. Although there had been women elected to serve as SfN presidents, council, and committee members, women were under-represented in other positions of the Society, such as symposium and session chairs. There was an even lesser degree of representation in leadership positions at universities and medical schools in terms of full professorships, chairs, and program directors, as well as on editorial boards, advisory boards, and councils. Over the years, WIN has worked with success toward increasing the participation of women in neuroscience.  相似文献   

This paper reflects on salient aspects of the development of Nations and Nationalism over its first twenty‐five years to become the leading journal in its field. It outlines the context of its founding, its interdisciplinary character and the objectives to establish the subject of nationalism as a separate field of study. It discusses the strategies to advance the journal as a forum for scholarly exchange and how the journal has evolved. It outlines the rapid growth in the number of papers submitted to the journal and assesses the relation of the journal to the field today.  相似文献   

高占伟  叶涛 《民俗研究》2010,95(3):60-65
民俗作为传承文化有其自身发展的规律,尊重民俗首先必须尊重其内在规律。本文以年节和清明为例,追溯传统节日在中国近代所经历的曲折历程,探求传统节日自身发展的特点,强调在当代社会转型的背景下尊重传统的重要性。  相似文献   

Martin W. Walsh 《Folklore》2013,124(2):231-254
Beginning with Elizabethan literary references to a carnivalesque celebration of Martinmas, the present article surveys the St Martin cult in England in order to isolate features of the medieval celebration of the Christian feast and determine the feast's relationship to seasonal activities of early November. Martinmas is seen as both the last harvest festival and a curtain raiser for the extended winter revelling season, in effect a "Carnival" in late autumn.  相似文献   

This paper looks at the 1920s Tokyo transformation of hanamatsuri (the celebration of the Buddha's birthday) from a local observance to a mass public spectacle. The Lumbini Festival was a performance of Buddhist modernity orchestrated to promote links between Japan and Asia and present Japan as leader of Asia. The Lumbini Festival appeared in 1925, the same year as did the Young East , an English language journal published in Tokyo to promote the trans-Asian Buddhist fellowship. Neither was a state initiative, but both nevertheless contributed to the formation and naturalisation of links between Japan and its Asian neighbours and the development of the Japanese empire. The Lumbini festival naturalised Buddhist brotherhood in Tokyo; the Young East , by reporting it through Asia and the West, promoted ideas of their shared Buddhist heritage, and of a Buddhist basis for social reform and Asian modernity.  相似文献   

萧放 《民俗研究》2008,(4):266-270
有人说过:“时间带着口音发言。”时间具有民族性与地方性。在人文时间中有日常时间与特殊时间,节日属于特殊的人文时间,也是具有特定文化内涵、适应社会节奏的标志时间。中国地域辽阔,历史悠久,民族众多,有着丰厚的节日民俗文化遗产,节日民俗五彩斑斓。随着近代以来社会政治环境的变化,  相似文献   

The seventh Tibetan month sees bloo-soming flowers,warm climate and smile faces in the valley of the Lhasa River. As the Garma Duiba Star rises over the Holy Bottle Mountain in the southeast, the Lhasans tell one another: "The Bathing Festival begins."The Star appears only for seven nights a year, and correspondingly the Bathing Festival lasts for seven nights, too.As night falls with Garma Duiba Star rising to join other twinkling stars, Lhasans, the young in par-ticular, go out for a…  相似文献   

ParshionisavillagelocatedontheeasternbankoftheQoizongZangboRiver,thesourceoftheParlungZangboRiver,inBomeCounty.Locatedapproximately60kmfromthecountyseat,thevillagehassome30householdsconsistingof280inhabitants.Althoughthevillageissmall,itisfamousfortheRepaDanceFestival."ThefestivalwasfirstheldduringthetimeofMilhaRiba(1040-1123),aBuddhistmasteroftheGagyuSectofTibetanBuddhism,andhisdiscipleRiqoinbasome800yearsago,"explainedaseniorvillager."Now,wehaveaprofessionalarttroupetoperformtheRepad…  相似文献   

张帆 《故宫博物院院刊》2022,237(1):35-44+132
本文以戏曲史中鲜为人所关注的骨牌灯戏为研究对象,勾连清代宫廷内外相关材料,对民间与宫廷中的骨牌灯戏进行比较研究。通过对演出形式、唱词、队列变换、人员构成、灯具等方面的对比来分析二者的源、流等问题,尤其是它与节令戏曲等的渊源关系。提出骨牌灯戏是中华优秀传统文化的缩影。  相似文献   

端午探源——兼论重阳   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
端午节习称为纪念屈原而设,但事实上端午节由来已久,既是古代民俗节日的重要禁忌日,又是纪念名人的节日,屈原只是其中之一而已。重阳是与端午相对应的节日,端午与重阳有内在的联系。  相似文献   

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