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作者强调了聚落形态考古在古代人口估测中的重要性。然后根据山东日照两城镇地区系统性调查资料 ,论述了从史前到汉代不同时期的人口密度和数量。  相似文献   

中原龙山城址的聚落考古学研究   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
在夏商周文明发祥的中原地区,诸多龙山城址已具早期城市性质,并形成了以城址为中心、明显具有不稳定性和对抗性特点的扇形聚落群布局结构.其中聚落群同盟组织的存在可能是扇形聚落群成立的社会基础,而导致扇形聚落群及其同盟组织发生的原因则应是中原地区居民所面临的巨大生存压力.  相似文献   

经国家文物局批准,云南省文物考古研究所与美国密歇根大学人类学系签订为期3年的合作协议,进行"滇池区域史前聚落形态考古调查"项目,目的是通过开展全面的区域系统调查,寻找并确认与石寨山文化(亦称滇文化,时代约从春秋时期至西汉末期)有关的遗址和聚落[1],揭示这些聚落的  相似文献   

陶寺遗址聚落形态的初步考察   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
陶寺遗址微观聚落形态和宏观聚落形态的考察表明陶寺社会阶层分化严重,王者的雏形很可能已经出现,礼制初步形成,已进入了属于早期国家形态的邦国阶段。这一时期,文明社会初步形成。  相似文献   

The construction of the Baptistry of Saint John has a debated and uncertain history; the hypothesis on its main construction phases may span from the Roman period to the 13th century, according to different authors. This uncertainty is mainly due to the lack of primary sources and certain dating issues. By combining dendrochronological analysis and radiocarbon dating, some light was shed on the building’s history. Open at least from 897, in 1059 Pope Nicholas II re-consecrated the baptistry after several renovations. Around that period, the octagonal dome was probably built by using chestnut beams to tie the structure together. The dendrochronological analysis dated the silver fir element to 1268. This element possibly represents a replacement coincident with the period, between 1270 and 1300, when a substantial part of the mosaics of the dome was positioned.  相似文献   

山东章丘市小荆山后李文化环壕聚落勘探报告   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
小荆山遗址是山东后李文化时期重要的环壕聚落遗址。本文着重介绍了小荆山遗址环壕的形状与结构、环壕内地层堆积。通过分析发现 ,小荆山后李文化时期环壕的西半部利用了自然冲沟 ,东部为人工开挖而成。文章对环壕聚落内居址、墓葬的布局进行了探讨 ,进而认为 ,在山东地区 ,早在七八千年以前就存在着环壕聚落 ,其后的大汶口、龙山文化时代的一些遗址中也有环壕存在的迹象。小荆山后李文化的环壕是山东境内目前发现最早、结构最清楚的环壕 ,它的发现 ,将带动山东地区史前聚落形态及环壕聚落的研究。  相似文献   

张学海 《华夏考古》2006,(2):102-112
本文分析了聚落群的产生发展过程、基本特征和性质。指出其早期阶段是部落,晚期阶段大都是古国,聚落辟经历了从部落到国家的发展过程。论述了国家的起源。认为酋邦和消亡阶段的部落无大区别,中国不必划分酋邦时期。  相似文献   

The relationship between current interpretations of Natufian settlement and subsistence and available archaeological data are examined in light of recent research, particularly in Jordan. Regional variability in adaptive strategies is discernible, particularly between forest and coastal sites versus steppe and desert sites. Greater evidence of plant processing and more intensive occupation characterize settlement in the former, although year-round occupation has yet to be conclusively demonstrated. Patterned variability also exists between two classes of steppe and desert area settlements. One set of steppe and desert sites is characterized by a broad range of activities and moderate settlement permanence and activity intensity, while less permanent occupation and more specialized activities focused primarily on hunting typify the other set of sites. Evidence for food production in the Natufian is examined and, although the domestication process may have begun, no morphological evidence exists for the domestication of plants or herd animals. Finally, worthwhile areas for future research are outlined.  相似文献   

The media team on the 2004 Deep Gulf Wrecks mission fulfilled three video-related functions: documentation, preservation, and outreach. Instead of looking at the media team as witnesses to the scientific events or as video tourists, the mission leadership integrated the video, backup, and Internet work into the scientific process carried out in the Gulf of Mexico. While not the first time this kind of cooperation has occurred in deep sea exploration work, the extent of media-scientific collaboration was exceptional in an age of soundbites and formulaic scientific filmmaking. The key strategic and technical lessons learned from the mission are summarized.  相似文献   

Many chronological and cultural facets of Early and Middle Holocene Prehistoric Oman are still unclear. Archaeological excavations of settlements and cemeteries are adding new data to the reconstruction of a chronological and cultural framework. Wadi Shab-GAS1 is a Middle Holocene site found at the beginning of the 1980s and later destroyed by urbanisation. It is located in a rich environmental niche, on a cliff facing the sea and near a permanent freshwater source. Three years of fieldwork at this site brought to light structural remains, a cemetery and interesting material culture.  相似文献   

一、前言杨官寨遗址位于陕西高陵县姬家乡杨官寨村四组东侧泾河左岸的一级阶地上,南距泾河约1公里,海拔498.5米。遗址北起雷村、南至韩村、西自杨官寨村西、东达徐吾村,南北宽约800米、东西长约1000米,面积约80万平方米。2008~2010年,陕  相似文献   

传统时代江汉平原腹地的乡村聚落,主要选择地势稍高的自然墩台、长冈或建造人工墩台,以躲避洪水的侵袭;很多台墩依堤而建或与堤相联,但台墩之间并不相连,从而形成以散居为主导的乡村聚落形态。江汉平原腹地以散居为主导的乡村聚落形态之形成,有其根深蒂固的地理基础与社会经济根源。环境与资源条件的限制、传统的经济生活方式,乃是散村形成并长期延续下来的根本原因。  相似文献   

The Viking Age was an important watershed in European history, characterized by the centralization of authority, the adoption of Christian ideology, the growth of market trade, the intensification of production and the development of urbanism. Together, these phenomena mark the beginning of Scandinavian state formation. However, the dates at which each occurred - and the unequal rates at which different state attributes were adopted in 'cores' and 'peripheries' - remain to be fully explored and explained. These issues can be illuminated by world-systems theory and brought into focus by studying the date at which key aspects of the Viking Age were adopted in a Scandinavian periphery - the Norse Earldom of Orkney and Caithness, northern Scotland. The present study questions not only why peripheries change, but why they do not change, or change more slowly than neighbouring cores.  相似文献   

商代聚落模式及其所体现的政治经济景观   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈朝云 《史学集刊》2004,1(3):16-22
以金字塔式的聚落等级体系、横向纵向联系紧密的聚落群网状分布形式构成了商代的聚落模式。这种聚落模式体现了商代统治者“体国经野”和“立君利群”的政治内容:金字塔式的聚落等级模式体现了商代森严的等级制度,城的修建和内部区划体现了有力的社会调控机制,聚落群的形成体现了商王朝聚落迁徙的全民性,也从一个侧面反映了商王朝强大的政治强制性。商代聚落模式还蕴含着统治者关注农业生产和经济地理位置的优选、聚落内经济区域建设的因素:商代聚落体系的择立要素和聚落内涵体现出以农业为主、渔猎为辅的社会经济景观,商聚落体系经济地理位置的优选体现了聚敛矿产资源的经济管理景观。商王国及各方国的中心聚落与其周围聚落群在政治、经济等方面形成了较密切的从属与依赖关系,并形成一个相对独立的、动态的网状系统,构成商王朝自上而下的统治体系。  相似文献   

This paper presents a reconstruction of environmental conditions and subsistence strategies in the Early Neolithic (6th Millenium BC) settlement area at Tě?etice-Kyjovice (Czech Republic). Our detailed reconstruction of the environment contributes to the unravelling of the genesis and spread of steppes and the formation of secondary anthropogenic forest-free areas in the Holocene in eastern-Central Europe. Mollusc shells, charcoals and plant macroremains were used as on-site evidence of a settlement environment. A relatively warm and dry anthropogenic forest-free area is reconstructed for the immediate vicinity of the Early Neolithic settlement. Communities of mixed deciduous forests are recorded in the surroundings of the settlement. Plant macroremains reflect the characteristic Neolithic range of cultivated plants (e.g. Triticum monococcum, Triticum dicoccon, Lens culinaris and Pisum sativum). Papaver somniferum seeds were also found, possibly constituting the oldest evidence of its presence and cultivation in the territory of the Czech Republic.  相似文献   

经过30年来的发掘和研究,新砦遗址在文化谱系研究、聚落形态研究、多学科合作研究等方面取得了一定成绩。二里头文化第一期不会是夏文化的上限,新砦期也不会是最早的夏文化。如果要追寻早期夏文化就必须到比新砦二期文化更早的龙山时代遗存中去寻找。在新砦遗址找到了城墙、护城河、内壕、外壕以及大型建筑。新砦遗址所在的溱洧流域自旧石器时代已经有人类居住,裴李岗文化时期已经出现较发达的农业,仰韶文化前期,聚落得到较快的发展,仰韶文化后期,聚落分化明显加剧,到了龙山时代开始出现城址,至新砦二期终于出现了都邑性质的原始城堡,二里头文化时期中心聚落似乎迁往它处,至东周时期再度繁荣。  相似文献   

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