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辽朝史学,除了国史系统之外,还有家族史系统。主要包括家族谱牒和个人墓志。辽朝家族谱牒虽然今已不存,但是辽朝存在撰写家族谱牒的习俗;辽朝墓志有大量遗存,从墓志分析可知,辽朝墓志的撰写者、资料来源以及辽朝墓志的特点;辽朝家族史是国史的重要补充。  相似文献   

两晋南北朝等级婚姻初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
婚媾讲求门第等级 ,历来大抵如此 ,并有它相对的合理性。但在两晋南北朝时代 ,这种风气愈演愈烈 ,变成了不具条文的金科玉律。两晋南北朝等级婚姻十分讲究门当户对 ,以保持世家在政治、经济等方面的特殊地位 ,这种婚姻给当时社会带来了一系列严重后果  相似文献   

Inspired by the works of Michel Foucault and Erling Sandmo, this article explores contemporary discourses of military violence against civilians from a genealogical perspective. The purpose is to shed light on the historicity of certain structures of knowledge, thoughts, politics and ethics that are fundamental for the ways in which military violence against civilians is put into words, interpreted and explained in various situations and contexts today. My main argument is that the descents of Swedish contemporary discourse on military violence against civilians can be traced back to epistemological and politico-legal conflicts in the 17th century.  相似文献   

This article will focus on a seldom-considered aspect of Saharan social contexts: the incorporation of European/Christian characters into tribal sociopolitical frameworks. Supported by data from my fieldwork, I will discuss contemporary portrayals of a mid-seventeenth-century woman, Hemeila, whose mother is recognized as a European Christian of Iberian origin. These two women are presently incorporated in different genealogical narratives from Southwestern Mauritania. The research dealt with in this article also relates to discussions of social hierarchy familiar to Mauritania’s Arabophone populations, with a particular focus on groups holding a “religious” (zwaya) status. Additionally, this article discusses the role of the anthropologist as a producer of social facts, which in this context has led to a direct intervention in the reassessment of Saharan historical traditions.  相似文献   

In this article we look at the destruction of the Amazon forest through an archaeological lens. We describe the devastation brought about by illegal loggers and ranchers to the last remaining old-growth forests of Maranhão (NE Brazil), where the Awá hunter-gatherers live. We argue that archaeology can provide an alternative and more critical look at global consumerism by manifesting the crude materiality and abject violence that lurks behind the goods consumed in the West. We followed the tracks of a group of loggers deep inside the forest and report what we saw.  相似文献   

文章通过分析蒙古族、锡伯族、纳西族、土家族、苗族、侗族、瑶族、朝鲜族、回族等少数民族家谱记载的大量史实,说明中国各民族之间历经数千年的经济文化交流,已经结成你中有我、我中有你难分难解的特殊关系。无论是在中国境内发展形成的少数民族的家谱,还是由境外迁来中国的少数民族的家谱,都为多元一体中华民族的形成提供了生动、珍贵的第一手资料。  相似文献   

This article suggests that marriageable young upper-class women can be taken as indicators of the longue durée of the ancien régime mentality and the stepwise advancement of the bourgeois mentality. This is so because of factors that made such women particularly prone not to break with established conventions. Source materials in this analysis are taken from contemporary non-fiction texts in which 19th-century St Petersburg and Helsinki serve as the scenes and in which marriageable young women feature as the protagonists or objects of appraising gazes. It is suggested that the differences emerging around the mid-19th century between the two societies with regards to the habitus and education of upper-class girls and marriageable women can at least in part be explained by different institutional settings vis-à-vis land, labour and the status of the bourgeoisie.  相似文献   

I look at the process and speed of innovation spread, examining the economic aspects from the perspective of those who adopt the innovation. Defining innovation adoption as an investment which requires initial cost and risks, I argue that at the time of introduction of a new technology that is expected to have socioeconomic importance, elites of adopting societies try to avoid the initial cost and risks of adoption, actively intervening in the process of its spread. Thus, it is crucial to analyze the strategies and needs of elites, which strongly influence the speed of spread. One of these strategies is to change innovation's role by locating the innovation in a different realm of economy. Comparing the spread of iron technology in the Danish and southern Korean Bronze Ages, I demonstrate that differences in what elites needed to obtain through iron technology in different contexts critically affected the speed and process of iron spread into the two regions.  相似文献   

Recent Paleolithic work along the middle Enisei River of central Siberia has revealed a long history of occupation that almost certainly begins in the Middle Pleistocene. Although the evidence for the Lower Paleolithic is somewhat tentative, there is good reason to believe that hunter-gatherers had periodically occupied the middle Enisei before the last interglacial. The steppe environment of the region during the Upper Pleistocene was relatively bountiful; more than 200 Upper Paleolithic sites, both before and after the Last Glacial Maximum, have been located. The region appears to have been abandoned during the Last Glacial Maximum. Most of Soviet and Russian archaeological work has been guided by a cultural–historical orientation, but recently there has been increased interest in developing adaptationist and ecological research strategies. The middle Enisei and the wider central Siberian region are key to understanding early adaptations to the north and the dimensions of Paleolithic population movements.  相似文献   

中国族谱是中国历史文献的重要组成部分,在中国历史发展过程中,它与正史、方志构成中国古代史籍的三大支柱,而且数量之多、影响之广,为其它文献所不能比拟.然而,各地区纂修的族谱数量极不平衡,留存于今的中国族谱,江、浙、皖、湘等地的数量远远超过了其他地区.本文以历史人口为切入点,分析认为,各地区经济发展的差异是其根本原因,同时,各地的谱牒文化及修谱机制等方面的落差,也是导致族谱数量悬殊的重要因素.  相似文献   

This paper addresses Kyrgyz ‘time-telling’, exploring how Kyrgyz herders and villagers ‘tell’ of their experience of time through genealogies, family stories and epic poetry. The author takes a phenomenological approach, drawing on different forms of narrative; interweaving history, myth and story; revealing the life within the past, as genres mesh (and not always seamlessly). She argues that the lived experience of ‘time-telling’ works through narrative, memory, sound, performance, and poetics, providing a matrix through which the past is continuously brought to life for performers and audience alike. The paper is in three parts. The first sets the scene, exploring three interwoven, kin-related Kyrgyz genres – family trees, genealogies, and epic poetry. The second looks at diverse manifestations of the Kyrgyz epic Manas, and its interpenetration with social life. The third reveals how different forms of performing and remembering the epic bring the past to life through the act of performance.  相似文献   

法系是比较法学的基础概念。本文主要利用语源学的方法,分析了世界三大主要法系——中华法系、罗马法系和伊斯兰法系——中领土、疆域、边疆等概念所反映的不同镜像,力图将不同的地方性知识构成较为全面的世界法律文化图景。  相似文献   

Created in late sixteenth-century Mexico City, the Codex Mexicanus is an extensive bound book of miscellaneous contents, including a rare pictorial genealogy of the Tenochca dynastic lineage that traces the family line from its ancient origins to its colonial descendants. The Codex Mexicanus, as a whole, represents an attempt by its patrons and contributors to reconcile the Mexica past and the Christian present, and the inclusion of a genealogy in the larger book suggests that the Mexica royal house was believed to play an important role in this process. By providing a reading of the genealogy and comparing it with others, both native and European, I show that it presents a unique view of the Tenochca royal house that emphasizes its integrity and antiquity and in so doing effectively excludes outsiders who, at the time the codex was being created, were increasingly making claims on Mexica privileges without the proper family connections.  相似文献   

汪道昆的谱本宗与宗法收族理论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
林济 《史学月刊》2006,8(7):100-107
徽州为明清宗族制度发达地区,这也是徽州士大夫文人宗法制度庶民化努力的结果。宗法制度庶民化并不仅仅是宗法制度贯彻实践的问题,也包含士大夫文人对民间宗族建设活动的宗法理论解释。汪道昆的谱本宗主张及其修谱活动就是建立在民间宗族的祖先谱系文化基础之上,反映了世家大族的独立性追求与以村落宗族为中心的社会现实;其强调的亲亲收族是对谱本宗活动的宗法理论新解释,民间宗族建设实践推动了宗法制度的庶民化发展。  相似文献   


In the process of abolishing the native officialdoms of southwest China, the Ming court justified its actions by citing violations of ethical and ritual principles. During the Zhengtong 正統 period, offices of native officials in Heqing 鶴慶 were abolished and replaced with an office for centrally appointed imperial officials. These imperial officials turned Buddhist temples into Confucian schools and attacked local beliefs regarding living Buddhas. At the same time, local Confucian scholars advocated orthodox ritual in the name of doing away with improper ritual practice. In response, nearby native officials began cautiously handling political issues, and sought to legitimize the foundations for their status by conducting rituals in the classical Confucian tradition. The author examines the history of Lijiang 麗江 and Menghua 蒙化 Prefectures in Yunnan 雲南 and discusses how their native officials used the statuses of ancient nobles as they sought to establish Confucian rituals and temples corresponding to their status within the Ming bureaucracy. Several strategies are identified, including (a) building Buddhist temples, ancestral halls, and official shrines; (b) transforming mythical figures into protective deities by creating mountain and river rituals that conformed to ritual orthodoxy; and (c) establishing official genealogies and using textual methods to incorporate clan myths and legendary lineages into orthodox historical narratives, thereby strengthening the superiority of border native official lineages. By analyzing a series of actions of native officials in this process, the author explores the cultural strategies adopted by native officials to safeguard their prestige and local interests.  相似文献   

东晋初期,皇权与士族之间以及士族内部存在着权力分配的微妙平衡。王敦第一次举兵是反对元帝打破此平衡之举,第二次举兵却是自己主动打破此平衡,因此众多士族对此的反应前后大不相同。最终,这场各方力量参与的博弈维持了东晋初期权力平衡的局面。在这场权力角逐中,名望所带来的社会资本扮演了关键的角色。通过对王导、元帝、王敦、周■、温峤等人社会资本与政治权力的分析,可以揭示出文化场域中名望与政治场域权力间的互动和转化。  相似文献   

George Holmes 《对极》2010,42(3):624-646
Abstract: This paper explores conservation as an elite process in the Dominican Republic. It begins by showing how conservation at a global level is an elite process, driven by a small powerful elite. Looking at the Dominican Republic, it demonstrates how the extraordinary levels of protection have been achieved by a small network of well connected individuals, who have been able to shape conservation as they like, while limiting the involvement by the large international conservation NGOs who are considered so dominant throughout Latin America. Despite this, conservation both globally and in the Dominican Republic is shown to share similar political structures and the same lack of critique of capitalism or its environmental impacts.  相似文献   


This article examines the role of Robert College in Turkish-American relations in the early decades of the Turkish Republic. Relying on recently discovered archival sources and biographical accounts it explores political and educational networks between the United States and Turkey. Robert College, founded in 1863, was the first American College established abroad. It was, however, more than an educational institution; the College teaching staff acted as diplomatic and cultural correspondents for both countries. The trust the College staff earned among the Turkish elite during the First World War continued in the early years of Republic. This relationship turned into a more lucrative collaboration during the early periods of the Cold War. The story of Robert College in Turkey demonstrates the impact of trained intelligence on political relations between the two countries.  相似文献   

This article seeks to understand the patterns of family-based politics in Thailand’s 2011 House of Representatives election. The key question is whether the political dynasty, a sequence of political leaders who are considered members of the same family, is still a determining factor in Thai elections, and if so, to what extent compared to the past. Drawing on a rich set of data collected from election results between 1979 and 2011, this article argues that the political roles and influences of many political dynasties have become more complicated and have tended to increase, although some have experienced defeat in elections. The article finds that while belonging to a political dynasty could give new dynastic faces a better chance of winning a House election in their constituency than their non-dynastic counterparts, the most influential factor for electoral candidates in winning a House of Representatives election is belonging to the Pheu Thai Party or the Democrat Party. This article thus suggests that one of the best ways to avoid the monopoly of one or a few political families in Thai politics is to empower and support party members and eligible voters to meaningfully engage in political parties’ affairs and activities.  相似文献   

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