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The authors investigate an agriculturally based policy for improving rural incomes and for retarding the rural-urban migration flow. The production of agricultural goods is characterized by a production function in which output increases with increases in agricultural labor inputs, capital, public infrastructure, land, and technology. Differences among regions in agricultural technology will reflect regional differences in education, the institutionalized form of productive organization, and differences in access to technological information channeled through more technically advanced cities. To pick up the effect of out-migration changes in state agricultural labor supply and upon agricultural output, the state's agricultural out-migration rate is included together with the agricultural labor force. The gross migrant flow between 2 locations is hypothesized to depend upon a set of variables influencing the individual's perception of the economic rate of return to be gained by moving, a set of variables reflecting the individual's propensity to relocate, the labor displacement effects of investments, and the at risk population at 1 location available to migrate. It is also taken into account that individuals differ in their response to information about origin and destination wage differentials and that individuals may or may not perceive a new ecnomic gain from migration but may base the decision on other considerations. Results of a statistical analysis using data from the Mexican census of population for 1960 and 1970 are: 1) size of the rural labor force was negatively associated with agricultural wages, contrary to expectations; 2) small farmers have benefited from the expansion of irrigation in Mexico; and 3) higher urban wages attract migration, and higher growth rate of agricultural income retards rural-urban migration. With respect to the 1950-60 decade both agricultural income and rural out-migration impacts could have been substantial but both the impact on local urban growth and on the rate of in-migration to the primate city would have been slight.  相似文献   

Interregional variations in the conditions for entering the labor force are investigated by analyzing interdependencies between migration behavior and occupational choice for young labor force entrants. The human capital framework indicates that occupational choice depends on the costs and returns associated with entering various occupations, and that interregional variation in these costs and returns is a major reason for migration. Occupational choice and migration behavior will be interdependent if the costs and returns for particular occupations vary over local labor markets, relative to other occupations, and patterns of interdependence between the two decisions are analyzed, using a model of the joint choice of occupation and location. An empirical analysis of occupational choices and migration behavior for young people who entered the U.S. labor force in the 1975–80 period indicates that the odds for entering professional or managerial occupations varied with origin and migration behavior in systematic ways.  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper deals with the impact of migration on wages. We introduce a spatial dimension into the job search framework, so that the agent faces neither the same job offer distribution nor the same search costs when looking for a job inside his local labor market. This is in comparison to the agent searching outside his local labor market, where migration costs are a factor. We estimate wage equations in which we introduce the decision to migrate as a binary choice, and later as a polychotomic choice (stayer/mover from provinces to Paris/mover from provinces to provinces). We find no selection effect for people with low levels of education, and a positive selection effect for highly educated migrants. When we distinguish the migration destination for highly educated from provinces, we find a hierarchical effect, that is, the selection effect is higher for men who migrate to Paris than for those who migrate to other provinces.  相似文献   

流动人口居留稳定性的群体分异与空间格局   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2015年全国1%人口抽样调查数据,本文分析了流动人口居留稳定性的总体特征、群体分异和空间差异性,并对流动人口居留稳定性的影响因素进行了探讨。结果表明:①我国跨市流动人口在当前城市的平均居住时间约为5年,新生代流动人口的居留稳定性与老一代并没有显著差异,从事工业行业的流动人口居留稳定性明显低于各类服务业从业者;②省内流动人口的居留稳定性低于省际流动人口,且有更大的可能离开当前城市,转向省际流动;③城市流动人口的规模和居留稳定性在空间格局和影响因素方面均存在明显差异,虽然收入水平和就业机会依然是吸引流动人口的主要因素,但公共服务、住房市场和环境等城市宜居性因素对提高流动人口的居留稳定性更为重要。  相似文献   

The present study focuses on the effect of social and other support from the family in the place of origin of migrants and how it impacts upon migrants’ propensity to return. The study uses longitudinal data from a project in Northeastern Thailand called the Nang Rong Project. The analysis shows that monetary support from the family left behind has a significant effect on migrants’ propensity to return home. Household strategies of migration have played an important role in explaining migration in the Nang Rong setting. At the individual and household level, education, occupation and household size were strongly associated with migrants’ propensity to return to their original village. Among the social support variables, duration of migration has significant effects on migrants’ likelihood of returning home. Three variables—marital status, wealth index and whether the person came with an immediate family member—were found to have weak associations with the dependent variable. A major finding from this study was that migrants who have higher education are more likely to stay at the destination.  相似文献   

This paper refines previous typologies of later-life mobility by explicitly evaluating the spatial migration patterns and household characteristics of retired American migrants. Migrants' lifecourse attributes (economic status, disability, presence of spouse), large-scale migration patterns (internal migration) and household characteristics (living arrangements, economic independence, residential independence) are used to identify three types of post-retirement mobility. The first type, amenity migration , has a distinctive spatial pattern that suggests a search for attractive climate and leisure amenities. The second type of mobility, assistance migration , can be traced to low income and the absence of a spouse in the household. It often results in residential and economic dependence – specifically, in co-residence with adult children or other labor force members. The third type of mobility, migration in response to severe disability and spouse absence , tends to result in nursing home residence. While amenity migration has long been associated with good health and favorable economic status, this analysis reveals that many disabled and lower-income retirees share the inmigration pattern typical of amenity migrants. In fact, amenity migration is the predominant type of mobility among those migrants with fewer than two unfavorable lifecourse attributes (low income, severe disability and spouse absence). Unlike previous lifecourse typologies, this study shows no clear relationship between moderate disability and co-residence with adult children. The results suggest that co-residence is primarily a strategy for reducing living costs rather than a means of coping with moderate disability.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the 1971 -76 metropolitan out-migration pattern of Canadian males in the labour force entrance age group. Migration is conceptualized within a three-level choice framework, and statistical inference is based on a multinomial logit model. It was found (1) that the propensity to outmigrate and the destination choice pattern vary substantially among the 23 metropolitan areas; (2) that 83 per cent of the variation in the destination choice probabilities of metropolitanward migrants can be explained by only five variables (log of distance, cultural dissimilarity, temperature, employment growth, and population size); and (3) that housing conditions are essentially the results (rather than the causes) of intermetropolitan migration .  相似文献   

Different economic theories suggest that residential and labor market relocations are mutually related. This has been verified in various empirical studies. We analyze this relationship based on a bivariate duration model of residential and labor market mobility. This specification is motivated by a search model that allows for simultaneous search on the labor and housing market, taking commuting costs into account. We investigate this relationship by using information on job and residence durations. In order to be able to analyze properly empirical duration data, we derive the statistical distributions of interest. Our empirical results based on a Dutch sample of full-time employed workers show that residential and labor market mobility depend positively on one another, which is in line with the theoretical search model presented. Moreover, we present easy-to-interpret measures for this dependency.  相似文献   

The factors which affect individual decisions with regard to geographic movement in Egypt are examined and the magnitude in which each factor exerts its influence on aggregate geographic labor supply adjustments is estimated. The spatial unit used in the study is the administrative region, of which there are 25. No effort is made to esimate the impact which migration has had on the origin or destination region. The migrant will presumably choose that destination which, given his information, the migrant thinks will be best. The model which is employed attempts to explain gross interregional migration without the explicit introduction of an individual decision function. Rather, migration is related to certain aggregate proxy variables. Among the independent variables employed in the analysis are (origin and destination) income, education, urbanization, and population. The other explanatory variable used is the distance between region i and region j. The migration measure employed refers to cumulative male migration which occurred prior to 1960; the independent variables are defined for a given point in time (1960). The independent variables explain a reasonably large percentage of the variance in migration between regions in Egypt. All variables were significant at the 5% level or better. The findings indicate that distance acts as an important impediment to migration. Migration is away from low wage and toward high wage regions, which may have contributed to a narrowing of regional wage differentials. Migrants are attracted to regions which have large populations and to regions which have a large percentage of urban to total population. A tendency exists for migrants to come from regions with large populations. There is also some tendency for migrants to come from regions which have a relatively large urban population. Migrants do not appear to come from regions with high educational levels.  相似文献   

马明 《旅游科学》2011,25(2):30-38
旅游目的地形象是吸引旅游者的关键因素之一,而目的地形象受到旅游者对目的地熟悉程度的影响。对泰山的研究表明:就总体形象和情感形象而言,旅游者对泰山的熟悉度越高,则形象越积极;就认知形象而言,6个形象因子中有4个因子也呈现出同样的情况。因此,建议目的地管理者从增加目的地信息传播的渠道、力争提高口碑推荐度和重游率等方面采取措施来提高旅游者对目的地的熟悉度,以此提升旅游目的地形象。  相似文献   

A Conditional Logit Approach to U.S. State-to-State Migration   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper uses a conditional logit approach to study interstate migration in the United States for each of eleven years, from 1986–1987 to 1996–1997. We test substantive hypotheses regarding migration in the United States and demonstrate the richness of the conditional logit approach in studies of place-to-place migration. We investigate migration responses to relative economic opportunities (unemployment rate, per capita income) and the associated costs of moving (distance between origin and destination and its square). We also investigate how noneconomic factors, such as amenities, affect migration between states through a state fixed effect. Finally, we study the magnitude of unmeasured costs associated with a particular migration. The conditional logit model also allows us to compute various trade-off and other values that are of interest in migration analysis.  相似文献   

胥兴安  王立磊  杨懿 《人文地理》2015,30(5):126-133
文章以云南丽江为旅游目的地,通过准实验法检验网络负面口碑对目的地品牌资产的稀释效应,并探讨这一稀释效应是否受到熟悉度和易感性的调节。结果表明:网络负面口碑对目的地品牌资产存在稀释效应;即使是对目的地高熟悉度的消费者而言,这种稀释效应也是存在的,而且研究还发现熟悉度越高,品牌资产的稀释效应越强;就对目的地网络口碑的易感性而言,网络负面口碑对目的地品牌资产的稀释效应是相对稳定的;就目的地品牌资产各个维度比较而言,网络负面口碑对品牌忠诚的影响最大,对品牌形象和感知质量的影响次之,对品牌意识的影响最小。  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of a cohort's size and position in the demographic cycle on the timing of migration during the young, labor force years. Previous literature has shown that demographic cycles are highly influential in determining the level of migration: migration propensities of young adults tend to be lower for large cohorts due to competitive labor markets and depressed job opportunities. This study argues that demographic cycles can also influence the timing of migration, and proposes a methodology that separates the examination of migration levels from that of migration timing. Analyses using Current Population Survey data show that members of small cohorts tend to move earlier on in their life cycle than members of large cohorts. Reconstructed age-schedules of migration for large and small cohorts support the existence of “delayed mobility” among baby boomers.  相似文献   

Analysis of Interregional Labor Migration in Spain Using Gross Flows   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper we study the economic determinants of Spanish interregional labor force flows from an aggregate perspective. The study is based on a matching model of the labor market applied to migration, and uses gross rather than net flows as other studies do. Among the main results, we find that unemployment increases out-migration because unemployed people search more actively, but when the unemployment rate is above a certain level this effect is reduced. We also find that the rate of change of relative wages is a significant determinant of migration in Spain.  相似文献   

The economic downturn in Indonesia (1997‐99) has changed the context of gendered spatial mobility in South Sulawesi. For low-income migrants in the region, the monetary crisis has not only reorganized the labor market, but it has also brought about an intensification of the stigma placed on young women's independent residence in an export processing zone. Household surveys and in-depth interviews with migrants and members of their origin and destination site neighborhoods, both before and during the economic retrenchment, illustrate that ideas about women's sexual morality are a key part of the context within which migration decisions are gendered. The article situates survey and interview findings within an overview of Indonesia's recent development history, economic crisis, and official state gender ideology. The article argues that migrants and their communities have identified the ‘prostitute’ as a female-gendered metaphor for the crisis, and finds that post-1997 narratives of women's mobility increasingly revolve around normative judgements regarding young women's independent mobility and sexual behavior.  相似文献   

Because of its relatively recent emergence as an international migrant destination, the Russian Federation provides an interesting context to examine when and how migrant flows “masculinize” or “feminize.” While recent migration to Russia appears to be male-dominated, the sex composition of registered migrant flows has varied substantially throughout the post-Soviet period, and there is significant variation in the sex composition of flows from different origin countries. I use multiple origin- and destination-based data-sets to identify gender differences in both the number and characteristics of migrants to Russia from Azerbaijan, Georgia, Tajikistan, Ukraine, and Vietnam. These data show that labor migration from Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, and probably Georgia is male-dominated, with women coming as tied migrants, while men and women are equally likely to be labor migrants coming from Ukraine and Vietnam. In addition, high levels of human capital are an important motivating factor for women’s migration in the former Soviet Union. These findings highlight the importance of considering both origin and destination factors to understand the gender dynamics of migrant flows.  相似文献   

以云南锡业公司归侨为研究对象,通过历史资料和研究文献,结合深入访谈,从工作、婚姻、教育和福利等方面阐述了这些归侨五十年来的生活、生产情况;分析了七十年代部分归侨移居香港的原因和移居模式以及归侨群体对新社会环境的适应过程;并对云南锡业公司归侨群体鲜明的特点进行了归纳。  相似文献   

劳动力转移的理论流派与地理学的视角   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
简单回顾了关于劳动力转移的几种主要理论观点,除综合性的分析外,将劳动力迁移理论归纳为四类分析框架,即二元结构转换理论,以个人决策、成本-收益为主的分析理论,受家庭、社会结构影响的收益-风险分析框架,环境与移民相关分析学派。对人文地理学对劳动力问题的理解,以及近年来国内人文地理学在劳动力转移问题研究的主要议题进行了总结。认为,与现有的成熟理论相比,当前国内地理学对农村劳动力转移的研究存在框架和核心的缺失,偏重于刻画人口/劳动力流动的空间特征,对城市的特别关注,尤其是外来人口对城市空间和城市经济的影响,关注劳动力转移的影响,对劳动力转移的条件、过程的研究不够。对地理学调整改变视角,发挥学科优势,参与中国农村劳动力转移研究提出了建议。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This study examines the relationship between an individual's occupation choice and destination choice. It portrays the relationship as an interaction between the supply of occupational skills by individuals and demand by different labor‐market regions. The unusual merger of a multinomial logit model of occupational choice and the conditional logit model of destination choice in a simultaneous equation framework requires derivation of a unique variance–covariance matrix. Results indicate strong association between supply of (migration) and demand for (industry mix) an individual's occupational skills. These effects are especially strong for destinations experiencing slow economic growth, while relatively unimportant for high‐growth locations.  相似文献   

宁夏移民安置区剩余劳动力状态分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈忠祥  陈亮 《人文地理》2008,23(6):23-27
农村剩余劳动力转移是当前社会各界共同关注的问题。本文就宁夏移民安置区这一特殊区域的剩余劳动力产生的背景状态、自身资源状态、输出人员的结构状态及目前的转移状态进行了分析,进而研究了影响移民区剩余劳动力转移的各种因素,提出了加速推进移民区剩余劳动力转移的五条对策,即重视移民区小城市与中心城镇的建设、加速非农产业的发展、加大对劳动力的技能培训、加强对劳务输出的组织与服务、加快体制和制度创新。  相似文献   

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