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Los obstáculos impuestos a los americanos para entrar a la Compañía de Jesús fueron una constante en la Nueva España durante el generalato de Claudio Acquaviva (1581–1615). Si bien aquellos pueden ser considerados como la prolongación de un debate que había comenzado con la llegada de los primeros franciscanos en 1524, y como parte de tensiones que existían a nivel global sobre la viabilidad de aceptar no europeos en las órdenes religiosas, esta cuestión evolucionó conforme a los nuevos estándares de la Iglesia postridentina, y a los cambios sociales y políticos del virreinato. Las tensiones provocadas por diversos grupos sociales emergentes al reclamar sus propios espacios dentro de la sociedad novohispana, ocasionaron que la discusión en torno a la creación de un clero indígena se subsumiera en una serie de pugnas entre diferentes facciones de la Compañía de Jesús, bajo la sombra de los poderes de la Corona española y Roma. Así, en una época en donde la Compañía de Jesús se debatía sus prioridades apostólicas con la disyuntiva colegios/misiones, el caso de la Provincia de México nos muestra cómo este problema estuvo inmerso en una lucha de bandos por los puestos de poder.  相似文献   

Este artículo se basa en dieciocho sermones predicados en Nueva España, cuyo tema central es la figura de Felipe de Anjou (Felipe V), primer representante de la dinastía borbónica en España. Desde que accedió; al trono por primera vez hasta su muerte, pasando por la Guerra de Sucesión, importantes eclesiásticos de las élites novohispanas pusieron la predicación al servicio de la propaganda borbónica, buscando propiciar adhesión en los fieles. Según conviniera acercar la figura del rey a la de monarcas anteriores o resaltar, en cambio, las características particulares de la nueva dinastía, los sermones que se conservan muestran cómo la retórica se ponía al servicio del poder imperante, modificando realidades e instalando visiones de mundo desde el púlpito.  相似文献   

It is proposed that there is an iconographic and epistemological relationship between some drawings in Felipe Guaman Poma de Ayala’s Nueva corónica y buen gobierno and the images recorded in several colonial wood vessels (qeros) which circulated widely during the time that Guaman Poma was writing his letter to the King of Spain. This connection shows that the work of Guaman Poma was not an isolated or singular act in the colonial context and that both communicative and creative processes, that of the Nueva corónica and that of the qeros, formed part of a process of shared colonial semiosis through which Andean societies maintained a certain autonomy in the production and circulation of their own discourses. Secondly, the article discusses the epistemological tension that results from the coexistence of different narratives (European and Andean) that used their own temporal and spatial categories to account for new colonial conditions.  相似文献   

During colonial times, an active maritime trade existed between Spain and the New World, with convoys sailing annually to and from Mexico and returning via Havana, Cuba, after wintering in America. A database constructed from secondary and open sources revealed that Spanish vessels were sailing over open waters along a northern path near Louisiana and a southern path across the central Gulf of Mexico. These routes were traversed in about one month and scheduling for the convoy was based on an understanding of the Americas’ meteorological and oceanographic climate. However, other factors may also have been involved in the directional layout of the routes. Today these ancient routes crisscross planning areas for oil and gas lease sales in the US Exclusive Economic Zone and the information presented in this article may aid in identifying areas where historic shipwrecks may lie. Maps and documents found during this study helped piece together the evolution of our understanding of the Gulf of Mexico surface circulation and how this knowledge influenced sailing during colonial times.  相似文献   

La mayoría de especialistas en la historia de la iglesia de las Filipinas reconocen el gobierno del arzobispo de Manila, fray Felipe Pardo (1677–1689), como uno de los más conflictivos de la historia del archipiélago. Sin embargo, poco o muy poco se ha escrito sobre las actividades políticas y económicas de sus capitulares, particularmente en lo que se refiere a los períodos de sedes vacantes. Frente a la imagen monolítica y triunfante que la historiografía modernista ha proporcionado del discurso tridentino, lo cierto es que hubo grietas, divergencias y conflictos derivados de su confrontación con la realidad local. Los prebendados no constituían un grupo socialmente homogéneo, sino caracterizado por intereses, identidades y lealtades móviles que dependían de contextos políticos y económicos. En este ensayo vamos a analizar las políticas civiles y eclesiásticas de los prebendados del cabildo catedralicio, haciendo especial énfasis en la conflictividad capitular que siguió a la muerte del arzobispo Pardo (1689) hasta finales del siglo XVII.  相似文献   


Spain's current economic and social crisis has involved a profound reappraisal of the country's history, institutions, and official narratives, especially after the emergence of the 15M or indignados movement in 2011. A crucial example of this shift has been the widespread criticism of Spain's “Transition to Democracy” or Transición, widely considered Spain's “foundational” narrative. In this article, a series of examples from the musical field—including essays, songs, and public uses of music—are studied and contextualized in order to analyze different interpretations and critiques of the Transición developed by artists, intellectuals, and politicians who took part in the 15M or have been influenced by its “climate” (Fernández Savater). In these examples, two complementary trends are identified: on the one hand, an intention to reclaim part of the Transición's collective mood through its musical symbols; on the other, a rejection of its political legacy, as expressed in criticisms of its musical canon.  相似文献   

Este trabajo de investigación ofrece resultados inéditos en relación con Juan Niño —maestre y propietario de la carabela Niña— que colaboró de forma relevante con Cristóbal Colón en la preparación de la armada en 1492 y en su primera travesía oceánica a tierras americanas. Asimismo, desvela el lugar concreto de vecindad y de residencia de este marino en el puerto de San Juan (Huelva, España) mediante documentación contrastada, así como el periodo en el que se produjo su fallecimiento permitiendo aclarar especulaciones historiográficas que ofrecían determinados datos erróneos sobre su trayectoria vital después del descubrimiento de América. Por último, aporta datos indicativos sobre el estatus socioeconómico y el nivel de rentas disfrutado por el codescubridor de América y por su familia.  相似文献   

This Latin American Medea plunges us into the well-known classical Greek myth from a novel approach. The Cuban writer Roberto Viña redefines the heroine's voyage with the Argonauts from the moment of her escape from her native Colchis. That is why Viña fragments the myth and focuses his tragedy on the sorcerer's maritime itinerancy that bears another nomination. Thus we identify the ethos of an ambivalent woman, peculiarly shy, and yet able to commit fratricide. Within the framework of the literary reception studies, we will analyze the expressions of extreme violence perpetrated by the characters of this play from very dissimilar perspectives.  相似文献   


Space in literary texts has been widely studied but poorly systematized. There is no valid method of analysis that gives space a critical meaning. For instance, critics have eluded the fact that time and space cannot be considered separately. On the other hand, they have used concepts or methods from disciplines aside literature such as anthropology, biology, psychology, or geography that do not help clarify the meaning or signification of a literary text. We begin this article by giving a review of the main theoretical and critical positions regarding space in literature from the second half of the twentieth century. We do this in order to evaluate the main results those studies have attained. Later on, we propose a methodology that may clarify the significance of space in a literary text. The concept topoiesis (as far as we know, it has not been used in the humanities) represents for us a key word. It helps us to distinguish one main process where space can turn from a signification practice to the production of meaning in a literary text.  相似文献   

During the reign of Philip the III, one of the most famous legal proceedings of the 17th century took place. It was conducted against Pedro Franqueza and Alonso Ramírez de Prado, who were charged for taking advantage of the king's trust to obtain personal benefits and in detriment of the Monarchy. Two of the charges were referred to the case of an adviser from Indias: Lic. Francisco Alonso de Villagrá, who might have obtained the position through fraudulent activities with the all-powerful Pedro Franqueza. Based on the analysis of the documents pertaining to this case, the aim of this research is to unravel the events that took place, understand the causes that led Villagrá to become involved and the consequences of the way in which the position was acquired.  相似文献   

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