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地方性食物原本被定义成在清晰的地理边界内生产的食物,是“本地人”抵抗极端商品化食物系统的有力武器,但以地理边界为中心的视角压抑了消费者身体的积极作用,也忽视了作为“外来者”的流动群体的在地饮食体验。基于对广州流动群体的日常饮食消费的深入考察,本研究发现:流动群体对跨越地理边界的故乡食物和广州本地食物主动赋予丰富的地方性意涵,构筑日常饮食“流动的地方性”。基于身体与食物的关系视角,本研究认为身体接触食物的契合感受以及与食物提供者的信任关系奠定了流动群体建构地方性食物的基本途径。区别于反抗式的地方性食物运动,流动群体把地方性食物嵌入在地生活,凸显多重的日常意义,主要表现在突破食物知识困境,缓解饮食焦虑,以及增进身体和地方的亲密关系。  相似文献   

作为旅游者在目的地进行的不可或缺的活动,饮食消费既是满足旅游者基本需要的行为,也是旅游体验的重要组成部分。长期以来,旅游学界对旅游者的饮食消费关注较少。基于此,本文运用定量与定性相结合的方法对旅游者的饮食消费进行实证研究。研究发现,旅游者的饮食消费主要受"文化象征"、"基本需求"、"人际关系"和"健康考虑"等因素的影响,且这些因素在旅游者的个体特征上表现出一定的差异性;同时,当旅游饮食消费作为一种日常延伸的支持性体验时,其明显受到"基本需求"和"健康考虑"的影响;而作为一种颠覆日常的高峰体验时,受"文化象征"和"人际关系"的影响较大。基于旅游者的饮食消费体验,提出"旅游者的自我矛盾"的概念。  相似文献   

凡研究客家与客家文化的学者都会不约而同地谈到客家人中普遍存在着的“崇宗敬祖”情结,认为它是“客家文化中的一个突出特点”,“既彰显在其民俗诸表层事象上,更潜伏于其深层心理意识之中”,因此,就一定意义而言,“不了解客家人的祖先崇拜,就不能真正地了解客家人”。然而,客家人的崇宗敬祖情结到底来源于何处,它与整个中华民族的传统文化到底有什么关系,崇宗敬祖行为在客家地区的普遍根植对客家社会的发展到底具有什么样的历史意义?笔者以为,对于诸如此类问题的探索,对我们更加深入地认识客家与客家文化具有重要的帮助。  相似文献   

隋代是白瓷的创烧和初兴时期.相州窑、巩义窑和邢窑为这一时期最重要的三处白瓷窑场,其技术特点和产品面貌存在区别与联系.此时新出现的白瓷产品消费数量、范围和使用阶层都较为有限,其消费地主要在窑场周边区域、都城及邻近地区和经略要地附近.数量较多的白瓷明器在隋代白瓷产品结构中占有较大比重,同时我们还可以看出白瓷在此时的奢侈品属性.  相似文献   

1978年改革开放以后,在中国,能看到很多地方宗教活动再次活化的情况。风水活动也再次活化了。尽管,中国政府认为风水思想和风水活动是迷信,但是,采用风水思想的人越来越多。风水思想被引进到人们的生活中,他们建房屋,修坟墓时,常常看周围环境和地理,以此判断吉凶祸福。在福建省西部山区也能看到同样的状况。在那里,1980年以后,各种各样的宗教活动显示着再活性化。  相似文献   

邓紫晗  张敏 《人文地理》2020,35(1):46-54,113
本研究引入消费者行为学的"认知-情绪-行为"模型,并加入空间要素建立整体框架,采用结构方程模型与质性研究相结合的方法,探讨消费空间中影响消费者情绪产生的因素以及情绪对居民生活满意度的作用。研究表明,积极情绪的产生主要受到个人价值观的鲜明度、消费场所物质环境的宜人度和消费场所中社会交往的深度影响;消极情绪的产生主要受到个体经济地位和个人价值观的鲜明度影响;积极情绪与消极情绪均显著影响消费者的生活满意度,积极情绪会导致较高生活满意度的产生。本研究从情绪的角度阐释消费空间和人的关系,是从微观尺度上对情绪地理学研究的新探索,同时也为城市消费空间研究与规划提供了人本主义的新视角。  相似文献   

张雪燕  赵媛媛  徐亚 《神州》2013,(13):37-37
现在随着经济的高速发展,旅游业也开始蓬勃发展起来。旅游业的发展势必会对民居建筑造成一定的损害,在利益的驱使下,民居建筑已经被赤裸裸的带上了"被消费"的帽子。针对这一现象,以丽江古城为例,介绍传统民居建筑保护和开发理论研究与发展现状,总结建筑消费对传统民居的影响,并提出建筑消费与建筑保护的协调发展的原则。有利于传统民居得到更好的开发和利用。  相似文献   

李玲  许学强 《人文地理》2001,16(2):22-25
本文在简述城市主导功能转变规律的基础上,分析我国50a来城市主导功能从消费性向生产性转变、及目前少数大城市开始向以服务性功能为主的生活型城市转变的历程。  相似文献   

传统技艺是在漫长的生产过程中形成的传统生产技术。在急剧变化的社会环境下,面对传统技艺日渐减少的状况,中国在近年来的非物质文化遗产保护实践中提出了生产性保护方式。“生产性保护”主要是针对手工技艺类非物质文化遗产而言的。这类非物质文化遗产的最大特点是拥有具体的生产内容,贴近民众生活,是在长期的生产生活实践中形成的。因此,对其保护的最好方式就是在生产中保持其核心技艺和核心价值,并与民众生活紧密相连,使之在生活中持久传承。  相似文献   

罗佳丽  张敏 《人文地理》2017,32(6):56-64
家的缺失以及消费时代青年文化发展促使以“家”为营销主题的青年类家消费空间应运而生。本文基于家的批判地理学,以YOU+国际青年社区为例,从家的日常生活实践以及家的归属感与身份认同两方面探讨了青年类家消费空间进行“家”的再造过程。研究表明,青年类家消费空间通过物质空间与想象、青春化的日常生活实践以及社会网络的拓展与重构,将住房建构为充满社会与情感意义的地方,以“类家庭”的形式弥补了都市青年家庭生活和眷属关系的缺失,促进其身份认同和归属感的形成与表达。结合本土社会文化语境,本文从青年视角对家的批判地理学进行补充,亦弥补了地理学对家与青年文化空间研究的不足。  相似文献   


Chemical residues preserved in floors can be considered anthropic activity markers. In fact, residues are strictly related to the activities performed and reflect their spatial distribution. We present a synthesis of the work carried out over the last few decades in Mexico and Italy related to the study of chemical residues in floors. Residues can be identified performing specific chemical analyses both of plastered or earthen floors samples. We outline a methodological approach concerning the use of the markers of the activities to interpret food production and consumption in the archaeological record, based upon evidence from experimental, ethnoarchaeological and archaeological examples. Here we point out the advantages and problems of such an approach, mainly related to equifinality, of the use of spot tests and gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry techniques using examples from different sites in the world.  相似文献   

Societies with low-level food production economies occupy the vast and diverse middle ground between hunting–fishing–foraging and agriculture. Efforts by Ford, Harris, Rindos, Zvelebil, and others to characterize this in-between territory are discussed, and a new conceptual framework is proposed. Domestication, the central landmark of this middle ground, is situated well away from the boundaries with hunting–gathering and agriculture, and separates low-level food production economies into two broad categories. Key issues and questions concerning societies with low-level food production, both with and without domesticates, are discussed. Hunter–gatherer and agriculture boundary zones on either side of the middle ground are considered, as are the developmental pathways that traverse them.  相似文献   

May 2001 was an importantturning point for some 300workers and staff of the Gol-Tibet Commission of the Communica-tions,as they faced unemployment andfinancial hardship.The party committeesecretary and commission director anddeputy directors visited them,and a  相似文献   


In the last 20 years, mushroom consumption and production have increased at a faster rate than almost any other agricultural food product. The consumption and production of Agaricus (A. bisporus and A. bitorquis) and the Shiitake (Lentinus edodes) mushrooms account for 74% and 14%, respectively, of the total world production and demand for cultivated mushrooms. Since the origin of Agaricus cultivation in France, much progress has been made and the bulk of the scientific and engineering progress has been achieved since the beginning of this century. Mushroom science, a composite science of many disciplines including plant pathology, entomology, horticulture, food science, agricultural engineering, agricultural economics and rural sociology has contributed a great deal to the worldwide growth of the industry. Future improvements in mushroom culture will come not only from a more thorough understanding of single facets within the overall process, but from a more complete understanding of the interrelationship of these facets with each other.  相似文献   

1956-1978年北京居民家庭的食品消费生活   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1956-1978年这一时期,北京居民家庭的恩格尔系数虽有起伏,但没有明显的下降趋势.这时城镇居民家庭的主食以细粮为主,附以相当的粗粮;副食除夏季外以大白菜为主,偶尔享用其他副食品.这时乡村居民家庭的主食以粗粮为主,附以部分细粮;副食品以老咸菜为主,有时也有白菜等.总体来看,这个时期北京居民家庭处在一种勉强温饱的状态之下.北京居民的食品消费大体反映了这个时期中国人的生活状况,正是由此导致的人们普遍要求改变这种状况的愿望,成为后来中国实行改革开放的社会根源.  相似文献   

We review the existing data sets for the production and consumption of copper-base objects at Indus sites, outline a working typology for metal objects, and provide new data from on-going analytical work on the copper assemblage from Harappa. The role of metals in the economic and social networks of the Indus tradition is examined in terms of patterns of use and technological style. We note that Indus metalsmiths apparently relied more on procurement of metal ingots or scrap than on primary ingot production through smelting, which would have affected other aspects of Indus metallurgy. Object production did not involve elaborate forms, but may have involved complex alloying. Finally, we conclude that there is no evidence for elite control of metal production, and that access to metals was relatively widespread.  相似文献   

This article examines the changes in the nature and quantity of food consumption in India during the reform decade of the 1990s, and analyses their implications for calorie intake and undernourishment. The study documents the decline in cereal consumption, especially in the urban areas, and provides evidence that suggests an increase in the prevalence of undernourishment over the period 1987/88 to 2001/2002. The results also point to a significant number of households, even in the top expenditure decile, suffering from undernourishment. This calls for a reassessment of the current strategy of directing the Targetted Public Distribution System (TPDS) exclusively at households ‘below the poverty line’. This study shows that, both as a source of subsidized calories and as a poverty reducing instrument, the PDS is of much greater importance to female‐headed households than it is to the rest of the population. Another important result is that, notwithstanding the sharp decline in their expenditure share during the 1990s, rice and wheat continue to provide the dominant share of calories, especially for the rural poor. The overall message is that, especially in a period of significant economic change, one needs to go beyond the standard expenditure‐based money metric measures to assess the changes in the living standards of households.  相似文献   

改革开放以后的20年,北京城镇居民的食品消费生活经历了从勉强温饱到温饱再到小康状态的转变。在前一阶段,居民主要是追求吃的数量的扩充,主要特点是实现了从以“主食”消费为主向以“副食”消费为主的转化;在后一阶段,居民开始追求吃的质量的提高,营养、新鲜、方便、快捷的食品受到普遍欢迎。北京城镇居民食品消费生活的这种变化在某种程度上是中国居民生活水平普遍提高的反映,而中国绝大多数人的生活能够不断地得到改善,这一看似简单的现象正是中国渐进的社会主义改革不断取得成功的社会基础。  相似文献   

李欣 《史学集刊》2012,(5):110-117
秦汉时期,木炭作为主要燃料之一,被广泛使用于民众生活以及手工业生产领域如冶金、制陶、煮盐等诸多方面。规模巨大的木炭用度,造成了林木资源的过度破坏,进而引发了严重的生态效应。两汉社会生态恶化以及自然灾害频发,与此有密切关联。  相似文献   

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