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长江中游新石器时代的显著成就和特色文化现象   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本将长江中游的新石器化置于全国新石器时代的总体背景下,侧重于比较研究的视角,选取了五个方面的问题——聚落与建筑,栽培稻起源和史前稻作农业,白陶和彩陶,普用的巫物陶偶,高一级的灵物玉雕人首和动物,列举实证,以阐述长江中游新石器时代若干较显的成就和特色鲜明的化现象。  相似文献   

新石器时期中原地区谷物加工技术初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从考古发现的石磨盘、石磨棒中的石磨棒的形制入手,讨论了石磨棒的使用方式,指出滚压是史前粟脱壳加工的有效方式,揭示了中国先民7000年前就已经熟练运用滚压技术的事实。  相似文献   

The discovery in Yangshao, Mianchi, Henan in 1921 marked the beginning of modern Chinese archaeology. Nowadays, Chinese archaeology has gone through a full 100 years. Through the hard work of generations of archaeologists, Chinese archaeology has achieved sustained growth and development. Chinese archaeology has been advancing for a century and has made great contributions to the construction of Chinese history and culture. Archaeology has important practical significance in contemporary times. Archaeological exploration is not limited to discovering the past, but also lies in the thoughts of gazing at history in the current context. Chinese archaeology in the new era is committed to integrating the spirit of this discipline into cultural construction and social life, so as to learn the new by reviewing the past. After more than 80 years of archaeological exploration, many large tombs of the Liangzhu culture were discovered one after another, mainly including burial of jade, from the 1970s to the end of the 1980s. The ritual jade artifacts such as cong (a long hollow piece of jade with rectangular sides) and bi (jade disk), as well as the differences in the levels of tombs, all reflect the high development of Liangzhu society. The ancient city of Liangzhu was discovered in 2007, and the water conservancy system was confirmed in 2015, pushing the Liangzhu culture to the height of national civilization. In 2019, the Archaeological Ruins of Liangzhu City was listed as a World Heritage site.  相似文献   

白倩 《南方文物》2020,(1):167-178
本文通过梳理河南地区动植物考古研究成果,对新石器时代(距今10000年—4000年)河南地区豫北、郑洛和豫西南三个区域的生业方式进行了初步的综合研究和探讨。研究表明,新石器时代中期河南地区是以采集渔猎为主、种植农作物和饲养家畜为辅的生业模式,经过新石器时代晚期的过渡,发展为以种植农作物和饲养家畜为主、采集渔猎为辅的生业模式;新石器时代末期,农作物中新加入了大豆和小麦,家畜中新加入了黄牛和绵羊,多种农作物种植和家畜饲养方式逐渐形成。人类对动植物资源的掌控、文化和资源的交流是生业发展的主因,同时自然环境对生业起到了制约和促进两方面的影响。在古代社会发展与文明进步的进程中,生业起到了不可或缺的重要作用。  相似文献   

The pharyngeal tooth remains of crucian and common carp from the Tinaluoshan site of the Hemudu Cultural Stage, Zhejiang Province, China, were analysed. The body‐lengths (BLs) of the fish were estimated from tooth size and plotted as bar diagrams. Based on these, we infer that Neolithic dwellers used gill nets to efficiently catch fish of a specific size during the breeding season. The BL distribution of common carp there is similar to those from Jomon sites in Japan, and we therefore infer that the technology for controlling water for rice cultivation in paddy fields had not yet been developed. The abundance of tooth remains of crucian carp unearthed at the Tianluoshan site is reminiscent of similar finds in Western Japan, and we thus infer that the culture trait of utilizing crucian carp as a major protein resource was distributed from the Yangtze River basin to Western Japan. Analysis of pharyngeal tooth remains of carp at various Japanese archaeological sites shows that freshwater fishing was conducted quite differently before and after the establishment of paddy fields. With this fact in mind, one of the present authors tried to model the development of freshwater fishing, with reference to the relation of fishing to rice cultivation (Nakajima, 2010 ). In Phase I, artisanal fishing became an active and technically developed endeavour, and people began to cultivate rice at fishing site. In Phase II, people began to cultivate rice purposefully in irrigated paddy fields while also fishing there. Comparing the present results of the pharyngeal tooth remains from the Tianluoshan site with those from the Jomon Period, we see that the Tianluoshan site was in the same stage as the end of Phase I in Japan, which rice cultivation was done as a supplementary activity at fishing site. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文依据典型遗址层位关系、器物形态比较、碳14测定数据等材料,将东北11个文化区的新石器时代文化自早至晚区分为三个阶段七个时期,确定了各种文化所处的时空位置。分别从遗址分布、房址、墓葬、生产工具、生活用具、原始艺术品、经济类型等7个方面,概括了东北地区新石器时代考古学文化的基本特征。通过文化比较,讨论了东北文化区与中原地区、山东半岛地区、俄罗斯贝加尔湖地区、俄罗斯远东南部地区、朝鲜半岛地区史前文化的交流与影响。  相似文献   

From the Late Neolithic to the Early Copper Age on the Great Hungarian Plain (4500 BC, calibrated) a transformation in many aspects of life has been inferred from the archaeological record. This transition is characterized by changes in settlements, subsistence, cultural assemblages, mortuary customs, and trade networks. Some researchers suggest that changes in material culture, particularly the replacement of long-occupied tells with smaller, more dispersed hamlets, indicates a shift from sedentary farming villages to a more mobile, agropastoral society that emphasized animal husbandry and perhaps secondary products of domestication. In a previous study (Giblin, 2009), preliminary radiogenic strontium (87Sr/86Sr) isotope data from human dental enamel showed that Copper Age individuals expressed more variable isotope values than their Neolithic predecessors. These data provided support for the idea that Copper Age inhabitants of the Plain were acquiring resources from a greater geographic area, findings that seemed consistent with a more mobile lifestyle. In this article a larger sample from human and animal skeletal material is used to re-evaluate earlier work and shed new light on the transition from the Neolithic to the Copper Age in eastern Hungary. The expanded sample of strontium isotopes from human dental enamel shows that 87Sr/86Sr values are more variable during the Copper Age, but the change is more pronounced in the Middle Copper Age than in the Early Copper Age. These results, along with recently published complementary research, indicate that the transition from the Late Neolithic tell cultures of the Plain to the more dispersed Copper Age hamlets was more gradual than previously thought, and that the emergence of an agropastoral economy does not explain changes in settlement and material culture.  相似文献   

Since about 8,000 years ago in China, humans started to hold ceremonies to offer sacrifices to heaven and reverence for heaven at low-lying terraced landscapes or on circular mounds on the hilltops. Typical archaeological features and remains of such activities can be noticed at the Gaomiao, Niuheliang, and Lingjiatan sites, indicating that a somewhat complex cosmology and definite concept of reverence for heaven and acts of offering sacrifices to heaven had well begun in the Yangtze River, Yellow River, and west Liaohe River valleys in the Neolithic Age, which continued, with succession, integration, and development, through the Xia, Shang, and Zhou dynasties, and even into the the whole ancient China after the Qin and Han dynasties. The concept of reverene for heaven co-evolved with ancient astronomy, which had far-reaching influences on the political system, philosophical thinking, science and technology of acient China. Like the veneration of the dead, it has become the core cultural gene of the Chinese nation.  相似文献   

该遗址位于广西贵港市上江口村郁江边。1996年发掘,堆积共3层,可分两期,约为新石器时代中期、晚期。发掘证明了一期遗存早于二期遗存。前者出细长、厚体的石器,陶片以夹粗砂的红褐陶、红陶为主,胎较厚,饰绳纹,可见罐、釜类;后者出宽短、薄体的石器,陶片以夹砂红褐陶为主,新出胎薄的夹细砂黑陶和泥质红褐陶,除素面外,见拍印曲折纹等,有鼎、甑等。二期新出双肩石器和南传的陶鼎,文化面貌有了变化。  相似文献   

Size variation of Sus remains within and between sites is examined for the Neolithic sites in the Wei River valley in China. The coefficient of variation [V] for pig measurements at the sites of Wayaogou, Quanhucun and Jiangzhai was calculated, and we observed patterns that show evidence of two populations of different‐size pigs, supporting the likelihood that both wild and domestic pigs were present. Also, size reduction of pigs can be traced within the Neolithic‐early Bronze Age archaeo‐faunal sequence of the Wei River valley. This size reduction was accompanied by an increase of coefficients of variation through the Neolithic. Both of these trends were probably the consequences of pig domestication, and the morphometric differences probably provide evidence for the different stages of pig domestication in this region. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

牡丹江流域的新石器时代遗存,自早至晚可区分为振兴文化、亚布力文化、莺歌岭下层文化和石灰场下层文化等四种不同的考古学文化.它们的年代跨度大约在公元前5500年至公元前2000年之间,代表了本地区新石器时代的四个不同发展阶段.这四种新石器文化遗存的辨识及其年代关系的判定,标志着牡丹江流域新石器时代考古学文化编年序列的初步建...  相似文献   

郭立新 《华夏考古》2006,34(3):33-39
长江中游地区新石器时代晚期的主要生计方式是稻作农业,因渔猎所占比重不同而又可细分为山地型与平原型。水田稻作农业具有集约化程度高,产出也较高的特点。稻田耕作系统的形成与维护需要大量劳力,从而刺激人口迅速增长,结果造成人口压力。自然环境的数次波动更加剧了这种压力。因人口压力而引发的移民、战争和社会重组等,成为推动初期社会复杂化进程的主要原因。  相似文献   

综述了现代分析测试方法和数学方法在古代陶器成分分析、年代测定、制作工艺、产地判断、形态分析方面的应用以及甘肃新石器与青铜时代陶器研究的意义。  相似文献   

刘辉 《考古》2008,(11)
2005年,在湖北随州市黄土岗遗址发现一处新石器时代环壕,整体近似椭圆形,南北长约316、东西宽约235米。壕沟平均宽度15~20、平均深度2.5~3米,最深处超过3.8米。沟内的出土遗物均为陶器。壕沟的形成年代应不晚于屈家岭文化晚期,延用至石家河文化早期,可能具有防御功能。  相似文献   

长江三角洲和珠江三角洲这一当今中国最富庶的两大区域的形成无疑有着深刻的人文历史背景,文章上溯至新石器时代对这两区域的文化异同及其原因作了全面的比较与分析。  相似文献   

含氟聚合物用于陕西户县出土新石器彩陶的保护研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
为对陕西户县大王镇庙底沟遗址出土的新石器时代的彩陶进行保护,在用X射线衍射测得表面风化物的成分及对彩陶含湿量测定的基础上,用不同浓度(30%、20%、10%、5%)四元含氟共聚物(F4-SS)溶液进行加固防护处理,观察加固后彩陶的外观颜色,机械强度、吸水性的变化。结果表明,用F4sS溶液加固处理后,彩陶的机械强度显提高,外观颜色没变化,孔隙水蒸气通道无影响;5%-25%F4-SS用于酥松彩陶加固保护、5%-10%F4-SS用于硬质彩陶的表面防护处理,效果显。说明F4-SS可推广应用于其他彩陶的保护。  相似文献   

四川汉源县麦坪新石器时代遗址2007年的发掘   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
麦坪遗址位于四川省汉源县大树镇麦坪村,地处大渡河中游南岸的二、三级台地及其以上缓坡地带,海拔高度为820~860米, 遗址总面积约为10万平方米(图一)。此区域在20世纪50年代以来历经多次大规模的围河造田、开山改土等基本建设活动,从而对遗址造成较为严重的破坏,现存地表已被辟为梯田。中国社会科学院考古研究所等单位于  相似文献   

The use of teeth in anthropological analyses has always provided valuable information on the subsistence patterns of human communities, as well as the biological relationships among them. The present study analyses the permanent dentition of several diachronically continuing samples from the Trentino alpine region of Italy from the Neolithic to the Early Bronze Age. The study of both metric and non‐metric dental traits show a strong level of homogeneity from the earlier to the later samples, indicating little external biological influence from surrounding areas. However, the evidence of oral pathology and linear enamel hypoplasia highlights a trend of increase in defects, particularly between the Neolithic and the Copper Age. This has been ascribed to a shift towards more intense agricultural activities and pastoralism, that led to a change in diet and to an increased sedentism. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Scholars have attributed the spread of agriculture and pottery technology to the larger part of eastern and southern Africa to Bantu speakers. However, the spread of similar aspects to the Kenya and Tanzania Rift Valley as far south as Eyasi Basin and as far east as Mount Kilimanjaro has been attributed to Cushitic speakers. Whereas the spread of these innovations to the Rift Valley region can be dated back to 3000 BC, the remaining part of eastern and southern Africa is alleged to have received similar innovations only after the BC/AD changeover, when iron technology was introduced. These theories can no longer be sustained. The coast of Tanzania, its immediate hinterland, and the deep sea islands of Zanzibar and Mafia were settled by people who had knowledge of agriculture and pottery making probably from 3000 BC. These innovations are also found to have spread to southern Africa in the last millennium BC. The introduction of iron technology and beveled/fluted pottery, associated with Bantu speakers, was just another stage in the cultural evolution of the people of eastern and southern Africa, but not the beginning of settled, farming/domesticating communities.La diffusion de l'agriculture et la technologie de poterie à la région plus grande de l'Afrique orientale et méridional ont était attribué au parleurs des langues bantou. Cependant, la diffusion des aspects semblables au Rift Valley de Kenya et Tanzania, sud au Bassin d'Eyasi et est au Mont Kilimanjaro ont était attribué au parleurs des langues Cushitic. Tandis qu'on peut dater la diffusion de ces innovations à la région du Rift Valley à 3000 BC, il est prétendu que la région restante d'Afrique orientale et méridional ont reçu les innovations similaires seulement après le changement de BC/AD, au temps que la technologie de fer était indroduit. Il n'est pas possible maintenant à sustenir ces théories. La côte de Tanzania, son hinterland immédiat/les regions près de la mer, et les îles de Zanzibar et Mafia, ont étaient colonisé par les personnes qui avait la connaissance de l'agriculture et de la poterie probablement à partir de 3000 BC. On peut trouver aussi que ces innovations ont diffusé à l'Afrique méridional pendant la dernier millénaire avant J. -C. L'introduction de la technologie du fer et la poterie avec le biseau, liée avec les parleurs des langues bantoues, était seulement un autre étape dans l'évolution culturelle du peuple de l'Afrique orientale et méridional. Il n'était pas le commencement des communautés établis qui ont pratiqué l'agricole et la domestication.  相似文献   

魏兴涛 《华夏考古》2012,(2):25-46,155,156
本文简要回顾了新中国成立60多年来河南新石器时代文化遗存的主要调查、发掘工作,对新石器时代早期的李家沟文化、中期的裴李岗文化和晚期的仰韶文化、大汶口文化、屈家岭文化等的主要考古发现和基本研究历程、重要研究成果进行了概述,有些方面还略作评议。在总结以往发现与研究取得的巨大成就的同时,指出今后既要继续重视基础性的文化研究,又要更加广泛深入地运用聚落考古等方法,加强对古代社会多方面、多角度的研究,以期河南新石器时代考古获得新的更大的发展。  相似文献   

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