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Damage generated by large and small carnivores is common in many Middle Pleistocene sites. However, identifying the predator that produces the faunal accumulations is often a difficult task. In order to recognize the main type of carnivore that acts on a faunal assemblage, a combination of several characteristics should be taken into account: taxonomic and skeletal element representation, age profiles, carnivore damage (location, frequencies and dimensions of tooth-marks, bone breakage and digested bones), degree of fragmentation and frequencies of coprolites. But, adding environmental characteristics and the ethology of non-human predators/scavengers is also important. All these aspects are applied to the faunal assemblage from the TD8 level of the Gran Dolina site (Sierra de Atapuerca, Burgos, Spain). Paleomagnetic data combined with ESR and U-series place the TD8 level at the beginning of the Middle Pleistocene, specifically circa 700 kyr ago. The TD8 level contains a large faunal accumulation primarily composed of ungulate skeletal elements, and to a lesser extent carnivore remains. This assemblage is characterized by an overrepresentation of fallow deer (Dama vallonetensis), a skeletal profile biased towards cranial remains and limb bones, diversity of ages at death, a high proportion of carnivore damage and tooth-marks of large size, and an absence of human activity. According to these data, the accumulation seems to have been produced primarily by large carnivores, possibly hyenas. This observation does not rule out the possible occasional activity by other carnivores. Nevertheless, the characteristics of the TD8 assemblage do not correlate entirely with those traditionally used to define carnivore dens. In TD8, there are (1) no immature carnivore remains (remains of just one young Mosbach wolf); (2) scarce traces related to the end stages of consumption and some anatomical connexions; (3) few coprolites; (4) high proportion of adult ungulates and; (5) high quantities of whole bones and epiphyses. From this perspective, the TD8 faunal assemblage seems to correspond to a succession of carnivore occupations that allows the development of a suite of features to identify the activities of several species of predators that may have used the cave in different ways and durations. This study aims to emphasize the importance of these analyzes in order to know the behaviour of different non-human predators/scavengers in the European Middle Pleistocene sites.  相似文献   

Hominin presence is well documented in a number of Early Pleistocene and early Middle Pleistocene European localities. However, the evidence currently available indicates that Acheulean handaxes spread in the fluvial basins of Western Europe during MIS 11, ~400 kyr ago, associated with Homo heidelbergensis, although a number of early Middle Pleistocene Acheulean assemblages have been dated from MIS 16 onwards. For this reason, the magnetostratigraphic dating in Southeast Spain of two archaeological localities, the open-air site of Solana del Zamborino (SZ) and the rock-shelter site of Cueva Negra del Estrecho del Quípar (EQ), that put back the appearance of handaxes to the Early-Middle Pleistocene limit (Scott and Gibert, 2009) is of particular interest, as the new ages suggest that H. heidelbergensis was a contemporary of H. antecessor that had the ability to produce Levallois debitage and to control fire during the Early-Middle Pleistocene transition. However, we have detected a number of errors in the interpretation of the archaeological assemblage from the first site as well as striking discrepancies with the original faunal lists published for both localities, with several large mammal species that are omitted or arbitrarily changed to make the assemblages consistent with the new ages deduced from magnetostratigraphy. For this reason, we suggest that: (1) the finding of reverse polarity in the sediments sampled for paleomagnetism in SZ may simply record one of the polarity reversals that took place during the Brunhes Chron, although the use by Scott and Gibert (2009) of a composite stratigraphic column precludes correlating these levels with a specific reversal; and (2) the fauna and tools of EQ correspond to the late Middle Pleistocene sedimentary infillings of this karst site, while the samples taken for paleomagnetism belong to a previous sedimentary cycle during the Matuyama Chron. Such interpretations would be in better agreement with the age estimates provided by biostratigraphy and also with the currently accepted chronology for the appearance of Acheulean industries in Western Europe.  相似文献   

Systematic changes of the position of the dipole axis of the Earth's magnetic field with respect to the solar axis induce distinct daily and seasonal variations of the vertical Bz-component in the solarmagnetospheric coordinate system (BZSM). Depending on the direction of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF), negative BZSM- values are produced in spring by T polarity and in autumn by A polarity, whereas in the diurnal variation lowest BZSM-values have been calculated to occur near 23 UT for T, and near 11 UT for A polarity, respectively. In different ionospheric and geomagnetic parameters measured at high and midlatitudes increased precipitation of high energetic particles into the lower thermosphere and upper mesosphere has been detected during periods with negative BZSM-components. The seasonal variation of the parameters investigated, with maximum values near the equinoxes, as well as a part of their diurnal variations, can thus be explained by particle precipitation being markedly controlled by the IMF sector structure.  相似文献   

Radiocarbon and U-series methods (230Th/U and 231Pa/235U) for absolute age determination have been applied to some fossil samples from Grotta Juntu, in North Eastern Sardinia (Italy). The remains belong to the endemic deer species Praemegaceros cazioti, which is here represented by an almost complete skeleton. The three dating methods lead to concordant ages of about 7500 years BP, indicating that the skeleton was maintained as closed system after burial. Taking into consideration these results, Praemegaceros cazioti from Grotta Juntu is now the youngest representative of this species in Sardinia.  相似文献   

Optical ages for 14 sediment samples collected from the post-Howiesons Poort, late Middle Stone Age (MSA) and final MSA deposits at Sibudu, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa were reported in a companion paper (Jacobs, Z., Wintle, A.G., Duller, G.A.T., Roberts, R.G., Wadley, L. New ages for the post-Howiesons Poort, late and final Middle Stone Age at Sibudu, South Africa. Journal of Archaeological Science, 2008). These ages were based on equivalent dose (De) distributions that were overdispersed. In this paper, we investigate factors both internal and external to the grains that may contribute to such higher than expected overdispersion in single grain De values. Intrinsic factors accounted for some, but not all, of the observed scatter, and application of a set of rejection criteria filtered grains for which erroneous De values would otherwise be calculated. We investigated sediment mixing and differences in the beta dose received by individual grains in their burial environment as two likely reasons for the observed overdispersion. The scatter in De distributions for all the samples is best explained by grains that were deposited at the same time and which were well bleached, but that subsequently received a range of beta doses. A procedure is presented for adjusting the measured beta dose rate, and its associated error. We show that using a combination of single grain OSL measurements of De, the finite mixture model and adjustment of the beta dose rate, result in stratigraphically consistent ages. These ages are more consistent than the ages obtained from multiple grain aliquot De values and the average dose rates for each sample; the multiple grain ages are about 10% older, partly because of the variable dose rate and partly because these aliquots contained grains with undesirable OSL characteristics.  相似文献   

Although Colobine monkeys are one of the most common prey hunted by Southeast Asian prehistoric humans, no data concerning tooth eruption and wear are available for these species. Dental wear eruption and attrition are used for attributing ages to individual fossils in order to construct mortality curves, and are also useful in reconstructing fossil life histories. Such wear sequences partly exist for Cercopithecines. Although Cercopithecines and Colobines are both bilophodont, they present significant differences in terms of diet, detailed tooth morphologies and occlusion. This paper aims to formulate a guide for the dental eruption and attrition of extant Trachypithecus specimens, the most folivorous of all the Colobines. We also propose to calibrate the eruption and wear stages that we define here with absolute ages available in the literature.  相似文献   

This paper presents a series of new single-grain optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) ages for the Still Bay at Blombos Cave, South Africa, and compares them to previously published OSL, thermoluminescence (TL) and electron-spin resonance (ESR) ages for this site. Details are provided about the measurement and analytical procedures, including a discussion of the characteristics of the OSL signals of individual quartz grains. This forms the basis for further investigations into the sensitivity of the equivalent dose (De) estimates to a range of different analytical approaches, including changes in the size of the test dose, the choice of signal integration interval, the subtraction of an appropriate background, and isolation of the most light-sensitive (‘fast’) component of quartz OSL. We also report the results of an inter-operator test of De determination using seven new samples from Blombos Cave, and demonstrate the reproducibility of results obtained for two samples that had been dated previously at another laboratory and were measured and analysed again in this study. Together, these tests validate the robustness of the Blombos Cave single-grain OSL age estimates to a variety of alternative OSL dating procedures. We have incorporated, for the first time, these ages for Blombos Cave into a data set of all single-grain OSL ages for Still Bay and Howieson's Poort sites across southern Africa, and have used a statistical model to re-evaluate the timing and duration of the Still Bay industry. We calculate the most plausible start and end dates of the Still Bay as 72.2 ka and 71.3 ka, respectively – amounting to a duration of 0.9 ka – and estimate (with conventional 95% confidence) that this industry began no earlier than 75.5 ka, ended no later than 67.8 ka and lasted no longer than 6.6 ka.  相似文献   

The Intercosmos-13 data obtained when measuring ELF and VLF emission amplitudes during the vernal equinox of 1975 at auroral latitudes and over the polar caps are compared with certain IMF parameters [the polarity of the sector structure, the signs and magnitudes of the By, and Bz, components of the IMF as defined in the Solar Ecliptic coordinate system (Nishida, 1978)]. The comparison shows that:
  • 1.(i) the positive polarity of the IMF sector structure (when IMF vector is directed toward the Earth) involves an enhanced probability of the detection of larger emission field intensities (>25–30dB);
  • 2.(ii) the emission median intensity is ~20dB higher at By > 0 compared with By < 0;
  • 3.(iii) the 0.72 kHz emission median intensity in the polar caps and at night-side auroral latitudes is lower when Bz > 0 as compared with Bz < 0;
  • 4.(iv) at vernal equinox there is no north-south asymmetry in the dependence of ELF and VLF emission intensity on the IMF parameters.

The first European settlers came to North America in the early 17th century using glass in the form of containers and decorative objects. Thus, glass is a horizon marker for all historic period settlements and a potential source of chronometric dates at archaeological sites belonging to the historic period in the Americas. We have developed a new absolute dating method based upon water diffusion into the surface of manufactured glasses that predicts diffusion coefficients based upon variation in glass chemical constituents. Low‐temperature (< 190°C) hydration experiments have been performed on a set of five high‐calcium (21.7–28.3%) glasses that were used to manufacture wine bottles from the 17th?19th centuries. Infrared spectroscopy and secondary ion mass spectrometry was used to model the water diffusion/alkali exchange process. The ability of the model to accurately predict archaeological ages was evaluated with artefacts recovered from ceramic‐dated contexts at Thomas Jefferson's plantation known as Monticello.  相似文献   

The Fauresmith lithic industry of South Africa has been described as transitional between the Earlier and Middle Stone Age. However, radiometric ages for this industry are inadequate. Here we present a minimum OSL age of 464 ± 47 kyr and a combined U-series–ESR age of 542−107+140 kyr for an in situ Fauresmith assemblage, and three OSL ages for overlying Middle and Later Stone Age strata, from the site of Kathu Pan 1 (Northern Cape Province, South Africa). These ages are discussed in relation to the available lithostratigraphy, faunal and lithic assemblages from this site. The results indicate that the Kathu Pan 1 Fauresmith assemblage predates transitional industries from other parts of Africa e.g. Sangoan, as well as the end of the Acheulean in southern Africa. The presence of blades, in the dated Fauresmith assemblages from Kathu Pan 1 generally considered a feature of modern human behaviour ( McBrearty and Brooks, 2000, The revolution that wasn't: a new interpretation of the origin of modern human behavior, J. Human Evolution 39, 453–563),-provides evidence supporting the position that blade production in southern Africa predated the Middle Stone Age and the advent of modern Homo sapiens.  相似文献   

Many European countries are changing political boundaries at the local government level. Reforms consolidating local jurisdictions have recently been implemented in a number of countries, and more mergers/amalgamations are ongoing. We examine whether citizens' attachment to their local political unit is affected when municipal maps are redrawn. Our study is based on a dataset from Danish local governments with survey data from before and after a major reform of municipal mergers, and the traditional endogeneity problems are thereby circumvented. Drawing on Scannell and Gifford's tripartite model of person, place and process, we find that person characteristics affect local territorial attachment as well as the intersection between places of residence and the processes leading to the new jurisdiction. It is not an increase in the absolute size of the municipality (i.e., place) or the amalgamation as such (i.e., process) that affects the level of attachment, but rather the relative size of the former municipality compared to the new municipality and thereby the specifics of the redrawing of boundaries. When smaller municipalities are amalgamated with larger municipalities, the local territorial attachment decreases among citizens living in the smaller municipalities but not among citizens living in the larger municipalities.  相似文献   

Luminescence properties of two samples taken from sand lenses in proglacial outwash de-posits of a piedmont glacier that reached the Swiss midlands during the Last Glacial Maximum are investigated in detail. Deconvolution of CW-OSL decay curves shows that the fast component dominates the OSL signal of quartz. The chemistry of single feldspar grains, in particular the K content in different grains, is determined using wavelength dispersive spectrometry (electron microprobe), revealing an average 12.9 wt.% K of the grains contributing to the IRSL signal. D e distributions are investigated in order to gain insights into partial bleaching, and agreement is found for quartz OSL and feldspar IR50 and pIRIR225 ages for small aliquots and single grains when applying the Minimum Age Model. These ages are also consistent with independent age control. For one sample, ages determined using the Central Age Model result in highly overestimated ages for both feldspar and quartz.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional, time-dependent, MHD model of solar-disturbance-caused storms (Wu, 1993; Wu et al., 1996a) is used to predict the turning direction of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) at Earth. More explicitly, we examine the polarity of Bz caused by solar disturbances on the Sun. Three manifestations of solar disturbances, as studied by previous workers, are examined. Firstly, twenty-nine kilometric Type II events, associated (Cane, 1985) with geomagnetic storms, are studied within the context of our three-dimensional model. Then, an additional eleven long-duration X-ray events (LDEs) with radio fluxes greater than 100 solar flux units were examined; these events were not associated with interplanetary Type II events but were also associated (Cane, 1985) with geomagnetic storms. Finally, in situ interplanetary phenomena that caused ten large (Dst < −100 nT, the intensification of the storm) geomagnetic storm episodes (Tsurutani et al., 1988) near solar maximum are also studied via the Bz predictions of our 3D MHD model. The accuracy of these Bz turning-direction-predictions is found to be as follows: (1) for the kilometric Type II events, the model's prediction was successful for 26 of the 29 events studied; (2) 10/11 for the LDE events; and (3) 7/9 for the major geomagnetic storm events. The overall prediction accuracy of these three independent data sets is 43/49. Thus, consideration of these three independent data sets strongly suggests that the recipe proposed by the basic 3D MHD model may be valid for a zero-th order prediction scheme.  相似文献   

The magnetopause and adjacent boundary layers of the Earth's magnetosphere play important roles in transferring momentum and energy from the solar wind to the magnetosphere-ionosphere system. The details of the different boundary processes, their ionospheric signatures and relative importance are not well known at present. Particle precipitation, field-aligned current, auroral emission, ionospheric ion drift and ground magnetic perturbations are among the low-altitude parameters that show signatures of various plasma processes in the LLBL and the magnetopause current layer. Magnetic merging events, Kelvin-Helmholtz waves, and pressure pulses excited by the variable solar wind/magnetosheath plasma are examples of boundary phenomena that may be coupled to the ionosphere via field-aligned currents. In this paper, attention is focussed on a specific category of auroral activity occurring in the cusp/cleft region predominantly during the southward directed interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). Co-ordinated observations from the ground and satellites in polar orbit have been used to study the temporal/spatial development of the events in relation to the background patterns of particle precipitation and ionospheric convection as well as the field-aligned current and ion drift characteristics of the individual events. The auroral phenomenon is characterized by a sequence of elongated forms moving laterally into the polar cap. Spatial scales of major events repeating every 5–10 min are ∼200 km (N-S) times 300–1000 km (E-W). Smaller scale auroral structures with more irregular occurrence rates are observed at times. The preliminary evidence suggests that the motion pattern is regulated by the IMF orientation, that is, the direction of longitudinal motion along the polar cap boundary is determined by the IMF BY polarity. The examples reported here occurred within 1000–1400 MLT, near the zero point potential line separating the morning and post-noon convection cells. During nonzero IMF BY the auroral structures are associated with channels of enhanced zonal ionospheric ion flow and Birkeland current sheets of opposite polarity, imbedded within the larger scale IMF BY-related cusp-mantle current system. These characteristics are discussed in relation to model predictions of ionospheric signatures of magnetopause plasma transients, with particular emphasis placed on impulsive magnetic merging events.  相似文献   

An analysis of ELF events has enabled the magnitude and duration of the continuing currents in 274 unusually large lightning flashes to be estimated. An exponential decay model of the variation of the current moment of the source lightning stroke with time was fitted to the measured spectra using an optimisation algorithm. Of the events analysed, 212 were of positive polarity (i.e. the initial polarity of the electric field was positive) and 62 were negative. The average magnitude of the peak current moment for positive events was 5.1 × 107 Am with a standard deviation of 3.2 × 107 Am while that for negative events was 2.9 × 107 Am with a standard deviation of 0.6 × 107 Am. The average time constant T of our data set is 32 ms with a standard deviation of 6 ms for positive events and 26 ms with a standard deviation of 5 ms for negative events. Positive events are therefore associated with somewhat larger and more variable current moments and slightly longer continuing currents. We believe that these positive events are most likely to be produced by positive cloud to ground lightning.  相似文献   

Sequential oxygen isotope analysis was performed on Mercenaria spp. (n = 41) and Crassostrea virginica (n = 17) valves excavated from the Sapelo Island Shell Ring complex, coastal Georgia, USA. The data were analyzed to determine the habitats in which the mollusks were harvested in order to gain insight into the subsistence practices of the site occupants. The rationale for this study is based on the observation that temperatures are similar in all of the habitats surrounding the island, but the δ18Owater trends across the habitats co-vary with salinity. Accordingly, the shells grown in these habitats contain sinusoidal oscillations in δ18O through ontogeny due primarily to seasonal temperature variation, but the absolute values reflect the salinity ranges of each habitat. Assuming a relatively constant oxygen isotope/salinity gradient since the time of site occupation, it appears that both of these mollusks were exploited over nearly the full range of their salinity tolerances. While a precise estimate of travel distance during collection cannot be made, these data suggest that mollusks were harvested at distances from the site greater than would be predicted using terrestrial foraging models. In addition to providing insight into past subsistence strategies in this region, this research establishes a new method of assessing catchment area and mobility practices.  相似文献   

Trou de Chaleux and Goyet are caves situated less than 30 km apart in Belgium that contain stratified Magdalenian artefacts and butchered faunal remains. Published radiocarbon dates suggest that both sites were contemporaneously occupied during to the Late-glacial interstadial. It has previously been suggested that the Trou de Chaleux Late-glacial faunal remains might be slightly older than those at Goyet Cave, and that Trou de Chaleux has two phases of occupation during the Late-glacial interstadial. However, the limited number of radiocarbon dates currently available makes it impossible to determine whether the sites are truly contemporaneous, and the assessment of their absolute chronologies is complicated by a plateau in the calibration curve. In this paper, bone collagen δ13C and δ15N signatures of horse bones from the two sites are used to reconstruct local palaeoenvironments. We hypothesise that if occupations at the two sites were contemporaneous, the horse collagen δ13C and δ15N isotope signatures from both sites will be similar, since comparable carbon and nitrogen isotopic values would reflect similar diets, ecologies and environments. To provide clear dating parameters, new AMS radiocarbon determinations are also presented. Results show that horse collagen δ13C and δ15N isotope signatures at the two sites are different, indicating that the populations were not subject to similar diets, ecologies and environments. The new radiocarbon dates confirm that the horse bones from Trou de Chaleux date to the Late-glacial interstadial, but they also show that in Goyet Cave Horizons 1 and 2, older horse remains dating to ca. 32?000–27?000 14C yr BP are mixed with Late-glacial horse remains. The δ15N values of the Goyet Cave horse bones radiocarbon dated to the Pleniglacial are substantially higher than those that have Late-glacial radiocarbon dates. Therefore, we now hypothesise that the majority of the horse bones isotopically analysed from Goyet Cave Horizon 1 are Pleniglacial in age. Statistical analysis of the radiocarbon dates indicates that the Late-glacial occupation at the two sites was contemporaneous, and that while there may appear to be two phases of occupation at Trou de Chaleux, this may be an artefact of the radiocarbon calibration curve.  相似文献   

In view of the recent observations on the presence of vertical winds in the equatorial ionosphere in the evening and night-time, the role of vertical winds in the Rayleigh-Taylor (R-T) mode instability has been re-examined. The mathematical treatment of Chiu and Straus, earlier developd for a case of horizontal winds, is extended to evaluate the role of vertical winds in causing the R-T mode instability. It is shown that the vertical (downward) winds of small magnitude have a very significant effect on the instability growth rate in the. F-region. A downward wind of l m s−1 can cause the same growth rate as a 200 m s−1 eastward wind at 260 km altitude. Furthermore, a downward wind of 16m s−1 at 300 km can be as effective as that due to the gravitational drift itself. Similarly, an upward wind can inhibit the instability on the bottomside of the F-region. It appears that the polarity of the vertical winds (upward or downward) at the base of the F-layer plays an important role in the growth of the R-T mode plasma instability in the equatorial ionosphere.  相似文献   

Our research demonstrates that the extent of isoleucine epimerisation (A/I) in fragments of avian eggshells provides geochronological information in archaeological contexts. In the archaeological sequence of Hay Cave, northern Queensland, Australia, there is an excellent correspondence between the A/I values of Australian brush-turkey (Alectura lathami) eggshells (n = 99) and independent geochronological control (n = 16 radiocarbon ages including 4 on eggshell calcite). The A/I values identify three phases of deposition during the Holocene at Hay Cave. In contrast to the Alectura eggshell A/I values, a poor correspondence was observed between the A/I values of cassowary (Casuarius) eggshells from Toé (n = 35) and Kria caves (n = 23) (Ayamaru Plateau, Papua) and the depths from which the specimens were recovered in these stratified sequences. Given coherent archaeofauna trends and radiocarbon chronologies (n = 8 and 2 eggshell calcite radiocarbon ages at Toé and Kria, respectively) with respect to depth, the variable A/I values are not explicable in terms of mixing. Rather, the variability is most likely due to exposure of the eggshells to the high temperatures of campfires. Despite the variability, eggshells with relatively low A/I values amongst specimens recovered from similar depths (and therefore presumably least influenced by high temperatures) exhibit a gradual increase in A/I with respect to depth, as expected in a stratified deposit. From this observation it is suggested that the identification of heated eggshells will increase confidence in geochronological information provided by A/I. These studies illustrate the complications that arise from campfire-induced acceleration of amino acid racemisation and emphasise that although this phenomenon is common, it is not universally encountered in archaeological contexts.  相似文献   

We report here on a number of examples of anomalous enhancements of eastward electric fields near sunrise in the equatorial ionospheric F-region. These examples were selected from the data base of the equatorial satellite, San Marco D (1988), which measured ionospheric electric fields during a period of solar minimum. The eastward electric fields reported correspond to vertical plasma drifts. The examples studied here are similar in signature and polarity to the pre-reversal electric field enhancements seen near sunset from ground-based radar systems. The morphology of these sunrise events, which are observed on about 14% of the morning-side satellite passes, are studied as a function of local zonal velocity, magnetic activity, geographic longitude and altitude. The nine events studied occur at locations where the zonal plasma flow is generally measured to be eastward, but reducing as a function of local time and at satellite longitudes where the magnetic declination has the opposite polarity as the declination of the sunrise terminator.  相似文献   

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