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Cultural remains are laborious to register by means of field surveys. Thus, in recent years several trials using remote sensing data to detect cultural remains have been carried out. The most promising remote sensing technique for such purposes is airborne laser scanning (ALS) from which digital terrain models (DTM) that enable visual interpretations of anomalies on the ground are generated. Although it has been documented previously that ALS is a powerful data source for detection of cultural remains, it has not yet been carried out studies that focus on the effects of the point density of the ALS data and properties of the subsequent generation of the DTM on the detection success of cultural remains. Thus, this study aimed at analyzing these effects by letting four experienced archeologists interpret DTMs generated from ALS data with point densities of 1 p m−2, 5 p m−2, and 10 p m−2, each with three different levels of DTM smoothing. The experiment was conducted according to a randomized complete block design and the analyses were carried out using analysis of variance. The results showed that there was a significant improvement in the detection success when the point density was increased from 1 p m−2 to 5 p m−2. There were also some improvements when increasing the point density further to 10 p m−2, but they were less pronounced. Furthermore, the results showed that the DTM smoothing did not have any significant effect on the detection success.  相似文献   

Chronometric studies of charcoal production remains are largely based on 14C-dating of associated charcoal. Owing to intrinsic limitations, however, this method provides no meaningful time resolution for post-1650 CE features. We investigate the potential of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating of heated sandy sediments as an alternative and complementary tool for dating charcoal kiln remains. Seven samples from five relic charcoal kilns and 11 complementary samples from the underlying sandy substrate are used. Through a range of procedural tests, we demonstrate that the single-aliquot, regenerative-dose procedure in combination with OSL signals from quartz allows determining equivalent doses both accurately and precisely. For four of the five investigated kilns, OSL ages are consistent with independent age information from 14C-dating and written sources. Especially for post-1650 CE features, the precision can be significantly better than that of 14C-dating, and we highlight the potential of OSL dating for distinguishing, relatively, between charcoal production phases with an unprecedented time resolution. We conclude that the approach is a promising alternative to 14C.  相似文献   

五庄果墚遗址位于陕西省靖边县黄蒿界乡小界村西北部,距离县城约30公里,现为省级文物保护单位。遗址中心位于五个连绵的山峁上,相传该处曾有五户人家居住,因而得名五庄果墚。五庄果墚遗址面积约30万平方米以上,文化内涵以仰韶时代晚期至龙山时代早期遗存为  相似文献   

A detailed study of charcoal burning activities has been made for the Zoersel forest (Northern Belgium) based on an inventory of charcoal kiln remains, the analyses of wood charcoal and other charred botanical macroremains and radiocarbon dating of 10 of these kilns. Age determination of the youngest kilns was refined by dendrochronological analysis of trees growing on top of these kiln sites. The results show that, although many kilns were found, charcoal was produced in Zoersel only at certain moments during late and post-medieval times suggesting that charcoal burning was not a part of the regular management practice of these forests. The wood used for the production of charcoal mainly consists of taxa of alluvial (alder) forests while the kilns are situated on sites that currently are rather dry, with an oak dominated vegetation. For the older kilns, this contrast could be explained by an important change in local soil conditions. The younger kilns may be related to the conversion of alder woodland to grassland in the lower parts of the domain, with the kilns being constructed in the nearby dryer woodland areas.  相似文献   

利戴遗址为省级文物保护单位利城遗址的一部分,整个遗址面积约60万平方米.利戴遗址以龙山文化遗存为主,此次清理的5座灰坑及1座半地穴式房址均为龙山文化遗迹,其中出土陶、石、蚌器38件.从出土的器物看,该遗址龙山文化遗存的文化面貌与潍坊姚官庄、鲁家口和青州凤凰台相类似,其年代约为龙山文化早期偏晚阶段并一直延续到龙山文化晚期.  相似文献   

In order to take full advantage of the archaeological information contained within buried archaeological sites, it is important to apply an integrative approach combining complementary prospection methods. In this study, geochemical prospection data are combined with archaeological and geophysical survey results on an unexcavated site in suburban Sagalassos (SW-Turkey), with the aim of obtaining better insights into the structural shapes and past functionalities of the area. Spatial and multivariate statistical analyses of the chemical data reveal anomalies of K, P and Zn on a location where archaeological and geophysical results suggest the presence of ceramic producing kilns. These elemental enrichments are thought to result from burning wood or dung as fuel for the detected kilns. In addition, local anomalies of Co, Cr, Fe, Mg, Mn and Ni were found to reflect the working and storage of ophiolitic clays, employed as a raw material for ceramic production. Radiocarbon dating of charcoal in a 2.5 m deep drill core in this zone provides ages between AD 120 and 350 at depths of 50 and 60 cm. Al, As, Ba, Ca, Na, Sr, Ti and Pb are considered geogenic elements in this study. The present study supports the theory that geochemical prospection holds potential as a surveying technique, as it was found that chemical data facilitate the interpretation of structures detected by geophysical and archaeological methods, thereby creating an extra dimension to the interpretation of survey data. The results further argue in favour of using strong-acid extractions and the consideration of a large suite of elements when applying chemical soil survey as an archaeological prospection technique, and highlight the importance of considering site lithology. Multivariate statistics proved to be invaluable in distinguishing anthropogenic from lithological soil patterns.  相似文献   


Airborne laser scanning (ALS) is increasingly being used to detect cultural remains in forest landscapes. Boreal forests are challenging, however, since most ancient land use was carried out without major permanent ground disturbances. If this challenge can be met, there is a large potential for surveys through existing nation-wide laser-scanning programs, although their resolutions tend to be low. In this study, we compare the performance of low-resolution (LR) and high-resolution (HR) ALS data in the Krycklan catchment in northern Sweden, an area where ancient land use was small-scale and diverse. About three times as many cultural remains were detected in the HR data set, but the LR set was satisfactory for distinct structures. We analyze how LR data sets can be enhanced at ground-point classification and terrain-model generation and conclude that ALS data have a large potential for the detection and protection of cultural remains in the boreal forest.  相似文献   

湖北襄阳邓城韩岗遗址发掘报告   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
襄阳邓城韩岗遗址位于襄樊市区西北郊,是一处省级物保护单位“邓城”的从属遗址。此次发掘包括东周、秦汉时代的化遗存。主要遗迹有灰坑、灰沟、水井、陶窑和汉、唐时代的墓葬。主要遗物有陶鬲、罐、盆、豆、盂等。韩岗遗址的发掘,揭示了该地区从春秋中期到两汉早期的化面貌。通过发掘认识到,春秋中期较多地保留了中原化的因素,反映出楚化北部的区域特色;秦汉之际的化面貌发生了变化,产生了许多新的化因素。韩岗遗址的发掘对邓城城址及该地区的古代化研究提供了重要的资料。  相似文献   

林留根 《东南文化》2011,(3):101-111
江南土墩墓建筑遗存主要分为与墓葬构造密切相关的建筑遗存和墓下建筑遗存,前者又可分为墓坑设施、木椁和甬道或墓道建筑设施,其与后者的形制演变均具有由简单到复杂,平面由长方形到"凸"字形的规律。与墓葬构造相关的建筑带有明显的祭祀功能,墓下建筑的主要功能则为墓地标识和祭祀。土墩墓营建过程中最重要的祭祀行为是对墓葬建筑的焚烧毁弃。江南土墩墓相关建筑遗存的发现,为进一步研究江南地区青铜时代的社会生活、丧葬礼俗提供了重要的物质资料。  相似文献   

During the last 15 years, charcoal analysis of archaeological sites in north-western France has been carried out in conjunction with systematic and detailed dendrological examination. By considering these extrinsic criteria in association with the analytical results, palaeo-ethnographic and palaeo-environmental information can be obtained. The charcoals are classically identified under the microscope on the basis of their cellular structure. This examination is associated with an observation of the ligneous structure on transverse sections using a binocular lens. When charcoal fragments are large enough, the growth ring widths are measured. Tree ring curvature is also noted. Finally, alteration by fusion or radial cracks, the presence of fungal hyphae, and insect degradation are also recorded. Results are thus obtained on the nature of fuel used in domestic fireplaces and kilns. The selection of timbers and their catchment areas are also revealed. The average width of the growth rings in oak charcoal from domestic hearths coming from about forty sites in north-western France shows a significant increase from 6000 to 2000 BP. There is a similar increase in the number of heliophilic taxa used from the Neolithic to the Iron Age. This implies that the environment became more and more open because of use by society. The interpretation of the dendrology results applied to charcoal analyses is obtained through a convergence of criteria. Thus, charcoal analysis can provide more than just an identification of the species used, and can yield fundamental information on the interaction of society with the environment.  相似文献   

楠木园遗址是三峡库区一处重要的遗址,其东部以东汉遗存为主,有少量六朝和唐代墓葬。2001年夏季发掘出成排分布的灰坑,底部有:“一”字形或“十”字形沟槽,可能是与商业储存、转运相关的“仓”,此类遗迹在三峡及周邻地区尚属首次发现,是研究三峡地区这一时期经济生活的重要材料。  相似文献   

宝塔河遗址出土的东周时期遗迹有灰坑、陶窑和墓葬,遗物仅见陶器与石器,器类包括鼎、釜、罐、鬲、盂、豆等。这些遗存分三期,时代跨度从春秋早期至战国早期。内涵分为两组,一组以鼎、釜、罐为核心,代表着峡江地区一支传统的鼎釜文化;一组以鬲、盂、豆为核心,为楚文化。春秋早期以传统鼎釜文化为主,春秋中期以后,楚文化逐渐介入,春秋晚期以后,楚文化在这一地区已成为主导文化。这一过程为我们研究峡江地区传统文化的发展脉络,楚文化的扩展趋势,提供了重要的实物证据。  相似文献   

烈山窑址位于安徽省淮北市烈山区烈山镇烈山村,2018年开始发掘,面积700平方米,分为三个区域:Ⅰ区金元窑址区域、Ⅱ区唐代末期至北宋窑址区域、Ⅲ区汉代窑址区。清理各类遗迹70余处,包括6座窑炉、52个灰坑、1条道路、14条灰沟,以及大量遗物,其中以白瓷、青釉瓷、三彩器为主,产品主要包括碗、盘、盏、罐、素烧建筑构件、黄釉印花砖等。烈山窑址很可能就是文献中记载的宿州窑,其主要受定窑、磁州窑和巩县窑的技术影响,时代划分为东汉、唐代末期至元代晚期。  相似文献   

2008年和2009年,山西省考古所等对山西右玉汉中陵故城进行了考古钻探、调查和发掘,了解了城墙、马面、瓮城、护城河的概况。在西城内探出一条南北向道路和部分夯土建筑基址,并发现了十几座窑址和部分灰坑。东城内也发现少量夯土建筑基址、窑址和灰坑。城内采集到了瓦当、砖、瓦等建筑材料和陶片。  相似文献   

Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) and bulk carbon isotope determinations have been performed on samples (‘cemented organic residues’, charcoal, sediment and fire-cracked rock) excavated from 12 slab-lined pits from various locations in Arctic Norway to test the premise that these archaeological features were used for the extraction of oil from the blubber of marine mammals, such as seal, whale and walrus. A wide range of lipid compound classes were detected especially in the cemented organic residues and in the charcoal samples. The presence of long-chain unsaturated and isoprenoid fatty acids together with oxidation and thermal alteration products of unsaturated acids such as dicarboxylic acids, dihydroxyfatty acids and ω-(o-alkylphenyl)alkanoic acids suggests that these features were used for marine oil extraction at elevated temperatures. Notably the location of the hydroxyl groups in the dihydroxyfatty acids provides a record of the positional isomer of the precursor fatty acid and allows confirmation that 11-docosenoic (cetoleic) acid, the most abundant C22:1 isomer in marine oil, was a major component of the original lipid. Further information was provided by the presence of long-chain fatty acyl moieties in surviving triacylglycerols and the presence of cholesterol. A fungal metabolite, mycose (trehalose), was found in all samples apart from a fire-cracked rock and points to microbiological activity in the pits. Bulk isotope analysis conducted on the ‘cemented organic residues’ is consistent with modern reference samples of blubber and oil from seal and whale. These data provide clear analytical evidence of the function of slab-lined pits in the archaeological record and suggest widespread exploitation of marine mammals for producing oil for heating, lighting and myriad other uses in the past.  相似文献   

The taxonomic identification of fossil charcoal can be a useful archaeobotanical tool, as it can reveal information about prehistoric humans' use of plant resources and other factors. In this study, we quantify the fossil charcoal in a cultural sequence from Xishanping in the western Loess Plateau of China representing 4800–4300 cal yr BP to consider aspects of humans' impact on this landscape. The fossil charcoal assemblages reveal that the relative abundances of Picea, Betula, Acer, Ulmus and Quercus decreased markedly after 4600 cal yr BP. This suggests a marked decline in the mixed coniferous-broadleaved forest after this time. Concurrently, an increasing abundance of Bambusoideae charcoal has been suggested to reflect the expansion of the bamboo forest. The marked changes in the vegetation after 4600 cal yr BP were not obviously influenced by climate; they may be a better reflection of the results of human activity. Furthermore, other genera that provide important resources to humans also increased after 4600 cal yr BP, including Castanea, Cerasus, Padus and Diospyros. It is nearly certain that nuts and berries were an important food resource and that fruit trees were managed by prehistoric humans in the late Neolithic. This work suggests that the scale of prehistoric human impact on the western Loess Plateau landscape during the late Neolithic was much greater than was previously believed.  相似文献   

A large number of porcelain shards were unearthed at the Hehuaxin and Silongkou kilns around the Shanglin Lake, Ningbo, China, some of which had clear stratification to enable the determination of the date of firing. With the purpose of studying the elemental composition in different cultural periods and between kilns, the chemical compositions of 43 typical shards from these two kilns were determined by energy‐dispersive X‐ray fluorescence (EDXRF). The results show that the mean contents of K2O, CaO and MnO in the glaze fluctuate in different cultural periods at the Hehuaxin kiln, but not systematically. Principal component analysis (PCA) indicates that samples from the Five Dynasties and the Northern Song dynasty are similar to each other. This shows continuity in the raw materials and firing technology between the two dynasties. Comparing the mise type wares from the Hehuaxin and Silongkou kilns in the Northern Song dynasty, we found that MnO and ZrO2 in the glaze can be used as fingerprinting elements to distinguish between samples from these two sites. In spite of this, their chemical compositions are broadly similar. Thus, perhaps, their chemical compositions can be taken as typical for those of the mise type wares produced around the Shanglin Lake.  相似文献   

Archaeological research of the ancient Jabali silver mines (7th to 14th centuries ad) in northern Yemen is a multidisciplinary project covering scientific disciplines traditionally related to archaeology, a geological approach and new technologies such as very high resolution remote sensing. Mining companies envisage the development of the Jabali deposit for zinc ore. Some of the planned facilities, particularly a large open pit, will have a destructive impact on the old pits and processing heaps, already damaged by recent works. In the present study, remote sensing is used for a detailed survey of the impact of preliminary mining works from the early 1980’s with the aim to establish archaeological remains and to prioritize areas for future ground surveys, as well as for geological mapping. Results indicate that mapping using remote sensing in the visible to short wave infrared range has a great potential for the identification of gossans (iron caps) possibly related to archaeological remains. The phases of work in Jabali are clearly put into light by the study of a time series of Landsat data. Very high resolution QuickBird imagery appears particularly relevant for mapping most of the archaeological remnants, iron caps, as well as the 3D visualization of the mining site when drapped over a detailed digital elevation model.  相似文献   

郧西归仙河遗址2009年度发掘获取了一批石家河文化、汉代、唐代、明代遗存,其中石家河文化遗存较为丰富,丰富了鄂西北地区石家河文化的内涵。归仙河遗址的石家河文化遗存和郧县青龙泉遗址的石家河文化遗存表现出极大的相似性,但文化面貌纯净,遗址中仅见石家河文化遗存一种新石器时代遗存,不见青龙泉遗址中出现的仰韶时期及龙山时期的其他文化因素。因此归仙河遗址的石家河文化遗存对于鄂西北地区石家河文化的界定有较为重要的意义。  相似文献   


Morphometric analysis offers an alternative or augmentation to traditional archaeobotanical methods to address differences within and between plant species and their remains, refining and enhancing taxonomic resolution. Morphometrics, the measurement of size and shape, and the multivariate statistical analysis of generated quantitative variables, have long played a major role in biological research, including plant taxonomy and systematics, although its application in archaeobotany is relatively recent. Over the last few decades, there has been an increasing interest in the use of morphometrics for analysing a varied range of archaeological plant materials (mainly seeds, pollen, phytoliths, and starch grains). In particular, morphometrics have contributed to the study of the domestication and spread of many cereals world-wide, as well as that of other taxa including legumes, underground storage organs (USO), and fruits (such as olives, grapes, and dates). This paper reviews current methodologies, recent applications, and advances in the use of morphometrics in archaeobotanical research, discusses its role in exploring major research questions, and suggests possible future directions for its use.  相似文献   

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