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Morphological and genetic studies were performed on waterlogged Prunus fruit stones from the Roman vicus Tasgetium (Eschenz, Switzerland). Some fruit stones could be identified to species level based on morphological and metric criteria. Other fruit stones found were not identifiable to species level. Of the latter, the morphological group Prunus insititia/spinosa represents either native sloe, cultivated primitive plum (damson) or a hybrid of both. In one out of 10 individual fruit stones of this group Prunus specific chloroplast trnL-trnF and nuclear ITS1 markers were verifiably amplified. Sequences of trnL-trnF led to the identification of Prunus spinosa. The presence of authentic DNA was confirmed by phylogenetically meaningful sequences from the archaeobotanical group Prunus avium/cerasus of the same sample using chloroplast rbcL and nuclear ITS1 DNA markers. The results demonstrate the utility of waterlogged plant remains for genetic analysis: as seeds of fruit trees are often preserved waterlogged in the archaeological record. Ancient DNA (aDNA) studies are a promising tool to answer archaeobotanical issues concerning early horticulture, which probably started in the Northern alpine region with the onset of Romanisation.  相似文献   

Nile Green 《Iranian studies》2010,43(3):305-331
This essay traces the circulation of the industrial commodities of lithographic presses and stones and compares the uses to which these commodities were put in Iran with other regions at the same time. Using Persian travelogues as sources on scientific exchange, the essay compares Iran's access to lithography with its spread through Europe, Russia and South and Southeast Asia. Using lithography as a gauge of Iran's integration into an industrializing global economy, it compares state-led Iranian attempts to access lithographic commodities with attempts by other regional powers to develop local sources for these ‘stones from Bavaria’. After tracing the role of Christian Evangelicalism in the technology's dissemination, the essay finally contextualizes Iranian uses of lithography in global developments in illustrated and newspaper printing.

Since the art of Lithography has risen to considerable celebrity, attempts have been made to discover the same species of stone…

– Aloys Senefelder, 1819

The Agnostida are the most important part of the fauna of the Abbey Shales, which is the best-known middle St David's (Middle Cambrian) sequence in Britain. Revision of Illing's (1916) collections allows a correlation of the Paradoxides hicksii fauna with Westergaard's (1946) Ptychagnostus atavus-Tomagnostus fissus Zone, and the Paradoxides davidis fauna with Westergaard's Hypagnostus parvifrons Zone and Ptychagnostus punctuosus Zone (based on the Swedish sequence). A Metadiscus sp. is described. Six species of Condylopygidae are discussed, of which three show a pygidial ‘fringe’. Eleven species of Quadragnostinae, three of Ptychagnostinae (one showing a hypostome), and four of Tomagnostinae (including young growth-stages) are illustrated or discussed. Two species of Diplagnostidae, one species of Phalacroma and two of Phalagnostus are illustrated.  相似文献   

The results of an archaeometric study concerning the coloured stones and 14 white marble sculptures found in the ancient city of Urbs Salvia (Urbisaglia, Macerata) – one of the main Roman archaeological sites of the Marche region (east central Italy) – are presented here. Data show the presence of the most important decorative stones used by the Romans, originating in all of the Mediterranean provinces, from Egypt and North Africa to Asia Minor, Greece, Gallia, Iberia and Italy. Thirty‐one different coloured lithotypes have been identified, including red and green porphyries as well as marmor phrygium and numidicum, namely the four most expensive stones cited in Diocletian's edict. Crustae of marmor chium, taenarium, chalcidicum, scyreticum, lucullaeum and sagarium also feature. Another significant presence is that of coloured stones that are generally rare, even in Rome and Ostia, such as cipollino mandolato (which is very abundant at Urbs Salvia, more than anywhere outside Gallia), broccatello di Spagna, alabastro a pecorella, lapis ophytes, brecciated facies of marmor iassene and cottanello antico. Worthy of mention, too, is the abundant presence of so‐called Roman breccia from Lez (Upper Garonne valley, French Pyrenees), a stone never reported outside Gallia. The 14 marble sculptures analysed come from public and private buildings of the Roman city and are now exhibited at the Archaeological Museum of Urbisaglia. Our petrographic and isotopic analyses show that they are made of Lunense (five), Pentelic (three), Parian lychnites (three), Thasian (three) and Proconnesian (one Corinthian capital) marbles. The quality of the coloured stones identified, together with the presence of sculptures made of precious imported white marble varieties, reveals an opulent town and a local patronage wishing to decorate public buildings and rich houses with the most sought‐after marbles of Rome.  相似文献   

Fuelled by unparalleled recent development, China has by necessity been reaching outward in search of foreign resources and international recognition. The three books reviewed in this essay all speak to China's spectacular global ascendency of the past two decades—and to the political consequences and international reactions that have followed. What unites these three volumes—Tongdong Bai's China: The Political Philosophy of the Middle Kingdom (2012), Peter Nolan's Is China Buying the World? (2012) and William Callahan and Elena Barabantseva's edited volume, China Orders the World: Normative Soft Power and Foreign Policy (2011)—is their focus on the uniquely Chinese norms that now underpin China's soft power in the twenty-first century. How will China go about ordering the world and will it succeed? The answers to these questions, as these authors demonstrate, may have less to do with China's present than with its ancient past.  相似文献   

Buckley et al. (2010) recently identified a Type I collagen (COL1A2) peptide sequence that discriminates between sheep and goat species. The exact location of this peptide sequence on the genome was not reported. We identified the sequence's location and developed a PCR based approach that amplifies the diagnostic sequence from exon 41 of the COL1A2 gene. Using DNA analysis, we confirmed that this COL1A2 peptide discriminates between goat and sheep species reliably, but is limited as a more general phylogenetic marker.  相似文献   


Burrstones from France are universally, often uncritically, referred to as 'the best' millstones. In this article the author assembles something of the history of the most widely known of all stones, and probably the most widely distributed – those from La Ferté-sous-Jouarre. But not all French stones were burrstones, nor were they always of the same high quality.  相似文献   

Non-destructive analysis of sanukite stones of known source and sanukite implements was carried out by means of energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. Attention was focussed on areas in middle-western Japan. Stone taken from four source districts was classified into nine different groups. More than a hundred implements obtained from thirty-six archaeological sites were allocated to their sources by means of Hotelling's T2 test.  相似文献   

Three measurements of ionospheric electric field were made during the 24 h ALADDIN rocket programme at Wallops Island (37°50′N, 75°29′W) on June 29–30, 1974. The first of these used a double probe instrument, flown at 1500 Local Solar Time, and the second and third measurements were made by barium cloud releases at evening and morning twilight. These three electric field vectors have been compared with the predictions of a number of models of electric field due to the dynamo effects of various atmospheric tides, and also of a possible magnetospheric origin. On the assumption that the measurements were made at a location equatorward of the afternoon convergence and poleward of the morning divergence in the electric field patterns related to the Sq current cystem, Stening's model of the diurnal variation of the electric field induced by the (1, −2) tidal model at the time of the Summer solstice correctly predicts the directions of the observed electric field. Forbes and Lindzen's model, incorporating the three major propagating tidal modes as well as the evanescent (1, −2) mode, also bears an acceptable relationship to the ALADDIN electric field directions. The ALADDIN E-field magnitudes are comparable with those obtained by ground-based observations (incoherent scatter) from Millstone Hill and from Saint Santin but are about half of Stening's model values, and three times those of Forbes and Lindzen.While the Millstone Hill E-field directions are compatible with the ALADDIN observations, Saint Santin E-field directions, at the same latitude but 75° difference in longitude, are distinctly different from ALADDIN, implying that longitudinal differences are significant.  相似文献   

The lifestyles of the three earliest Dominican women's communities were formulated according to their specific historical conditions and exigencies during the years 1206–21. Initially, the women associated with the preaching mission of Diego of Osma and Dominic Guzman were based at Prouille in the Languedoc and followed the Augustinian Rule. The development of the first instituta for Dominican nuns was the result of 15 years of overseeing the lives of the sisters. However, enclosure, and the institutional requirement for its observance, only came about in 1220 with the establishment of San Sisto, when St Dominic wrote an instituta specifically intended for a cloistered nunnery. This paper retraces and elucidates the historical development of the first Dominican instituta for women, and considers the remarkable choice of the Augustinian Rule as the basis for an enclosed women's order.  相似文献   

Travertine was one of ancient Egypt's most popular ornamental stones. Upon prolonged exposure to sunlight, the rock's translucent brownish calcite is bleached to nearly white. Ultraviolet and gamma irradiation experiments were undertaken to investigate the source of the brownish colour and the process by which it fades. It was found that the coloration results from the activation of colour centres by natural radioactivity within the rock, and that these colour centres are deactivated by the ultraviolet component of sunlight. The results also demonstrate that the original brownish colour of sun‐bleached, travertine objects can be restored by artificial gamma irradiation.  相似文献   

This article reflects on the role of scholarly virtues in the Chinese theory of history and compares it with the recent approach proposed by Herman Paul. The first three parts reconstruct what might be called a “Chinese virtue epistemology of history,” starting from Confucian views on sincerity in writing history and then turns to concepts of an “unbiased mind” and the “responsibility of a historian.” The latter ideas were developed by Zhang Xuecheng (1738–1801), who introduced the concept of “the virtue of a historian (shide),” treating it as a sympathetic understanding toward the narrated characters. Interpretations of shide changed along with modern Chinese theorists of history, some of whom elaborated on it in the positivist manner. Thereafter, the article outlines Paul's view on the function of epistemic virtues in the formation of “historical persona.” In the summary, I will draw upon the main similarities and differences between Paul's position and the traditional Chinese view in order to point out the main directions for further research on this topic.  相似文献   

This study presents a short local vegetation history of Western Liguria (San Remo), northwest Italy, based on a palynological analyses of an 8.30-m-long archaeological section in the dune covering Madonna dell'Arma cave. Madonna dell'Arma is one of the Mousterian caves currently located on the Ligurian coastal zone. The site contains Levallois-type Mousterian tools, four pieces of skull attributed to Homo neanderthalensis and fauna remains belonging to Rhinoceros mercki, Elephas sp. and Hippopotamus amphibius. This study is of interest as the site is situated in an area where data on palaeovegetation are scarce. In fact, the archaeopollen analyses of Madonna dell'Arma cave's surroundings provide a rare local picture of vegetation during the beginning of OIS 4, posterior to 73,100 yr BP.The palynological taxa are grouped into three vegetation units by PCA (principal components analysis). These data suggest a huge Mediterranean pre-steppic forest (Pinus, Quercus ilex and several herbs) colonizing the area during this substage. The adjacent valleys were colonized by a caducifoliate–alluvial forest and Mediterranean scrub vegetation. These vegetation characteristics suggest a semi-arid coastal climate with an increase of precipitation according to altitude. The PCA analyses of the palynological sections inside and outside the cave suggest a nearly continuous vegetation succession from OIS 5a to OIS 4.  相似文献   

Ethnoarchaeological research combined with morphological analysis of modern and ancient grinding stones was completed in 2013 and 2014 as part of the Eastern Tigrai Archaeological Project (ETAP), based in the Gulo Makeda region of northern Ethiopia. Research focused on investigating the cultural context of grinding, grinding stone morphology, and use-surface area employing low power use-wear analysis of grinding surfaces. In the Gulo Makeda region today, men manufacture grinding stones and women use them in food processing for many hours per day. While grinding, relationships are formed and maintained with other women, and archaeological evidence suggests that women were grinding together in the past. It was discovered through interviews that distinctive grinding surfaces are preferred for processing different cereals based on grain size. Rough surfaces are used to process larger grains such as imported Near Eastern barley (Hordeum vulgare), wheat (Triticum spp.), maize (Zea mays), and the African domesticate sorghum (Sorghum bicolor), while fine/smooth surfaces are used for smaller, locally domesticated African grains including finger millet (Eleusine coracana) and t’ef (Eragrostis tef). Comparing ethnoarchaeological data with evidence of different use-surfaces on ancient Mezber grinding stones suggests that both locally domesticated and imported grains have been processed in the region for thousands of years. Interpretations are made about the use of grinding stones in the past through analogy, supported by evidence of ancient stone tool morphology and surface wear. The archaeological record at the pre-Aksumite site of Mezber indicates that grinding stone sizes have changed through time, with larger grinding surface areas likely reflecting the need for the production of greater amounts of flour.  相似文献   

China's Economic and Political Penetration in Africa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A senior American specialist on China and noted geographer presents a study of that country's economic and political penetration into the African continent. The author identifies three key elements of China's objectives and plan, namely (1) support for Chinese policies in international affairs, particularly with regard to Taiwan, (2) search for oil and other mineral resources, and (3) creation of a new market for Chinese goods and services in tandem with additional jobs in China. The paper includes four case studies highlighting economic activities stimulated by Chinese loans and investments in the Republic of South Africa, Egypt, Sudan, and Angola. Considerable attention is devoted to oil imports, exports of cheap consumer goods, and construction and repair of infrastructure by Chinese technicians and laborers, as well as the competition between Chinese imports and host-country manufacturing and the PRC's diplomatic support of rogue African nations. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: F020, F210, F350, F540. 11 figures, 1 table, 47 references.  相似文献   

As a form of state-led transnationalism, diaspora strategies have garnered much scholarly attention over the past two decades. Yet, the robust intellectual field still sees a dearth of works addressing how the power of the sending state is lived and experienced in the prosaic lives of transnationality. This paper fills the gap by examining the grounded ramifications of a specific approach that the Chinese government deploys to cultivate diaspora. It prioritizes coopting civil association leaders (hui-zhang) from populations abroad for diaspora governance. I unpack how street-level bureaucracies involved in the execution of this sending state strategy has been exploited by the Chinese entrepreneurs in Laos through qualitative fieldwork. My analysis reveals that these situated actors scrambled to set up their own diaspora associations in an attempt to make themselves hui-zhang eligible for the home country government's targeted engagement. In doing so, they accessed opportunities to appropriate and rework resources from the Chinese state for self-interested accumulation of symbolic and social capital. Both forms of capital are crucial to propel their wealth amassment in private career as intermediaries who extract commissions and kickbacks by brokering Chinese investments into Laos. Detailing these dynamics, the paper elucidates how the power of the sending state is disseminated and enacted through mundane and pragmatic improvisations of diasporic actors. Empirics presented also bring forward a nuanced understanding of the de facto convoluted relations between the Chinese government and the overseas Chinese populations.  相似文献   

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