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Through a brief examination of China's science and technology history since the 1950s, this study suggests that the role of state is crucial for understanding the development, restructuring, and performance of China's innovation system. It traces the evolution of that system from a centrally controlled, segregated system geared toward weapons development during China's pre-reform period into one (since the early 1980s) oriented increasingly toward production of civilian goods, and seeking heightened enterprise participation and greater cooperation among industries, universities, and the government. Despite the reorientation of the system, the paper demonstrates the Chinese government's persistent role in guiding the changes. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers, H50, O31, O32. 1 figure, 72 references.  相似文献   

转型视角下我国自助旅游发展研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
许峰 《旅游科学》2006,20(4):12-18
自助旅游是全球旅游发展转型背景下的新型主导型旅游方式,具有深远的可持续发展意义。本文站在从传统大众旅游到新旅游转型的视角下,审视了在当前市场环境与技术支撑下自助旅游蓬勃发展的背景、历程及独特价值,继而从自助旅游在国内的发展现状入手,深入分析自助旅游在中国的发展特点、存在的问题,并据此提出了加强管理、促进发展等针对性的措施与建议。  相似文献   

动漫产业在现代社会具有广阔的发展前景。在我国,动漫产业目前也已获得了长足发展,但同时还涌现出一系列悖论,这主要包括本土化悖论、品牌化悖论、特殊化悖论和合法化悖论。通过对四大悖论进行解读,将有助于中国未来动漫产业的发展。  相似文献   

中国会展业的现状及其发展思路   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
我国的会展业发展存在着不少隐患,譬如粗放式的发展模式,不完善的行业管理机制等等,这些隐患阻碍了会展业的良性发展。消除这些隐患,让我国的会展业健康,稳步地发展,是我国会展业进一步发展所面临的首要问题。  相似文献   

Two economic geographers examine the impacts of economic transition on the efficiency of energy use in China, the second-largest energy consumer in the world. Following a brief review of reform and deregulation in China's energy sector, they proceed to systematically test the relationship between economic transition (conceptualized as a triple process of marketization, decentralization, and globalization) and energy intensity using a panel data set. The statistical units of analysis are China's 30 provincial-level administrative regions, facilitating the investigation of spatial variations in energy intensity. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: O53, P20, Q40, Q43. 9 figures, 5 tables, 62 references.  相似文献   

Three Taiwan-based economists examine the effects of GDP, per capita GDP, geographic distance, FDI outflows and inflows, openness to trade, bilateral investment treaties, and other factors on the volume of bilateral trade between China and 40 of its trading partners in the up-, mid- and downstream segments of the country's electronics industry. Pooled cross-section and time-series data are employed in an empirical estimation for the period 1995-2005, which indicate that the Chinese electronics sector's import/export volumes have grown substantially alongside China's economy. The authors address a specific set of issues questioning whether FDI inflows have created a trade effect in the electronics industry, whether they have lead to a measure of import substitution in China's electronics industry, and whether the net impact of opening the market has been positive or negative on the sector's foreign trade. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: F14, F21, L63, O53, P33. 6 tables, 23 references.  相似文献   

中国近代工业地理分布、变化及其影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鸦片战争后,中国社会经济发生剧烈变动。工业(包括手工业)的地理分布及其变化,是其中的一个重要方面。它大致经历了1840-1894、1895—1913、1914-1936、1937-1949年四个阶段的发展演变。其间,中国近代工业虽然从无到有,但受历史条件的制约,其发展速度和规模都很有限,其地域分布也始终没有突破偏于沿海沿江地带的基本格局,这种状况限制了其社会影响,有碍中西部地区的经济开发和工业发展。  相似文献   

An American geographer whose research focuses on Europe reports on changes in geographical patterns and trends in merchandise export trade after the dismantling of political- economic divisions prevailing during the Cold War and their replacement by European political and economic integration as well as globalization. Analysis and comparison of international trade data for the years 1960 and 2010 reveal a dramatic expansion in the role of Germany and China in European merchandise trade, accompanied by a decline in the importance of the United States and United Kingdom. The author also demonstrates how some countries such as the Netherlands have expanded their exports to a broader range of European countries, whereas others appear to be consolidating their roles as leaders of regional trade blocs (e.g., Italy in Southeastern Europe).  相似文献   


Globalization and the recent recession crisis are significantly challenging Italian industrial districts (IDs), leading to deep transformations in their internationalization, innovation and organization strategies. With our empirical focus on a single industry (gold jewellery) and a specific country (Italy) and through the theoretical lenses of the global value chain (GVC) approach, the evidence in this article sheds light on the differences in how three IDs within Italy's gold jewellery sector (Valenza Po, Arezzo and Vicenza) compete in the global arena. Our comparative analysis reveals striking differences among these districts with regard to their upstream and downstream internationalization strategies in response to two industry shocks: increasing global competition in the early 2000s and the world economic recession of 2008–2009. Our explanation for the varied gold jewellery district responses to these two global crises involves both internal and external factors: (1) structural differences between the three IDs; (2) distinct business strategies; and (3) how these districts are linked to the gold jewellery GVC.  相似文献   

我国饭店业集团化发展刍议   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
经过20多年发展,我国的饭店业已成为具有相当规模的产业,但由于受到长期以来的计划经济及传统的小生产思想的影响,我国的饭店业集团化发展缓慢、艰难,本就我国饭店业集团化进程中强化品牌意识、培育职业化市场化的饭店经营人才、集团化发展的战略等问题进行分析。  相似文献   

王健 《旅游科学》2004,18(4):55-61
本文集中讨论外商投资中国旅游业的如下法律问题:外商投资中国旅游业的发展趋势、外商投资中国旅游业法律环境的构成、外商投资中国旅游业法律环境评价以及外商投资中国旅游业法律环境的改善。本文认为,在跨国公司不断扩大对中国旅游业投资的过程中,面,临复杂的矛盾和冲突,需要有专门的、可操作的法律规范予以调整。因此,必须加快中国旅游基本法的出台,加强国内法和国际法的吻合,以为外商投资旅游创设良好的法律环境。  相似文献   

陈廷湘 《史学月刊》2008,(12):51-61
"人"的观念的现代转型是全世界思想家数百年的研究主题,也是中国社会现代转型不可回避的问题。中国古代文化从人性善,即人与至善本体(仁、天理之类)同体共在出发,在抽象的意义上把人提到万物之灵的高度,但倡言去除人的天然欲望和政治权利,造成对人的千年桎梏。由西方发源的现代人论则把物欲满足、政治权利、思想自由视为人的根本自由。在中国近代,戊戌维新和辛亥革命领导人始公开承认人的私利的合理性,倡导人的解放。但他们未能把人的解放置于理性范围,最终放弃了初衷。新文化运动激进人士在更广泛的层面提倡人的解放,也讨论了人的私欲与社会亲和的关系问题,但因时间太短和过分强调精神解放,思想的局限性仍十分明显。五四以后,大多数启蒙者转入政治革命道路,国民党大倡文化回归,少数思想家继续人的解放的讨论,但对问题的思想源头缺乏探讨,研究未能深入下去。中国近代以来"人"的观念的转型探索任务远未完成。  相似文献   

Three controversial concepts are central to discussion on how international order originates, how it operates, and ultimately how we should respect it: globalization, empire and natural law. Each of these is examined in turn in this article. The currently prevalent way of thinking about globalization simply as a system of inter‐connections, of processes and networks that span national and cultural boundaries is likely to produce anti‐globalization backlashes. Many people reach the conclusion that global rules are simply a euphemism for some sort of imperial or neo‐imperial rule. Consequently, there is an increasingly intense discussion of the role of force and power in a global order. This article suggests an alternative mechanism for creating global order. The power of globalization rests not simply on material prosperity, but on the ability to communicate and share ideas as well as goods across large geographical and cultural distances. Natural law theories suggest that a sustained dialogue between apparently rival traditions of thinking can lead to agreement on shared norms and values.  相似文献   

The resource‐based but technologically advanced wood processing industry has as yet triggered little diversification and transformation of the traditional local economy of North Maluku, Indonesia. Pressures from the world market and a scarcity of raw materials are causing uncertainty for the future of the wood processing industry, which is likely to inhibit further local development.  相似文献   

A Singapore-based economic geographer explores and analyzes the spatially uneven evolution of the Internet industry in China, arguing that the country's immense regional disparity in the provision of Internet services is best explained by the interplay of place- and path-dependence. The author demonstrates how the highly uneven regional endowments in relevant industrial and entrepreneurial resources have led to the substantial and persistent regional imbalance within China's emerging "new economy." His initial survey of the country's 100 leading Internet content providers (firms), identified from a listing of ca. 11,700 commercial websites, is selectively augmented to reflect an increase of over 70 million Internet users in 2007, reaching a total of 253 million in June 2008, and thus overtaking the United States as the world's largest Internet market. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: L10, L86, O30. 6 figures, 1 table, 53 references.  相似文献   

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