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From 1914 to 1920, Pérez de Ayala produced his most serious and political writings. In his Novelas poemáticas de la vida española (1916) and Política y toros (1920), Ayala criticizes what he perceives as the backward state of the Spanish nation, focusing on the idiosyncrasies of the Spanish man through his depiction of three weak male characters. Nevertheless, wary of falling into the pointlessly excessive criticism of the nation that could be called domperiquitismo after Larra's memorable character Don Periquito, in the early 1920s Ayala subverted the organicistic language of his own criticism and that of many of his contemporaries by playfully concluding that Spain's real illness was orchitis. Although reading Ayala's earnest and contentious writings from this brief period is indispensable to fully appreciate the richness of his oeuvre, the works differ from the rest of his production, which is characterized by a more humorous yet critical slant.  相似文献   

This paper explores the visualization and intersection of trauma, male fantasies, and cultural capital in the first four feature-length films of Chilean director Pablo Larraín: Fuga (2006), Tony Manero (2008), Post Mortem (2010), and No (2012). Larraín’s first feature sketches out these themes in individual and familial terms; the subsequent three, forming what Larraín has called an ‘unintentional trilogy’ of the Pinochet dictatorship, visualize them in a more collective, historical, and political register. Categorizing these films as examples of ‘posttraumatic cinema,’ I demonstrate how Larraín images the fantasy scenarios that structure Chile’s ‘true horror’: namely, the weaponization of male fantasies and of cultural capital – the combination of which induced indelible traumas during the dictatorship. The attendant institutionalization of injustice, impunity, and neoliberalism – which, as Larraín shows, was conserved during the country’s transition to democracy – has limited the possibilities of working through the recurring traumas ever since.  相似文献   

Three novels by Jamaica Kincaid are critically investigated for their representation of colonial and domestic space. Aspiring middle-class Afro-Caribbean families in the patriarchal-colonial society of 1950s and 1960s British Antigua occupied social spaces gendered largely according to western design. In Kincaid’s fiction, the house and yard are designated as feminine and reproductive spaces, while outside the home lies the public world of employment, administration, formal education and migration opportunity, all of which are governed by the norms and expectations of a white Eurocentric culture. Kincaid’s female characters display strategies of subversion and resistance which disrupt the homogeneity of territorial and cultural colonisation.  相似文献   


This study examines the concepts of authenticity involved in the production and consumption of tourist experiences in the East Kimberley region of northern Australia. It contrasts the notions of authenticity produced in this domain with those produced in the legal context of indigenous land claims made through the Native Title process (Native Title Act 1993) in Australia. Our aim in making this comparison is to develop a deeper understanding of how the place-images of tourism relate to the politics of land use and land tenure in the East Kimberley. Environment and Aboriginal culture are the two unique aspects of northern Australia most commonly commodified by the tourism industry. We concentrate on relationships between the tourism industry and Aboriginal culture in the East Kimberley using the term 'Aboriginal cultural tourism' to denote the packaging of Aboriginal culture for tourist consumption. We describe experiences and expectations of tourists, tourism operators and Aboriginal people from the Miriuwung and Gajerrong groups regarding Aboriginal cultural tourism. Drawing on a multi-method approach that includes interviews, field observations and survey techniques we examine how ideas of authenticity are formed and promoted and their potential for change. We then compare and contrast ideas of authentic Aboriginal culture produced within the tourism industry with those produced within a Native Title claim. Interrogated in this way, the concept of authenticity is interpreted as a socially constructed value that provides a means to understanding how Aboriginal cultural tourism and tourism more generally connects with broader spatial politics. Cette étude examine les concepts d'authenticité impliqués dans la production et consommation d'expériences touristiques dans la région de Kimberley Est, située dans le Nord de l'Australie. Elle compare les notions d'authenticité issues de ce domaine avec celle produites dans le contexte légal de revendications territoriales aborigènes, menées selon le processus de Status Aborigène (Native Title Act 1993) en Australie. Par cette comparaison, notre but dans est de développer une meilleure compréhension de la façon dont les images touristiques locales sont reliées aux débats politiques concernant la propriété et l'utilisation du sol dans la région de Kimberley Est. L'environnement et la culture aborigène sont les deux aspects uniques du Nord de l'Australie les plus couramment appropriés par l'industrie touristique. Nous nous concentrons sur les relations entre l'industrie touristique et la culture aborigène en utilisant le terme 'tourisme culturel aborigène' afin de dénoter comment la culture aborigène est présentée pour fins de consommation touristique. Nous décrivons les expériences et attentes des touristes, des guides et des aborigènes appartenant aux groupes Miriuwung et Gajerrong envers ce tourisme culturel aborigène. A partir d'une approche multiple incluant entrevues, observations de terrain et différentes techniques d'enquête, nous examinons comment s'effectue la formation et promotion du concept d'authenticité et nous analysons son potentiel de changement. Nous comparons et contrastons ensuite l'idée d'une authenticité culturelle aborigène émergeant de l'industrie touristique avec celle produite par le biais de revendication du Statut Aborigène. Dans cette approche, le concept d'authenticité est envisagé comme étant le résultat d'un processus social capable d'ouvrir des voies d'analyse sur les façons dont le tourisme culturel aborigène, et le tourisme en général, est relié à une politique de l'espace beaucoup plus large. Esta investigación examina los conceptos de autenticidad que corresponden a la producción y el consumo de experiencias turísticas en la región de East Kimberley en el norte de Australia. Compara las nociones de autenticidad producidas en este campo con aquellas producidas en el contexto legal de las reclamaciones de tierra indígena realizadas por el proceso de Título Nativo (Native Title Act 1993) en Australia. Con esta comparación pretendemos llegar a una comprensión más amplia de cómo las imágenes turísticas del lugar encajan con las políticas de uso de tierra y de tenencia de tierra en el East Kimberley. El medio ambiente y la cultura aborígena son los dos aspectos únicos del norte de Australia más frecuentemente mercanceados para el turismo. Enfocamos en la relación entre la industria turística y la cultura aborígena en el East Kimberley, utilizando el término 'turismo cultural aborígena' para indicar el empacamiento de la cultura aborígena para consumo turístico. Describimos las experiencias y las expectativas de turistas, operadores de viajes y gente aborígena de los grupos Miriuwung y Gajerrong con respecto al turismo cultural aborígena. Haciendo uso de entrevistas, observaciones del campo y encuestas analizamos cómo las ideas de autenticidad son formadas y fomentadas y su potencia para efectuar cambios. Después comparamos las ideas de lo que es la auténtica cultura aborígena generadas en la indústria turística con las ideas producidas en una reclamación de Título Nativo. Así interrogado, el concepto de autenticidad es interpretado como un valor de construcción social que nos ayuda a entender como el turismo cultural aborígena, y el turismo en general, enlaza con una política de espacio más amplia.  相似文献   


This paper provides a critical review of recent geographical scholarship on place naming and contends that aural aspects of naming have yet to be fully worked into the research agenda. To begin to address this gap in the literature, we consider pronunciation to be an important element of the cultural politics of place naming within post-colonial societies. In asserting links between speaking and naming we are contributing to recent scholarship in cultural geography that has moved beyond the visual to consider a wider sensory spectrum in the constitution of place. Our case material is drawn from Aotearoa/New Zealand where conservative reactions to sympathetic pronunciations of Maori names by media personalities are a frequent occurrence. By way of example, we interpret selected examples of unsolicited comment gleaned from newspapers during the period 1994-1999. We conclude that identity is at least in part narrated through place-referenced linguistic tactics such as pronunciation. Cet article se veut un inventaire critique des récents travaux académiques sur la toponymie et soutient que la question des aspects 'auditifs' du nom mérite davantage l'attention des chercheurs. Afin de remédier à ce manque dans la littérature existante, nous suggérons que la problématique de la prononciation constitue un élément important des débats culturels entourant l'attribution de noms de lieux, surtout chez les sociétés postcoloniales. En insistant sur les liens entre le fait de parler et celui de nommer, notre discussion s'inscrit dans les travaux récents en géographie culturelle allant au-delà du visuel afin de concevoir une gamme sensorielle beaucoup plus large en ce qui a trait à la conception du lieu. Nos données sont tirées de la Aotearoa/Nouvelle-Zélande où les réactions conservatrices sont fréquentes lorsque des noms d'origine Maori sont utilisés par des personnalités médiatiques. A titre d'exemple, nous interprétons des commentaires receuillis dans les journaux entre 1994-1999. Nous concluons que l'identité est en partie rattachée à des références toponymiques et linguistiques tactiques telles que la prononciation. Este papel da un análisis crítico de reciente erudición geográfica sobre el nombramiento de lugares y afirma que el aspecto auditivo del nombramiento todavía no forma uno de los asuntos de investigación. Para empezar a cerrar esta brecha en la literatura, consideramos que la pronunciación constituye un elemento importante en la política cultural del nombramiento de lugares dentro de las sociedades pos-coloniales. Al acertar vínculos entre el hablar y el nombrar contribuimos a erudición reciente en la geografía cultural que se ha ido más alláde lo visual para considerar un espectro sensorio más amplio en la constitución de lugar. La materia de nuestro estudio viene de Aotearoa/Nueva Zelanda donde son frecuentes las reacciones conservadores a pronunciaciones comprensivas de los nombres Maorí por personajes de los medios de comunicación. Como ejemplo, interpretamos ejemplos de comentarios no solicitados, recogidos de periódicos de los años 1994 a 1999. Concluimos que, por lo menos en parte, la identidad es narrada por tácticas lingüísticas que se refieren a un lugar, tal como pronunciación.  相似文献   

Doña Catalina de los Ríos y Lisperguer, known as ‘La Quintrala,’ a seventeenth-century aristocratic woman of mixed ancestry accused of torture, witchcraft, and murder, has persisted as a recurring figure in the Chilean imaginary. While literary representations of this figure have been well explored, this article contributes an examination of two visual narratives, paying particular attention to the manner in which genre and context influence the repurposing of this violent woman: the 1986 teleserie La Quintrala, produced by Chile's state-owned television station (TVN), and the Chilean newspaper Las últimas noticias's 2008 comic ‘La Quintrala y el Cristo de Mayo.’ The teleserie, a product of the Pinochet era, positions her as an antithesis to the ideal Chilean woman, simultaneously denying her agency and condemning her. The comic echoes the rhetoric of the Concertación governments as it prominently links La Quintrala's downfall and redemption to the genesis of modern Chile at the cost of her distinctive racial and gendered characteristics. Ultimately, each work employs the structure of confession to recall her crimes while rejecting the female agency and racially mixed heritage La Quintrala represents.  相似文献   

Geographers are bringing together narrative approaches and insights from cultural and feminist geography in building a body of work that examines the links between health, place and culture. This paper follows this direction in examining accounts of health and illness of South Asian migrant women living in British Columbia, Canada, using data from semi-structured interviews and a set of in-depth group interviews. The intent of the study was to explore how traditional medicine and indigenous medicine, as subjugated knowledges, were in tension or integrated with western medicine in the women's approaches to keeping healthy and managing illness. Analysis of the accounts shows intricate relationships among the body, food, place and identity. It is argued that these relationships are integral to the ongoing constitution of subjectivities and place in the context of the rapidly growing urban centres of the study. The paper concludes with comment on how this type of analysis of health and illness ‘talk’ de-medicalizes immigrants’ health behaviour, instead placing it within wider issues of integration and inclusion confronting racialized immigrant groups.

Les récits de voyage et les significations migratoires: des femmes immigrées de l'Asie du Sud s'entretiennent sur le lieu, la santé et la guérison

femmes immigrées, santé, alimentation, guérison traditionnelle, lieu, identité

Les géographes combinent des approches fondées sur le récit et des connaissances issues d'un corpus en géographie culturelle et féministe élaboré afin d'étudier les rapports entre la santé, le lieu et la culture. Dans cette foulée, l'article poursuit par une étude de récits sur la santé et la maladie tenus par des femmes immigrées de l'Asie du Sud et installées en Colombie Britannique (Canada). Les données sont tirées des résultats d'entrevues semi structurées et d'une série d'entrevues en profondeur menées en groupe. L'étude avait pour objectif d'explorer de quelles façons la médecine traditionnelle et la médecine indigène, définies comme des connaissances subjuguées, sont mises en tension ou intégrées à la médecine occidentale par les moyens déployés par les femmes pour se maintenir en santé et gérer la maladie. L'analyse des récits permet de montrer des relations complexes entre le corps, les aliments, le lieu et l'identité. Il est suggéré que ces relations sont indispensables à l'élaboration continuelle des subjectivités et du lieu dans un contexte d'étude caractérisé par une urbanisation rapide. En conclusion, l'article propose des commentaires sur la manière dont ce genre d'analyse de «discussion» sur la santé et la maladie permet de démédicaliser les comportements de santé des immigrants et plutôt de la situer par rapport aux enjeux plus considérables concernant l'intégration et l'insertion de groupes d'immigrants racialisés.

Cuentos de viaje y significados migratorios: mujeres inmigrantes del sur de Asia hablan de lugar, salud y curas

mujer inmigrante, salud, comida, curas tradicionales, lugar, identidad

Los geógrafos han juntado enfoques e ideas narrativos de las geografías de cultura y feminismo para crear un conjunto de trabajo que examina los vínculos entre salud, lugar y cultura. Este papel sigue esta dirección al examinar relatos de salud y enfermedad de las mujeres inmigrantes del sur de Asia que viven en British Columbia, Canadá. Hace uso de información recopilada de entrevistas semi-estructuradas y de entrevistas exhaustivas con grupos de mujeres. El objetivo del estudio era explorar la manera en que la medicina tradicional y la medicina indígena, como conocimientos subyugados, estaban en conflicto con, o integraban con la medicina occidental en cuanto al modo en que las mujeres mantenían la salud y trataban las enfermedades. El análisis de los relatos indica relaciones intricadas entre el cuerpo, la comida, lugar e identidad. Se sugiere que estas relaciones son esenciales a la constitución de subjetividades y lugar que continúa en el contexto de los centros urbanos cada vez más grandes donde tuvo lugar la investigación. El papel concluye con un comentario sobre el modo en que este tipo de análisis del diálogo sobre salud y enfermedad saca del campo de la medicina el comportamiento de las inmigrantes con relación a su salud, juntándolo con cuestiones más amplias de integración e inclusión que los grupos de inmigrantes racializados enfrentan.  相似文献   

Biodiversity assessment is considered a necessary activity in the planning of nature conservation. This activity is shown to gain authority by accessing an epistemic community of scientists and institutions. This is done through a process of socialization that includes the production of immutable mobiles and their circulation in networks only accessible through scientific practice. Local (non-scientific) modes of describing nature are shown to be capable of circulating in far-reaching but different networks. It is argued that the concept of biodiversity is culturally situated and yet the purpose of biodiversity assessment is to define territorialities across cultural divides. It can therefore be considered a post-colonial enterprise. It is suggested that a more hybrid view of nature is required and that biodiversity scientists have to be prepared to negotiate their representations of nature with those of other social groups.

La pratique et la diffusion de l'évaluation de la biodiversité dans le Mexique tropical

conservation, réseau, autorité épistémique, Oaxaca

L'évaluation de la biodiversité est reconnue comme une activité essentielle à la planification de la conservation de la nature. Il est établi que cette activité, en accédant à une communauté épistémique composée de scientifiques et d'institutions, jouit d'une plus grande autorité. Cela se produit par un processus de socialisation comprenant, entre autres, la production de mobiles immuables et leur diffusion à travers des réseaux accessible uniquement par la pratique scientifique. Il est démontré que les procédés locaux (non scientifiques) utilisés pour décrire la nature peuvent être diffusés à travers des réseaux vastes mais différents. Si le concept de la biodiversité est culturellement déterminé alors que le but de l'évaluation de la biodiversité est de définir des territoires au-delà des divisions culturelles, il est soutenu qu'il peut donc être considéré comme une démarche postcoloniale. Une perspective plus hybride sur la nature est proposée et les experts scientifiques en biodiversité doivent être disposés à négocier leurs représentations de la nature avec les membres d'autres groupes sociaux.

La práctica y circulación de la evaluación de biodiversidad en el trópico Mexicano

conservación, redes, autoridad epistémica, Oaxaca

La evaluación de biodiversidad se considera una actividad necesaria en la conservación de la naturaleza. Esta actividad gana autoridad por obtener acceso a una comunidad epistémica de científicos e instituciones. Lo hace mediante un proceso de socialización que incluye la producción de móviles inmutables y la circulación de ellos en redes accesibles exclusivamente por la práctica científica. Se demuestra que modos locales (no científicos) de describir la naturaleza son capazes de circular en redes distintas pero de gran alcance. Se sugiere que la noción de biodiversidad es cultural y, sin embargo, el objetivo de la evaluación de biodiversidad es el de definir características territoriales que cruzan líneas divisorias culturales. Por lo tanto, puede ser considerado una iniciativa pos-colonial. Se sugiere que hace falta una concepción más híbrida de la naturaleza y que los científicos en el campo de biodiversidad deberían estar preparados a negociar sus representaciones de la naturaleza con las de otros grupos sociales.  相似文献   

Pablo Larraín’s trilogy of films has broken new ground in Chilean cinema by offering a new perspective on realities of the Pinochet dictatorship, the outbreak of the coup, and the dissolution of Pinochet’s power. This article explores Larraín’s use of banality, which, I claim, realizes a democratic ambivalence that is latent in historical representation and History proper. Rather than accusing Larraín’s films of conservatism or apathy, I argue that these films seek to destabilize the known categories of identification: a radical gesture against any form of establishment. Paying particular attention to Larraín’s aesthetics, I claim that the radical gesture of Post mortem (2010) lies in its innovations at the level of mise-en-scène and editing. Drawing on philosophical insights in Jacques Rancière’s and Gilles Deleuze’s writings on historical representation and ambivalent representations, I argue that Larraín avoids conventional forms of historical fiction and Latin American political cinema.  相似文献   

Despite a considerable amount of research in literary geography since the 1970s, particularly upon 19th-century rural novels, relatively little attention has been focused on Elizabethan literature, drama, and poetry. This paper addresses the literary landscape of William Shakespeare with specific reference to the use of the body-landscape metaphor in his dramatic work. It is undertaken in the belief that by conducting this type of investigation we are not merely exploring an intriguing aspect of the literary landscape of a highly creative Elizabethan, but we are also improving our understanding of the environmental perceptions of the culture in which these plays were written. The study begins by exploring the origins of this particular metaphorical vision, and then examines how Shakespeare employs this concept by superimposing elements of the celestial and the terrestrial landscape onto the human body and vice versa. Research reveals that although Shakespeare makes extensive use of this metaphorical device, some important types of body-landscape metaphors are absent in his work, and possible reasons for this are explored. The study concludes by noting that although this way of understanding the world was later superseded by other metaphors, some interesting parallels can be drawn between the body-landscape metaphor employed by the Elizabethans and the more recent Gala hypothesis. Malgré le nombre considérable de recherches effectuées en géographie littéraire depuis les années 1970 et plus particulierèment dans le domaine des romans ruraux du 19e siècle, les géographes se sont très peu intéressés à la littérature élisabéthaine ou au thAeatre et à la poésie. Cet article examine le paysage littéraire de William Shakespeare et plus particulièrement l'utilisation de la métaphore du corps comme paysage. Nous entre-prenons cette étude avec la conviction qu'en faisant ce genre de recherche, on n'explore pas seulement un côte fascinant du paysage littéraire d'un Elisabéthain hautement créatif mais que nous améliorons aussi notre compréhension des perceptions de I'environnement de la culture dans laquelle ces pieces ont ete icrites. Cette etude se penche tout d'abord sur les origines de cette vision metaphorique particuliere. Elle examine ensuite comment Shakespeare utilise ce concept en superposant des éléments des paysages célestes et terrestres au corps humain et vice-versa. L'étude démontre que malgré l'utilisation fréquente de cette figure métaphorique par Shakespeare, de nom-breuses formes de la métaphore du corps comme paysage sont absentes de son oeuvre et les raisons possibles de cette carence sont explorés. L 'étude s'acheve en notant que même si cette façon de comprendre I'univers a été plus tard remplacée par d'autrès métaphores, des interpretations paralleles inte-ressantes peuvent être faites entre la métaphore du corps comme paysage et I'hypothèse plus récente de Gaïa.  相似文献   

Contemporary Irish women poets use female tropes of Irish nationalism as a potent site for revising traditional conceptions of femininity, maternity, and cultural identity. Arguably, female tropes of aisling poetry inhabit the same cultural location that anchors the societal role of motherhood as theorised by Julia Kristeva. Kristeva's work highlights mothers' important function in regulating the drives and preparing children for entrance into the symbolic order of society, in relation to which mothers remain structurally liminal. The Platonic chora, an amorphous receptacle from which forms emerge, symbolises this position at the threshold. This essay shows that Irish women poets revise female allegories of the nation either by aligning them with women's lived experience, as Eavan Boland has done, or by re-evaluating them from within their liminality, through stylistic experimentation or irony, which the analysis of poems by Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin, Medbh McGuckian, Nuala Ní Dhomhnaill and Rita Ann Higgins demonstrates.  相似文献   

This article explores how different authors who suffered the violence of the 1970s and 1980s revolutionary movements and military dictatorships in the Southern Cone countries of Latin America look back from a post-dictatorship present to write the history of their recent past. Nostalgia and critical reflection join forces to recreate the feelings of loss of individuals whose identities crashed due to the failure of political projects that once were conceived as messianic, as well as to critically reclaim the past in order to construct alternative futures for themselves as individuals and for the community. The article focuses mainly on the Chilean Diamela Eltit's novel Jamás el fuego nunca (2007), in which an old couple of former revolutionary militants of the Left imprisoned in a claustrophobic space—an old bed—explore their past as militants and as a couple to understand and question notions of individual and collective identity in the aftermath of traumatic and tumultuous experiences. The novel is read in the context of other narratives such as Chilean Luz Arce's testimonial, El infierno (1993) and Argentine political scientist Pilar Calveiro's essays, Poder y desaparición (1998) and Política y/o violencia (2005), among others. This article's theoretical contribution lies in its emphasis on the ethical consideration of listening to all of the narratives that speak to us about that era cognizant of their differing motivations, desires, tonalities, and subjective trajectories. Only by paying close attention to the polyphony of voices and documents about the past—especially those that speak to us from a time of subjective crisis and trauma—can we achieve a true sense of historicity.  相似文献   

The present article is an analysis of the emergence of a new Uruguayan author, Armonía Somers (1914–94), as well as the publication in 1950 of her first novel, La mujer desnuda (The Naked Woman). It focuses on the Uruguayan social body of the 1950s, when society lived the paradox of recognizing women in its legal structure, but limiting them in the everyday social and cultural life. In this context, Somers's novel symbolically explores what I call the “crisis of feminine subjectivity,” through the creation of a woman who on her thirtieth birthday decided to throw away all the costumes and masks with which society and tradition imposed feminine roles and, naked, tried new ways of being, new subjectivities. Central to this study is an analysis of the different ways in which historical, social, and cultural demands produce certain kinds of human bodies, especially how they produce a woman's body. The specific argument that underlies this article is that the body inserts itself in conflictive and tense manners with the marks imposed on the genders. This article's theoretical contribution lies in its emphasis on the aesthetic and ethical ramifications of “feminine subjectivities” and “historical marked bodies” in a fiction that presents itself as a black box in which Somers finds herself as a woman who became a novelist in the 1950s and in which readers also find themselves questioning the persistence of gender marks on their own social bodies.  相似文献   

The village pub has traditionally held an important ‘place’ in British economy and society and as such is an interesting site for social and cultural analysis. At one level, it is a site with pronounced mythic qualities. Yet on another level, the place of the village pub is highly unstable and contested, with many reportedly facing closure. Adopting an avowedly ‘production-centred’ approach, this paper presents exploratory survey findings from two case study villages in south Northamptonshire. This includes an examination of each pub's input supply network, including links with brewers and other suppliers. The paper attempts to move beyond viewing the village pub simply as a declining rural service and focuses in particular on the ways in which pubs commodify ‘local culture’ as an economic resource. It concludes by introducing the concept of ‘cultural terrain’ and its application to the study of village pubs and rural services more generally.

Changement de décor: examiner le champ culturel des pubs de village dans le sud du Northamptonshire

Le pub de village a conservé depuis longtemps une «place» importante dans l'économie et la société de l'Angleterre. Il est un lieu qui présente un grand intérêt pour analyser les dimensions sociales et culturelles. Le pub de village est d'emblée un lieu ayant acquis d'importantes qualités mythiques, mais occupe à un autre niveau une place très instable et contestée. Selon les informations disponibles, plusieurs auraient déclaré faillite. Partant d'une approche ouvertement «centrée sur la production», cet article présente des conclusions d'une étude de cas exploratoire réalisée sur deux villages dans le sud du Northamptonshire. Il est proposé un examen du réseau d'approvisionnement de chaque pub, y compris les partenariats avec les brasseurs et fournisseurs. L'article tente de dépasser l'idée que le pub de village est un service rural en voie de disparition. Il porte principalement sur les façons dont les pubs commercialise la «culture locale» pour en faire une ressource économique. L'article se termine par un survol de la notion de «champ culturel» et de son application dans la présente étude sur les pubs de village et les services ruraux en général.

Cambiar de lugar: una investigación del terreno cultural de los bares de pueblos en el sur de Northamptonshire

Tradicionalmente el bar de un pueblo ha ocupado un lugar importante en la economía y la sociedad británicas y por eso es un sitio interesante donde hacer análisis social y cultural. A un nivel es un sitio de cualidades míticas pero a otro nivel el lugar del bar del pueblo es muy inestable, ya que muchos corren el peligro de que los cierren. Con un enfoque centrado en la producción, este papel presenta los resultados de estudios preliminares realizados en dos pueblos del sur de Northamptonshire. Incluye un examen de la red de proveedores de cada bar, incluyendo los vínculos con cervecerías y otros proveedores. El papel pretende ir más allá de la idea que hay del bar del pueblo como un servicio rural en declive y se centra en particular en las maneras en que los bares hacen mercancía de ‘la cultura local’ como recurso económico. Concluye por introducir el concepto de ‘terreno cultural’ y la aplicación de ello al estudio de los bares de pueblos y servicios en zonas rurales en general.  相似文献   

Mientras que generalmente las encomiendas han sido descritas como depredadoras de la realidad socio-económica del mundo andino, este artículo insiste en la necesidad de estudiarlas desde un ángulo socio-político y religioso. Para ello analizamos el Memorial (Madrid, 1619) que el licenciado Juan Ortiz de Cervantes escribió al Consejo de Indias por el que solicitaba que las dos terceras partes de las encomiendas se perpetuasen en los hijos y descendientes de los beneficiados, y la otra parte se encomendase por una sola vida. Se trataba del primero de una serie de tres Informes o Memoriales (Madrid, 1620; 1621) que se articulaban con las propuestas de los jesuitas peruanos para la reforma y conservación de los pueblos andinos del seiscientos. Pero además, dicha conservación pasaba por resituar al encomendero en un modelo de organización social que garantizara un ordenamiento político interno en defensa del bien común.  相似文献   

Through an analysis of two oral history interviews, this article examines the impact of machismo, closed-mindedness and blame on women's sexual experiences in the urban Andes between the mid-1970s and 2009. The testimonies of Marcela and her daughter, Graciela, also shed light on the processes by which gender ideologies and cultural values concerning sexuality are transmitted across generations. The article further addresses the ethical and methodological challenges of conducting interviews on sensitive themes and interpreting the resulting testimonies. It argues that interviewing individuals about their sexual and reproductive lives, while forcing oral historians to confront personal and political fears, enriches our understanding of a range of gender-related phenomena.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with East German films which deal with the subject of Chile in the aftermath of the 1973 coup d’état in a contemporary Chilean cultural framework. Conceived in the charged political atmosphere of the Cold War, this material is valuable in Chile today because it reflects East Germany as a cultural and social environment for Chilean émigré artists during the 1970s and 1980s. The author explores the films’ potential as a form of cinematic postmemory for younger Chilean audiences, focusing on two feature films, Die Spur des Vermißten (1980) and Blonder Tango (1985). Do young Chileans accept these images as truthful and do they inspire a rethinking of the controversial subject of the Pinochet regime? The results suggest that the DEFA films, due to their narrative and aesthetic textures, present this audience with challenging perspectives, uncover misconceptions and evoke empathy with antagonistic social and political agents. Based on this case study, the author argues that the DEFA films are audio-visual materials which can be highly productive in cultural and educational contexts and can complement efforts to revive collective memory in Chile.  相似文献   

The orienteering route choice problem involves finding the fastest route between two given points, with running speed determined by various properties of the terrain. In this study, I consider only the effect of climbing or descending on running speed. If a runner's pace p (the reciprocal of speed) varies linearly with gradient m, the straight‐line route always is fastest. However, a nonlinear formulation for p(m), with d2p/dm2 > 0, will more accurately model runners’ capabilities. As a result, critical gradients may exist for ascent and/or descent, such that optimal routes will never ascend or descend more steeply than the critical gradient. I review and propose several formulations for the pace function p(m) and calculate their critical gradients. In principle, the Euler–Lagrange equation can be used to find optimal routes between arbitrary points on any topography where the height can be expressed as a smooth function of horizontal coordinates. I obtain first integrals of this equation for idealized landforms: hillsides with straight contours and axisymmetric hills. Next, optimal routes are computed for various combinations of start‐ and endpoints on these landforms based on various pace functions. These routes are classified as either subcritical or maximal steepness: The former ascends or descends less steeply than the critical gradient; the latter takes the line of steepest ascent where it is not steeper than the critical gradient, but follows a curve at the critical gradient where the slope is steeper. In some cases, the optimal route zigzags up or down a hill along sections of a critical‐gradient curve. El problema de trazo y selección de ruta en terrenos accidentados (orienteering route choice problem) consiste en encontrar la ruta más rápida entre dos puntos dados, cuando la velocidad de desplazamiento está en función a varias propiedades del terreno. En este estudio, el autor sólo considera el efecto de subir o bajar sobre la velocidad de desplazamiento. Si el paso p de un individuo (la inversa de la velocidad) varía linealmente con la pendiente m, la ruta en línea recta siempre es la más rápida. Sin embargo, una formulación no lineal de p (m), con D2P / dm 2> 0, resulta en un modelo más preciso de las capacidades de los individuos que se desplazan por el terreno. Como resultado, es posible que existan gradientes críticos tanto para el movimiento de ascenso como el de descenso. En dicho caso, las rutas óptimas nunca ascenderán o descenderán por gradientes más pronunciados que las identificadas comode gradiente crítico. El autor revisa y propone varias fórmulas para una función de paso p (m) y calcula los gradientes críticos respectivos. En principio, la ecuación de Euler‐Lagrange puede ser utilizada para trazar las rutas óptimas entre puntos arbitrarios en cualquier topografía en donde la altura pueda ser expresada como una función suavizada de las coordenadas horizontales. El autor calcula las integrales de esta ecuación para dos formas terrestres idealizadas: laderas con contornos rectos, y colinas con simetría axial. A continuación, las rutas óptimas son calculadas para diversas combinaciones de puntos de inicio y destino de estos accidentes geográficos basados en varias funciones de paso. Una vez identificadas, estas rutas se clasifican ya sea como subcríticas o como de máxima‐pendiente. Las primeras ascienden o descienden gradientes menos pronunciadas que el gradiente crítico. Las segundas ascienden por la línea del gradiente más pronunciado que es menor que el gradiente crítico, pero siguen una curva en la gradiente crítica donde la pendiente es más pronunciada. En algunos casos, la ruta óptima se desplaza en zigzags hacia arriba o abajo de una colina a lo largo algunas secciones de una curva de gradiente crítica. 移动速度受制于地表形态的诸多属性,定向路线选择问题涉及给定两点之间最快路线查找。本研究仅考虑爬升或下降对移动速度的影响。如果奔跑者的步速p(速度的倒数)与坡度m呈线性相关,那么直线路线始终是最快的。然而,当d2pdm2 > 0时,非线性方程p(m)具有更好的行进模拟性能。试验表明,在上坡或下坡的过程中存在一个临界的坡度值,相应地上坡或下坡的最佳路线坡度将一定不超过较陡的临界坡度值。本文总结并提出了函数p(m)的几个公式,并对其临界坡度值进行了估计。欧拉‐拉格朗日方程原则上可用于寻找任何地形中任意两点之间的最优路径,高度可表示为横坐标的光滑函数。首先,通过方程的一次积分得到理想化地形,即具有直等高线的山坡和对称的山地;然后在这些地形面上,基于起点和终点的多种组合和不同的步速方程计算最佳路线。计算路径被分类为次临界或最大坡度的路线:前者上坡或下坡的坡度大于临界坡度值;后者则在不超过临界坡度值时采用最陡上坡路径,但在坡度陡峭的地区遵循临界坡度曲线。在某些情况下,最优到达路径沿临界坡度曲线截面呈“之”字型曲折上下变化。  相似文献   

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