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Stephen Murray : A Gothic Sermon: Making a Contract with the Mother of God, Saint Mary of Amiens. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2004. Jaime Lara : City, Temple, Stage: Eschatological Architecture and Liturgical Theatrics in New Spain. Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press, 2004. Robert Nelson : Hagia Sophia 1850–1950: Holy Wisdom, Holy Monument. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2004. Robert W. Moss : Historic Sacred Places of Philadelphia. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2005.  相似文献   

旅游伦理学引论   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
探讨旅游伦理学之定义、地位、性质、内涵、功能,以及研究、倡扬旅游伦理之意义.着重从个人伦理、社会伦理、政治伦理、职业伦理、生态伦理五方面构架旅游伦理体系.  相似文献   

An Introduction to Spatial Discounting   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Research on the valuation of environmental externalities shows that decision makers tend to discount not only over time but across space. Just as time discounting has implications for intergenerational equity, geographical or spatial discounting has implications for intragenerational equity. Similarly, just as positive time discount rates are warranted by positive net rates of growth of the capital stock, positive spatial discount rates may be warranted by the fact that enviironmental (or other external effects of economic activity are diffused at positive rates. This paper introduces the notion of spatial discounting and explores its welfare implications through a simple diffusion model.  相似文献   

This paper re-examines Paul Schroeder's thesis concerning the new international order after 1815 and argues that the practicalities of power projection were as important in shaping foreign policy as were diplomatic principles and practices. Highlighting Wellington's role in policy-making, it re-assesses British interventions in Portugal in the 1820s to argue that the exercise of British power resulted from a range of influences apart from the adherence to the Concert system. British interventionism was constrained by the limitations of military and naval power, difficulties in securing co-operation with the Portuguese, and the nature of Portuguese politics and the Portuguese state. The experience and legacy of the Peninsular War also made British ministers sceptical about the potential impact of foreign interventions in the region during the 1820s. Interventions in Portugal demonstrated that Britain could not project power on a global or significant scale in areas where it did not locally command substantial war-making resources, as in India. Schroeder's emphasis on Concert diplomacy and C.A. Bayly's on global-reach fail, therefore, to capture the appropriate range of influences on power projection.  相似文献   

元朝疆域格局概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过大蒙古国向元朝转变、元朝版图构成以及周边变化等问题阐述 ,勾勒出元朝的疆域格局。在总结前人研究成果的同时 ,通过勘比史料 ,对一些问题提出了自己的看法  相似文献   

珲春位于我国吉林省东陲,其东南与俄国接壤,西南隔图们江与朝鲜相望,为我国东北地区的边界重镇。清初,这里山林深密,野兽滋生,被清廷划为“禁山围场”,①属于宁古塔将军之辖境。康熙十五年(1676),宁古塔将军移驻吉林乌拉城,改为吉林将军,于宁古塔设置副都统,珲春隶属于宁古塔副都统管辖,尚无行政机构。至康熙五十三年(1714),始于珲春地方设置协领,管辖“东至海一百八十里,西至图们江二十里外朝鲜界,南至海一百一十里,北至佛思恒山一百二十里图们江界”②之境内人户。雍正五年(1727),设副协领。乾隆元年(1736),裁副协领。咸丰九年(1859),因边…  相似文献   

从人生哲学、政治哲学、教育哲学三大方面探讨旅游哲学。旅游哲学之内涵见诸情性观、价值观、生死观、苦乐观、天人观、人际观、政治观、修身观、静思观、义利观等。  相似文献   

Sacred Fire     
R. C. Maclagan 《Folklore》2013,124(3):280-281

This study introduces the network weight matrix as a replacement for the spatial weight matrix to measure the spatial dependence between links of a network. This matrix stems from the concepts of betweenness centrality and vulnerability in network science. The elements of the matrix are a function not simply of proximity, but of network topology, network structure, and demand configuration. The network weight matrix has distinctive characteristics, which are capable of reflecting spatial dependence between traffic links: (1) elements are allowed to have negative and positive values capturing the competitive and complementary nature of links, (2) diagonal elements are not fixed to zero, which takes the self‐dependence of a link upon itself into consideration, and (3) elements not only reflect the spatial dependence based on the network structure, but they acknowledge the demand configuration as well. We verify the network weight matrix by modeling traffic flows in a 3 × 3 grid test network with 9 nodes and 24 directed links connecting 72 origin‐destination (OD) pairs. Models encompassing the network weight matrix outperform both models without spatial components and models with the spatial weight matrix. The network weight matrix represents a more accurate and defensible spatial dependency between traffic links, and offers the potential to augment traffic flow prediction.  相似文献   

壮族织锦概说   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘天勇 《民俗研究》2005,(1):217-222
读书时,一头扎进少数民族服饰的研究学习之中,心无旁骛。尤其钟情于苗族服饰,每每钻入西南大山之中的苗寨,贪婪地吮吸着独特的苗族文化的乳汁,自己随之渐渐地长大起来,对于苗族服饰如数家珍,颇为自得。忽一日,于朋友处见得一方壮锦,绚丽壮美,别有一番神韵。又叹自己尚属才疏学浅。于是乎,上山下乡深入壮寨,回来后又一头钻入书堆,总算对壮锦有了一个大概的了解,特书此篇,以飨读者。  相似文献   

施萍婷 《敦煌学辑刊》2009,4(4):127-129
本文主要纠正了释海印翻译望月信亨著《净土教概论》中的一处误译,并进行相关考证。  相似文献   

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